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couple more thoughts on Trump’s US senate endorsement

In his endorsement of non-Pennsylvanian, non-conservative, liberal Hollywood TV elite personality Dr. Mehmet Oz for the open US senate seat here in Pennsylvania, President Trump made it crystal clear in his statement that this was a strategic decision. Not an ideological decision.

By strategic, President Trump said and meant that Oz is (in Trump’s opinion) the one “Republican” candidate with the widest general appeal in November’s general election, when the Republican nominee will face evil anti-America leftist Josh Shapiro (the word evil is my own choice, because I believe that Josh Shapiro is absolutely evil, pure evil, cruelly evil, horribly evil, not because of his policy positions, which he is entitled to, but for his evil mis-use of his important Attorney General position for purely politically partisan purposes, at enormous cost to Pennsylvanians of all beliefs and viewpoints).

Trump made it absolutely clear that his support for Oz is not based on anything that Trump believes in or actually wants, more than a simple “R” in the senate instead of a “D,” and a Karl Marx/ Josef Stalin-driven “D” at that. To Trump, having another senate “R” here, even in the image of RINOs Rick Santorum, Arlen Specter, Patricia Toomey, et al, is still a win.

OK, I suppose there is a logic to that thinking and approach to electoral politics. It is a time-honored approach in Pennsylvania. Heck, we see it 24/7 with the GOP in general and the PAGOP in particular, both of whom automatically sell the most dumbed-down, weakest, most “moderate” candidates possible every race, on the basis that this weakness sells, because it is non-threatening to non-conservatives.

Problem here is, Pennsylvania is becoming a more conservative state. Most of the Democrats I grew up with were like me – pro-Second Amendment and pro-Life – and they, like me, are no longer registered Democrats. Even those with long Democrat Party allegiance and pedigrees going back to FDR had been voting mostly conservative for a long time already. Making the step from pro-America Democrat to Republican was not too terribly difficult for most of them. And Trump has no way of knowing this, because he is not from Pennsylvania and he does not know our conservative blue collar politics.

The other problem with Trump’s thinking on this odd Oz endorsement is that he seems to forget that he himself was once (in 2016) the ideological outsider with “no chances” of winning any election, primary or general. And he also seems to forget that it was precisely his own fervent America First ideology that captured votes from across the political spectrum in PA and elsewhere.

If President Trump were to really think carefully about this PA senate race, he would have endorsed either no one, or he would have endorsed his ideological mate Kathy Barnette. Endorsing no one and just leaving his unwillingness to select media-favorite dangerous RINO WEF mole Dave McCormick would have sent a clear message of his justified rejection of  McCormick. But it seems to me that Trump’s unhappiness with McCormick is more personal, and on that score we all know that his personal feelings about loyalty and betrayal can be both Trump’s best and worst character traits.

In this instance, it seems Trump’s personal antipathy for McCormick goaded him into wrongly endorsing McCormick’s perceived rival, Dr. Oz.

But I do not at all believe the “professional” polls showing this race a dead heat between Oz and McCormick. And I do not at all believe that this senate race is and will be only between RINOs Oz and McCormick. Rather, I am watching Kathy Barnette quietly amassing strong public support across eastern and central Pennsylvania. This is not yet really evident in any of the polls, and I think Barnette is going to give everyone – pollsters, pundits, and politicians alike – a run for their money in this primary election at its very end.

If Trump were being the best of Trump, he would have spent some time here talking with voters on the street and hearing what they are saying, and he would have rendered either an endorsement of someone who tracks with his America First ideology, or no endorsement as a result. But instead he kind of shot from the hip, for a kind of understandable reason, and then he kind of shot himself in the foot. Because I do not know one Republican voter who is going to vote for Oz, either before or after Trump’s endorsement. Trump has alienated his strongest supporters with this endorsement; he has not persuaded them.

Instead, Republican/ conservative voters (lots of conservatives feel caged and locked up in the useless Republican Party) are saying “I don’t care that Our Lord and Savior President Donald Trump just endorsed someone. It is a flawed endorsement that makes no sense. So I am not voting for that person.”

And the one name I keep hearing and seeing written by these voters is candidate Kathy Barnette.

Why rich guys like McCormick, Oz, and Bartos make such bad senators

The old adage “Follow the money” for figuring out who benefits from crime and betrayal applies also to political candidates. People who want your vote can have only a couple of reasons for asking for it: Personal power (bad reason), money (bad reason), and influence over public policy (great or bad reason, depending upon the candidate).

Personal power should never be associated with any individual elected citizen in a representative democracy or constitutional republic. That is the essence of power corrupting nearly everything it touches.

Making money from official positions in government is obviously corrupt, because the sole purpose and role of any official anywhere is to serve The People. As soon as an official uses his or her official position to enrich themselves, they are corrupt.

