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Pro 2A Rally and…Nobody Participated

Today was the annual pro-Second Amendment rally in Harrisburg at the Pennsylvania Capitol. For twenty years this rally has been held outside at both ends of the Capitol complex, and inside the Rotunda, and is always jam packed with legislators, activists, and interested citizens. Over the previous two years a handful of federal agents have showed up, laughably posing as self-styled camouflage-clad “militia” men straight out of a Hollywood script of what “right wing militia” people are supposed to look like. These real sneaky guys with their neon-bright law enforcement demeanors behind improbable masks and wraparound shades are a huge waste of my taxpayer money, but hey, these hip Gestapo guys have to have someone to pick on, and so they dutifully show up looking for threats to democracy. We should hand them mirrors next year.

Today, however, hardly anyone showed up to the rally. Including me. In my defense, I was participating in a scary and threatening militia group direct action against a severe clog in our home’s sewage pipe, with the Wizzard Drain Jett guy. Very subversive stuff. But I am told there were more speakers than participants at the 2A rally, and this is not because it finally rained today for the first time since God knows when. The reason the rally was sparsely attended is because patriotic, Constitution-loving Americans are demoralized.

What is the point of a rally in support of your Second Amendment rights when all of the federal government’s taxpayer-paid employees are doing their damnedest to criminalize your Constitutional rights? A protest does not mean much in an authoritarian state, which America is right now. And with the mainstream media serving as a proud arm of one political party and its anti-democracy political establishment, protesting doesn’t mean what it used to mean; nobody is going to hear about your rally, anyhow. Not the truth. Not what you were there to talk about. No, the mainstream media will lie about your rally.

And passionate patriots probably fear being illegally surveilled and tagged by the federal government FBIDHS Stasi Gestapo people…the same people accusing parents who love their children of being “domestic terrorists.” And most Americans have lost faith in the assigned opposition group, the Republican Party. The GOP literally does nothing in opposition to the real domestic terrorists and insurrectionists presently hijacking the federal government and turning America into a police state. The GOP doesn’t even pretend to listen to its base, so what is the point of appealing to them?

Few people came to the annual 2A rally today because they have been backed into a corner by the leftist weirdos, freaks, insurrectionists, and domestic terrorists running the federal government and its media communication arm right now. There is a lot of pent up anger and fear, and a powerful desire for revenge against the election thieves who are a bigger threat to American domestic security than China and Russia combined. Probably a hundred million-plus law abiding, good hearted American citizens are thinking the time for rallies and protests has passed.

That is why we had a party today and no one showed.


Shatter that glass ceiling

The so-called “debt ceiling” is a fantasy of a fantasy. It is the undefined, almost whimsical notion that even when the United States citizenry’s representative government has in-effect borrowed trillions more Dollars than The People can ever hope to repay, it is still yet possible to raise that ceiling even further and borrow more, and spend a hell of a lot more, than ever before.

And so we are told in the sternest of tones by DC Beltway bobbleheads like Chuck Todd at NBC, that we must raise this “debt ceiling” or risk going into default. Default! Like our creditors will demand a refund! Which we all know will never, ever happen, because the entire house of cards upon which the planet’s entire interrelated economy is based will come crashing down, to the loss of most, including the communist Chinese, who have the most to lose.

So, default on the debt ceiling is never going to happen. Invoking it is just a scare tactic by DC Beltway banditos to try to screw us citizens out of more money and power. Forget it, let the debt ceiling break. Hell, go ahead and shatter it. Nothing will happen.

Unsurprisingly, massive RINO US House Speaker Kevin “Sweetcheeks” McCarthy has done ye olde reach across the aisle bipartisan BS and agreed to most of what the America-detonating Biden Anarcho-Administration has demanded, in the name of the sacred debt ceiling. Including funding for 87,000 new gun-wielding corrupt IRS agents who will be crawling up my butt and yours looking for loose pennies, and jailing us en masse for penny ante mistakes. And no cutting of the lawless FBI or the rogue DOJ budgets.

The problem with “Republicans” like Kevin McCarthy (and Tom Ridge, Tom Corbett, and 99.9% of the PA GOP here in PA) is that they believe in government first and foremost. They have no problem growing government or in ceding its unaccountable bureaucrats more and ever more power and centralized control over all us citizens. So long as they get a seat at the table and grow their own power and influence, they don’t give a darn about anything else. Shame on all of them. Shame shame shame on all of you fake conservatives.

No, I am wrong. Let me rephrase this. Shame on all of you fake Republican Americans, because you are directly empowering communists destroying America.

