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Flumageddon II: Medical Community Asleep at Wheel

Since 1918, when the first known flu pandemic (named “war fever” because it resulted from the trench warfare conditions of World War I) swept the planet and killed about twenty million souls, the Western medical profession has known all about the danger of flu viruses.

No mystery here. None. Everyone who is a doctor today is at least aware of the flu and has studied it to some degree. And since 1918, SARS, Swine Flu, and some other deadly flu viruses have swept through Asia and America, leaving tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people dead as a result. We have had plenty of warning about dangerous flu bugs. Plenty of time and opportunity to prepare.

Now in 2020 enter coronavirus19, which is the 19th known iteration/ strain of the corona virus, a well-known flu bug. But this time, the medical community has been caught absolutely flat-footed, unprepared, deer-in-the-headlights surprised. World-respected “DOCTOR” Anthony Fauci at NIH has openly stated that America is not as prepared as other countries to deal with this, and he openly wonders why this is….

Hello, Doctor Fauci, you have been a self-declared expert on flu viruses and other mass diseases for decades. And now you say that America is not prepared? Have you looked in the mirror lately to find the answer about WHY we are not prepared?!

Who else was supposed to prepare America for these dangerous diseases IF NOT YOU and your fellow doctors? Where the hell have you guys been all these years?

I mean, was there a prior massive call by doctors for flu testing kits and masks and all the other protocols and preparatory steps to defend against a flu pandemic, and the elected officials neglected to meet that call? If so, then we need to know about it. We need to know who dropped the ball and placed Americans at risk.

And no, oh no, no, you cannot blame the guy who just walked into the room. The one guy who knew nothing about this until weeks ago, like the rest of the public. The one guy who has not spent his career in government, or in medicine, or in critiquing government and medicine and public health, but who has spent just over three years total in government, Donald Trump, THIS is the guy who is supposed to take the blame? No, no way.

Please excuse my all-caps here, but I don’t know how else to convey in writing the feelings of amazement and disgust I feel for seeing the supposed best and brightest in Western Civilization literally pass the buck to the least culpable person on the planet.

Coronavirus19 has become a political football, only because a single political party and its communications arm, AKA “the media,” has politicized this flu bug, just like they have politicized literally every other thing that this president has said or done. Only because this one political party and its propaganda arm want to create hysteria and blame for political gain is this hysteria and medical failure now happening. Every other flu that has come and gone and left tens of thousands of people dead in its wake have been left up to the facts of life. Already this “flu season” about 20,000 Americans have died from “the flu.” And another ten thousand Americans are expected to die before the flu season ends this spring. No one was ever blamed before for any of this, least of all an American president.

So why now? Hmmmm?

What really irks me about lazy and incompetent doctors is that their hospitals are the most dangerous places to go. If you want to really get sick, or even die unexpectedly, then go stay in a hospital. Not only will you be unnecessarily exposed to lots of germs that can kill you, but you will also be exposed to massive doses of medical malpractice and incompetence. Hospitals and the doctors in them are extremely dangerous to public health. That is a cold numeric fact. And it is a fact that Americans accept, because we presume that the risks of not having those very same hospitals is higher than having them.

Doctors make the worst policy people. The very worst. Because unrealistic and impractical zero risk is usually what doctors demand; from everyone else. They usually want to spend huge amounts of money to reduce minor risks to almost zero percent chance of happening. And yet they themselves are often walking, talking killing machines, dispensing oopsies and my-bads right and left as they step over the twitching corpse of their latest malpractice victim and go on to the next one. Look at the stats on this!

These are the same doctors who tell Americans that all guns are bad, and that guns kill by themselves, and that we cannot possibly have guns in our homes. Yet, statistically speaking, if you have a doctor in your home, you are at much greater risk for a whole host of gruesome deaths than you are from a gunshot.

These are the same doctors and medical know-it-alls who have dropped the public health ball with coronavirus19 and are now pointing their fingers at the American president.

You must be kidding me. No, you are not going to fool me, not this time. Not again. If any mistake has happened with coronavirus19, it is squarely on the shoulders of the medical and public health communities. And it is made worse by the silly media hysteria causing people to fight over rolls of toilet paper and to hoard canned vegetables. It is quite literally an insane situation, brought to us by lazy doctors, lazy bureaucrats, and evil political activists who will burn down America in order to get control of America.

