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Joe Biden incompetence/ corruption = Ukraine invasion

The only reason Russia felt comfortable invading Ukraine yesterday is because corrupt senile pedophile Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel.

The only people Joe Biden is dangerous to are innocent, law-abiding Americans who oppose Biden’s lawless fascist dictatorship. The Russians sure as hell are not scared of him.

Joe Biden’s word salad public statements about “our hearts and prayers are with the Ukrainian people” etc etc are not only not presidential, they are a clear signal that the Biden Regime intends to let Russia do whatever they want to do, and America will do nothing but send fondest wishes via Twitter to the Ukrainian people and the thousands of Americans now abandoned in Ukraine.

An administration worthy of being called “American” would have at least negotiated the escape of our American citizens now stranded in Ukraine, before giving Russia the green light to invade. But this Biden Administration is not American. Rather it is an assemblage of anti-Americans whose job it is to destroy America from inside.

Need an example? Why is Joe Biden shutting down domestic American oil and gas production, while openly committing to continue purchasing RUSSIAN oil and gas? This weakens America, artificially raises the price that Americans pay for oil and gas, and it greatly strengthens Russia.

Biden’s bizarre anti-America arrangement ain’t high-end, complicated economics, people. This is Econ 101, the kind of super simple economics most college graduates were taught their first year, and that non-college graduates of Life College had to learn the hard way on their own. The things that Joe Biden is doing can only damage America and Americans, and in fact they are greatly damaging America and Americans.

If you are an American citizen still loyal to Joe Biden, then shame on you. You must really hate America and your fellow Americans. You would not tolerate this malfeasance from any politician in a different political party, and this misplaced loyalty really highlights the silliness of political party loyalty.

How the hell can American taxpayers be loyal to any political party that does this much serious damage to America?! How much damage do you think America can sustain? What the hell do you think will happen to your life and your family if this wanton destruction is allowed to continue?

Anyhow, it is Joe Biden’s weakness that invited the Russians to invade the Ukraine, and China will now probably follow up with an invasion of Taiwan. Both of these dictatorships know that they will not face any real, meaningful resistance from Joe Biden.

Instead, Joe Biden is obsessed with trying to criminalize his own domestic political opponents, so he can eliminate them altogether and establish one-party rule over Americans. So he and his successors can act just like Vladimir Putin.

And while we are on the subject of Russia and American presidents, if President Donald Trump really was a Russian asset, as the Democrat Media constantly alleged for four years, then why the hell didn’t Russia invade Ukraine when Trump was president? Why did they wait for this weak, old, child-sniffer Joe Biden to dodder up to a microphone and mumble some meaningless words?

I am amazed that anyone with half a brain could ever believe the utter crap that comes out of NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, PBS, MSDNC, Washington Post, New York Times etc. Everything these partisan outlets say and write is designed to promote one political party. They are not in the news business, they are in the propaganda and brainwashing business, and if in this day and age when there are so many different news and information outlets available to anyone with an iota of curiosity, you are nonetheless still listening to what these mainstream media outlets say, then you are brainwashed. Or incredibly lazy. Stick your finger in an electric socket and wake the hell up, before it is too late for you, for your retirement fund, and for your family members.

Everyone have a nice weekend, and enjoy the fabulous fireworks display in Ukraine over the coming days, brought to you by day dreaming, child-sniffing Joe Biden.


Joe Biden, domestic terrorist in chief

On January 6th, Joe Biden gave an outrageous speech, where he accused everyday law-abiding patriotic Americans of being terrorists. American citizen taxpayers who legally oppose Biden’s blatantly illegal and often ultra-violent government overreach were singled out for criticism and threats of further official violence.

His Department of Justice has labeled as “domestic terrorists” understandably angry parents attending school board meetings to voice their disbelief at the daily anti-taxpayer teacher-led insurrections against parental oversight of publicly-owned government schools.

The US military has recently put out a policy paper warning of “patriot extremism” as the number one threat to America. Not Islamic jihadism, or Burn Loot and Murder (BLM) arson and murder. But peaceful Americans who follow the law, revere the Constitution, and who believe in the first principles of a free America as it was founded, why we are “domestic terrorists.” According to Biden’s lawless Marxists illegally occupying our government offices, anyhow.

Biden’s military leaders are aggressively (and illegally) purging from the US military anyone who is a patriotic American, as defined by someone who believes in a constitutional republic, as America was founded. Such is the love these patriots hold for America that they are considered a dangerous threat to Biden’s Marxist revolution against America, and so they must be ejected from the military.