Congressman Scott Perry, if you are reading this, please remove Sweetcheeks McCarthy from the Speakership. Cut 80% of the FBI and DOJ budgets. Put your foot down and give these America destroying lowlifes a severe brake check. If they veer off the road and smash the debt ceiling and leave the budget talks a smoking ruin as a result, good; you get extra points. Because American citizens will benefit the most.

A Memorial Day like no other

We are celebrating Memorial Day today and tomorrow, and I think this is one like no other has been or can be. Yes, this holiday means garish mattress sales and menial gardening errands, but it was originally about remembering the brave service members who fell or were injured in battle, or while preparing for battle, so that Americans would not have to worry about repelling foreign invasions of our own home territory.

In other words, this weekend we remember and thank those who guaranteed our own freedom, often at great sacrifice and at the cost of their own lives. It is a big deal, to those who do not take the totality of America for granted.

Memorial Day 2023 is unlike any Memorial Day before or that can follow, because it stands in a unique place in time and in American history. Due to the unbelievable and unsustainable hostile foreign invasion of military age men literally pouring over our southern border, and due to the illegal DC official repression and threats to each of our freedom (like the Twitter Files revealed), this year’s Memorial Day takes on extra meaning. It certainly appears now that all the service men and women who gave their lives and limbs for us did so in vain, because America is being purposefully destroyed from within.

I worked in Washington DC from 1991-1998 in one of the malignant federal “alphabet agencies” (US EPA) that have gone way, way rogue and left the We, The People thing they were designed to serve in the dust. I left both the EPA and DC because the entire city, and all that is inside of it, was criminally incestuous and corrupt. Nothing has gotten better since then. And that is despite President Trump’s best efforts to drain the swamp from 2017-2020.

Some people complain that Trump did not purge enough of the DC Swamp when he had the chance, but Trump never worked in DC and had little to do with politics outside of New York City and Atlantic City, NJ, so I don’t see how he gets blame for not purging DC enough. To Trump’s credit, he was not a politician and he did not know Washington DC or federal government. Probably 3/4 of the so-called Republicans advising him in the first three years of his administration were unknown Deep State/ Administrative State/ Uniparty traitors who purposefully misled him and who protected the administrative state/ DC status quo.

Trump’s own two Attorney Generals, Jeff “Keebler Elf” Sessions and Bill “PT Barnum” Barr, were disloyal Deep State functionaries who worked against the president from the day they got in to the AG’s office, and who protected the openly corrupt rot in the DOJ (think about disgraced DOJ attorney Kevin Clinesmith forging official documents to obtain search warrants for political opponents, who was let off with a light slap on the wrist and who yet still practices law today as if nothing happened). I could go on and on, but even President Trump’s most loyal political appointees, of which there were very few, ran into the Office of Personnel Management buzzsaw when they tried to make real civil service staff changes. And when they tried to get the OPM civil service rules themselves changed, the entire DC system went after them – the mainstream media, so-called non-profits, government agencies – like a swarm of fleas.

So while we celebrate our freedom won at the end of a gun by American uniformed armed service personnel, I also do not know if our federal government can be reformed. I know this sounds either hopeless or like advocating for the reintroduction of the Declaration of Independence and all that entails, but this cancerous growth has been allowed to fester and metastasize for decades, with extra boosts from Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama the purple lipped Marxist Kenyan impostor.

America as we knew it ended January 21st 2021, and it is not coming back. This is both terrifying and enraging to me and to many other patriotic Americans. Enjoy Memorial Day 2023 freedoms, because God only knows what Memorial Day 2024 will be like. Will the election stealing Biden Gang declare martial law, create another fake pandemic, demand some fake emergency that enables them to under color of law circumvent the law and the US Constitution? Will the FBI staff simply declare themselves our masters and round up even more innocent political enemies at gun point, as Special Prosecutor John Durham’s report two weeks ago suggests?

Maybe hell is coming for breakfast next year. It would not surprise me, and if you are paying attention, it should not surprise you.


GOP Resolution in support of J6 political prisoners

I drafted the resolution below last summer, and submitted it twice. I suggest that every county Republican Committee pass a similar resolution standing in solidarity with the January 6th political prisoners illegally held in Washington, DC, and elsewhere. An article published today about badly tortured political prisoner Ryan Samsel demonstrates how dire the situation is.

If politically active Republicans cannot publicly stand up for and in solidarity with fellow Republican political prisoners who are being held without trial for over two years, then what does being a Republican mean?