Fake impeachment makes Americans love President Trump even more

Last week President Donald Trump held a rousing rally in Hershey, PA. Many friends of mine participated, either inside or outside the venue, despite the cold rain. They were demonstrating their devotion to a man who has demonstrated his devotion to them, to us, to America. Call it a quid-pro-quo, without the corrupt Joe (Biden) thrown in to make it something corrupt.

President Donald John Trump arriving in Hershey to standing room only uproarious cheering by patriotic Americans. Photo by Ron Boltz

Last night’s shampeachment only cemented the thoughts and feelings of tens of millions of Americans already devoted to Trump or inclined to reward him for working so hard for the benefit of all of US (USA). Not only was the partisan fake impeachment over nothing fake, devoid of due process, devoid of actual charges, devoid of facts, but today, the so-called articles of impeachment are not being delivered to the US Senate, as the US Constitution requires. Instead, it is being held in reserve by the US House leader, Nancy Pelosi, as some sort of symbolic statement. It is not going to go through the process, not if it results in the president being vindicated.

So obviously the sham-impeachment is nothing more than a propaganda tool meant to try to hurt President Trump’s re-election campaign. If this is what Democrat Party voters really want, then shame on them, because this sort of behavior severely damages America and people’s faith in our political institutions.

It does demonstrate how corrupt the Democrat Party has become, because it clearly illustrates that the party will use democratic processes and procedures to advance and achieve non-democratic results that damage the foundation of America’s representative government. That is, democracy is great if the Democrat Party wins, and it is terrible if they lose. The Constitution is great if the Democrat Party wins, and it is to be discarded if they are going to lose.

This kind of opportunism and abuse of the system is as un-American as anything could ever be. America’s government has been run according to rules everyone agreed on for 241 years, and suddenly now that these same rules are in the way of one political party having more power than the voters are willing to give them, the party tosses aside those rules. They are an impediment to getting more power, or blunting someone else from having the power given to them by the voters.

Talk about short-sighted! Remember that whatever goes around comes around. Break the rules today, and you will be on the receiving end of the same process later on yourself. We have already seen this play out in the US Senate, where rules put in place hundreds of years ago to protect the minority party’s voice were thrown out by Democrat senate leaders in their rush to get more and more power over the process. And when the Republicans then took the US Senate, they used the same exact new rules that their predecessors had established. And of course, the Democrat senators howled and whined and complained about how unfair it all was, even though they were perfectly happy with it when they were in control.

Voters know what is good for America, and they know that this kind of instability and over-reach is not good. I can’t see most normal Americans supporting this kind of irresponsible and destructive behavior, regardless of their party affiliation. It doesn’t matter if you personally dislike President Donald Trump (which is usually due to the constant negativity and lies told about him in the mainstream media), the man has done great things for America, for you, for us.

So last night’s fake impeachment is only proven to be even more fake today, and all of this fakery only cements my devotion to President Donald Trump even more.

Tweet by Washington Post “reporter” Rachel Bade bottom left, celebrating the impeachment with other Washington Post and CNN “reporters.” Example of how US media are not impartial fact-finders, professional journalists; they are in fact partisan political activists. And they wonder why bazillions of Americans see them as our enemy…


National Democrats: “Burn down America”

Yesterday I got my teeth cleaned at a local dentistry office. Same place I have gone for about twenty years.

The dentist-in-charge is a gay woman and liberal, but as human chemistry proves once again, opposites attract and despite our differences, we enjoy each other’s company.  We are due to have a dinner date to hash out our political views (her idea). I think she is terribly naive and uninformed. She thinks I am a childish Neanderthal upset over someone bumping my tricycle (her words).

After all the cleaning was done by the hygienist, and the cursory inspection for cancer  etc was done by the dentist, we immediately got into our usual political discussion.

“Have you not seen the video of corrupt Joe Biden bragging about interfering in Ukraine’s politics to protect his son from being investigated with Burisma?” I asked her.

“No, I have not seen that,” she admitted.

“But then again, I don’t watch Fox News,” she tossed in, as if the sole and only source of non-leftist political narrative is somehow bad and unworthy.

And also, it seems that to her, something factual and important is unworthy if it is available from an outlet she simply dislikes. Does this make sense to you? It can’t make sense, because things are either factual or they are not factual.

I don’t watch any cable news/ TV, so I don’t watch Fox News, either. But I do avidly seek all kinds of information across the Internet every day, from all kinds of sources. Sometimes Fox News pops up as a source, and usually other outlets are the source, including political activism outlets like BBC and NPR.

