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Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin

I have watched the fascinating interview with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin by journalist Tucker Carlson, and if you have any interest in world politics, you should watch it too, right here.

So the mainstream establishment politically partisan leftwing activist media, and their political members like Hillary Clinton, have all piled on Tucker Carlson for doing this interview. I don’t see why, except that the establishment media is jealous, or maybe afraid. Unlike the establishment media people, Tucker Carlson doesn’t ask softball questions or act like a fawning stooge.

He asked logical questions of Putin that visibly provoked Putin quite a few times. In fact, Tucker Carlson asked questions I would not necessarily have thought of, like if it is OK to carve up modern Ukraine among its former occupiers, as Putin stated, then is Putin advocating for giving northern Ukraine to Viktor Orban’s Hungary? Would Putin be ok with Poland taking a big piece of Ukraine, too?

Putin did not like those questions! He oh-so-very-clearly dislikes being challenged and is not used to it.

For his part, Putin was fascinating. He gave an impressive recitation of Eastern European history, beginning at the year 862, from memory. While I have studied the history of Europe a lot, I do not think I could give you all of the “who kicked Mary and who hit John” moments that make up the chaotic past and present of Eastern Europe, much less Western Europe, from memory.

One area that Putin was clearly not being truthful about was this “Denazification” of Ukraine justification-excuse for invading Ukraine. Yes, there were Nazi collaborators in World War II. There were also Ukrainian Communists in World War II. Russia also committed a genocide-by-forced-starvation against Ukraine, called the Holomodor, in great part in retaliation for atrocities committed by Ukrainians against Russians not too long before. There is indeed a long history of blood and feuds here.

Putin also stated that Poland collaborated with the Nazis in World War II. Yes, the same 1939 Poland that was invaded and crushed by the German Nazis, supposedly did it on purpose to help Germany. Despite the fact that it was the Soviet Russians who committed the Katyn Massacre of the Polish elite. Obviously Poland did not welcome or collaborate with the German Nazis, but Putin says they did, and moreover, that the Poles were themselves Nazis.

This is nonsense. It is not factual.

But, like I say, you have to hear this interview yourself to understand how the Russians really think, or at least how they want you to believe they think.

Whether or not Putin actually believes his own propaganda, it doesn’t matter. He says it, and to me it sounds crazy, but I will bet that a lot of other Russians believe the same things. Which is why these interviews and dialogues are so important.  We humans should strive to understand one another. Or at least lie to each other, mutually. Some sort of understanding emerges, and if it prevents bloodshed, cruelty, and crying children and destroyed civilizations, then probably for the good.

Putin very clearly has a passion for the region and for Russia, which is to his credit. Because the one thing that has caught the fancy of a lot of Americans is that Putin loves his homeland Russia. If there is one thing that at least half of America admires it is an appreciation for one’s nation, and so Putin’s clear love of Mother Russia resonates with them.

Putin’s love of country, to the point of waging an illogical, incredibly destructive, and probably illegal invasion-war against Ukraine, is something we no longer see in America’s politicians.  No, America’s politicians are largely fat globalists, citizens of the world, moral relativists who enter Congress worth fifty cents and who are then worth $29,000,000 three terms later. American politicians love money, not America, and they are allowing America to be invaded. American politicians are selling America to the highest bidders, most especially Joe Biden, whose literal name Joe Biden is all over illegal bribe and graft checks and money wires written by Chinese businessmen to him and his son Hunter Biden.

Putin doesn’t put up with traitors, which a lot of Americans find refreshing and wish would be the norm once again here in America.

Putin gave his perspective on his region’s history, which is obviously from his own view. I know for a fact that asking a Ukrainian citizen will result in a different view on a few of those same exact facts. Same goes for people from Poland, Lithuania, Finland and many other nations around there. For the past few hundred years at least, that big grizzly bear Russia has had its grip tightly on so many of its neighbors. And from the Russian perspective, this is normal and perfectly fine. If you are Kazakh, or Tajik, or some other ethnicity, you probably disagree with Russia’s actions.