Dauphin County GOP Committee Resolution

DRAFT 7/7/22

DRAFT #2 Resubmitted 8/8/22

Whereas, the US Department of Justice has become an unabashedly politically partisan weapon in the hands of the Biden Administration, and

Whereas, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has become an unabashedly politically partisan weapon in the hands of the Biden Administration, and

Whereas, many DOJ and FBI public employees are using their government positions to further their own personal political views by illegally targeting and officially oppressing their political opponents, and

Whereas, a great deal of illegal politically-motivated injustice against innocent American citizens has resulted and continues to result from the aggressive politicization of the DOJ and FBI, such as Ryan Samsel, and

Whereas, on August 8, 2022, the lawless DOJ and the rogue FBI have illegally attacked and invaded the home and person of President Donald J. Trump in Florida, and

Whereas, the Dauphin County Republican Committee stands for the rule of law, the equal application of the law, and the upholding of the US Constitution, therefore

Be it resolved that the Dauphin County Republican Committee hereby formally stands with and calls for the immediate release of the innocent-until-proven-guilty American citizen January 6th political prisoners now being held in jail, some without formal charges, some with only misdemeanor charges, some with improbable and non-violent felony charges, all without bail, all without trial, all without a speedy trial, all without a speedy trial in front of a jury of their peers, and often in inhumane conditions that violate the US Constitution and basic international human rights, and

Be it resolved that the Dauphin County Republican Committee calls on the Governor of Florida to use the Florida State Police to block lawless federal agents from operating there.

Respectfully submitted by Josh First,

Committeeman for Harrisburg City 14th Ward

Tomorrow is PA Primary Election Day

Candidates Josh Prince and Patricia McCullough are the key votes you can cast in tomorrow’s primary election, and you should vote for them. Josh is running for Commonwealth Court, and Patricia is running for Supreme Court. They each face a PAGOP-endorsed insider establishment opponent who is either not qualified at all or not nearly as qualified as Josh and Patricia.

Running against Patricia is GOPe-supported Carolyn Carluccio, a Montgomery County trial court judge, who, I am told by attorneys who have argued cases in front of her, cannot point to a single case where she she has upheld the constitutional rights of We The People. Carluccio + RINO = spineless jellyfish = The People Lose Again.

McCullough is the opposite, having spent her time on the bench doing what judges are supposed to do, which is protect the rights of The People.

Josh Prince is a well-known attorney in Pennsylvania, who has devoted himself to protecting our individual rights. We wrote about him earlier. He has been my guardian angel battling a lawless Harrisburg City’s illegal anti-gun ordinances. Incredibly, his opponent has never even argued a case in a court room. How does the political establishment even come up with candidates like this? So lame.

Please vote for Prince and McCullough tomorrow, Tuesday May 16th. You will not be sorry.

Fight fire with fire, or lose everything

It seems that the inhabitants of places like New York City and Washington, DC, have seen the political legal memo, and they are following it. No matter what the legal case against you looks like, hole-ridden Swiss cheese or stinky Limberger, if a civil lawsuit or a criminal prosecution can be brought against a conservative in these far left venues, the jury will not be of your peers, or impartial, but will instead be filled up with strongly partisan activists who hate every fiber in your conservative body.

You, the conservative, will not get your day in court in these places. You won’t get a fair hearing. You won’t get justice. You will be dragged through the mud, the judge will toss the rule of law out the window and instead use his or her office to artificially hamstring your defense, gag you without reason (First Amendment rights are the first thing the left goes after), and the District Attorney or plaintiff’s attorney will be allowed every thing they want, every bit of crazy evidence. And the jury will sit and consider your case for maybe a few hours.

And you will lose.

Look at the ridiculous lawsuit against Trump in NYC, by this EJ Carroll lady. She vaguely alleged that some time in 1995 or 1996, which is year unknown, and also month unknown, day unknown, hour unknown, that President Trump had raped her in a dressing room in a department store. Mind you this is nearly thirty years ago, and she never filed a police complaint or told a friend. Only when Donald Trump became President Trump and was surrounded by a leftist shark feeding frenzy did this partisan Democrat lady make her accusation. In other words, her complaint should not even have made it into court. There is no evidence and she looks like a complete partisan fake.

But New York City is not a normal place with equal justice for everyone. We see NYC’s DA Alvin Bragg turning the city into a zombie apocalypse by turning violent criminals free and criminally charging those people who merely defend themselves against deadly force from the zombie felons. So the ridiculous case against President Trump was allowed to continue by politically partisan judges, and today a jury actually found him civilly guilty of somehow molesting this strange lady, despite there being no evidence at all. Plus, the jury also agreed that President Trump’s denial of her allegations was a form of defamation.

By disagreeing with a leftist, by refuting a leftist’s vague accusation, you are guilty of defamation…got it?