But let’s face it, whatever big array of news/political outlets the dentist lady is watching or listening to, they form a huge echo chamber into which nothing different or contrary can enter. Against that huge array stands Fox News, Breitbart, TheGatewayPundit, and a few other places that Google tries to prevent people from locating.

What strikes me about this discussion between me and the dentist is how it is a microcosm of greater America’s current politics and debate. America is as polarized now as it has ever been before, some saying like before the Civil War, and while I enjoy blaming the Republican Party for anything they have done wrong, the truth is that the national Democrat Party is simply waging an all-out war for political control. Or to blunt someone else’s control.

The national Democrat Party is going to tear our national fabric and basically burn down America.

With their sham-peachment (a fake show-impeachment with no due process and that is based on political differences, not illegal behavior) of the deservedly very popular president, the congressional Democrats are willing to damage America’s robust economy, America’s overall happy sense that our nation is on a good trajectory, and our political fabric. America’s political fabric is strong, but it can be torn, as we have seen in the past.

And America’s political fabric is what makes America so special. It is the unique glue that binds us all together, both the liberal lesbian dentist and the conservative NRA Life small business owner who gets his dentistry done by the liberal lesbian dentist. Together. Americans both. But in this current political abuse and over-reach, America runs the risk of being badly damaged, to the point where people begin to ask openly if we can all live with one another. It sure seems like one side is demanding all kinds of harsh societal controls and limits on individual freedom, which by definition is going to push other Americans up against a wall.

The national Democrat Party bears all of the blame and responsibility for the negative environment we are in, as does the national establishment media, which is openly an arm of the national Democrat Party. With the one exception of Fox News, America’s media are overwhelmingly partisan political activists, cheerfully mis-reporting lies and burying inconvenient facts, in order to sustain a political narrative that helps the Democrats and hurts the Republicans.

And so long as Americans like my lesbian dentist are unwilling to listen to new information, and allow themselves to be used like puppets, this divide will only deepen and the national Democrat Party will be encouraged to burn down America in order to prevent someone else from controlling it.

In the spirit of much-needed spirit-lightening political humor, here is a meme I did from my discussion with Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Wolf (D) yesterday. People who have seen it cannot believe it. We actually did share some laughs (and yes, I am desperately in need of a haircut, or rather, a shearing like sheep get). Enjoy:

Arsonists burning down America accuse NRA + good gun owners

If you have any interest in what is happening in America, and no I do not mean the latest Hollywood family-rotting junk movie release or the latest sound-alike violent-thug rap song on iTunes, but rather the latest and most serious sociopolitical developments in the greatest and freest nation in the world, then you must watch the brief footage of last week’s Philly shoot-out (posted below).

Nothing captures what is happening in America, and why it is happening, better than the headline-grabbing shoot-out between ultra violent career criminal Maurice Hill and the Philadelphia police.

  • Despite facing scores of Philly police officers armed with AR15s and M4 automatic versions of the AR15 rifle, Hill was neither killed nor did he out-gun the police facing him, though he did lightly wound six officers who were brave enough to boldly charge into the building in which he held a hostage
  • Hill is a many-time convicted illegal drug and gun felon who was legally barred from owning any guns at all, including a sporting rifle like the AR15
  • Hill is a many-time convicted violent felon, whose many violent crimes with firearms landed him in court many times, but not doing any real jail time afterwards. As a result, Hill was a classic catch-and-release career criminal who should be in jail for decades but who is free among good law abiding people to purvey his happy life of crime, all gratis of liberal judges and district attorneys.
  • Hill did not have to commit his latest violent crime, but he was enabled by white liberals who hold that criminals like Hill are “victims” and law-abiding Americans are criminals
  • Hill was cheered on by dozens of local citizens, who also aggressively jeered the police officers there, threw trash on them, and challenged them to physical conflict
  • Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney immediately showed up on the scene and blamed the police, blamed guns, blamed private ownership of guns, blamed the National Rifle Association, blamed the American voters and taxpayers. Kenney did not blame career criminal Maurice Hill for the situation, nor did he blame the culture of violence in which Hill grew up and which is reinforced daily by violent Hollywood movies, violent anti-police rap music, an activist media that blames American freedoms, and white liberals like Mayor Kenney

For decades white liberals like mayor Jim Kenney have performed arson on America, and now they are blaming law-abiding gun owners and the non-gun-owning citizens who support their rights for the resulting conflagration.

For many decades white liberals in politics, in the media, in academia, in public and private schools, in unions, in the destructive anti America groups like the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center, and especially in the corrupting Hollywood media-entertainment octopus complex have done their utmost to set fire to America and burn it to the ground.

