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Election Day now and a year later

A year ago today I was working a poll in Paxtang, I think. Handing out Trump for President literature (Trump won, everyone knows it), and some US Congressman Scott Perry lit, kibbitzing with other poll workers, chatting up voters and asking for their vote. One thing that really hammered home to me the difference between the Trump supporters and the regular county GOP committee members is the energy level we brought.

I was high energy and on my feet for hours, walking up to voters and asking for their vote, explaining the differences in the candidates. The GOP committeeman was lounging in a folding chair most of the time, occasionally standing, handing out literature for PA rep. Sue Helm if voters walked by close enough to take it from his hand.

When I engaged in discussion with the Democrat Party poll watcher, a woman attorney from northern Maryland, it became clear that she was an unapologetic communist. After she flew into a rage over some “Proud Boys” Latinos who showed up in their Trump socks, Trump pants, Trump hats, Trump shirts, and Trump underwear, I asked her why she was a communist. And at that point the Dauphin County GOP committeeman sprang into action, consoling the Democrat Party poll watcher with giggling assurances that I was a lone kook, my own special kind of far-right lunatic, and not at all representative of the Republican Party.

Yes, the GOP committeeman had more in common with the communist poll watcher than with me, the President Donald Trump advocate and poll watcher. Think about that. I still haven’t shaken it. For a long time I wanted to write a letter to this Dauphin County Republican Party committeeman, and among other things ask him if I was wrong in asking her (the lady poll watcher) why she was a communist. Turns out I was correct, that the Democrat Party is now an open and unapologetic communist movement. Do GOP hacks ever admit they were wrong?

Today is Election Day once again, and we have more of a local race to look at now. Our spring primary election yielded an unusual outcome in Harrisburg, a black woman winning the Democrat Party nomination for mayor of Harrisburg City. Usually the white liberals have it all locked up by mesmerizing and lying to their modern-day slaves to vote for the white liberal candidate. But after decades of white liberal mayors failing to do a single thing to improve the lives of black people in Harrisburg City, black voters here decided to try something different. They voted for a black candidate.

Talk about a step on the road to recovery! Congratulations to my fellow Harrisburg citizens for shaking off their white liberal slave masters!

Eric Papenfuse is the sitting white liberal mayor who was ousted in the spring primary by Wanda Williams, a forever member of the Harrisburg City Council. Eric Papenfuse touted his long list of policy and financial failures and concluded with a communist pledge of a guaranteed minimum income for certain city residents. Yep, the white liberal promised yet more government dependency for a community that is drowning and dying in white liberal dependency. If you ever wondered why urban decay is filled with drug addiction, consider where that addiction started: White liberal crack aka public dependency programs that made black people dependent on white liberal handouts.

Wanda’s election signs proclaim her a “lifelong Democrat,” which is hardly anything to brag about. I mean, look at where the Democrat Party has gotten urban black people across America – generations of failed churches, failed schools, failed families, but by God, they reliably vote for continued Democrat Party failure like good slaves!

Despite Papenfuse’s desperate write-in effort, Wanda is likely to win today. I hope that she grows into the Mayor job with an epiphany that causes her to shrug off the built-in failures of the political past she has lived and worked in.

Dear Wanda, please forgo political parties. Forgo political payback or pay-off of any sort. Please help our city citizens climb out of the poverty and failure that white liberals like Eric Papenfuse deliberately put them in. There are a million creative solutions to the mess here in Harrisburg City, and none of them are loyal to any political party or derivative thereof, such as teacher’s unions.

What have we got to lose by trying something new? We already know all of the current players bring nothing but failure and misery. Break free; break the bonds of injustice, Wanda!

A year from now, at the 2022 Election Day, I hope to write a different retrospective than “Yep, the new mayor immediately embraced all of the failed policies handed to her by the outgoing administration and made them her very own.”

And goodbye Eric Papenfuse. I won’t miss you and your cozy cronyism one bit. You did absolutely nothing but hurt Harrisburg even more than it was hurting when you took office eight years ago. Your mayoral Skid Row proved once again that graduating from Yale (and any other Ivy League school) is a damning millstone hung around the necks of the puffed up unfortunates who brag up these worse-then-useless diplomas. You couldn’t think yourself out of a wet paper bag if an entire city depended upon you for it.

Afghanistan debacle is no mistake

Stolen elections have consequences. The purpose served by stealing the November 2020 election was to follow through on Barack Hussein Obama’s boastful threat to “fundamentally change America,” whether or not Americans actually wanted that.

As the 2016 election showed, more Americans are awake now than have been in many decades. Americans knew that something foul was afoot, that both main political parties were up to no good, and electing a plainly and unapologetically pro-America Donald Trump was the citizens’ way of demonstrating that they disagreed with the downward direction America was headed.

So in 2020, it took herculean efforts to steal the election in order to reverse the opposing trend Americans were on. And I don’t think it is immoral as an observer to say that the Democrat Party’s multiple multiple-front assaults on the democratic process was pretty damned impressive. They left nothing to chance in singling out Democrat cities in swing states to have like 150% voter turnout, 95% of which was amazingly just for one candidate, Biden, and none for any down-ticket candidates.