One of the regions that Russia invaded and absolutely stomped to pieces in recent times, unarmed civilians and all, was Chechnya. Back before YouTube became all censorship oriented, you could watch actual video footage of Russian soldiers laughingly executing unarmed Chechen civilians in their ragged clothing, mothers and fathers, grandmas, and then walking on to the next rustic stone farmhouse and doing it all over again. I really defy anyone to try to justify this barbaric behavior. Same goes for Ukraine now.

And Putin complains that the CIA was responsible for Chechnya’s response…

Other items that fascinated me are Putin’s view on his experience squaring off against and sometimes trying to work with the CIA and American political leadership over the decades. He seems genuinely flummoxed why American leaders and bureaucrats alike do not trust Russia, even post-Soviet Russia. It is helpful to me to closely watch Putin’s face as he voices his disbelief, and his reluctant acceptance of realpolitik, over the proxy wars and NATO maneuvering along Russia’s borders.

Maybe he really does believe what he is saying.

Long ago, a friend of mine who taught Russian history and military doctrine at the US Army War College in Carlisle, PA, pointed out that over its long history Russia has never had democracy or representative government. Russian culture has always favored some sort of headman, dictator, Tsar, whatever, and so, believe it or not, today’s Russia with all of its obvious problems, and its journalists being thrown out of windows, is still relatively open and free compared to its history and its potential now and future.

In other words, as ruthless dictators go, Putin is not so bad. He could be a lot worse.

In any event, Tucker Carlson has done a good deed here. He sat down and had an honest-to-goodness real and very long interview with a head of state that no one in the American political-media establishment wants us to hear from.

You should ask Why the American political-media establishment wants us to be shut off from Putin’s perspective. Is it because so many American bureaucrats and politicians have been privately and very illegally benefiting from Ukraine’s oil and gas business, and from its illegal bioweapon labs set up at the behest of Dr. Mengele Fauci and American Big Pharma companies? These illegal relationships have been coming to light in the past few years, mostly now as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Watch the interview, and be thankful that a free America still exists in part, despite the Biden Regime’s best efforts to turn America into a violent police state, and freedom never being free and having to be occasionally renewed by the blood of patriots and tyrants alike.

UPDATE: Tucker Carlson goes food shopping in Moscow. Whoa.

Everything covid-climate-elections is settled, OK?

The dominant theme emerging from just about everything associated with one political party and its leftist allies is that everything they demand and want and pass and promote requires me and you to give up our rights, our freedoms, our choices, our privacy, our money. I cannot think of one Democrat Party legislative bill that isn’t prying into my private life and into my bank account, and taking things away from me. All with massive government coercive force and harsh penalties for even trying to resist or even question their government enforcers.

The other theme that has emerged from the blatantly stolen elections in 2020 and in Pennsylvania and Arizona in 2022 is the same theme we have been told by the Left about Covid and human caused “climate change” – the “science” is settled, the votes are settled, and the questions about any of these are settled. Now sit the hell down and do what we tell you.

Questioning elections, lockdowns, climate change is not permitted. That is the official message government employees tell us and that the mainstream establishment legacy media repeat unquestioningly like parrots.

Even while more and more evidence is being presented through non-traditional channels about how the American government response to Covid, with the destructive lockdowns, silly useless masks, and the murderous injections, was not guided by science of any sort. Rather, government’s response to Covid was to use it to implement a destructive political agenda of control, control, control. No science at all. But Dr. Mengele Fauci kept telling us to trust the science and that his ever changing decisions were the science. The unassailable technocratic science that we should all bow down to, and that we now see was absolute rubbish.

Climate change has been stuck in the same static claim of “the science is settled” since the 1980s, when there was literally zero science about climate. That was just a political agenda claim, not a scientific one. And since the 1980s a pile of work has been done on climate, but most of it has been political narrative, and bullying, and censorship, not real scientific work and progress. What science has been done has been mostly statistical, and based on blatantly manipulated data sets from the poorest possible data sources. E.g. the laughable “sea ice is melting” data even as ships cannot get through the intense sea ice that has in fact not melted, and the easily disprovable “increasingly catastrophic storms” lie. In other words, climate change is still not science two and three decades later, after the original “the science is settled” hoax.