Finally, having influence over public policy to serve the citizenry’s public interest is the only legitimate reason for anyone to run for office or to serve in the official government bureaucracy. Influence for the sake of The People’s benefit is the gold standard for putting your name in the ring and asking for the votes of fellow citizens. And it is the rare candidate who runs for office on this basis alone. However, there are candidates running for office for this sole purpose, and they alone deserve your support. Because after all, they are probably solely devoted to you, The People.

So, always be skeptical of all candidates asking for your vote right off the bat, and dig a little into how they benefit from obtaining the power of the elected position they seek.

Just yesterday we gained insight into the reason why rich guy candidates like Dave McCormick, Dr. Oz, and Jeff Bartos deserve absolutely zero votes from any regular guy or gal voter.

Did you see how fellow ultra-wealthy guy and gal US senators Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) abandoned their simple commitment to basic law and common sense legal policy by supporting anti-Constitution cultural Marxist Ketanji Jackson’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court?

Both Murkowski and Romney have used their elected positions to enrich themselves while in office, too. Both are in office for all the wrong reasons (same goes for US senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and many others).

Romney and Murkowski did this because rich guys and gals inhabit a very tiny sphere of fellow wealthy people, whose acclaim and support they crave more than anything. They will do anything, vote any way against the interests of their constituents, to win the acclaim and support of their fellow rich people.

Over American history, very few wealthy officials have done good for The People, and most often they only do well for themselves and their fellow socialites. Outside of America’s Founding Fathers, we can count on one hand the number of wealthy presidents who have actually only served The People: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon (who was actually poor as dirt), and Ronald Reagan.

If you think for one second that a candidate like ultra rich Connecticut socialite guy Dave McCormick is ever going to be a Theodore Roosevelt, you are fooling yourself. Dave McCormick is quietly funded by huge Democrat Party donors as well as GOPe donors, all of whom have much more in common with one another than they have differences amongst themselves, hence the term “uniparty.”

To a smaller degree that same can be said for Dr. Oz (a long time liberal from outside PA) and RINO Jeff Bartos.

So, if you want another spineless, liberal, wavering, uncertain, disloyal rich socialite like Mitt Romney or Lisa Murkowski to be elected as a Republican in Pennsylvania, then by all means vote for McCormick, Oz, and Bartos.

And if you are like the vast majority of American voters these days, who are allergic to ultra rich people getting elected to office and then forgetting all about us when they get there, then there is only one true, honest candidate running for US Senate for the right reason: Kathy Barnette.

Kathy Barnette definitely deserves your vote next month, because of all the candidates, she alone has just your public policy interests at heart.

Kathy Barnette campaign files over 10,000* signatures!

The campaign for Kathy Barnette for US Senate has filed over 10,000* ballot petition signatures from registered Republican voters in Pennsylvania, well beyond any other candidate.

*UPDATE March 21st, 2022: Final ballot petition signature count for Kathy Barnette’s campaign is over 12,000! HOLY COW! This is serious grass roots support!

Pennsylvania requires 2,000 ballot petition signatures to qualify for a place on the ballot as an official candidate for US Senate.  Although a candidate’s campaign may file the requisite number of signatures, there is a small but serious cottage industry in disqualifying both voter signatures off of ballot petitions, and in DQing entire ballot petitions altogether. So, having a large (in Barnette’s case it’s huge) buffer of extra signatures and petitions means that opponent candidates will have a much harder job knocking a candidate off the ballot altogether. In this case I believe it is impossible for Barnette to be knocked off the ballot, because her signature margin is so large.

What an enormous indication this is of Barnette’s grass roots popularity. While her campaign may not yet have the zillionaire funding of Bartos or McCormick, Barnette does have the support of the voters. And if there is a lesson that establishment candidates have been taught more and more since 2008, it is that the voters don’t care about fancy campaigns or flashy candidates with impossible promises. What the voters want more than anything is a real candidate, an authentic American, which Kathy Barnette is.

Candidates Dave McCormick, Carla Sands, and Dr. Oz all recently “moved” to Pennsylvania to run for this senate seat. Only Kathy Barnette and Jeff Bartos are actually from Pennsylvania, and of these two only Barnette is a conservative working person. Bartos is a flashy RINO…yuck.

It is quite clear that Barnette is the voter favorite. Her polling is already ahead of Bartos and Sands, even though Barnette is starting fresh with no name recognition. Barnette’s public support is only going to grow.

Wouldn’t it be refreshing for the other candidates to set aside their egos and their big financial dreams, drop out of this race, and start supporting Kathy Barnette now, so that she is in her best possible position to win when the November election arrives? Why are they putting us all through this charade? Kathy Barnette already has this primary race won!

Kathy Barnette, honest to goodness all-American candidate for US Senate

Acts of Valor vs. Acts of Phoniness: Dave McCormick’s huge fake on PA

Isn’t it intriguing that people who serve in military combat will do all kinds of unbelievably and beautifully brave things at the risk of their own life and limb (thank you all for your service to us back home), but when they are elected or appointed to office, they immediately become political cowards…unwilling to take even nominal risks to do the right thing.

