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PA governor & senate races ahead

If politics makes odd bedfellows, Pennsylvania politics is making an odd assortment of fellows, period. And the only one who isn’t odd is also not a fellow, she’s a she.

Off the bat we can discount present PA AG Josh Shapiro, who hungers for the PA governorship. Shapiro proved a year ago and even as recently as a week ago that he is a power-hungry Bolshevik, willing to use his office for personal political gain. To be fair, almost all Attorneys General use their office to make a bunch of show trials that launch them into their particular state’s governor race. Shapiro is a partisan hack who cares little (I won’t say he cares nothing) for The People.

The Democrat Party candidate for US Senate most interesting to anyone with a pulse is John Fetterman, an unapologetic communist with the physique of an iron worker. Fetterman has the weirdest charisma and should not be discounted just because he lies constantly about his wife being attacked, or about voter fraud not happening, or whatever else this kookus mongus communist thinks he needs to lie about. The sad thing about Fetterman is that he would be truly dangerous if he was simply honest, and spoke honestly. That he has a degree from Harvard means only that he was heavily indoctrinated with communist dogma, not that he is necessarily smart.

The Republican side has the most action, and in some ways some of the least interesting people to offer themselves to the body politic in a while.

Former congressman and Trump Administration appointee Lou Barletta is running for PA governor. Two years ago he ran the ultimate Low-T, low energy, slow-walk race against incumbent US Senator Bob Casey Junior. It was not even a contest, and it appeared that Barletta had simply signed up his blindingly white teeth to be on the ballot, and then had not done a single campaign event. Casey blew Barletta’s doors off in the general election.

I am not picking on the guy, and I am not opposed to Barletta. He seems a good person, and as the GOPe goes, he is fairly conservative. He does not come across as a conservative street fighter, opposed to John Fetterman who is an aggressive leftist street fighter, and the greatest fear Barletta inspires in Republican grass roots is that he will install Part II of the Tom Corbett Administration. Recall that the spectacularly failed Corbett Administration appeared to have a religious test/requirement for senior employees/appointees, and that it was chaotically run by a slew of unaccountable arrogant young puppies who seemed to relish detonating the GOP at every turn. Please, no no no no, let’s not do that again.

Barletta is doing the hard work of racking up endorsements, and he is speaking publicly. He appears to be the GOPe guy.

However, now Jake Corman has announced his bid for PA governor. Corman is the PA senate “leader,” the recipient of tons of Democrat Party supporter money, the ultimate GOPe insider hack, and is widely hated in his own district. His announcement appears to be a political last hurrah before he faces a primary challenger next spring. www.jakethesnake.us has a run-down on Corman’s voluminous failings and weaknesses. He is the spoiled child of Pennsylvania politics and probably believes he has a good chance at winning the primary, but he has never faced the angry Republican voter. I believe that given a choice, Republican grass roots voters will happily vote for Barletta rather than unhappily vote for Corman.

Candidate Charlie Gerow has been written about previously. Charlie is a swell guy who runs a conservative salon. He is a convener of various points of the GOP and the GOPe, a consultant and lobbyist. He is a conservative intellectual in the model of William F. Buckley, a thinker, a debater. Charlie loves politics and policy, so he runs for office. I can’t blame him, but I don’t see him engaging the electorate the way Barletta’s gleaming teeth can.

PA senator Doug Mastriano just announced an exploratory committee for governor, which I think is a mistake. Mastriano just started making good waves in the PA senate, and he is needed there. If Corman leaves the senate, Mastriano could rise and take on a leadership role. He could do it even if Corman does not leave the senate. How sweet that would be, to see the guy whose entire senate office was defunded by Corman because Mastriano sought to audit the 2020 stolen election (there was that Democrat $$ speaking for Corman) become a or the senate leader.

Montgomery County commissioner Joe Gale is said to be a candidate for governor, but I have neither seen hide nor hair of the guy, and a request to interview him submitted on his campaign web page was not acknowledged. It is tough to tell if he is for real; if he is, then he seems to offer a lot. He is an unapologetic pro-America conservative and not afraid to fight for us. But again, has anyone seen or heard from Gale?

On the Republican side of the looming John Fetterman street fight for our US Senate seat thankfully being vacated by Patricia Toomey, we have Jeff Bartos, Sean Parnell, and Kathy Barnette.

Jeff Bartos is non-committal to either the GOPe or to the Trump voters, stands for maybe something or maybe nothing, and he comes across as yet one more moderate Philly Jew in the mold of Arlen Specter, who absolutely no one misses. Bartos tried to make political hay out of Sean Parnell’s recent divorce, which involves cute little kids, which is just a bullshit weak-ass move by a desperate, drowning man from Philly. Go away, Bartos, and do not come back. You offer nothing to politics or voters anywhere. Zero. Spare us your drama and ego; please just leave.

Sean Parnell is a handsome, confident, all-American former combat Soldier who stands for everything Pennsylvanians and Americans support and want again from our government. He just went through a divorce, which happens, and in almost every divorce I have witnessed, the two parties pretty much despise each other by the end. OK, it happens, and none of this divorce thing has anything to do with Parnell’s qualifications to be a hard-hitting US senator. Which he probably will be. He is a solid choice for US Senate.

Giving Parnell the real run for the money is candidate Kathy Barnette. Also an Army veteran, Barnette is as pretty a woman as Parnell is handsome a guy, and she is even more articulate and charismatic than he. Her politics areĀ  clearly and unapologetically A+ on the pro-America money. That she is black holds a huge potential upside, because white conservatives are wildly supportive of Black conservatives. If Barnette can get out enough to get known among the voters, then she has a very good chance of facing Fetterman in the general election next year, and I think she would crush him in debates and in a state-wide vote.