As recently as today, Biden’s FBI is still unwilling to say just exactly how a well known violent Pakistani jihadi entered America, or why he just targeted a synagogue in Texas, where he held hostages until he was killed yesterday. The FBI still won’t say that this jihadi’s official Islamic hate for everyone who is not Muslim, and especially for Jews, is the blatantly obvious cause of this infiltrator’s armed hostage taking at Congregation Beth Israel of Collyville, Texas.

But Joe Biden will stand aside and allow millions of unvetted, unscreened, unvaccinated, mask-less illegal aliens to pour over our southern border. So many from all around the world have crossed since last year that the Taliban recently threatened to unleash 2,000 suicide bombers inside America if America takes any steps in Afghanistan to save the lives of the many Americans the Biden Administration abandoned there. So weak is our wide-open southern border that our worst enemies have thousands of people here, ready to blow themselves up right here on our soil, in our shopping malls, our grocery stores, our churches and synagogues. This means you and your family are at great risk, dear reader, thanks to Joe Biden’s domestic policies.

If we are going to be honest about this situation, the truth is that Joe Biden is the real domestic terrorist. He has done more to foment domestic terrorism against everyday Americans than anyone else. He has done more to unleash illegal official violence against law-abiding Americans, going so far as to take and hold political opponent prisoners and hostages inside disgusting Washington DC dungeons as I write these words.

No one has done more to promote and visit domestic terror upon Americans than Joe Biden, the domestic terrorist in chief. And as today is Martin Luther King Day, we take heart from MLK: “One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” Every American remaining with an American heart should be disobeying the lawless Biden Administration, whose unjust actions are actually against current law.

This billboard was displayed across Pennsylvania after Biden’s Afghanistan retreat debacle


The Spirit of the Season

Today is Christmas Day, America’s national holiday at least as much as Thanksgiving Day. It is a day of good cheer, happiness, kindness, family, acts of charity, rest and relaxation; a Sabbath of sorts. Across Western Civilization this day has played several different roles and in different formats over the past thousand years, the earliest being solely religious and quite somber. The later versions of Christmas being a non-offending marriage between Christianity and northern European paganism, and being more celebratory.

Christmas as we know it now is largely a creation of Englishman Charles Dickens, who decried the caste system’s forced poverty and lack of Christian charity in his own land, and whose 1843 book A Christmas Carol championed the triumph of kindness and generosity to all over greed and miserly wealth. A literal ghostly spirit of Christmas invaded old man Scrooge’s otherwise selfish life, and left him a changed man. Scrooge’s personal changes, in the true spirit of Christmas Day, then resulted in a domino effect of increasing happiness and beneficence spreading outward from the formerly unhappy and mean old man to all those around him and beyond.

Dickens’ powerful message was a seed that grew wildly in fertile soil, as the contemporaneous Industrial Revolution had created a great amount of wealth and also a great many have-nots. And a hundred years later downtown Manhattan USA at Christmastime was full of powerful images and themes drawn directly from Dickens’ writings. That resulting Christmas culture has spread far and wide, and is now a mix of all the good stuff, including spirituality and morality, along with some old fashioned American consumerism. This has all morphed into the modern version of Christmas most Americans practice or at least enjoy today. It is kind of a third version of Christmas.

But if we go back to its beginning, Christmas Day is closely linked to Christianity’s predecessor, Judaism, and its own festive holiday of Chanuka. Christmas Day always starts on the 25th of December, which is usually right around the Hebrew date of 25th of Kislev, the start of Chanuka. While Chanuka has eight days, Christmas has twelve (similar to Passover having eight days and Easter’s Holy Week having seven at least, and possibly more, depending upon where one lives). And if we then immediately fast-forward back to the present, we see that Christmas has profoundly influenced the practice and understanding of Chanuka. Chanuka now being a heavily mysticized and joyful celebration of a vague miracle involving some olive oil. If you dig deep, you might get an American Jew to tell you that Chanuka is generally about individual freedom, and freedom of religion specifically.

Truth is, Chanuka was indeed originally about freedom, but the kind of freedom we Westerners no longer seem to value, or which we seem to take for granted.

Chanuka is described at hebcal.com as “Hanukkah (Hebrew: חֲנֻכָּה, usually spelled חנוכה … in Modern Hebrew, also romanized as Chanukah or Chanuka), also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar.”

OK, but what was the Maccabean Revolt, you ask? Ah ha, here we have suddenly discovered the true spirit of Chanuka! And one could surmise, the true spirit of Today’s Christmas Day, as well, heir as it is to Chanuka.

The Maccabean Revolt was a true-life rebellion by a small group of totally dedicated, religiously pure Jewish families against an enormous Assyrian empire that was then occupying then-Israel/Judea, roughly 2,200 years ago. It is the triumph of the little guy over the big bad bully; the triumph of monotheism over evil paganism; morality over immorality. Chanuka is the story of winning freedom by the edge of the sword, at total risk of one’s own survival. Those Jews who then strapped on a sword and successfully fought to the death over several generations to rid themselves of the yoke of Assyrian slavery, then set in motion so many future events. Like the subsequent existence of Jesus, the eventual creation of Christianity, and the resulting creation of Christmas Day by people seeking to directly link the day with Chanuka.