And in Washington, DC, non-violent January 6th protestors are being found guilty of all kinds of crazy made-up crimes for which there is zero evidence, and they are being sentenced to decades in prison, by politically partisan juries who hate everything about the defendants and who will use their position on the jury to attack and hurt the defendant, no matter how little evidence there is to support the criminal charges against him.

All the prosecutors have to do is get the defendant into court in Washington, DC, and the partisan judge and partisan jury will take care of everything else. Doesn’t matter that you could not possibly have done the things you are accused of, the Democrat jury got that memo about the need to be partisan, and pow, you, an innocent man, are going to jail for decades.

Are Republican elected officials across America paying attention to this? They should.

Because if your goal is to win the power game by any means possible, what the Democrats are doing is how you win. They don’t follow the law or the Constitution, they don’t treat people fairly, they are lawless and ruthless and merciless. They will not allow anything to get in their way from destroying their political enemies. They use bogus lawfare and crooked courts and partial juries to hurt people who should not be hurt, but who are of the wrong skin color…excuse me…they have the “wrong ideas.”

Most of America is conservative and dominated by Republicans. For every New York City or Washington, DC, there are a hundred or two hundred small towns and rural counties where Republican DAs and Republican sheriffs and Republican judges live and work. If these Republican officials wanted to play by the same rules the Democrats play by in New York, Washington, Austin, and Seattle, they could. They could easily turn 90% of America into no-go zones for leftists, activists, registered Democrats, etc.

Oh, but Josh, that would not be right, you say.

Right? What is right in this situation? We have one political party using the same exact lawfare tactics the communists used in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Romania after World War II, to destroy their political opponents and impose one party rule. End of democracy, by using semi-democratic processes. It is where America is headed right now, especially if there is no resistance.

So if one side is playing by their own set of rules, and setting everyone opposing them on fire, then why the hell wouldn’t the other side do the same thing? Fight fire with fire. That is how you win a fight, a war, a dispute. Rolling over and playing dead means you lose. Waiting for the next election to be stolen so you can have your hopes dashed again is also a losing method.

Here is one way this can work out:

Sheriff’s Deputy in East Succotash: “Ma’am I see your tail light is out, can I see your driver’s license and vehicle registration, please?”

Registered Democrat Activist or Politician: “My tail light is not out.”

Sheriff’s Deputy: “Ma’am, I need you to step out of the car.”

Registered Democrat Activist or Politician: “I don’t know why you are doing this, what have I done?”

Sheriff’s Deputy: [sounds of a violent struggle as he forcefully pulls the Democrat activist or politician out through her car door] “Stop resisting! Stop resisting!”

Four Hours Later

Sheriff’s Deputy: “Book her for assault on a law enforcement officer, DUI, failure to obey commands, resisting arrest…”

Republican Judge: “Sorry, no bail for you, Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician. You have committed terribly grievous crimes here in this jurisdiction, and we will not tolerate it. Go to jail and stay there until we get this sorted out.”

Republican DA: “Daggone, look at this crazy lady, all hopped up on her self importance. We need to make an example of her felonious lawlessness.”

Four Months Later

Jury Forewoman: “Your honor, we have deliberated for a long and difficult three minutes, and we find Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician here guilty of all charges.”

Republican Judge: “Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician, you of all people should know better than to have behaved this way. I am going to hold you accountable to the maximum allowed by law, so I am sentencing you to thirty years…no, make that sixty years in prison without parole, to begin immediately.”

And that is how you fight fire with fire across 90% of America. The entire country would turn into a no-go zone for the same exact people who are right now uproariously joyous at the lawlessness “their side” is inflicting on hundreds of innocent people, including President Donald Trump.

Dear elected Republicans across America: Do it, or get out of office and let a fighter in who will. Because if you won’t fight back and fight now, eventually these sadistic leftist people will catch up to you, and then you won’t be able to fight back at all. You will lose everything.

Lot more conservative jurisdictions than leftist ones. Each red place here is an opportunity to give lawless Democrats a taste of their own medicine. Call it “Saving American democracy” and you’ll feel better about doing it.

Why Court Candidate Josh Prince Must Win

Josh Prince is a candidate for Commonwealth Court here in Pennsylvania, and his day of reckoning is coming up fast: May 16th is Primary Day, where registered Republicans vote for Republican Party candidates and registered Democrats vote for Democrat Party candidates. This form of selecting partisan candidates to then square off against each other in the Fall general election may be imperfect, but it is far superior to ranked voting. And Spring time primary elections are actually as important as Fall general elections.

Josh Prince has to win this election because, like much of America, Pennsylvania is turning into a lawless single-party uniparty state where political party does not matter, nor does the rule of law. We citizens need strong people of high character to resist this evil tide. Josh Prince’s legal mind and his ironclad principles are needed now more than they have been since the 1850s, and I hope you will vote for him. I have known Josh Prince for many years, and I respect him very highly. I am excited to be able to vote for him.