They even managed to buy off, dumb down, and intimidate enough Republican Party career hacks to ensure that very little partisan resistance was mounted in response on Election Day evening or over the course of the following weeks and months. Even now in Pennsylvania, we have an overtly recalcitrant state senate leader, Jake Corman, who is openly doing everything he can to stop a forensic audit of the incredibly corrupt November 2020 election here. Ya gotta ask why.

Why is it that even now, with the Afghanistan retreat debacle, the southern border crisis debacle (millions of illegal aliens require no vaccine, no masks, no anything, but native citizens get thrown in jail and lose their jobs for the slightest resistance to the vaccine posse, go figure), the California governor recall debacle, the failing COVID response debacle, the massive January 6th rally official overreach response debacle, the blatant disregard for public opinion by elected officials everywhere, that little Republican opposition is mounted?

I believe it is because this failing and flailing and hyper aggressive unconstitutional government overreach is all by design. This is how you take down a country. This is how you cause a nation to collapse. This is how you allow a healthy nation to become unhealthy. This is how you really do fundamentally change a nation that is populated by people who do not want to change.

You force it down their throat and up their ass from every angle possible, using every tactic from shame to coercion to threats to media manipulation and indoctrination of the youth to turn against their parents, their elders, their own best interests.

America is under assault from within, and the Afghanistan debacle that pretty much everyone across the board agrees is being terribly and most publicly mishandled, is just the most public evidence of this assault. The disastrous retreat from Afghanistan is not a mistake, it is by design. It is done to hurt America financially ($85 BILLION in abandoned high tech war machinery is a lot even by Pentagon standards), to demoralize its citizenry, to hurt America strategically.

Those crazy hippies in the 1960s and 1970s who said all those silly things against America and against their own parents…they meant it all. They meant every word of that and much much more, too.

And now those same old hippies have the keys to America, and they are using those keys to open up America and utterly destroy it from within.

They do not believe in “power to the people,” because they actually hate the American people. They never did really value democracy, they just wanted to use and abuse the democratic process every way possible to gain leverage and power within that process, and then to control that process. Witness the effort underway to federalize America from a union of united and very different autonomous States and to put the Washington, DC, bureaucracy in charge of everything everywhere.

This is communist centralization, not the diffusion of power via myriad checks and balances America was founded on.

Again, no crystal ball here. No idea where this all goes. I constantly meet new people who are just awakening to this war against America from within America. I also see lots of Americans sleep walking, blissfully unaware and frankly, uncaring about the nation’s trajectory. WalMart has what they want, there is a football game on the TV, and they just don’t want to be bothered with all that self-rule business.

It’s just too hard, they think and so they want to delegate that sacred process to corrupt “professional politicians” like Jake Corman.

Good luck with that, Mister and Missus America! (Sarcasm)


Cultural Warlord Wanted for PA Senate Candidate

While sitting on the North Face cabin porch with some Democrat Party friends on the Lycoming-Tioga county border last Sunday, I was politely asked “the only political question” of our time together:

“What do you think of (D) Lt. Governor John Fetterman’s chances at winning the US Senate seat being vacated by Patricia Toomey?”

And I responded: “John Fetterman may be an anti-democracy, anti-America, totalitarian communist with the face of a worn out prize fighter, but he has an honest charisma that is going to be tough for most Republican Party candidates to beat.”

This is because most Republican Party candidates everywhere, and in Pennsylvania in particular, are well groomed, boring, milquetoast moderates who really stand for nothing except getting a public pension and invitations to all the right cocktail parties. If Fetterman has the looks of a Neanderthal’s old shoe, he still is identifiable as a manly man, and a refreshingly plain-spoken one at that. In a different age and place, Fetterman could easily have been a warlord with a sword across his knee and a coat of chain mail over his shoulders, his beetle brow scouring his subjects with fierce determination to win and to dominate.

Contrast this kind of mindset and distinctive personal presence with the usual GOP spawn that has bubbled up from the top of the donor class to become a candidate for anything: Timid sounding, almost effeminate, tepid, moderate and clean-cut appearing; ruffle no feathers, offend no one, instantly forgettable. And historically speaking, which kind of personal presence wins the hearts and minds of the people, the fierce warlord, or the milquetoast fairy?

Easy answer: Warlords win.

And the American electorate is not just hungry for strong leaders, we are starving for them, because we know America is up for grabs. Leftists know that strong Democrat personalities will make their Marxist revolution succeed, and conservatives know that strong Republican personalities will push back against the Marxists and make America’s Constitution prevail, thereby saving the Republic.

President Donald J. Trump won both the 2016 and 2020 elections because of his fierce and unwavering determination to put The People ahead of the political donor class and the Washington, DC Swamp. The only people who did not understand this then and who not only still do not understand it now, but who also oppose it now are the same old GOP donor class and Chamber of Compromise who try like hell to elect wimpy wusses they can easily control. To the GOPe and its elite benefactors, the Republican and conservative voter is now and always has been barely an afterthought. They don’t give a fig about our views or needs. The GOPe just needs our votes every two to four years to get their milquetoast Gumby candidates over the finish line, and then they immediately kick us and our values to the curb until the next election.

And so looking at the current lineup of declared and possible Republican Party candidates who might be the nominee to face Fetterman, what qualities do we see?

  • Feckless
  • Hopelessly moderate and standing for nothing
  • Money-oriented and ignoring basic values, culture, borders, language
  • Afraid of going to war and braving battle to save America

I won’t name names, but outside of Joe Gale, the list of Republicans running for PA governor is pretty much the same thing.