This is not a question, it is an empirical fact. Very few military combat veterans who have been elected or appointed to federal office in America have conducted themselves even remotely as selflessly, fiercely, and as at real personal risk as when they were on the field of battle with firearm in hand and in mortal danger. And we don’t mean physical risk here, but risk to one’s position of official power. Even the toughest combat veterans are demonstrably over and over extremely reluctant to do anything to risk their high official station. No matter how badly America needs their former bravery brought to bear in Congress or in the federal bureaucracies.

Who knows why this is, but it is. Perhaps these wonderful human beings shine most when they know that everything is on the line, and when they later take office, they end up believing or realizing that nothing is actually on the line, except their cushy job and super-high-yield insider trading investment opportunities. And this realization turns them into either simpering weaklings or testily dodgy bullies, who will do absolutely any whore’s job to hold onto their elected or appointed job.

Just a few recent examples of this strange juxtaposition include former senator John Kerry (DC), deceased senator John McCain (RI), and current congressman Dan Crenshaw (RI). Surely there are at least a hundred other such elected or appointed military people, if only your author here spent the time to think or write much more about it.

The one modern exception to this rule that immediately comes to mind is President Theodore Roosevelt, whose adage to “speak softly and carry a big stick” was an excellent rule he both implemented and also nonetheless frequently flouted. Roosevelt flouted his own rule because he was utterly fearless, on the battlefield and off it. His fearlessness begat incredible effectiveness and measurable results, and it is what got his face on Mount Rushmore.

And we should give former Navy SEAL and Trump Administration DOI secretary Ryan Zinke some credit for his brief time at the helm of Interior, where he was daily beset by taxpayer-funded enemies of America and their partners in the mainstream media. But Zinke was in office too briefly to really measure.

Even fellow military combat veteran President Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961) was never going to get his face on Mount Rushmore, but on the silver dollar instead, because while he was a true battlefield warrior, once elected to office he was halfway tough and halfway wuss. Anyone interested in what I mean here can easily and quickly research Eisenhower’s strange autoimmune disease-like combination of Cold War hawk and weak-ass dove.

The point being that politics seems to attract people who we innately admire for their battlefield service or even their heroics thereon, but who then greatly disappoint us once they enter politics. And current candidate for US Senate Dave McCormick is one such example.

McCormick’s campaign website says:

Dave was appointed to the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering. While at West Point, Dave was a four-time letterman on the Army wrestling team and a co-captain his senior year.

Upon receiving his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant, Dave attended Airborne School and Ranger School, where he graduated with honors at one of the toughest schools in the Army. Dave was assigned to the Army’s All-American 82nd Airborne Division, where he was in the first wave of American troops sent into Iraq during the Persian Gulf War in 1991. His unit was tasked with clearing minefields and destroying enemy munitions, and he was awarded the Bronze Star.

As I am a former wrestler (grade school into college), I do value McCormick’s wrestling experience, because I know quite personally that this uniquely difficult and challenging sport builds good character and tough personal traits. And I naturally also value McCormick’s exceptional military training, and like many people, I also greatly appreciate his presence on the field of combat in Iraq.

So while it’s a damned huge shame that these laudable traits did not compute into a great political character for McCormick, it’s also no great surprise. Because RINO McCormick is following in well trod footsteps by many who have preceded him.

  • Dave McCormick is nowhere near the person he says he is, or who he is trying to portray himself as. (Neither are several of McCormick’s opponents, either: Dr. Oz was a flaming liberal until recently, when he decided to run for office as a Republican. Oz’s candidacy is 100% Hollywood Media hype and puffery, and his political persona/ policy positions is all totally made up utter bullshit. Jeff Bartos is an unabashed RINO who stands for nothing. Carla Sands is marginally better than Oz or Bartos, but still an establishment political hack who also ‘came home to roost’ in PA from out of state when she smelled a juicy opportunity to run for office…she represents just more of the same old political opportunism like Hillary Clinton did in New York, so no, no thanks, Carla).
  • McCormick is, or at least was until very recently, a resident of Connecticut, where he resides in a big fancy house surrounded by other megarich people in big fancy houses, far away from the blue collar stink of Pennsylvania voters, who he now suddenly needs if he is going to convert this juicy political opportunity into more self-improvement. And so suddenly, kapow!, McCormick is a tree farmer (I am a Tree Farmer myself) from central PA in down-home plaid flannel shirts and dungarees, so he can get that Everyman appeal moving in the right direction. I will say that it is true McCormick grew up trimming Christmas trees on his family’s Tree Farm in central PA, and I will also say that he long ago ditched that honest work and healthy way of thinking when he became a greedy, heartless, globalist.
  • McCormick made hundreds of millions of dollars from running hedge funds, which make money the opposite of earning it: They bet against American companies and jobs, and when American workers and investors do badly, hedge fund guys sit around smoking big fat cigars and congratulate themselves on making craploads of money off of our misery.
  • McCormick is a trustee of the Aspen Institute, which is a globalist anti-America make-the-ultra rich-even-richer Leftist think tank funded by the Gates Foundation (ultra Left), the Ford Foundation (ultra Left), and the Rockefeller Foundation (mostly ultra Left). Having myself served on many boards, I can tell everyone who cares that the Left does not allow anyone near their organizations who is not one of them.
  • McCormick served in the George Bush administration from 2005 to 2009 in several high level positions. And while in the bad old days of American politics this kind of resume impressed America First voters, we now see that the most anti-America, anti-Trump, anti-America First people were… George Bush and his administration! They did plenty of behind the scenes anti-America dirty work that America hater Obama could never do, and since 2016 George Bush has been one of President Trump’s fiercest policy critics, even now. So knowing what we now know about open borders globalist George Bush, McCormick’s roles in his administration are no longer an asset, they are a liability. Because America has already been betrayed by a thousand other globalist Bushies/ establishment Republicans/ RINOs just like Dave McCormick. NO MORE.