Both the Republican Party establishment and the Democrat Party establishment have much more in common with each other than they do with their respective voting bases, although it is crucial to point out that the Democrat Party is also completely responsive to and loyal to its voters, while the PAGOP doesn’t care much about its voters. The Pennsylvania Republican Party only cares about its voters a little bit, and briefly, when it needs them in the Fall election. And even then it is a dismissive kind of caring; they take Republican voters for granted…

…because the PAGOP business model and culture is to be perfectly happy with minority status, so long as the pre-selected and party boss-anointed Republican Party insiders are in the existing official slots and holding power, protecting their small inner circle’s narrow interests. As soon as someone from “the outside” (like Josh Prince) tries to take up one of those slots, the entire PAGOP goes into action, defending their castle from the marauding barbarian.

Prince is running against Megan Martin, who was endorsed by the PAGOP (this is hardly a vote of confidence for the average citizen!), and who has never stepped foot in a courtroom – not a trial court nor an appellate court. Rather, lawyer Megan Martin has spent around 30 years in the government as a functionary, a bureaucrat, a politician’s lawyer. Nothing necessarily wrong with this history, but is this what you want sitting in judgment of you?

Megan Martin has a legally unimpressive resume that she now wants to bring to the Commonwealth Court, where we citizens can rest assured she will look to what Republican Party bosses want most. As opposed to attorney Josh Prince, who has quintessential, unbending, uncorruptible, traditional American principles, as well as an incredible and fearless track record in court, including representing me and Firearms Owners Against Crime against brazenly illegal and unconstitutional anti-gun ordinances here in Harrisburg.

Josh Prince is not the political establishment’s pick because he will only uphold the law as it is written, and he will only uphold the US and PA constitutions as they were originally intended. Josh is not and will not be a judicial activist who uses the court as a private legislature. And of course, that’s not what the PAGOP wants…they want people like Megan Martin, who will be all bendy and malleable like Gumby and do the bidding of the party bosses, as they quietly horse trade for private financial benefit with America’s sworn enemies.

You and I need a judge like Josh Prince on the Commonwealth Court. You and I cannot afford another spineless jellyfish PAGOP RINO insider political hack who has been hand-picked and endorsed by political bosses.

Please vote for Josh Prince for Commonwealth Court on May 16th, and please pass this around, so that other loyal, patriotic, America-loving Pennsylvania voters know that they have a great candidate they can be happy voting for.


Did FOX News throw the fight?

Much left-windrow hay has been made over the past week over FOX News settling out of court with Dominion Chinese Voting Machine Co., which FOX News had correctly, accurately, and with great piles of evidence described as being inaccurate and likely corrupted by the machines’ illegal connection to the Internet and to flashdrives.

Plus there was Dominion’s Eric Coomer bragging about how he did or would or had used his position at Dominion to block President Trump from receiving the actual vote tally Trump had earned on Election Day 2020. Coomer was Dominion’s director of security and had unique access into and control of the voting machines across America, and so his threat or bragging really amounted to something substantial. Basically the guy was bragging about having tampered with the most important election in Western Civilization in the past 100 years.

Coomer’s many partisan gaffes and showing of illegal playing cards, so to speak, would play quite well in a court room in favor of FOX News. A jury would have a tough time discounting Coomer’s claims to have illegally thrown the 2020 election.

So why did FOX News suddenly settle with Dominion, when the legal eagle work, like depositions and evidence production and cross examination and arguments, had just begun? Normally, it makes no sense for someone who has the evidence on their side to suddenly roll over and give up. And again, on the left side of the hay windrow, this settlement is being purveyed as an indication that President Trump was wrong to criticize the 2020 election outcome. This legal settlement is being interpreted by some as a vindication of Biden’s claim to have won the 2020 election fair and square.

So here is what seems to be happening to my jaded eyes: FOX News sure looks like it is unnecessarily rolling over and dying in order to paint the widespread claims of 2020 election interference and vote fraud as baseless, empty, and without merit.

And why would FOX News do this?

Because FOX News is owned by never-Trumper Republican Rupert Murdoch and his two registered Never-Trumper Democrat Party sons.

Not too long ago the Murdochs had already gone to one great and painful length to hurt President Trump’s 2024 re-election possibilities by officially declaring Trump persona non exista and persona non grata on FOX News. That is, FOX News reporters and talking heads and hosts were/ are not allowed to even mention President Donald J. Trump’s name on air, unless it is in a negative context. The Murdoch family’s goal is to make Trump invisible and thereby politically irrelevant.