White liberals’ singular goal appears to have been to eventually re-make America into some different new utopia polity with an all- powerful government at its center, instead of the sovereign citizen voter whose power has always been diffused across the country, as demonstrated by the genius Electoral College. Having a powerful centralized government and no individual rights will allow liberals to force Americans to live exactly the way liberals think they must live, to make the “correct” choices.

And part of this white liberal arson program is to then blame the victims of their arson. Which means that after destroying America’s cities, ruining the families and communities of American Blacks and turning them into part of the fake liberal grievance factory, creating lawlessness by willfully failing to enforce the law (immigration, gun laws) on the one hand and then breaking the law on the other, white liberals can turn around and demand more “gun control” and demonize innocent Americans who have done nothing wrong.

Disarming law-abiding citizens is the primary goal of white liberals. Liberals have no interest in controlling crime, as proven by their judges’ and DAs’ failure to enforce gun laws on the books across the nation. Rather, they seek to remove the one great barrier to their dreams of unfettered tyranny, an armed citizenry.

White liberals own the Philly shoot-out. Maurice Hill is a direct product of white liberals and the Democrat Party; Maurice Hill is the left’s latest and greatest creation. Because Hill both implements the violent chaos and bodies in the street that the left needs to blame their political enemies, and he embodies the fake grievance victim who is never responsible for his violent actions.

Maurice Hill enables the Democrat Party to blame guns, blame America, blame Americans, and so the Democrat Party will continue to produce as many Maurice Hills as they can. I think there were about 56 Maurice Hills in Chicago last week, and about 34 the week before, despite all of Chicago’s cutting-edge “gun control.”

Like Chicago, Philadelphia now burns, and the Democrat Party cheers.

You want to end violent crime, and help American Blacks? Stop voting for Liberal Democrats, and start voting for officials who promote old-fashioned values like following the law, making good choices, foregoing immediate gratification for eventual big success, self reliance, community, family.

Here is the Democrat Party’s Maurice Hill 1, 2, 3, 4

Mueller impeaches Mueller

Did you watch any of the Robert Mueller testimony before Congress?

I just had to watch it, as boring as it was, because there has not been a richer opportunity for someone in DC to go meaningfully rogue than Robert Mueller could have today. As slowly as his testimony went, I kept thinking “OK, here it is, here is the moment he just says whatever he wants to say, for political gain, to hell with the report he authored that found no evidence of anything against the US president.”

But Mueller did not go rogue, he went to sleep. And he only woke up when members of one political party questioned him with loaded opportunities to score political points against the president.

When questioned aggressively by the disbelieving, incredulous members of the other political party, Mueller seemed very tired, worn out, confused, disoriented, unsure. He either has early dementia, or as journalist Matt Drudge speculated, he is taking heavy drugs. It was simply a bizarre performance by a man whose reputation has been said to be so perfectly perfect forever and ever.

But the real icing on this weird day was when Mueller repeatedly mis-remembered and mis-stated a lot of answers to basic questions about the “investigation” he conducted and the report he wrote about it. Mueller was either perjuring himself right and left, or he has dementia, which is no excuse for lying but it could give him an out. The net result is that Mueller blew up his own credibility today, and apparently set himself up for a dose of his own medicine. Few would be surprised if Mueller is now rightly investigated for having overseen an illegal political witch hunt based on falsified evidence, in which he repeatedly obstructed justice to protect his allies, and where he also filed false charges against innocent people and hid and purposefully destroyed exculpatory evidence that American law says these victims are entitled to have.

Mueller’s vague responses to important questions about how disgraced FBI agent Peter Stzrok’s official FBI cell phone was scrubbed of all texts and emails by Mueller’s (all Democrat) staff before being turned over to the DOJ Inspector General was spectacular: “Umm, I really don’t know how the most important piece of evidence in this entire fake Russia collusion hoax fiasco was mishandled. I Just don’t know.” [more or less this was his answer]

If Mueller was perceived by some in Washington, DC, as a clean, smart, honest, credible professional yesterday, that would now be a thing of the past after his sad performance today. His media allies have done a great job of covering up Mueller’s many criminal misdeeds over the years, but today’s performance is out there for all to see. You get to watch one slow-motion, low energy lie after another on video, yourself. With no intervening allies to spin or hide Mueller’s frail performance.