But we are supposed to accept it and shut up.

Now we see elections across America fraught with incredible and blatant fraud. Ballots dumped into counting centers that don’t pass the basic ballot verifications, like matching signature checks, and the ballots all have blatantly mismatched signatures. Hundreds of thousands of these fraudulent ballots in Arizona and Pennsylvania. Mail in ballots are a huge path to election fraud and it is how so many elections are being claimed by….who else but Democrat Party candidates. And don’t you dare challenge them! The science of vote counting is settled and you had better just shut up!

Now we learn from the Twitter Files expose that the federal government, namely the FBI and the DHS, illegally mis-spent millions of our own tax dollars to pay Twitter staff to censor Americans who were telling the truth about Covid, about climate change, and about fraudulent elections. Our own American government has been spending boatloads of our own taxpayer money to promote outright lies and to prevent the truth from even being told. Yes this horrible behavior is illegal and evil and corrupt and unimaginable in a democratic nation. But because it benefited just one political party and its ideological allies, the mainstream media is almost silent about it.

Have you heard about these Twitter Files? You know, the internal documents and communications that reveal Twitter to be a corrupt FBI front organization designed to tell misinformation and lies to the American people, and to manipulate our votes and the information our votes are based on? Truly evil shit.

And it’s not just Twitter, but YouTube, Google, and Facebook, and Instagram.

No one has a crystal ball and no one can predict how human events will unfold and play out. But a lot of Americans are now beginning to have their eyes opened up. The consequences of all the government staffers engaged in criminal behavior and criminal acts have yet to be revealed, but there must be consequences for what we already now know. If no FBI staff are fired and put in jail over this, if no DHS staff are fired and jailed over this, then America as a free country run by The People – you and me –  is dead. It is over. Voting is a meaningless charade.

Because the federal employees engaged in these criminal acts are not being held accountable, and then the rule of law is over and the government is despotic. The opposite of how and why America was founded.

And then We, The People have only our own Declaration of Independence remaining to guide our next actions:

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness…

…and there is more about a long train of government abuses of The People, government usurpations of the People’s powers, government employee despotism against citizens like the J6ers being held in the Washington DC gulag, etc.

In other words, if there is no accountability, then The People of America can and should, even must rise up and take back their own government from usurpers and thieves. No matter what this takes, by any means necessary, whatever the cost.

Google and YouTube are trying their darnedest to censor and suppress this newspaper. But under Elon Musk’s ownership Twitter is allowing it to be debated, and read. Pfizer and the Democrat Party knowingly killed a lot of innocent, vulnerable people for financial gain…





What the un-secret biolabs in Ukraine mean

Ukraine as a stand-alone independent nation is a fairly new thing, especially in its current (1990 to 2013, 2014 to 2022) form. Historically, some part of Ukraine was always part of Russia-proper, including Kiev and the Crimean Peninsula.

When Ukraine took leave of its forced partnership with Russia upon the dissolution of the old Soviet Union, it did so as a highly vulnerable, militarily and economically weak new state. Its long, squiggly, almost haphazardly drawn  eastern border with Russia is for all intents and purposes indefensible, and was more of a statement about Russia’s temporary weakness than about what Ukraine actually was.

If not politically, in most other ways, Ukraine was fully or partially enmeshed and integrated with Russia from the 1500s until now. Linguistically, historically, culturally, not a whole lot separated the two nations, except maybe in the eastern Ukraine, which has had its own longstanding peasant cultural identity. Kiev in particular was always regarded as a Russian city, and aside from obvious military and symbolic purposes, it is for this reason that Russia is so aggressively trying to capture the capital.

And while Russia has been invading and fighting and capturing Ukraine over the past month, what did they encounter and take over but sophisticated laboratories. Special laboratories, doing things that ought not to be done according to international treaties. Like research into bio-weapons, germ warfare, etc. Very dangerous stuff. Very no-no stuff. Not stuff you want getting into the public view, and of course that is precisely where the Russians trotted it all out, in the United Nations and in front of international cameras.