The Murdochs’ political declaration of war on Trump via a supposed news reporting channel is an open declaration of war against the politically conservative FOX News audience. This is not a bluff, this is literally laying all your cards on the table, come what may. It carries real risk to the FOX News brand and to the Murdochs’ financial future.

So…Dominion…when it has now become apparent to everyone watching American politics that all the bogus criticism of Trump and the fake lawsuits against Trump and the fake criminal accusations against Trump are not only having no effect on Trump’s standing with American voters, but are actually bolstering his claim among voters to be the greatest innocent political victim in human history, and thus bolstering his just demand to be the re-elected president in 2024, it appears that the Murdoch Family had only one card left to play: The Dominion card, which looks to me like either the Joker card or the Suicide King card.

The FOX News settlement with Dominion appears to be a last-ditch effort by Trump’s FOX-RINO enemies to undermine his complaints about the 2020 election.

Because normal people would not normally give up the princely sum of $787 million dollars to settle with someone they believe to be unworthy of the money, it appears that the Murdochs are falling on their sword here to create the very public impression that they were unable to press forward with the Dominion lawsuit. Because, you know, the 2020 election “was soooo secure” and “sooooo clean.” Because in truth it was not, but such is the Murdoch family’s collective hatred for President Trump that they will deliberately pop a sacrifice fly ball or throw the fight in order to help the other side win, even at such a great financial and credibility cost to themselves.

And here is the thing the Murdoch family members don’t realize about this crazy expensive gesture of theirs: Normal people are already hip to the crazy shit that super rich people like the Murdochs do, and this throwing of the fight with Dominion looks like just more crazy rich people shit.

And given how corrupt all the Never Trumper people have been, all the lies they have told and unethical things they have done to try to stop President Trump, who is to say that this “settlement” isn’t just an even bigger charade, where Dominion quietly signs the money back over to FOX News? These people, Dominion and FOX News and the Murdochs, have very little credibility with most Americans, because it already looks like they will sell their grandmas for ten bucks to try to hurt Trump, again.

Long Live King President Donald John Trump, mofos. Nice try, but We, The People are going to run the table next year and coronate our guy, our hero, our savior.

UPDATE: FOX News has terminated its employment relationship with host Tucker Carlson, one of the very few journalists remaining at FOX News who was trusted by at least half of America (conservatives). This is yet another act by establishment elites (Murdoch family) to limit the accurate information available to American citizens. Yes, the Murdochs are damaging their Fox News business by behaving this way, but they care more about getting control of you than they care about money. They already have a lot of money, and that has whetted their appetite for getting something even better…control of you. And they can most easily achieve this by limiting the information available to you and then shaping your opinions with the fake news and misinformation they dole out. Bye bye Fox News!

Fox News played its self-defeating last-ditch card, the so-called suicide king


















Potent symbol of freedom: A gas kitchen stove

Only in the purposefully chaotic and bizarre power politics of 2021 to 2023 do Americans discover themselves clinging not just to their Bible and their guns, but to the gas stove in their kitchen. Yeah, Ol’ Smoky is now a symbol of your personal freedom.

Why in God’s green earth is the federal government (and several state governments including New York and Washington) trying from several different angles (consumer protection regulation, legislation, and straight-up executive branch political fatwa confiscation) to eliminate stoves that burn natural gas?

Because of control! Of you! By the bureaucrats and the lawless control freaks in government!

They want you hooked up to the electrical grid matrix and completely dependent upon whoever controls that electrical grid. One false move by you, and -POW! – your power goes out and it won’t be restored until you delete that mean “right wing” tweet and stop attending that church down the street.

This debacle of bad governance and really bad government overreach is all because a gas stove provides Americans with independence from the electric grid. While the electric grid can be controlled with the flip of a switch or two, as can the power meters on our individual homes, a gas stove operates either from a huge natural gas main pipeline that takes a lot of effort to turn off, which effects multiple city neighborhoods, or from a large propane tank in the back yard.

Propane tanks for residences run from 100 gallons to 3,000 gallons in size, providing the careful homeowner with potentially several years of cooking and heating independence until a fill-up is needed. Hooked up to a non-stop 24/7 gas main, a home can heat and cook with a gas stove 24/7. And in fact, I have personally seen an elderly woman in my neighborhood huddled up in front of her gas stove to stay warm in the winter, while the electric power was down and unavailable. This ability to run your own kitchen and home disconnected from the electric grid is serious independence from control and monitoring!

And the control freaks hate it hate it hate it!