Who Pennsylvania needs to beat Fetterman is a GOP cultural warlord. A candidate who listens to and cares about the electorate, all of whom are values-driven, culture-driven, America-first-driven. Someone who is unafraid at all times, especially unafraid to firmly and honestly speak her or his mind and to do battle to the last dying gasp, for the sake of everything most Americans hold dearest.

I don’t know if I have seen such a person yet, but if you do, please let me know. I’d like to make a small political donation and volunteer my valuable time to help that person beat Fetterman.

Typical Republican candidate


Democrat candidate John Fetterman

“If you don’t vote for me, you’ll get a Democrat,” says the GOPe candidate du jour

The kind of candidate the America-First voters actually want

Trump sends warning shot right into Pennsylvania GOP over 2020 election audit

Just yesterday worthless, useless, spineless GOPe hack state representative Seth Grove issued a defiant statement that Pennsylvania would not be holding any kind of election 2020 audit. He gave no reason. Representative Grove also ran into a friend of mine in the Capitol this week, tireless freedom activist Ron Boltz, and behaved arrogantly, and cocky, and defiant, and dismissive, and again gave no reason why an audit of the 2020 election could not be done, or should not be done. From Ron:

Was there [at the PA Capitol this week] with a constitutional attorney who came up from D.C., with the issue being getting an forensic audit in PA.  Of course you and I know they have no interest, and we won’t get one.  That doesn’t mean we don’t demand it anyway, and use the issue to beat these assholes over the head.  You know how this works…

By chance, we ran into Rep. Seth Grove in the cafeteria.  I told the attorney we should approach him, and we did.  Grove was visibly uncomfortable with the topic, but was his cocky, condescending self.  Said there’s no money for an audit.  We said we’d pay for it.  He said they wouldn’t accept private funds, and then said “the machines have been swept anyway”.
He then referred to the resolution where the bi-cameral/bi-partisan committee voted it down, as he said “on party lines”.  That’s only a half truth.  What really happened is only three of the four in leadership of the committee voted.  Republican representative Barrar decided it wasn’t even important enough to vote.  So the vote was 2 nays, 1 yay.  Two dems and one Republican, but the full committee didn’t vote on it.  Leadership voted to not take it up.
Does that sound like representation to you?  It doesn’t to me.  Three representatives decided for the entire state that the election wasn’t worth auditing.  THREE.  That’s it.”

Well, news of this malfeasance got back to Our Lord and Savior Donald J. Trump, who issued his own statement today:

JUNE 4, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America:

Great patriots led by State Senator Doug Mastriano, Senator Cris Dush, and State Representative Rob Kauffman went to Maricopa County, Arizona, to learn the best practices for conducting a full Forensic Audit of the 2020 General Election.  Now the Pennsylvania Senate needs to act.  Senate President Jake Corman needs to fulfill his promise to his constituents to conduct a full Forensic Audit.  Senator Dave Argall, Chairman of the State Government Committee, has to authorize the subpoenas, if necessary. The people of Pennsylvania and America deserve to know the truth.  If the Pennsylvania Senate leadership doesn’t act, there is no way they will ever get re-elected!

Now this is big talk for anyone, even for Trump, because Trump and his advisors obviously have no idea just how backwards and dug-in the PA GOP is, just how snowed and easily fooled the PA GOP voters are, and how tenacious useless nepotist political hacks like Corman are. For example, despite his poor standing with the GOP voters, Argall has amazingly survived several attempts to dislodge him from his apparent lifetime seat in the PA Senate.

However, on the other hand, for five years I have been trying to find a primary challenger for the seat presently occupied by Corman, because he is very vulnerable, and maybe Trump’s words will help us get the right person. Corman is definitely weak. No one likes him. He has no friends. I am not exaggerating. Check out www.jakethesnake.us

In other words, we could see some real political change in Pennsylvania as a result of Trump bringing fire to the dark recesses of the GOPe electorate. Maybe. Even primarying-out one or two bunkered-in careerists like Corman or Grove would be a huge success, although to President Trump it might not seem like it. These names are all worth pursuing anyhow, for sure.

These corrupt Pennsylvania politicians mentioned above, and including people like PA reps Brian Cutler and Kerry Benninghoff, won’t conduct an audit of the corrupt and stolen 2020 election because they must have personally benefited from it in some way. Now the voters are beginning to see just how aggressively these audits are being fought, and how obvious the steal was, and how our votes are being bought and sold like a sack of potatoes so that political insiders like Jake Corman can get rich, and there is a justified rising tide of anger coming the way of elected officials who stand in the way of getting justice for the voters, for We, The People. Thank you, President Donald J. Trump.

Seth Grove’s ridiculous public statement about not having an election audit. Hey Seth, how do you know what went wrong with the 2020 election if you won’t audit it?


President Trump’s one mistake is the biggest

President Donald Trump is a fantastic American. He was a fantastic president; probably the best America has had since Theodore Roosevelt.

All of the fake outrage criticism heaped on Trump has been shown in just five weeks of the Biden administration to have been utterly partisan manufactured horse shit. Like the “kids in cages” boo hoo nonsense that had Democrat Party adherents branding Trump a cruel and evil man. Now corrupt financial criminal Joe Biden is doing the exact same thing, a policy that was begun in Bush II and perfected in Obama’s administration due to a Ninth Circuit court decision, continued on in the Trump administration with great fake outrage and crocodile tears by his opponents, and now is continuing on in the Biden criminal gang administration, with the US Democrat Party Media looking the other way.