If any impeachment was going to happen in DC, it just happened today, as Robert Mueller impeached himself, his credibility, and the fake “Russia collusion” investigation and fake-fake-fake report he wrote about it.

The next step is an investigation of perjurer Mueller and his team, notably Andrew Weissman, who, like Mueller, has a long record of abusing his investigatory powers and putting innocent people in jail.

Now can we please please please just get back to the business of running the country? No more fake outrages, no more fake breathless “Gotcha!” moments by the media, no more partisan rumors-as-news. Stop already. Let things settle down, the country has suffered enough from this one man’s indecency.

Another bite at the Steven Thrasher apple

Steven Thrasher received a PhD in journalism, and then spoke at the New York University graduation ceremony. He called President Trump a “fascist,” praised terrorism and terrorists, and called for censorship of viewpoints he does not share.

Whatever Thrasher received his PhD in, it is not journalism.

Steven Thrasher is the shining example of everything that is wrong with journalism and the mainstream media, because he is a raging extremist political activist, advocating for specific policies, including the net effect of book burning, but posing as a fair-minded journalist.

Journalists used to say they were fair-minded arbiters of facts, accuracy, full reporting, so that readers and viewers could be fully informed and make up their minds. Steven Thrasher represents the culmination of the perversion of journalism into partisan political activism.

If journalists are wondering why so many Americans see the mainstream media as fake news and political activism, it is because people like Steven Thrasher are training young people to enter journalism under false pretenses. Young journalists no longer are interested in actual facts, they are committed to writing fake narratives that support a certain political outcome that favors one political party and one ideological position over another.

This is not reporting, it is not real journalism. It is simply using one’s position in the information chain to promote a set of facts, often provably fake facts, that favor one political party and perspective. These are not reporters, they are political advocates.

If you think this is the way journalism should be, then you cannot complain when people point out all of the resulting falseness and call it fake news.

That Northwestern University is retaining Thrasher in its journalism department says even more about that once-fine university than it does about Thrasher. His employment there says that Northwestern University knows full well that Thrasher is a bad teacher, a fake teacher, and yet they are going to keep him on staff anyhow.

Why would any parent send their child and their hard-won money to Northwestern University? A degree from that school must be worth less than spit.

Steven Thrasher has a real PhD in Fake Journalism

Bad journalism is like bad cooking. You can put up with it for a while, until it starts to do you in.

Lately there has been a lot of really bad, highly politicized journalism, the kind where you realize that you just can’t believe a single thing that fake journalists are saying any more. People ingesting this fake news know it is bad, and yet if it is served up with flair and fancy flourishes, it can be tolerated for a while simply because so many people around are similarly pretending to enjoy the crap. They are following the advice of actor Billy Crystal: It is better to look good than to feel good. But now we really feel awful.

Doctoral candidate in “journalism” Steven Thrasher gave a commencement speech to an overly respectful audience at New York University last week that gives perfect and clear insight into all that is wrong in academia, in “higher learning,” and in the supposed craft or profession of “journalism.” And the audience sat there and took it, despite widespread rejection for Thrasher’s white hot hate speech (and surprising amounts of applause at times, too). One wonders how Thrasher would have taken open disruption of his bad performance, like he advocates for others with whom he disagrees.

Steve Thrasher is no “journalist.“ Forget that having a PhD in something as simple as reporting facts makes no sense except as a crotch stuffer. This is a PhD in totally fake news. It is actually pretty sophisticated, because it involves deceptive behavior.

Thrasher’s establishment media is loaded with people just like him: Not seeking real facts or accuracy, not trying to report just the facts so that people have a firm grasp on reality, but instead preloaded with a partisan, highly subjective political mission, and using “journalism” to achieve it. With people like Thrasher, the mainstream media absolutely IS the enemy of The People.

[One of my kids has a science degree from NYU, and she was subjected to political harassment and intimidation by many of her science professors for four long years; I have emails from some of her professors demanding that she attend anti-Trump and anti-America rallies.]

Steven Thrasher:

  • Advocated for genocide of “white” people and Jews
  • Advocated for violence, vandalism, blacklisting, and oppression against people with whom one does not agree politically
  • Advocated for politically correct speech, not free speech, and shutting down speech one disagrees with

Along with his litany of politically correct America-destroying policy points, Thrasher also called President Trump a “fascist,” which seems to be kind of an oh-yeah-take-this moment for political extremists on today’s campuses. Note to Thrasher: You just showed us that you are the intolerant, power-crazed fascist, not Trump. And Thrasher is supposedly an ‘open minded academic’!

