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Media lynching of Cain under way

Herman Cain is now being publicly lynched by Joy Behar, the Washington Post, and other mainstream establishment media.

Allegations of unwanted advances, long long ago resolved with big pay-outs, are now the media’s silver bullet to kill Cain’s political candidacy.

What a joke.

First, these are the same media sources, reporters, and personalities who ignored Bill Clinton’s many many indiscretions. And who more recently refused to investigate Barack Hussein Obama’s radical, racist, and corrupt background.

These establishment media sources, and their politically partisan partners in advocacy groups and academia, pooh-pooh every indiscretion, coverup, and corrupt act by the politicians they support.

The same reporters and political activists who accused all criticism of Obama as “racism.” Now they actually accuse Cain of being racist for having different political views. What hypocrites. What obviously partisan phonies they are. Their criticism of Cain is phony.

So, Herman Cain, I stand with you, and so will all of your other supporters. This phase of your campaign is just a blip generated by partisan enemies of America.