Early Christmas was observed by religious Christians as a day of spiritual freedom, similar to the Chanuka celebration of national freedom and sovereignty, without which there was no spiritual freedom for the Jews, whose Temple service had been disrupted by the Assyrian occupation. Which makes one wonder, in the context of where we are right now, December 25th 2020 , as America is poised to be captured and subjugated by China through its secret treaties with Joe Biden, Big Media, and Big Tech…. what was and is the true, original spirit of Christmas Day, and does it have relevance for us right now?

Religious Christians will provide an orthodox Christian perspective, but it is no stretch to say that today’s Christmas spirit could use a heavy dose of the original Chanuka spirit. We need some of that old time religion. We need a modern equivalent of the Maccabean Revolt against the fraudulent, illegal election that just took place, in which America as we have known her for 244 years is about to collapse and be replaced by repression and slavery.

So, I will raise a glass of eggnog to everyone in the spirit of good Christmas cheer. Salud! And I will also raise the American symbol of freedom, defiance, and sovereignty in salute of the brave American citizens who we know are the last hope of restoring our republic: The American longrifle and its updated equivalent, the AR15.

Merry Christmas! May the ancient spirit of the Maccabees fill every patriot heart.


This election in one interview

If you want to know President Donald Trump like you have never seen him before, and if you want to know the news media like you see them every day but you did not realize just how evil and politically partisan they are, and if you want to know why anyone in America thinks anything negative about this incredible president we have, who should be at a 98% approval rating, then watch this interview with CBS political activist Leslie Stahl. Just watch it. Watch the whole thing.

Here is what I see here:

->President Trump is calm, in control, a perfect gentleman, and direct

->President Trump is incredibly smart and in control of the facts about an incredible array of policy issues that I myself could never master. And I have been doing public policy in one form or another my entire career. Trump has been doing it for less than four years…

->President Trump directly answers a nonstop litany of disruptive, petty and rude questions, about half of which have no bearing on anything of substance and meaning, but which are designed to personally harass and harangue the President of the United States.

->President Trump politely ends the interview when he is told Vice President Pence is about to enter the room, although his antagonist, Leslie Stahl, has about a hundred more ridiculous accusations she would like to throw at him.

->This is not a normal interview. Leslie Stahl does not ask “hard questions,” nor does she ever answer the hard questions that Trump poses to her. Rather, she makes mostly aggressive declarative statements, to which Trump must respond defensively, many of which and maybe all of which are factually untrue. Like her assertion that he is responsible for Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer’s own negative public standing (recall that Whitmer, whose cruel face and malevolent eyes make her look just like Cruella DeVille from the Disney classic 1001 Dalmations, has had an authoritarian shut-down of Michigan, except for her own husband, who gets to go sailing while the little people are not allowed to).  She also constantly interrupts Trump. This behavior makes Stahl an unapologetic political activist, not a reporter.

->Leslie Stahl shows zero interest in the Biden corruption scandal that is unfolding by the hour. She shows zero interest in the biggest political scandal in American history, which is the Obama Administration SPYING on a political candidate, his campaign, and then his incoming administration, that being Trump. In case you did not know, it is incredibly, unbelievably, terribly, totally ILLEGAL to spy on Americans like this, and especially on political opponents. In sum, Leslie Stahl, like the rest of the mainstream media, is 100% in the camp of the other political party, and she is doing everything she can to coverup for them, protect them, and to attack their political opponent, President Donald J. Trump. CBS “News” is not a fair-minded arbiter of truth and accuracy, they are dishonest liars.

Let us call this recording an “engagement” between two opposing forces. What we see is one side that is trying to support, defend, and protect America, and the other side, CBS “News” and Leslie Stahl, trying to do everything they can to destroy America. This is not journalism, it is a political attack. And as President Trump points out repeatedly to Leslie Stahl, she would never and has never asked any questions like these of his predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama, nor of Joe Biden. We know this is true because we have never seen a recording of any kind of encounter like this in the history of our nation. No other president has been tested and abused and undermined like President Trump has.

And it is all because Leslie Stahl and her fellow political partisans want the power that Donald Trump has. They could not win it fair and square in 2016 and they are now trying to make sure that he does not win it again fair and square in 2020.

For those people who wonder about people like me, and why we are so devoted to President Trump, this recorded encounter shows you exactly why. Trump is honorable, good, smart, and direct. He is not evasive. The “news media” AKA the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, is not any of these things, but instead the opposite: Bad, dishonest, conniving, and acting in bad faith.