From Thrasher’s ugly speech anyone with an open mind can see the disastrous present of academia and the scary future of America. And if you have been willingly ingesting fake news until now, because it is everywhere and easy and it calms your nerves because it makes you feel like everyone agrees with you, and yet having seen Thrasher’s performance you have decided that you finally feel ill, you cannot be alone. Stop eating the crap that is being served up to you by academia and the mainstream media. You will feel better.

Mainstream media, the establishment media, that is the same media which gets its next crop of so-called reporters from institutions like Northwestern University where Thrasher is next set to “teach journalism,” has been poisoned by the likes of Thrasher for decades. Students at these schools cannot get passing grades unless they submit to the political indoctrination of extremists like Thrasher. So education and open minds are out, and politically correct brainwashing is in throughout the establishment media. Thrasher is why the mainstream media has indeed become the avowed enemy of The American People.

Some takeaways we get from Thrasher’s ‘Munich Speech’:

  1. Communicate clearly with any college or graduate school from which you or your kids hold a degree, that you will not financially support them or speak their praise until all of this politically correct evil is scrubbed from their institution, top to bottom.
  2.  Communicate with information outlets that orchestrate fake news, and tell them that you will not watch them or listen to them or hold them in even middlin’ regard, until they clean up their house and begin acting like non-partisan professional reporters of facts and not like political activists. CNN may be the worst of the bunch, but taxpayer-funded NPR is blatantly partisan and politically correct. National Geographic magazine wants to sell subscriptions, but why would any normal person willingly allow NG’s cutting-edge PC trash into their home? Same with the New York Times, the Washington Post, and about three hundred other mainstream partisan information outlets masquerading as “news.”
  3. If you find yourself in an audience with a speaker like Fuhrer Steven Thrasher, stand up and object, or show that you object by leaving. The speaker has no right to demand that you just sit there meekly and take their abuse. They certainly do not extend to other speakers the same expectation of respect and tolerance that they are now demanding from you. You are not a captive audience, you can get up and leave. Do it.
  4. Don’t pay for your kids to attend expensive colleges unless you know they are going to get a real education that will help them advance themselves throughout life. Think about it: Steven Thrasher has a PhD in journalism, and what the hell did it do for him? It made him stupid and close-minded. College education today is a scam, as we see with Thrasher, and as will be seen with his students. Most college experiences today are Marxism 101 to Cultural Revolution 404. This is not an education, at least not one that an employer will value. Pay for four years of science, or pay for a one- or two-year degree at a community college or technical school like Penn Tech in Williamsport, PA. Bankrupting your family while losing your good kid to four years of mind-numbing indoctrination is not a smart move.

Thrasher either virtue signaling or beginning his sieg heil salute, and either way demonstrating how political activism has corrupted and ended professional journalism.

“Vee vill crush zem like stzraw” or some other personification of Nazi German speak

Thrasher’s “Ha! I just said that!” moment

Steven Thrasher, the personification of everything that is wrong in academia and in the establishment media

The Prayer Heard ‘Round the World

About a week ago, a Pennsylvania state representative dared to make a Christian prayer in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, a building filled with beautiful religious symbols and statements from the Bible writ large upon the walls and the ceilings.

The world then exploded around her, condemnations filling the empty spaces at every corner of her life and space. Her prayer was labeled “Intolerance” by the fake news PennLive/Patriot News (which published a viciously anti-Christian article and then deleted every online pro-Christian comment afterwards, which is going to be our next essay here).

What is strange about all this anti religion sentiment is that mere minutes before Rep. Stephanie Borowicz made her public prayer, in the official time and place allotted to her, a fellow Muslim representative was sworn in. By an Imam using the Koran. No boos or hisses followed that religious event. The negativity only resulted from and surrounded a Christian speaking as a Christian in a building built by Christians in a state founded by Christians in a nation – the world’s freest and most successful- founded by Christians, and based on the Hebrew Torah and the Christian Testament, together or separately otherwise known as the Bible.

Everything about America, from our concept of law and order to our stop signs and street lights to our universal education and safety net for the destitute to free speech and tolerant free religion, are based on the orderly rules laid out in the Bible by God. Simple as that. Without Christianity, there is no America, no freedom, no big opportunity, no tolerance. Yes, Christianity started out as an offshoot of Judaism, but it is its own religion. It is the repository of all of America’s basic, founding principles and values. America has always been about shared values, shared goals, despite different theologies among its citizens.