This is to say, criticism of Trump was 99.98% baseless horse shit fake outrage nonsense meant to poison the political environment.

So yes, Trump was fabulous, brilliant, hard working, devoted to America and its un-appreciated citizens who are quickly turning into slave labor for the Democrat Party’s illegal alien troops being trucked in to our nation in order to displace us and steal our stuff.  Yeah, Trump was the one sole person standing between America’s citizens and the howling gulf of civilizational destruction now opening at our feet wider every day.

But as great as he is, and as devoted to him as I am, it is important to say that President Trump keeps making one mistake over and over, and it is a fatal one.

He is hopelessly loyal to something that does not deserve his loyalty.

He keeps playing politics by rules designed to hamstring him and other law-abiding American voters and that the other political party will never follow; he remains loyal to a political system that is hopelessly dysfunctional because it is filled with corrupt frauds in both political parties; and he remains party to a Republican Party that is utterly useless, filled with spineless jellyfish gutless political pukes whose sole purpose for being in politics is to enrich themselves and their chums, not to carry a political philosophy of freedom and liberty to fruition, or to oppose the Marxists.

When Trump was elected, he entered the White House expecting to run government like it was a business. He mistakenly presumed that American citizens working in taxpayer-funded government positions would be loyal to the Constitution, its process, the rules and regulations, and therefore, they would follow the directives from their legal boss Chief Executive in the White House. Trump’s White House did not immediately, or ever for that matter, dig into the executive branch and legally remove the politically partisan people who ended up deciding the outcome of his 2020 election.

Basically, Trump put up with a daily dose of illegal insubordination from within the executive branch, and he played nicey nice with the criminals who openly did it for the US media cheering section.

He mistakenly believed that the same corrupt bipartisan political establishment that stole the 2020 election from We, The People, and from him, would eventually treat him fairly in lawsuits and investigations into open vote fraud from coast to coast.

And now President Trump is mistakenly remaining loyal to the useless spineless jellyfish bottom feeding scumbag Republican Party (don’t get me wrong, I am not somehow in favor of the Democrat Party; I just recognize that the GOP is only half as corrupt as the totally corrupt and anti-America Democrat Party) that sold him out in Washington, DC, and in state legislatures across America.

President Trump has the rare opportunity to truly transform American politics. He tried to do so inside Washington DC, and despite succeeding wildly for four years, he mostly failed in the end. Because his re-election was illegally blocked so that the thieves and criminals could re-assemble their cozy little lair they had carefully constructed over the past fifty years. And despotic edict by despotic edict, the Biden crime syndicate daily tears away the hard work Trump did for America.

So Trump could start a new political party, a pure party, a party devoted to America First principles and policies. At least 50 million Americans are ready for him to do so. And yet, instead of starting this new political party, Trump wants to continue working within the existing messed up system, within the same Goddamned disgusting corrupt Republican Party that is run by the disgusting likes of PA State Senator Jake Corman, the political hack of all political hacks in the history of American political hackery.

Is there any way for Donald Trump to win this insider fight with the GOP ultimate insiders? Well, in the company of many other hard working, devoted political activists, I myself have spent over a decade in open and direct personal political warfare with the PA GOP establishment. And while I have some modest gains to show for all my effort, the fact is, vile Jake Corman (www.jakethesnake.us) has been promoted to “leader” of the Pennsylvania state senate.

By the same PA GOP that tonight voted NOT to censure RINO closet Marxist US Senator Patrick Toomey, who used his elected position to undermine and damage America at every turn, and to attack and hurt President Trump at every turn.

This is just one example of a billion such examples of how the GOP is hopelessly beyond help and reformation.

I would have to say that Trump has a very long row to hoe here; a very long uphill slog through slime and muck to turn the GOP around. A new political party (Patriot Party, MAGA Party) would have immediately gutted the useless GOP and sent it to the dustbin of history, where it belongs, but Trump has said he will not do this.

What can we say? President Trump remains hopelessly loyal to America and everything he knows about it. God bless the man. And God Damn the political hacks in both parties who have brought our great nation to the edge of fatal failure.

The yaw in America’s orbit

Politically speaking, for a very long time, at least since 1865, America has had a pretty stable orbit. We circle a very dense, heavy, socially generous capitalistic economic core encased in a semi-plastic Constitution, and sometimes we swing out into the darkness of one far end of the solar system or another. But America has always returned back to the middle after those elliptical soirees, very often pulled back in by the power of the US Supreme Court. Because the US Supreme Court has always always always been the guardians of order and individual rights vs. a power-hungry government.

For all of its flaws and mistakes and legislating from the bench over the years, the US Supreme Court has always been kind of the center of America’s political system. A sort of brake sometimes, or a set of loose then taut reins other times, but always gently steering and operating with the deep respect of the governed. If the US Supreme Court said so, then it must have been concluded with the greatest of careful pondering, most Americans have always thought. However, with two decisions out of the Court this week, the Court’s central stabilizing arrangement is now at an open and notorious end.

The Court is yet one more government organ to now force-feed Americans their new role as subjects being ruled from the top down, no longer free citizens being governed by people we trust and approve of with the citizenry’s consent.