At first the Biden Administration denied having anything to do with these labs. But that didn’t last long, because everything going on in the labs is by Americans using American equipment and stuff. United States fingerprints and hand prints and package labels are all over these labs, their workings, and their contents. Hence all the secrecy but no real deniability.

Eventually, last week, longtime Democrat Party insider Victoria Nuland confirmed the existence of the labs.

These labs are evidence that Ukraine has been a weak state from the beginning, and as such has drawn the attention of exploiters. It is not to say that Ukraine was a whore to the USA, but that weak Ukraine needed the USA’s protection to be able to resist Russia. And so Ukraine allowed certain no-no things to go on, like hidden, illegal bioweapon labs. These are the “quid-pro-quo” kind of things that Joe Biden spoke so plainly about several years ago when he openly bragged about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating Burisma, where Biden’s son Hunter received a huge corrupt salary.

In addition to secret labs, the exploiters also got their kids like Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi, Jr. (Nancy Pelosi’s son), John Kerry’s kid, and Mitt Romney’s kid into corrupt businesses in Ukraine, all doing high paying, shady, usually illegal work that none of them were qualified to get or do. It was just the cost that Ukraine had to pay to get American protection from Russia.

And so is it any wonder that George Soros and other Democrats are all aflutter about stopping Russia’s invasion? What other embarrassing no-no things will be discovered in Ukraine by Russian forces, and then shown to the world for all to see?

Much has been made about the Nazi-like-lite AZOV Brigade fighting the Russians down in the Crimea and Mariupol, as though all Ukrainians hold racist, antisemitic views like the AZOV Brigade does or did (they probably do not). And much has been made about how Ukraine is a hidden cesspit of leftist and Democrat corruption, and on this count I think the accusation is not only demonstrated true by the evidence, we can see how it all happened.

A weak Ukraine allowed American military scientists like Dr. Mengele Anthony Fauci to use their soil to conduct illegal and immoral biological tests that would never stand public scrutiny (like how Fauci illegally funded the Chinese military lab in Wuhan with American taxpayer money). And then it was not far to go from there to certain wealthy American political families (Democrat and Republican) placing their useless and spoiled children into shady Ukrainian businesses as another form of payola AKA payoff AKA a protection racket.

This is the true meaning of America’s hidden labs in Ukraine. They were a beginning political entry point for a great deal of successive but unofficial political and financial  penetration by American political elites. All of it illegal and immoral.

Ukraine is indeed a cesspit, and as much as the Ukrainian people never knew it and don’t deserve what is happening to them now, their situation just makes me wonder how much of America is being used this same way by our political elites – enriching our enemies at our expense, weakening American borders at our expense – and we have no idea that it is happening right here under our homes and driveways.

Wise words for 2022

One of the positive results of Demedia overreach, lies, dumbing down of “science,” and overt propaganda is the wisening up of Americans. People are catching on to the lies, and they are becoming upset regardless of their political party registration.

Political party used to define many Americans’ identity, and when the political parties once stood for dramatically different ideas and values, that made sense. But today, so many Americans see right through the propaganda emanating from one political party, the current White House, that is aided and abetted by the other political party, and spread by the Demedia. Individuals are hurt by official misinformation and propaganda regardless of what their party registration is, or was. People of all political inclinations want the freedom to choose their health, and to have their health choices be private.

Although YouTube, Google, Fakebook and Snapchat and so many other social media sites have done their best to stomp out debate and dissent about covid, The People are fighting back. If you are interested in seeing what political dissent scratched on a bathroom wall looks like, go to any of the Demedia outlets promoted on YouTube: CNN(LOL), NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, ABC etc and click on one of their covid videos. Look at the comments below, and marvel at how the wisdom of The People greatly outweighs and outshines that of fraudulent “experts” like Dr. Mengele Fauci. It shows how politicized science is not really science at all; it is just politics, and everyday people know it. They are not fooled.

While it’s a sad truth that YouTube recently removed the “Dislike” button count because The People greatly downvote the Demedia state propaganda, another battle wages right beneath the headline surface. The comments submitted by random, average, everyday people from around America and around the world often take down and pop the leftist propaganda with just a few wise words.