Tonight’s presidential debate between Trump and Biden, and “moderated” by a far-left political activist masquerading as a “news reporter,” is likely to end up being the same thing as this interview here. And it is precisely why so many Americans have artificially negative views of Donald Trump. The press/ news media are trying to destroy Trump so they can take his power and keep it for themselves, and no voter should ever allow that to happen.

If you love America, if you want America to succeed, to have a strong economy, to be safe and stable, then vote for Donald J. Trump on November 3rd. America has not had a president this good in generations.

This is a calm, articulate, intelligent man who loves America and refuses to put up with any BS

This is Leslie Stahl, a fake “reporter” and big hypocrite who harangued and criticized America’s president about wearing a mask, and yet she herself does not wear one. Stahl is a political activist and nothing more


MIchigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has rightfully earned the scorn and fear of people across the world. Her evil eyes …it is why she is called Cruella DeVille

MI guv Gretchen Whitmer — Yikes, scary lady!

Gretchen Whitmer must have sat for this updated version of Disney’s Cruella DeVille from 1001 Dalmations movie

Original Disney cartoon of Cruella DeVille from 1001 Dalmations movie…now why would anyone want to compare Cruella DeVille to Gretchen Whitmer? Not fair to Cruella!

In Pittsburgh, PA, Biden Threatens America with More Violence

Thank God I am no longer a member of the Democrat Party. What a shameful cess pit that organization has become. Presidential candidate Joe Biden is Exhibit A.

If Joe Biden’s loooong silence about months of Democrat looting, murder, arson, violence, and heavily armed anarchic vigilante chaos across America’s Democrat-run cities was unbelievable, his direct threat of further violence against America while speaking in Pittsburgh this week reaches a new low in the history of American politics. Not only because Biden is making such a threat, blackmail, really, but because it is his supporters who are doing all the violence.

But that is the point: Biden cannot threaten America with more violence (if he loses), unless he controls the people who would commit the violence (he does). Biden actually threatened to unleash more violence against America if he is not elected this November.

Joe Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, was even more explicitly encouraging this street violence while on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert: “They’re not going to stop. This is a movement. I’m telling you they’re not going to stop, and everyone beware because they are not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not going to stop after Election Day, and everyone should take note of that on both levels that they’re not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not.”

Kamala Harris also supported a fund to bail out “on the ground” violent rioters arrested by the police, so they can immediately rotate out of jail and go right back out onto the streets to continue their destructive mayhem.

If today you want to revisit what it was like to be a black in the pre-civil rights segregationist South, because you want to see what real racism was like, and also because you want to test whether Biden is right or wrong about who is committing violence, then put on a Trump Make America Great Again hat, put an American flag over your shoulder, and try to take a stroll through a Democrat-run city downtown.

You won’t make it far down Main Street before you are accosted, assaulted, and maybe even murdered, like unarmed Aaron Danielson was in Portland, Oregon, the other night.  Aaron’s big crime was being a Christian supporter of President Donald Trump in a Democrat-run city. That is how brazen the Democrat Party street militia members have become; their own leaders urge them on, and there is no legal accountability.

Which raises a question of Where The Hell is the U.S. Department of Justice? Why isn’t failed mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, in handcuffs and under indictment for conspiring to eliminate the civil liberties and rights of the American citizens living there, like Aaron Danielson?

The lack of push-back by the DOJ against the violent Democrat Militia and their leaders like Mayor Ted Wheeler has resulted in them becoming even more violent. To the point where this week in Pittsburgh Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden actually threatened America with more violence, if Americans don’t elect him.

As quoted in an Epoch Times article, International Union of Police Associations’ (IUPA) President Sam A. Cabral said during an endorsement of President Donald Trump: “During all of this upheaval and destruction, there has been silence from the Democrats. None have stepped forward to condemn the anarchy, riotous behavior, and arson. Joe Biden has even referred to the police as ‘the enemy’.”

Cabral added: “[Biden’s fake] condemnation [of Democrat violence] was not made due to a moral imperative or a vision of a better America, but rather because [recent] polling indicated it was a concern of the American voter.  If anyone needs a poll to tell them that rioting, looting, arson, property destruction, and murder are wrong, then they are morally bankrupt and not fit to be the president of the local fraternal organization, let alone the leader of this great nation.”

I hope Democrats reading this will join me in voting for Donald Trump and against the 47-year professional corrupt politician Joe Biden. Yes, Biden has dementia, and at 77 years old, he is too old for president, but his use of violence and his threat of more violence AGAINST Americans simply disqualifies him straight off.

This is actually Joe Biden’s “speech” in Pittsburgh, PA: A handful of pro-Democrat reporters and no audience. He took no questions after.