Our US Supreme Court is exerting great yaw upon the nation’s orbit. Which is to say the Court is not spinning or moving in a smooth track, and is therefore exerting destabilizing forces upon the body politic. Its latest decisions indicate a great deal of turmoil inside the Court and out. And the Court’s two recent decisions demonstrate that turmoil emanates from the Court purposefully engaging in overtly political acts, not based on wisdom and due process, but on purely short-term political desires.

The one decision is to dismiss the two main lawsuits from the stolen election of 2020, one from Pennsylvania and one from Texas. Back in December, the Court said that the US President or his assigns\ representatives did not have standing to make these cases before the Court. In other words, the sitting US President was not important enough to argue his case before the Court, which is a ridiculous position on its face. And now the Court has said the two cases are moot because the question has passed with the January 20th swearing in of corrupt fraud Joe Biden. In other words, The People can’t win either way with this Court. In no way was the Court going to hear these critically important cases, because the evidence of wrongdoing to steal the 2020 election is overwhelming. The Court wants to keep a lid on all that, Constitutional procedure and government credibility be damned.

The second decision is to grant New York politicians access to President Trump’s tax returns. This is something that has never happened before to any president or ex-president, and it is part of an ongoing public effort by the political establishment to utterly destroy President Donald Trump, both in and out of office, and his supporters. Like all of the other political decisions made in recent months, the precedent this decision sets can and will swing both ways. As I write this, some enterprising DA in East Succotash America is looking at ways to get Barack Hussein Obama’s tax returns, and Joe Biden’s, too, and to use them to pursue these two criminals to the ends of the earth.

Oh, the precedents that are being set!

One can picture in the mind’s eye the formerly off-stage narrator suddenly forcefully step forth onto the stage and address the audience directly for dramatic effect:

But the blade cuts both ways! But such is the single-minded hatred for anti-establishment Trump held by the political establishment that they are blinded by what self-destructive forces their decisions are setting in motion. America’s orbit yaws this way and that, piloted as it is by blind hatred and ambition…

No nation run on the concept of self-rule like America can withstand such open and notorious purposefully arbitrary and capricious decision making as we are witnessing from the US Supreme Court. Their decisions are disconnected from every law, custom, norm, and Constitutional principle that anchors American government to the nation’s people. Arbitrary and capricious decision making do not jibe with democratic self-rule; one must prevail over the other. One was created to stop the other. They are mutually exclusive, and yet the Court demands that we accept arbitrary and capricious as the new norm.

The US Supreme Court is willfully throwing its integrity and credibility overboard, and becoming yet another failed American institution seeking to simply rule the masses with brute force. 

Despite housing the supposed greatest American political historians, the Court seems to intentionally kick sand in the face of The People. Even as The People are gathering their pitchforks and torches, these blind political elites deliberately mis-steer a path of self-government that yaws this way and that, moving America off course by design, throwing it off of its Constitutional orbit, deviating from the straight and just trajectory America has been on for 244 years. As an object yaws in its orbit, it becomes destabilized and eventually thrown off course forever. In nautical and aeronautical terms, America is now beginning to spin out of control, going off its rocker, going off course.

These dramatic moments are the powerful stuff of dramatic plays, told to Western audiences for at least three thousand years to teach pointed lessons from past mistakes, for a reason. And so one must ask, Whose skull will Hamlet II hold in the eventually inevitable tragic play that will be done years hence to describe the obviously avoidable downfall of the first American republic?

[Yaw: To swerve off course momentarily or temporarily; to move unsteadily; weave;  to deviate temporarily from a straight course. If a ship or plane yaws too much, its deviations will become permanent and fatal to its enterprise]

When law-abiding Americans fear their own government

Roughly half of Americans are living in deep fear of their own government right now. These are law-abiding, tax-paying, job-holding Americans, and there is no reason why they should fear their own government. The American government belongs to them, and its sole purpose is to protect them and serve them.

And yet, the new Biden regime is openly at war with its political opponents, to the point where the Dept. of Justice and the FBI are forming a sort of SWAT team to attack individuals these two deeply corrupted agencies believe must be locked up. One guy was just arrested by a rogue FBI agent, and he is facing ten years in prison for making anti-Clinton memes in the 2016 election. The same exact meme was used by a Democrat activist against Trump in the 2016 election, and yet she is not under arrest.

Plenty of other examples of a Washington DC elite gone hog wild against the People it is supposed to serve. Building a wall around the US Capitol, which is The People’s House, to keep the public out, while tearing down America’s southern border wall meant to keep disease-ridden illegal aliens from illegally invading our country to the detriment of the people who actually live here.

This situation is ludicrous, except that if you speak out about it, you can be “disappeared” by the FBI just like political opponents in South American dictatorships. Some radical, rogue FBI agent will invent false charges against you and that’s that, you are caught up in the Washington DC net of official rogues and villains, determined to punish anyone who dares stand in their way of taking full control of America.

Perhaps the best symbol of just how evil and illegitimate the Beijing Biden regime is, are the extra National Guard troops now pouring into Washington DC. Does America now have more troops guarding its fascist dictator in the White House than North Korea has protecting its Dictator Kim? What a great achievement, Biden gang!

If the Biden gang needs all these troops to protect them from the American people, then it’s probable that the American people did not vote for or select Biden to be their president. Only an illegitimate and unpopular pretender does what Biden is doing. But it is why the Biden regime needs all this official fear and oppression against their political opponents.