Below are some comments I copied from several Demedia propaganda videos about covid. These are wise words to begin our new year 2022 with, and hopefully the sentiment in these everyday commonsense comments spreads far and wide among general populations. Freedom and liberty depend upon this happening.


Lotta covid19 pain? Better be lotta gain

For all the pain we are all experiencing from the Chinese covid19 flu “lockdowns,” shutdowns, economic activity coming to a screeching halt, businesses laying off people, orders drying up etc., there had damned well better be a lot of gain when all is said and done.

Meaning, all our sacrifice and loss and crushed civil rights should damned well have happened for a good reason. A lot of people should have lived who were going to die or get very sick. etc.

When the most mild mannered attorney friend texts me out of the blue yesterday “Are you worried about our civil rights?” I knew that the felt pain was cutting deep.

Our text conversation last night was brief, but it covered all the territory a person might expect, given its premise. My friend reports that many of his other friends are starting to get pretty fussy about this government-imposed suspension of civil liberties. He wrote “It is one thing to cooperate and volunteer to move less in public, but to be told we must stay in our homes…?”

This guy who wrote these texts to to me is a solid religious person, a respected family man, a well regarded attorney, pretty staid and non-excitable, perhaps even at times a boring personality (hope he is not reading this). It would take a lot to get him to write something like this civil rights text. And yet by now it is doubtful we can find any American who has not also felt a lot of pain from this covid19 China Flu business, so his texts to me are probably indicative of a lot of other Americans’ restlessness. A chafing at the bit. A natural inborn resistance to being told what to do, as opposed to being asked to volunteer as free people.

Really at the center of all this lockdown/shutdown/ Big Coercive Government vs Smaller and Smaller Citizen are two factors: 1) The philosophy of governance held by the various mayors, governors, and federal disease experts, and 2) a sense of duty to nation and to one another held by Americans.

A natural tension always exists in our republic, between effective government decision making on the one hand, and citizens’ rights on the other hand. Our founding documents (Constitution, Bill of Rights) are all about this tension, and how to strike a balance between the trade-offs of having an effective government and also having a free citizenry. No doubt that Communist China has a really effective government, but on the other hand its citizens have zero freedom. Americans want maximum freedom, so we naturally reject the kind of government it takes to be really effective.

However, many if not almost all of the Washington, DC, careerists are inured to the notion of a strong federal government. An overpoweringly strong and coercive government, need be. And why would they not have this mindset? It makes them maximally relevant and powerful. So enter Washington bureaucrats Fauci and Birx, and their approach to the Wuhan China covid19 flu has been to at first pooh pooh it, and then when it becomes a big issue, to take the opposite tack – everyone lock yourself in your home and do not come out until we experts tell you to.

Back in January and February, Fauci was quoted many times pooh poohing and disavowing the China covid19 flu. Can’t happen, won’t happen, not a big deal. Oops, now it is happening – everyone run and hide, to hell with the economy.

Add to this message coming out of Washington bureaucrats the naturally authoritarian nature of many elected officials around America, and we get some pretty authoritarian abuses of power. In Malibu California the other day, a guy simply paddle boarding out in the surf was actually cut off by two police boats and then arrested for not self-social-distancing. While he was literally all alone out on the water, near no one, hurting no one, putting at risk no one. And of course the ACLU is nowhere to be found for him, because the ACLU is not about civil rights, it is about destroying America.

Here in Pennsylvania, our governor, the mild mannered and generally friendly Tom Wolf, has issued a pretty wild declaration, a dictatorial ultimatum, that has suspended our civil rights and shut down most businesses and the families who depend on them. While many of us have a strong sense of duty to our fellow humans, and we are happy to make personal sacrifices in order to protect our neighbors and our communities, at a certain point we begin to chafe under the dictatorial approach to applying law.

A lot of pain is being felt across America, and certainly here in Pennsylvania. Many of the businesses I regularly interact with are in increasingly bad shape. Much of this has to do with their diminished cash flow and uncertain banking situation. So if the banks are eventually made whole, then the rest of these businesses will be made whole, and the whole economy will come roaring back to where it was or stronger. In the mean time we all have families to feed and bills to pay, and the pain of Wolf’s lockdown is becoming intense.