America as a constitutional republic is hanging by a thin thread, and if our nation is going to survive, we must elect strong leaders. We cannot afford any more RINOs like Jeff Bartos, Dr. Oz, or Dave McCormick, so-called “moderates” who fight for nothing, demand nothing, and stand for nothing except their own personal glory and finances.

Sorry this took so long to say, but it had to be said just right. It does neither me, you the reader, nor Dave McCormick any justice to just poke some holes in his totally rotten political establishment and mostly anti-America resume. There is a real person behind Dave McCormick’s name, and before that person grew up, left central PA, and became obsessed with greed and personal power, he probably was the kind of person we would have wanted as our next US senator from PA. But not any more, because Dave is no longer that person. He abandoned his roots when he joined the globalist ranks, and he does great disservice to his own personal achievements by slyly trying to pass himself off as just the local, humble working guy he once was.

The only person worth getting my vote or yours for US Senate is Kathy Barnette, a humble, honest, down to earth working person and US Army veteran.


Why Kathy Barnette has my support for US Senate

Kathy Barnette is an all-American lady, with personal roots all working people can relate to. Unlike her opponents (Dr. Oz, Dave McCormick, Carla Sands, Jeff Bartos), she is not false, or misleading. Her candor and earnestness are refreshing, because most politics today is a sea of garbage through which voters must carefully pick and swim.

Three of the four candidates opposing Kathy Barnette are from out of state (Carla Sands, Dave McCormick, and Dr. Oz), and they only recently discovered/ manufactured their Pennsylvania connection when they had an opportunity to run for senate. Each has a history of promoting far-Left policies (e.g. red flag laws that place law-abiding gun owners at risk of politically motivated SWAT teams kicking in their doors) that are exactly what America is dying from right now, so their sudden embracing of conservative policies that Republican Party primary voters want is waaaaayyyyy suspect.

Jeff Bartos is a proud, unabashed RINO (Republican In Name Only liberal) who changes his positions with the wind. He says he was pro-Trump when he was not pro-Trump. He says little about the blatantly stolen election of November 2020. Bartos only appeals to GOPe insiders who have zero contact with the Republican/America-First voting base.

Bartos would be a disaster as a US senator, probably following exactly in the footsteps of outgoing RINO Senator Patricia Toomey, whose 55% conservative/ 45% leftist voting record hardly represents what Americans want and need. Guys like Bartos and Toomey are overly sensitive to the Democrat Party’s Media-Big Tech industrial complex, whose anti-America partisanship knows no limits. And so Bartos would vote like former senator Arlen Specter used to vote and how Toomey has voted. I am positive Bartos will be no friend or ally to law abiding gun owners.

So away from the swampy quagmire of Bartos/McCormick/ Sands/Oz stands Kathy Barnette, a US Army veteran, working mom and wife. She is also black, which means she knows first-hand how destructive the liberal policies are that her opponents promote. And her policy positions reflect her down-to-earth life experiences.

I am proud to circulate ballot petitions for Kathy Barnette, to help her get onto the primary election ballot coming up for your vote in May.

I hope my fellow America-First voters will support Kathy Barnette for the US Senate.

PA’s ballot petitions are a Jurassic-era holdover from the days of political party collusion for control of the voters. Anyone should be able to run for office with minimal hurdles. But until we reach that pro-democracy point, I am proud to circulate petitions for outstanding candidates like Kathy Barnette

Kathy Barnette for US Senate. A pro-gun, pro-freedom candidate with beauty and brains

Kellyanne Conway’s figurehead on Jake Corman’s dead pirate ship

Kellyanne Conway, Trump advisor and advocate extraordinaire, has hired her political gun out to the Jake Corman for Governor campaign. What an odd couple, this highly principled, positive, and well spoken woman with this unprincipled, mean-spirited, spoiled, corrupt product of nepotism, Jake Corman.

It is easy for Pennsylvania conservatives to smack their foreheads and cry out “Why Kellyanne, WHY?” Because her action here is at a right-angle inconsistent with what she said and did when she was in the Trump Administration, where she fought daily against RINOs just like Jake Corman. You can’t find two more different people in politics than Conway and Corman…and yet, politics makes strange bedfellows.

