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I wouldn’t hire a Harvard grad to tie my shoes

Like a bazillion other Americans, I run a small business. Mine is in the land and natural resource management sector. Every week I interface with men and machines, dirt, danger, hard work, and serious situations. Little margin for error, feewings, or personal tantrums.

And when I watched the whole Harvard University debacle unfold over last week, culminating on Friday in students, administrators, and faculty alike all rallying around the racist failure university president, Claudine Gay, I realized something profound: I would rather hire a young, hard-working rural person born to a serious work ethic and with a willingness to take reasonable risks to achieve the work goal, who maybe got tenth grade under his belt before going to work for a living, than to try to train a Harvard University mis-educated fragile weenie with no work ethic, an unreasonable expectation of life, and an obsession with unrealistic nonsense.

Said another way: For many years my experience has been that the attorneys I have worked with, whose law degrees were from “East Succotash University,” as opposed to, say, Harvard Law School, were the very best lawyers I have worked with. To a man and a woman, these so-called “no-name” law school grads are gritty, tough, take no prisoners, hard working fighters who zealously represent the interests of their clients. They always get me results. On the other hand, if I had a dollar for every big name lawyer who only wrote letters to my defendants, and who was afraid to actually file a legal complaint and follow it up with court room litigation, I would be a wealthy man.

Perhaps this comes down to rural character versus urban, because graduates from the small schools, the community colleges, the trade schools, almost all come from rural working backgrounds. These are kids who don’t come from money, don’t really know what having money is like, but they do have a strong work ethic and pride in accomplishment. Because in the communities they grew up in, tangible results are the name of the game. Their families got by with a roof over their heads and food on the table because they daily delivered actual hands-on results that America is willing to pay for, and got paid, as opposed to the spoiled, whiny, entitled urban kids populating Harvard University and the other purportedly high quality Ivy League schools. These kids come from the world of manicured lawns, expensive clothes, and fancy cars from young ages whose parents engage in vague numbers work and white collar make-work paper-pushing administrative exercises whose value-added to America is, well….vague.

Forget the poor technical training, the mis-education and Stalinist/ Maoist/ fascist indoctrination that Harvard University inflicts on its students, just on family and cultural background alone, I would be very unlikely to hire a kid from Harvard University, in the off-chance that such an opportunity presented itself. Unless it’s in the hard/ physical sciences, computer science, or math, a person with a Harvard University degree today would not interest me either as a conversationalist, a lunch partner, a book club member, or an employee/ contractor.

I don’t think Harvard University produces high quality graduates any longer. Probably not for the past ten or fifteen years, and maybe even longer. I think the opposite is true, that this school produces societal and workplace misfits who can’t think their way out of a wet paper bag. They have had little to no critical thinking and analytical skills training. If you are foolish enough to hire a recent Harvard University graduate these days, you are going to learn quickly just how failed that school is and how useless these human beings are who are graduating from it.

Yes, all my life I have known Harvard grads, as well as other Ivy League grads, and today’s Ivy League grads are not that old caliber, not anywhere close. The old reputation has been lost because of people like Claudine Gay, who have traded it for short term power over foolish young people.

Most Harvard University graduates today are not fit to tie your shoe. Not for money or for free.

Fire her now: Harvard president Claudine Gay is a racist

Harvard University’s incompetent diversity hire, president Claudine Gay, is not just facing accusations of plagiarism in her PhD dissertation, but is rightfully being held to account for her racist statements. The lady cheerfully implements educational Apartheid at one of the world’s former top universities.

Claudine Gay has championed segregated college graduation ceremonies, calling white-free events “inspirational.” You know, Hispanic graduates have a Hispanic graduation, black graduates have a black graduation, Asian students have their own Asian-only graduation, etc., but white kids, no, they can’t have a white person only graduation, according to racist Claudine Gay. According to Claudine Gay, white college graduates do not deserve their own event. This is some seriously racist crap.

I myself don’t believe in racial segregation, which was legally defeated right after I was born. But Claudine Gay…she is all for racial segregation, which is the most racist thing anyone can believe in. After all America went through to achieve racial integration, do we really have to march for civil rights again? Will Claudine Gay be out there with a fire hose and attack dogs, blasting and biting people for demanding equal treatment?

If she is allowed to stay on as president of Harvard, yes, I think we can expect just about any crazy thing from this fool. Please, Harvard University, fire Claudine Gay now, and find someone who is not racist, who is integrationist, who is honest, and competent, and who is not a plagiarist.