There is a good reason Barack Hussein Obama recently installed a 2,500-gallon propane tank at his luxury vacation beach front mansion on flood-proof Martha’s Vineyard Island. When you have a large propane tank and the power goes out, you can always run a powerful electrical generator off of that propane, as well as heat and cook with your gas stove. Some people even have the old fashioned style natural gas lights in their homes, and they work great! It is like whatever happens with the power grid doesn’t really apply to people with natural gas stoves. You are completely OK and independent.

Turns out, Obama did at least this one thing right in his life, although he won’t admit that he is a hypocrite about it, because the guy is constantly hectoring us about the evils of the propane gas in his tank. I say, if a serial liar Marxist Kenyan named Barack Hussein Obama can have a gas stove and the huge propane tank out back to keep the stove fired up and cooking 24/7 off-grid, then an honest-to-goodness genuine red-blooded American like you can have one, too. Just on principle, no questions asked.

What is truly interesting about this subject is the bogus and openly fake “study” supposedly done by the Rocky Mountain Institute that the gas banners and book burners supposedly relied on for their screams of horror and outrage about “the dangers of gas stoves“. Click the link above and see for yourself. This is not a study, nor does it rely on real studies. It is a political brochure with pictures. The concerns that RMI lists are based on the improbability/impossibility of people sitting inside a gas-fired oven while it is on fire, and do not take into account ambient air dilution, stove top hoods and exhaust fans, or the risks from alternatives to gas stoves.

It is as if the only thing that RMI cares about are the potential risks (none of which are proven with actual long term study data showing a strong correlation between gas stoves and related health problems); they don’t even talk about the benefits of gas stoves. Not the least of which is that clean burning natural gas emits far fewer and less pollutants than coal-fired power from the usual electrical power plants where we get most of our electricity.

This gas stove banning business is all about bureaucrats directly controlling your home life, which means your personal freedom. They used a fake “study” by a 100% partisan and ideologically driven activist organization called Rocky Mountain Institute to “inform” their chums in the partisan and ideologically driven activist organization called the mainstream media, who in turn created the (fake) astroturf political target for partisan and ideologically driven politicians who don’t give a fig for the actual scientific truth or for you or for freedom.

Whenever we see so-called “science” claims like this gas stove ban hype that cannot be challenged or debated with its proponents, then we know it is not science, it is propaganda.

Cling to your gas stove for dear life. Do not let go of it, do not give it up, and vote out of office any elected official who supports banning gas stoves. These are bad people, controlling people, who believe they know best how you must live your life. Even the life you live in your own kitchen, frying up chicken and plantains and sauteeing vegetables, all of which really do throw up a whole bunch of oily particles in the air that can get into your lungs. And believe it or not, this is a subject I know a lot about, because after finishing graduate school I took several courses on this subject at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, and got “A” grades.

Take it from me, the RMI “study” is BS, the supposed health issue about gas stoves is BS, and I’m not even a doctor. Keep your gas stove, and toss out the RMI study and its claim that your gas stove is dangerous. Live free, my friends. Breathe that free American air and rejoice.

Obama installs a 2,500-gallon propane tank at his luxury beach front mansion on Martha’s Vineyard, and so should you

Just so we are all on the same page about what a racist disgrace Obama is, here he is happily posing with racist disgrace Louis Farrakhan. Don’t listen to anything Obama says, he is a racist dirt bag.

PA lost a 2A warrior

Kim Stolfer died two days ago, and if you love freedom and liberty, you will miss him, even if you did not know him.

If you ever participated in an annual Second Amendment rights rally at the state Capitol in Harrisburg, then you responded to Kim’s call.

Kim was an effective fighter in every way, most especially for our individual Second Amendment rights. Among a bunch of effective organizations, he also founded Firearm Owners Against Crime, of which I am a life member. FOAC became the de facto PA-oriented 2A group in Pennsylvania, despite the presence of the NRA, PFSC, and other organizations purporting to represent gun owner’s interests, simply because Kim and his passionate FOAC members just would not ever back down. They lobbied and litigated for freedom at the municipal and state level, most notoriously to obtain, and then to maintain, state pre-emption for all firearm laws.

Thanks to Kim and FOAC, Pennsylvania does not have a crazy quilt patchwork of gun regulations and laws that change dramatically from one municipality to the other. Imagine (for example) driving the short distance from Wayne County to Northampton County with a normal gun permitted in one place, but which is outlawed in the other. Merely having such an outlawed gun in the latter location could result in your arrest, detainment, and life-changing prosecution, for the simple “crime” of casually changing your nearby venue. No society can exist this way with any regulations or laws, and thanks to Kim, you Pennsylvanians are not living this way, either.