I am willing to bet that Kellyanne Conway suffered a lot after the stolen 2020 election. I will bet that her private life and her finances took serious beatings, and I will also bet that she has been very nearly canceled out of just about every aspect of her prior life. She probably went from international spotlight articulate presidential spokeswoman and advocate for America First principles in January 2021, to almost a political nobody in January 2022.

That has to be tough to take. If this same kind of crushing lifetime cancellation landed on you or me, like all negativity when we went to restaurants or the library or the food store, we would be desperate to get some aspects of our former life back. It would be too painful to ignore, unless a person is substantially independently wealthy. And even then those ultra wealthy people tend to live inside their own weather system, so that even small disruptions to their personal lives are artificially magnified and extraordinarily painful to them. And if you aren’t independently wealthy, and I do not believe Conway is, then all the more so does an opportunity like this political consulting job with Corman become attractive.

I think we can all understand her needs and what this job provides her. There is no need to judge Conway harshly. And there is no need to take her seriously, either.

Thus, even a corrupt RINO like Jake Corman has something to offer Conway: some redemption, a small opportunity to re-enter public life with some dignity and public standing; some recognition of her former importance. And some big, big bucks.

Because we just know that the GOPe is writing her a huge check, because so much RINO-ism and continued political corruption is riding on the success or failure of a corrupt man like Corman. The GOPe and their little pet Jake Corman need every swinging awesome woman on deck they can get. I would not be surprised if Conway is being paid a million dollars or more for her campaign role as symbolic figurehead until Primary Day this Spring.

And what does Jake Corman’s campaign get out of spending crazy money on a figurehead like Kellyanne Conway? He gets some of that Donald Trump aura, some of that gen-u-ine all-America-First patriot that Jake Corman himself cannot produce and does not himself represent and can never have. Corman is too well known in Pennsylvania, and especially in his own senate district (where he was about to get primaried), as a corrupt phony and backstabber, to ever stand on his own two feet. After all, his entire career is due to his daddy being a state senator before him. Jake has literally never had a real job!

And oh, the irony of an anti-America RINO like Jake Corman trying to bathe himself in the stars-n-bars Trump glow, transmuted by Conway, because Corman is the primary reason why Trump’s voters never got an election recount in Pennsylvania. Corman not only did all he could to block a recount or an audit of the stolen 2020 election, but he then fired all of PA Senator Doug Mastriano’s senate staff when Mastriano got too close to starting an actual election audit.

Corman’s campaign is like an evil, rotting, dead pirate ship slipping through dark waters, trying desperately to attach a new figurehead to the bowsprit to fool voters from afar. Many people are sad to see Kellyanne Conway in this figurehead role for someone as gross as Jake Corman. I hope it is worth it, honey, because the Pirate Corman stench will never really rub off.

Welcome to PA.

Former President Trump advisor and spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway


If political pirate Jake Corman had a ship, this evil, demonic skeleton would be its figurehead

What RINO Jake Corman is hoping his evil pirate ship’s figurehead will turn into with his hiring of Kellyanne Conway

Steve Bannon: Good, bad, or ugly?

Steve Bannon has been a hero to so many of us in the conservative/ patriot/ constitutionalist movement. In 2016 he fought like hell to get President Trump a win that exposed what is really happening in America (federal bureaucrats, the bipartisan Uniparty, and globalist billionaires tearing America away from the citizens who own it), and even after he was booted from the White House for covering Trump’s back (and neither Trump nor anyone else but Bannon understood the game that was going on there until too late) he continued to be an advocate for America First and President Trump.

And for the past several years he has maintained a radio/TV show called Steve Bannon’s War Room that is like so many other political radio/TV shows. Every day, Bannon discusses the zeitgeist of political issues and personalities from his political perspective. Which is a perspective I share.

That’s the “good” Steve Bannon.

Then there is the “bad” and even possibly “ugly” Steve Bannon. And we are not talking about looks here, folks. I don’t comment on people’s looks, because that is irrelevant, immaterial, and often just shallow cheap shots. Rather, we are analyzing one of Bannon’s public activities and statements, and wondering WHISKY TANGO FOXTROT is going on in that War Room of his.

Below is a screen shot from Bannon’s War Room show as it appears on Rumble a week ago or so. As you can see from this screen shot, Bannon is actually lauding Pennsylvania GOPe careerist-political weasel-hack Jake Corman. This makes no sense, because it isn’t warranted because it’s not true.

Corman is a catastrophe for Pennsylvania, for the Republican Party, and for America in every single way. Corman’s many flaws are well known (directly associated with deep corruption, nepotism, RINOism, failing his constituents in favor of big money Democrat donations etc), and his opposition to a forensic audit of the stolen 2020 election is both public and subject to a behind the scenes battle. As leader of the PA senate, Corman stripped PA state senator Doug Mastriano of his senate staff. Because Mastriano has been working hard to fix the blatant election fraud that occurred here in Pennsylvania in 2020.