And to all the regular Democrat Party folks watching this un-American farce unfold, and just loving it, now you know what happened in 1930s Germany, and how the good German people turned into stark raving mad butchers. Germany’s Nazi Party spent ten years scapegoating and delegitimizing Germany’s Jews, and in 1933 the Nazis launched a very public shaming and humiliation attack on Jews across Germany, called “Kristallnacht.” After that night, it was easy for the Nazi government to persuade enough Germans that no matter how patriotic or morally good their tax-paying Jewish neighbors were, the fact that they were simply Jews was good enough to throw them into concentration camps and steal everything they owned.

This same exact dynamic is playing out now in America, against conservatives and American patriots, with the second totally sham illegal fake “impeachment” of President Donald Trump intended not for legal purposes, but to delegitimize Trump and his political supporters. So that they can be officially oppressed and disappeared. And so many “good Democrats” are happily, even giddily going along with this.

Should we make these Democrats wear black and red arm bands, so we know who they are? They want to pin a yellow star on all of Trump’s supporters, so let’s clearly demarcate both sides. Let’s make it absolutely clear where everyone stands as this official fear and oppression campaign keeps rolling along, steamrolling freedom in its path.


January 6th DC Protest: I was there, what really happened

Getting the entire January 6th DC protest story out is going to take time, but it is important to address the totally fake narrative about it being pushed by the fake news media, the entertainment industry, the Big Tech industry, the lawless Democrat Party, and even the cowed Republican Party establishment.

For the record, I arrived at the Washington Monument around 10:00am and worked my way down the slope until there was no room left between us and the White House.  From there we marched to the US Capitol, where I was

in the Rotunda [the outside rotunda, not the one inside the Capitol building] [UPDATE 8/18/22 I have been told by several people, including a federal agent, that I have mistakenly mislabeled where I was. After consulting official maps of the US Capitol, I can’t find an official description for the precise open area out in front of the Capitol where I stood. Bottom line is I stood way the hell outside the Capitol building, in an area that was designated for protesting] about twenty feet behind the barricades. I stayed in that general location for a couple hours until later. My story here begins in the Rotunda.

The US Capitol Police used peaceful protestors for target practice. All around me and just in front of me, US citizens who were legally, peacefully protesting were shot in their faces by explosive flash bangs, rubber bullets, pepper gas bombs, tear gas bombs, and bean bags. I have video and photos of all of this activity that I took on my own phone, which I will post here later today [Update: Now that the FBI/KGB is on an illegal witch hunt to make examples of even lawful, peaceful protestors who were there, using pictures taken at the event to identify 100% innocent people to hunt them down and unlawfully prosecute them, I will not be posting them].

I saw nicely dressed men in business suits and dress shirts with their faces blasted by explosives. The Capitol Police were not aiming for our feet, but for our faces. I was shot right under my chin with a large rubber bullet by one of the police officers who we watched take careful aim at individual protestors who did nothing more than sing the national anthem, chant, and wave signs and banners. I was also hit with many other rubber projectiles, and I was gassed three times, once badly.

At no time did I or anyone around me throw anything at the police or try to attack them. We were exercising our Constitutional freedoms, and the Capitol Police attacked us. On our way out of the protest and back to our bus, we met a nicely dressed man with blood on his hands and clothing, who calmly told us that he is a physician and had been standing with the tiny woman who was shot in the neck by a Capitol Police officer. He, the doctor, tried to resuscitate her, but he described how purposefully mortal her wound was, and how he had personally witnessed the police officer taking careful aim at the woman’s neck. She has now been identified, but I cannot now recall her name [UPDATE: Ashlii Babbitt]. She was a peaceful protestor who could have been easily neutralized with any sort of non lethal force, had the police officer really felt threatened. He chose to execute her, instead.

If anyone is curious about why presently free Americans reacted to official violence with some force of their own, then this description of events explains it. We peaceful protestors were violently attacked by the US Capitol Police for doing nothing more than peacefully protesting. Violence will beget violence, and nothing stokes a violent response more than un-earned official violence against innocent civilians, like yesterday.

Fresh in our memories yesterday were the many violent riots in 2020, where ANTIFA and BLM destroyed entire cities, violently attacked police, passersby, counter demonstrators, and business owners… WITH NO ACTION BY THE POLICE. And with total support by the mainstream media and big tech, whose members stood in front of burning buildings and pronounced the violence as “mostly peaceful protests.”

Fresh in our memories were the Code Pink invasion of Congress, followed by the shrieking howls of the mad as anti-Kavanaugh people invaded the US Senate chamber. Again, with no consequences from either political party or from law enforcement or the media or from Big Tech.

So I witnessed a double standard yesterday that is being promoted today by the mainstream media industry and the Big Tech industry, which is that conservative peaceful protestors are actually “domestic terrorists” and “racists” and “white supremacists.” In fact, about 25% of the protestors around me were black, Latino, and Asian. There were a lot of Asians with us, I would say evenly split between Vietnamese and Chinese. Not a white supremacist movement at all, but a simple freedom movement.

This double standard is obviously evil on its face, but it serves an even more evil political purpose. Patriots and conservatives are being set up to be de-legitimized so they can be attacked by both BLM and ANTIFA people, and soon by the official state apparatus, like police forces everywhere, the FBI, the ATF etc.