I personally knew Kim from both 2A activism and wildlife management policy. As FOAC’s city-dwelling litigant against Harrisburg City’s illegal and lawless anti-gun ordinances, I was his devoted servant on the former; and as a conservationist, I was his opponent on the other. Kim advocated for leaving many more deer than I believe the farming and natural landscapes can sustain. We maintained a warm friendship nonetheless for a long time.

Below is a photo I took of Kim at the 2021 2A rights rally in Harrisburg. Kim is unfurling the incredibly long list of existing gun regulations Pennsylvanians (and citizens in most other states) are already subject to, making the point that even more plus additional plus extra gun control measures are not needed, because they don’t do anything to stop crime. If politicians want crime reduced, all they have to do is apply any number of existing gun control laws.

But as we already know, people advocating for more gun control are not interested in controlling crime. Many gun control advocates are actually against applying the law and reducing crime. Rather, they are fiendishly focused on controlling YOU.

Rest in peace, great warrior Kim. We appreciate everything you did for all of us.

It is important to note that throughout Kim’s many legal battles to protect your 2A rights, he had right at his side a devoted and exceptional lawyer, Josh Prince. Josh is a refreshingly competent candidate for Commonwealth Court.

Every Second Amendment 2A Gun Rights lover in Pennsylvania must cast their/ your vote for Josh Prince on May 16th.

Kim Stolfer unfurling a loooong list of existing gun control laws. At the podium next to him is attorney Josh Prince, now a candidate for Commonwealth Court. Photo by Josh First





Kim’s official obituary:

Kim Stolfer, age 68, of South Fayette, Pennsylvania, passed away on Saturday, April 15, 2023 at home surrounded by his family after a hard-fought battle with cancer.

Born November 7, 1954 in Pittsburgh, Kim was raised by his late mother, Charlotte (Moser) Stolfer.  Kim was a 1972 graduate of Carlynton High School in Carnegie.

At the young age of 19 Kim became a Marine sending money home to his then juvenile sister Rose to help care for their then ailing mother. The Marine Corps vocational test scores showed his aptitude in verbal skills, organizational skills, and problem-solving, so they put him through aircraft and powerplant mechanic school and he was assigned as a crew chief on a CH-47 Chinook helicopter. Like many veterans, war molded him from his late teen years into adulthood, and he saw and did more than he ever said.

Kim was crew chief of the last American helicopter to leave Vietnam.  Due to a communications error, military personnel and civilians were left behind at the American Embassy in Saigon after the “official” last helicopter departed with the Ambassador.  Kim’s CH-47 evacuated those left behind as Saigon fell in South Vietnam.

Following his military service Kim went on to work and serve his country as a body and fender repairman for the United States Postal Service. He retired in 2009 as shop keeper after 30 years of service.

Kim found a love for shooting sports through Greater Pittsburgh Trap & Skeet Club, where he participated in recreational and competition shooting including IPSC practical pistol, rifle and shotgun. He co-founded Shooters Active in Firearms Education (S.A.F.E.) and became active throughout the Pennsylvania region teaching NRA-certified firearms safety and concealed carry classes through various sportsman’s clubs and police departments.

Kim was a founding member of both the Greater Pittsburgh Trap & Skeet Club and the Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League (ACSL) club’s legislative affairs branch, which got him involved in leadership positions in the Allegheny County Sportsmen‘s League (ACSL) and the Pennsylvania Sportsmen’s Association (PSA). His efforts evolved into Firearms Owners Against Crime (FOAC-ILLEA).

Kim took his oath to defend the Constitution seriously and was an effective adversary of elected officials and government employees who violate their oaths. He was a well-spoken advocate for personal freedoms as well as for holding criminals accountable. Kim wrote and or co-authored, dozens of pieces of statewide legislation over the years, many of which are now current law, including the Castle Doctrine law and Preemption Enhancement law.

He is survived by his loving and devoted wife of 36 years, Michelle (Pozzi) Stolfer; his son, Jason Stolfer; his step-son, Michael (Emily) Pozzi; his granddaughters, Paige and Gabriella Pozzi; his beloved sister, Rose (Mike) Johnson; his niece and nephew, Samantha (John) Rothka and Paul (Jennifer) Milavec; and many loved great nieces and nephews.

The family will receive friends and patriots at Thomas-Little Funeral Home, 305 Main St., Imperial, PA on Wednesday, April 19th from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. and on Thursday, April 20th from 12-2 p.m. A service to honor and remember Kim’s life will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday at the funeral home.

The family would like to express their thanks for the wonderful help and care given by Gallagher Hospice.  He will be sorely missed by his family, friends, allies, and patriots. We are all diminished by his passing.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to FOAC-ILLEA  https://foac-illea.org/ in memory of Kim’s life and legacy.