All of this and much much more (like Hey Jake, do you know what happened to Centre County DA Ray Gricar? Do you know what happened to his body? How did his mysterious disappearance help you? What criminality were you at risk of having Gricar expose?) makes Corman someone that a “good” Steve Bannon would naturally oppose.

Like, fiercely oppose, call out, expose, and challenge when Corman appears on his radio show and engages in totally obvious dodges and solipses. After all, we are all in the fight of America’s life right now. There is zero room for anyone like Jake Corman to be anywhere near politics or anything else that is important. Bannon is a political gate keeper and should be acting like one.

But instead, we get Steve Bannon actually heaping unearned and laughably incorrect plaudits on Corman on his show, and pitching him bizarre softball questions.

It is difficult to know if Bannon is just kind of playing along with Corman, so he can spring on him later, or if Bannon is bamboozled, or, in the worst and ugliest case, if thirty pieces of silver changed hands to buy Bannon’s fire. And it is this last possibility that strikes both fear into the hearts of constitutional warriors, and also deep resentment and anger. If Bannon has been bought by the enormous and enormously corrupt constellation of bad actors orbiting around their investment Jake Corman, then Bannon is not just “bad,” he is “ugly.”

So which is it, Steve Bannon? Are you good, bad, or ugly? If you are truly good, then you will side on the right side with the good people who are resisting the evil bipartisan takeover of America by the likes of Jake Corman and George Soros. You won’t post ridiculous headlines like this on your show. You will push back against bad people, phony people, dangerous people like Jake Corman.

Whose side are you on, Steve Bannon? Jake Corman’s side, or We, The People‘s side?

Steve Bannon actually wrote this laughably false headline.



You say you want an audit of the PA 2020 election?

Lots of Pennsylvania voters are saying they want an audit of the obviously fraudulent 2020 election. A big petition is circulating, digitally. Groups of citizens in almost every county are personally demanding their elected officials get up off their butts and do the audit. Several go-getter PA state legislators traveled to Arizona and toured the election audit taking place there.

OK, so you, too, want an audit of Pennsylvania’s 2020 election? Well OK, here is what you must do to get it.

The biggest hurdle to a genuine audit of the PA 2020 election is the GOPe itself (GOPe means the establishment GOP, not conservatives, not patriots, but careerists who look out for their careers first and foremost, not for their constituents). In particular, Republican PA legislators Jake Corman, Kerry Benninghoff, Brian Cutler and Seth Grove are stonewalling an election audit. State senator Dave Argall may be on board with an audit, or he may not be. He’s all over the place, which is no surprise for such a crafty old political survivor.

So, dear reader, while I admire your enthusiasm and optimism for the possible audit process that is right in front of us, the best path to getting an audit is finding serious primary contenders for these above GOPe RINOs in the near future. Getting primary challengers has the effect of scaring the GOPe into action now while possibly removing them later.

Off and on for five years, I’ve been trying to get someone to primary Corman. It’s tough. Three years ago I bombarded the super voters in his district with absolutely brutal emails detailing Corman’s nepotism, laziness, lack of care for his constituents, insider dealings etc. Feedback from super voters there was overwhelmingly positive, but I was unable to recruit an actual primary challenger.

However, the effects of that email carpet bombing showed clearly when Corman was challenged in the general election that Fall by a liberal Jewish kid from out of town who openly disliked PSU and guns. Which is sacrilege in Centre County. Nonetheless, Corman hardly had a big win. There was just single digit separation between this so-called “Republican leader” and the liberal idiot flatlander. For someone so tough and important, Corman should have had a huge lead over the kid.

One can only imagine how that race would have gone with a serious contender. Even more so a serious primary challenger before we have to let some leftist fool take a Republican seat. Corman among all of these RINOs listed above is vulnerable. No one likes him. He has no allies, outside of a few PAGOP staffers and “leaders.” Getting a solid primary challenger to face Corman next spring could really help Corman find a way to do the 2020 election audit.

This is my considered response to those voters who say they want an audit. You are going to have to work on tangentially related things – personnel changes in the Pennsylvania legislature – to come back around to getting what you really want. This approach prevents us audit advocates from relying on others to do the audit, and particularly unreliable and disinterested others. It keeps the heat on those who can do the audit right now, while giving us the possibility of removing them from elected office entirely not too far from now.

So, if you live in one of these political districts (seats held by Corman – Centre County, Benninghoff – Centre County, Cutler – Lancaster County, Argall – Schuylkill County, and Seth Grove – York County), then start talking to good candidates who can effectively challenge one of these failed elected officials. Set up an election committee, get your candidate on the ballot, and then get them more votes in the primary election than the failed incumbent we need to remove from office. You might just get two birds with one stone.

Good luck!

President Trump’s one mistake is the biggest

President Donald Trump is a fantastic American. He was a fantastic president; probably the best America has had since Theodore Roosevelt.