If you take away Christianity, you no longer have America. No doubt, that anti-America goal is behind most of the negativity surrounding Borowicz etc et al. People complaining about Christianity are essentially declaring war on America. They no longer share values, goals, or a common vision of what it means to be an American.

Today, in the establishment media and its one political party, God is out, the US Constitution is out, the First Amendment freedoms are especially out, Christians are very, very out, and fake victims and even fakier minorities are forced in and falsely elevated and valued above everyone else (how can a group of people 1.3 billion strong be considered a minority anywhere on our planet?). This situation is not right, but it is the fight we find ourselves at this time and place. Freedom is never free, world-wide it is uncommon, and every generation has had to fight to hold onto it. America is still a majority Christian country, and if those Americans wake up, there is still time to save the nation from the physical and cultural onslaught exemplified by the negative response to Rep. Borowicz’s simple prayer.

Whether Christian theology speaks to you, or not, and whether or not a person believes that Christianity will save your soul, or not, is a matter of a particular faith.  One thing here is absolutely certain, and that is only Christians and Christianity can save America. Whether America’s Christians are up to the task is the question before us. Our nation’s armed rebellion against British tyranny started quietly in a church pulpit. Rep. Borowicz made a prayer heard ’round the world; pray that it resonates further.

Even weather.com promotes fake news, fake science

The other day President Trump mocked the anti-science “climate change” political activism crowd when he tweeted about the need for some “global warming” to offset the record low temperatures descending upon  America. He was joking, and mocking, but everything he does creates an opening for enemies of America to attack him.

So cue up the faux indignation and mocking responses in return.

Fake science and lame-ass blatant political activism miraging as news reporting came from everywhere: Business insider, Newsweek, The Independent (UK), CNN, New York Times, Yahoo, Vanity Fair, and many other political activism outlets that pose as news outlets, including, amazingly, weather.com.

Weather.com, you ask?

And the answer is sadly, Yes, even weather.com, which you would think is just about the weather. Turns out that even weather.com is fully in the tank for anti-scientific climate change political activism. The one article weather.com staff wrote actually seriously evaluated just what more “climate change” would mean for America and the planet, and how terrible it is that President Trump wants this.

Either leftist activists have no sense of humor, or they are such crazed activists that no matter what someone says, it must always be turned into a political debate and crisis and a nuclear bomb aimed at whomever it is they disagree with at that moment. I vote for leftists being crazed, because nothing else explains their behavior. And so, weather.com published a very serious-sounding article about Trump’s tweet worthy of something from that source of awesome satire, The Onion. The article actually purports to be about how Trump is both a bad person for wanting more global warming, and how global warming is nothing to laugh at.

So weather.com wants it both ways: Trump is bad, and stupid, and by the way, just in case he wasn’t serious, he shouldn’t joke, either.

Every other mainstream fake news outlet followed suit with variations on this same theme, Trump bad and stupid, and global warming must not be mocked.

What surprised me was just how politicized weather.com is (and Business Insider, for that matter, being that it is aimed at business people). So I submitted a comment on the weather.com feedback page:

Your ridiculous article about President Trump calling for “global warming” was 100% political attack on the president and zero percent science. The president was obviously, plainly joking about having “more global warming” and your decision to treat his joke as something serious worthy of real analysis is either stupid or political activism by your website. I am guessing your article is political activism, because it criticizes the president as if his joke was meant to be serious. I object to weather.com politicizing the weather. I also object to weather.com relying on the opinion of politicized climate activists posing as academics, and then failing to obtain a balanced or opposing view from actual scientists who dispute human-caused climate. You are promoting a religious view, not a scientific view. At the very least human caused “climate change” is a nascent scientific subject to review and debate. Presenting it as settled is a subjective choice weather.com makes and thus, your credibility is damaged. Please leave politics out of your weather reporting. It certainly alienates me from wanting to use your web page or service.

And then I went further into weather.com and discovered entire sections of the website devoted to climate change fraud, and slickly packaged.

Why is it fraud? Because their assertion of human-caused climate change rests almost entirely on the provably false notion that “all scientists agree” that climate science is “settled.”

A) There is no such thing as climate science, and what science there is about climate change is all over the place. Real science is hardly ever “settled,” and it becomes settled then only after a long, robust and transparent debate. This kind of debate has not happened with climate change, because a great deal of it being politicized (“everyone says this is settled, so shut up”).