If you have read this blog for any time, you know my positions on most political issues of the day. You know that I believe the 2020 election was stolen in an ultimate act of Democrat Party lawlessness, a lawlessness that has defined that pro-slavery political party since 1860 and which in modern times has led to so-called “sanctuary cities” and a widespread failure to enforce the laws on the books to protect American citizens. A suspension of the most basic civil rights.

To me and others like me, we believe the Democrat Party to be a certified domestic enemy of We, The People. The Democrat Party’s lawlessness and attempt to enslave us all to Big Brother Government must be resisted at all levels by Americans everywhere, or else America will turn into an authoritarian state with Big Brother telling us what to think, what we may do, where we may go, what we may read or write. This authoritarian establishment narrative has become quite clear during the China flu covid shamdemic, as unconstitutional authoritarian lockdowns and police actions against free citizens have become commonplace.

Some take-aways from yesterday and the ensuing hours:

  • the Republican Party establishment stands for absolutely nothing, because its members believe in nothing, except their own power. They have no fealty to the US Constitution, nor to any of us citizens. They believe in process over substance. The Democrat Party knew this before the election, and were emboldened in their theft of the presidency by the GOPe’s weakness. No one better exemplifies this than outgoing Republican senator Kelly Loeffler, who only two days ago announced that she finally stood with The People against the farcical Electoral College count, and who yesterday denounced President Donald Trump and withdrew her objection to the farcical Electoral College count. This GOPe woman represents everything wrong with the Republican Party – no backbone, no spine, no guts, no commitment to the rule of law, and so easily manipulated by the Big Media/ Big Tech industry narrative.
  • the Democrat Party is enabled by the Big Tech industry and the mainstream media industry, which either suppress different perspectives from being aired, or which suppress actual facts from being exposed, if they run contrary to The Narrative. This makes Big Media and Big Tech certified mouthpieces for authoritarian oppression, and, therefore, certified enemies of We, The People. However people choose to resist Big Tech and Big Media, only the members of Big Media and Big Tech have themselves to blame.
  • Probably 99% of the political pundits on both the left and the right issued definitive statements about yesterday’s protest without themselves actually having been there. They watched selectively edited and commented videos shown out of context, and drew understandably inaccurate conclusions. But these same pundits have shown zero interest or curiosity about actual events, choosing instead to show their true yellow color by standing shoulder to shoulder with the oppressive authoritarians.
  • Yesterday’s protest was nothing more than an Occupy Congress, which is The People’s House. It belongs to US, not to the political elites. If the various Occupy movements were legitimate, then yesterday’s Occupy action was the most legitimate of all.
  • Finally, this whole situation is boiling down to a showdown between the entitled elites who have stolen our entire country’s government apparatus on the one hand, and the citizens who populate the country and fund that apparatus on the other hand. When I witnessed several hundred thousand unarmed protestors yesterday staging a forceful protest against tyranny, I saw the beginning of a citizen army doing its dry run, its practice run, for a takeover of the nation’s capital. As brute force has always been the ultimate arbiter of natural selection, only one side can prevail here. This is totally an Us vs. Them situation, not of the making of We, The People, but forced on us by authoritarians who crave control over us.

Much of this will probably start to play out in the coming weeks. God save our great Republic.

More to come here in the next couple of days.

UPDATE: Today every effort is being made by the political elites to destroy President Donald Trump and as many peaceful protestors as they can get their hands on. Mind you, absolutely none of this was done to any politicians or their supporters over an entire year of wild, violent BLM and ANTIFA riots across the country, including in Washington, DC. This is an indication of what is coming to America in just a couple weeks: Everyone who stands for the Constitution and our traditional American values and freedoms will be officially targeted for forceful removal and silencing. This is why patriots must organize, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.



2021: Dictator Biden or Dictator Trump, take your pick

America is entering a lawless new era. Historically, it could have been predicted, but for me and mine, it sucks crap to actually live during this “interesting time.”

I so very much liked the America of 1985. Nothing wrong with that, everything good about it. Unfortunately, our material wealth and success put many Americans to sleep. Endless entertainment on TV, and now on the internet, cheap food, lots of booze…what is to worry about? Life is good! Let someone else run the country.

And thus the greatest nation in history rotted from inside, stultified, fell asleep, forgot itself. And so now we are just days away from a dramatic schism, where Americans will have to choose their preferred dictator, President Donald Trump, or so-called president elect Joe Biden.

Biden ran for the presidency multiple times over his 47 languid years in government, and each time he could not get enough votes to be elected Dog Catcher in East Succotash, Nebraska. Suddenly in 2020 he gets ten million more votes than the historic election of Barack Obama…I don’t believe so. The 2020 election has been stolen, and just like Hillary Clinton has not been held accountable for her many crimes, so once again a bunch of Democrats are not held accountable for their crimes. In a tyranny, everything is legal for authority figures, and over and over Democrat authority figures get away with every crime they commit in broad daylight. Like the execution of Seth Rich in broad daylight. And just to prove that they are untouchable, they also use the force of law to persecute innocent political opponents, like Roger Stone, General Michael Flynn, George Papadapolous, et al

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals,” wrote US citizen on the run, Edward Snowden. And so we now have federal judges seeking to sanction lawyers for daring to bring election-related lawsuits into their courts. Obviously these judges, like James Boasberg and Chief Justice John Roberts, prefer official criminality to lowly citizens appealing to the law. Why else do these judges make laughable decisions based on ridiculous procedural nonsense that throws the concept of due process out the window, and installing huge legal walls to block our understanding of what happened, instead of addressing the very real merits of each case? Why are these people scared of transparency?