All of the fake outrage criticism heaped on Trump has been shown in just five weeks of the Biden administration to have been utterly partisan manufactured horse shit. Like the “kids in cages” boo hoo nonsense that had Democrat Party adherents branding Trump a cruel and evil man. Now corrupt financial criminal Joe Biden is doing the exact same thing, a policy that was begun in Bush II and perfected in Obama’s administration due to a Ninth Circuit court decision, continued on in the Trump administration with great fake outrage and crocodile tears by his opponents, and now is continuing on in the Biden criminal gang administration, with the US Democrat Party Media looking the other way.

This is to say, criticism of Trump was 99.98% baseless horse shit fake outrage nonsense meant to poison the political environment.

So yes, Trump was fabulous, brilliant, hard working, devoted to America and its un-appreciated citizens who are quickly turning into slave labor for the Democrat Party’s illegal alien troops being trucked in to our nation in order to displace us and steal our stuff.  Yeah, Trump was the one sole person standing between America’s citizens and the howling gulf of civilizational destruction now opening at our feet wider every day.

But as great as he is, and as devoted to him as I am, it is important to say that President Trump keeps making one mistake over and over, and it is a fatal one.

He is hopelessly loyal to something that does not deserve his loyalty.

He keeps playing politics by rules designed to hamstring him and other law-abiding American voters and that the other political party will never follow; he remains loyal to a political system that is hopelessly dysfunctional because it is filled with corrupt frauds in both political parties; and he remains party to a Republican Party that is utterly useless, filled with spineless jellyfish gutless political pukes whose sole purpose for being in politics is to enrich themselves and their chums, not to carry a political philosophy of freedom and liberty to fruition, or to oppose the Marxists.

When Trump was elected, he entered the White House expecting to run government like it was a business. He mistakenly presumed that American citizens working in taxpayer-funded government positions would be loyal to the Constitution, its process, the rules and regulations, and therefore, they would follow the directives from their legal boss Chief Executive in the White House. Trump’s White House did not immediately, or ever for that matter, dig into the executive branch and legally remove the politically partisan people who ended up deciding the outcome of his 2020 election.

Basically, Trump put up with a daily dose of illegal insubordination from within the executive branch, and he played nicey nice with the criminals who openly did it for the US media cheering section.

He mistakenly believed that the same corrupt bipartisan political establishment that stole the 2020 election from We, The People, and from him, would eventually treat him fairly in lawsuits and investigations into open vote fraud from coast to coast.

And now President Trump is mistakenly remaining loyal to the useless spineless jellyfish bottom feeding scumbag Republican Party (don’t get me wrong, I am not somehow in favor of the Democrat Party; I just recognize that the GOP is only half as corrupt as the totally corrupt and anti-America Democrat Party) that sold him out in Washington, DC, and in state legislatures across America.

President Trump has the rare opportunity to truly transform American politics. He tried to do so inside Washington DC, and despite succeeding wildly for four years, he mostly failed in the end. Because his re-election was illegally blocked so that the thieves and criminals could re-assemble their cozy little lair they had carefully constructed over the past fifty years. And despotic edict by despotic edict, the Biden crime syndicate daily tears away the hard work Trump did for America.

So Trump could start a new political party, a pure party, a party devoted to America First principles and policies. At least 50 million Americans are ready for him to do so. And yet, instead of starting this new political party, Trump wants to continue working within the existing messed up system, within the same Goddamned disgusting corrupt Republican Party that is run by the disgusting likes of PA State Senator Jake Corman, the political hack of all political hacks in the history of American political hackery.

Is there any way for Donald Trump to win this insider fight with the GOP ultimate insiders? Well, in the company of many other hard working, devoted political activists, I myself have spent over a decade in open and direct personal political warfare with the PA GOP establishment. And while I have some modest gains to show for all my effort, the fact is, vile Jake Corman (www.jakethesnake.us) has been promoted to “leader” of the Pennsylvania state senate.

By the same PA GOP that tonight voted NOT to censure RINO closet Marxist US Senator Patrick Toomey, who used his elected position to undermine and damage America at every turn, and to attack and hurt President Trump at every turn.

This is just one example of a billion such examples of how the GOP is hopelessly beyond help and reformation.

I would have to say that Trump has a very long row to hoe here; a very long uphill slog through slime and muck to turn the GOP around. A new political party (Patriot Party, MAGA Party) would have immediately gutted the useless GOP and sent it to the dustbin of history, where it belongs, but Trump has said he will not do this.

What can we say? President Trump remains hopelessly loyal to America and everything he knows about it. God bless the man. And God Damn the political hacks in both parties who have brought our great nation to the edge of fatal failure.

Response to PA Gov. Tom Ridge on Conservatives & the Environment

On April 22nd this year, Earth Day, The Atlantic published an opinion piece by former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, about conservatives and the environment (https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/environment-gop-out-touch/610333/). The Atlantic solicited responses to Ridge’s essay, and so I submitted one to them, but received back no indication they would publish it. They did not publish it, because liberals like those at The Atlantic accept and publish only liberals, and reject conservatives.  So here it is, my response to Governor Ridge’s essay about conservatives and the environment.