B) Scientists who have studied weather, climate, forestry, ecology, meteorology etc have come down all over the place. There is no universal agreement among scientists. Asserting there is universal agreement is like politics or religion. Leap of faith, or leap of belief in political outcomes.

So, add weather.com to the long list of political actors masquerading as scientists and humble service providers.

Duly noted!

Politics over weather science:

AmerInd Nathan Phillips uses faux victimization to hurt American Indians

Victimology has a new victim all right, and it is one of the few honest to goodness genuine victims in America. That is American Indians.

No one got cheated more, mistreated more, treated like crap more, lied to more, or abused more in the European settling of America than the large assortment of First Americans, who were the first ones to widely settle the continent.

One of the attractive aspects of an otherwise pretty diverse array of American Indian cultures here was their widespread innocence. Even the most powerful, most violent, most cruel tribes (e.g. Lakota Sioux, Blackfeet, Huron, Seneca, Shawnee) demonstrated an almost child-like trust of European American promises. Even after helping the early Pilgrims gain a foothold on the East Coast, and then suffering for it as the unlimited immigration poured into the best, most fertile, most productive hunting and farming lands (the time our Thanksgiving holiday comes from).

When we use the word “attractive” here, we mean in terms of generating genuine and well-earned sympathy for the Native American situation among those who succeeded them in running the continent. A lot of Americans rightly feel bad for the Indians, for what was taken from them, for how they were officially mistreated until even very recent years. It is why so many American Indian faces appear on our early coinage. Americans have always admired Indian virtues like bravery, tenacity, faithfulness and commitment, honor, and high intelligence. You’d have to be a bigot or a jerk not to feel some sympathy for the Indians, and in fact most Americans today do support Indians in their quests to hold on to the little bit of reservation land left to them.

So along comes this American Indian Nathan Phillips guy (whose name seems to have changed several times over the years), aggressively forcing his way into a gathering of Catholic teenagers leaving a pro-life march in Washington, DC. Nathan Phillips is an American Indian who then insists on banging his symbolic drum a few inches away from the nose of a teenager who just stands there, unmoving. This is technically the criminal act of battery committed by Phillips, against a youth, no less. That kid was basically guilty of the huge crime of standing still while being white and Catholic.

Additionally, Phillips was accompanied by a bunch of violent anti-white racists assailing the young kids with all kinds of racial taunts and physical challenges.

At first the Democrat media turned this situation around into some sort of fake assault on Phillips and Indians. Everyone everywhere reflexively blamed the young Catholic kids for being the bad actors here. But then the video footage started to leak out, and it showed the teenagers just standing there, minding their own business, and actually behaving very modestly in the face of serious attempts by Phillips and his buddies at inciting violence and racial hatred.

And so in the end it turns out that Nathan Phillips was not only not a victim, but he was actually the aggressive perpetrator of genuine crimes against the teenagers. Phillips was the victimizer of innocent teenagers. He brought the conflict literally to their faces, and wonderfully they turned the other cheek.

And now, as a result of his own bad behavior, Phillips has attracted the misplaced assistance of the once-fine American Indian Movement group to back him up. Talk about a PR nightmare, AIM has misjudged the situation and thrown its integrity and credibility out the window by taking Phillips’ side in this, despite the physical evidence so clearly showing him to be in the wrong. This damages AIM and innocent American Indians everywhere.

And so the leftist fake victimology movement has claimed yet another victim, this time the American Indians. Phillips and AIM have now managed to remove Indians from being innocent bystanders into aggressive victimizers of young children. Now it’s “the Indians” who are seen as a bunch of bigoted jerks by a huge audience.  News for you, my Indian friends: This can’t possibly work out well for you. Acting like aggressive jerks in the name of Indian culture is indefensible, it undermines your cause. It does not help you. It turns your allies and friends against you. All your hard work to cultivate understanding for your plight gets tossed out the window with this stuff.

And so we see now one more example of how leftist ideology eventually boomerangs back on the people who employ it, hurting them, instead of helping them. In this instance, the American Indian cause for justice and fair compensation is set back, just as politically partisan liberal Jewish groups like the ADL continue to chip away at positive images Americans have come to develop about Jews. Similarly, just when America had elected a black to the presidency through the votes of an enormous swath of Caucasians, leftists then invented the anti-white Black Lives Matter to convince the same pro-Obama whites that they had actually misplaced their trust and votes. And so on.

And at the end of all this failure and destruction of racial progress, it appears that the same old white liberals behind it all don’t bear any blame. And that would be because the white liberal Democrat media protects them.