America has been run by criminals for a while, with the 2020 election being their best effort yet. They had to knock out Trump, because another four years of his administration would have corrected the many problems and criminal behavior now deeply injected into every institution.

And as a result we are about to face a tough choice: Allow President Donald Trump to stay in office until an actual investigation of the stolen 2020 election is completed, or seat the fraud Joe Biden. If Biden is sworn in, the Democrat Party will move at warp speed to crush all of their opponents, cultural and political. As always, their activities will be under the color of law, if not actually legal or constitutional.

Americans will have to choose who they follow, a benevolent dictator, Donald trump, or a lawless dictator and tyrant, Joe Biden. I vote for Donald Trump. Hopefully I have a few million unshakeable patriots beside me to get the job done.

US Supreme Court in neon: “We are irrelevant to Americans”

After first saying they would hear it last week, late yesterday the US Supreme Court then declined to hear Texas’ lawsuit alleging that the failure of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia to abide by the elementary practices of democratic voting law had violated the voting rights of Texas voters.

This was a potential landmark case, because America is a union of states all bound together by the equality of each state’s laws. Over two hundred years of hard work has resulted in a United States of states that all give full faith and credit to one another’s state government apparatuses. Texas voters expect other states to follow the same basic rules and safeguards in their own elections, so that the votes of one state are not rendered meaningless by the cheating and sloppiness in another state’s elections. There really is no greater test of the ties that bind us Americans all together in unity than the symmetry of our voting on Election Day.

What the hell is the point of voting in one state, if a few other states allow corrupt voting that negates how your own state votes?

Yes, the US Supreme Court declined to hear the case for the simple reason that five of the nine justices want to see President Donald Trump gone from the Oval Office, and they will do anything to further that end. Even if it costs the Court its credibility and standing among half the nation.

By declining to hear the case, as they did last week with the Pennsylvania Kelly/Parnell lawsuit, these five justices block the compelling arguments from being officially made in court, and thereby raised amongst the citizenry. If the case is not heard in court, then these justices’ ideological allies in the mainstream media do not have to report on it, and can continue to scoff and mock those who are terrified at how quickly America’s government fell to the coordinated leftist attack.

But the real message of the US Supreme Court in all of this, and likely in all the other cases working their way to the US Supreme Court, is that the Court is no longer relevant to the lives of American citizens.

The five US Supreme Court justices who have done this incredible, unbelievable act are so ideologically blinded that they either do not realize or do not care what fallout is resulting. Their DC Beltway elitist opposition to President Donald Trump and his voters is simply about raw power and political control, and in this case, trying to block the populist president from rightfully returning to the White House and implementing the political agenda the American voters chose him to do. Even worse, these five rogue justices are simultaneously attempting to help usher in to the White House an illegal and un-elected candidate, Joe Biden.

Instead of becoming a solution of any sort to the greatest threat to the Union since the first Civil War, and instead of becoming even a simple sounding board for the legal arguments about our relationships with one another as law-abiding American citizens in different states, the Court has blocked that process and also removed itself from the entire discussion. These five rogue justices say that neither will America have a legal resolution, nor will it have healing.

If the eighty million voters who support President Donald Trump can learn anything from the five rogue justices yesterday, it is that we citizens are completely on our own. Literally every single organ and institution of government that is designed to protect the rights and core interests of the American citizen has failed, been overthrown, or been made irrelevant in the greatest struggle of our lives. The FBI and DOJ are sitting on their hands, doing absolutely nothing about all of the reports of vote fraud last month. The US Supreme Court is just the very last institution to have made it clear that Americans are now caught in a life-altering tug-of-war between liberty and slavery, and we have only ourselves to rely upon for a fair resolution in our interests.

Going forward, whatever happens (say, for example, if President Trump invokes his 2018 executive order about foreign interference in American elections, which America just experienced, and he invokes the Insurrection Act), the US Supreme Court will have no voice in the matter.

By blocking the Court from even hearing the Pennsylvania and Texas lawsuits, five rogue justices (Kagan, Breyer, Sotomayor, Roberts, Kavanaugh) have made the Court irrelevant to all related questions and have completely removed the Court from all related cases that may arise. The Court cannot dodge and hide and deflect and attempt to shape the outcome of Election Day on the one hand, and then turn around and try to block this president from shielding the republic from the coup d’etat under way when he finally decides to act. While I have no crystal ball, it is possible that this president will indeed act, because he will correctly question which is the worse outcome: A fraudulently elected criminal who represents the interests of our greatest foe, China, or a temporary dictator who merely extends his first term until all questions of law are investigated and resolved.

Some people on the right will cheer the Court’s abdication, as the Court’s fifty years of judicial activism and legislating from the bench have already gutted certain areas of the Constitution. And the left will cheer because it provides them with a concrete political result they want right now, the future be damned. But in truth, this failure by the Court is just another sign that America as a constitutional republic is breathing its last breaths at this very moment. And that is sad. Yes, the streets in your neighborhood will still have the same names, but you will not have anywhere near the same personal rights you had on November 2nd, 2020. And only too late will you realize what has truly happened.