I felt compelled to respond to Governor Ridge’s essay, in part because I worked in his administration, and in part because I have met few Republicans who can articulate a truly conservative view of environmental policy, which Governor Ridge failed to do. I was also afraid of being seen as attacking someone I hold in high esteem, and I need to say that while I may disagree with Governor Ridge’s essay and some of his recent public stances, like supporting PA governor Tom Wolf’s covid19 lockdown, I remain impressed by Governor Ridge’s high character. I am proud to have served in his distinctively excellent administration.

Governor Ridge’s  essay slightly opens a doorway that I am both pleased and also reluctant to push all the way open. But it needs to be opened, all the way, because for far too long establishment Republicans have claimed to be conservatives, while acting like liberals.

Governor Ridge writes his essay “as a conservative,” and despite boldly leading by example in placing highly competent gays, women, and minorities in senior government positions literally decades ago, long before most Democrats followed suit, Governor Ridge was, in fact, a true conservative. His achievements in conservative policy are legion, including Pennsylvania becoming a shall-issue concealed firearm carry state and his administration’s brownfield land recycling program.

Nonetheless, the emphasis today is on he “was.”

Governor Ridge was a conservative, and by today’s standard, he is not. This is not because Governor Ridge has changed, but because what now defines a conservative has changed so dramatically since the time he was governor. The same holds true for liberals, by the way, in their own way (we see the Democrat Party now a totally, openly, violent, racist, anti-America Marxist organization).

And like so many, if not all other political elites, especially Republicans, and most especially establishment Republicans from the hide-bound, bunker-mentality Pennsylvania GOP, Governor Ridge has not changed with the times. Governor Ridge was a conservative, and today he often speaks like a liberal, and sides with liberals on policy disputes. He is not alone in this, but each Republican who does so still causes pain to us conservatives in the political trenches. It is frustrating as hell to experience a former Republican appointee or elected official try to speak with authority as some sort of representative of conservativism, when in fact, they are simply liberals. Or RINOs for short (Republican In Name Only – not conservative).

Probably the biggest indication that Governor Ridge is out of synch with today’s conservatives is how he encourages us to adopt a laundry list of liberal environmental policies in his The Atlantic essay. This means that his solution for conservatives to succeed is for us to adopt liberalism. Even though most of the “environmental” groups are simply employment offices for Democrat Party operatives pushing Marxist, partisan policies. Very few environmental groups today are even seeking solutions, because they are busy dreaming up new problems.

Most of the policies pushed by environmental groups today are by definition Big Coercive Government, Small Defenseless Citizen, anti-Constitution, disregard for private property rights, mountains out of mole hills, and so on. These groups are not about the environment, they simply use the subject of the environment as another avenue to push Marxism and the Big Government necessary to force it down our throats. Governor Ridge should know this, of all people.

What Governor Ridge failed to address is: How can we conservatives embrace the very same failed and inferior liberal policies that drove us to becoming conservatives in the first place? If we adopt liberalism, then we are abandoning conservativism, and failing as conservatives.

Every single environmental policy recommendation that Governor Ridge lists in his essay directly contradicts core conservative principles, like small government, less intrusive government, less spendy government, less activist government, less regulatory government, accountable government and accountable taxpayer-funded government employees. Literally every single policy he lists requires the government to intervene in a big, coercive way, often over trifling differences or demonstrably false premises.

Governor Ridge’s environmental ideas are not conservativism; they are quintessential big government liberalism.

Perhaps the centerpiece of his essay is that conservatives must concede at least a bit on “climate change.” Yet, for conservatives, this particular issue, more than any other, highlights the distinction between us and liberals. For conservatives to agree with the Marxist, disproven, and notoriously phony climate change religion would be to abandon basic, solid, conservative principles altogether….like Capitalism 101, solid math and science, and transparency. Again, we are unpersuaded the climate warming-cooling-change-whatever issue even exists, let alone that a government solution consistent with America’s Constitution could be found.

Governor Ridge writes “The Republican Party has largely abandoned environmental issues.” To which I and a host of other conservatives would respond, No, but many Republicans have abandoned the citizen voters and the forgotten taxpayers of America. Many careerist Republicans have embraced popular culture and its feel-good-now bubblegum policies. For Republicans to respect openly partisan “environmental” groups and embrace liberal nonsense like so-called ‘climate change’ and similar policies would only be one more betrayal in a long line of policy and political betrayals committed by the Republican establishment. Conservatives have perfectly sound environmental policies based on perfectly sound, all-American principles. If you but ask us, we will explain them. We conservatives didn’t abandon environmental issues, nor did we leave the Republican Party. The Republican establishment abandoned us.

Josh First is president of Appalachian Land & Conservation Services, LLC. He has worked at the US EPA in Washington, DC, The Conservation Fund, the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy, and was Director of Environmental Education and Information at the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources in the Governor Tom Ridge administration.