Is this pain worth it, is it justified, people are asking.

Everyone I know has a real commitment to doing the right thing, because it is the right thing to do. They do not need to be told what to do, just asked. But now the pressure and resentment to being told what to do, at great personal cost, without a lot of evident gain, is beginning to build up. This would naturally be expected. The sacrifices we are all making seem to be much greater than would normally, reasonably be expected. We cannot really see the fruits of our sacrifices.

Americans die every day from all sorts of maladies and accidents. A regular flu season sees about 32,000 Americans die nationally, from just the regular old flu. We take that number of deaths as a matter of fact, a cost of being alive. And yet we are not seeing that same result from this covid19 coronavirus thing. Not even close. In fact, so far, just the opposite.

If it turns out that Wuhan China covid19 Chinese Flu actually results in very few deaths, and yet the entire nation’s economy was thrown out the window for little or no gain in health, then there is going to be hell to pay.

Flumageddon II: Medical Community Asleep at Wheel

Since 1918, when the first known flu pandemic (named “war fever” because it resulted from the trench warfare conditions of World War I) swept the planet and killed about twenty million souls, the Western medical profession has known all about the danger of flu viruses.

No mystery here. None. Everyone who is a doctor today is at least aware of the flu and has studied it to some degree. And since 1918, SARS, Swine Flu, and some other deadly flu viruses have swept through Asia and America, leaving tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people dead as a result. We have had plenty of warning about dangerous flu bugs. Plenty of time and opportunity to prepare.

Now in 2020 enter coronavirus19, which is the 19th known iteration/ strain of the corona virus, a well-known flu bug. But this time, the medical community has been caught absolutely flat-footed, unprepared, deer-in-the-headlights surprised. World-respected “DOCTOR” Anthony Fauci at NIH has openly stated that America is not as prepared as other countries to deal with this, and he openly wonders why this is….

Hello, Doctor Fauci, you have been a self-declared expert on flu viruses and other mass diseases for decades. And now you say that America is not prepared? Have you looked in the mirror lately to find the answer about WHY we are not prepared?!

Who else was supposed to prepare America for these dangerous diseases IF NOT YOU and your fellow doctors? Where the hell have you guys been all these years?

I mean, was there a prior massive call by doctors for flu testing kits and masks and all the other protocols and preparatory steps to defend against a flu pandemic, and the elected officials neglected to meet that call? If so, then we need to know about it. We need to know who dropped the ball and placed Americans at risk.

And no, oh no, no, you cannot blame the guy who just walked into the room. The one guy who knew nothing about this until weeks ago, like the rest of the public. The one guy who has not spent his career in government, or in medicine, or in critiquing government and medicine and public health, but who has spent just over three years total in government, Donald Trump, THIS is the guy who is supposed to take the blame? No, no way.

Please excuse my all-caps here, but I don’t know how else to convey in writing the feelings of amazement and disgust I feel for seeing the supposed best and brightest in Western Civilization literally pass the buck to the least culpable person on the planet.

Coronavirus19 has become a political football, only because a single political party and its communications arm, AKA “the media,” has politicized this flu bug, just like they have politicized literally every other thing that this president has said or done. Only because this one political party and its propaganda arm want to create hysteria and blame for political gain is this hysteria and medical failure now happening. Every other flu that has come and gone and left tens of thousands of people dead in its wake have been left up to the facts of life. Already this “flu season” about 20,000 Americans have died from “the flu.” And another ten thousand Americans are expected to die before the flu season ends this spring. No one was ever blamed before for any of this, least of all an American president.

So why now? Hmmmm?

What really irks me about lazy and incompetent doctors is that their hospitals are the most dangerous places to go. If you want to really get sick, or even die unexpectedly, then go stay in a hospital. Not only will you be unnecessarily exposed to lots of germs that can kill you, but you will also be exposed to massive doses of medical malpractice and incompetence. Hospitals and the doctors in them are extremely dangerous to public health. That is a cold numeric fact. And it is a fact that Americans accept, because we presume that the risks of not having those very same hospitals is higher than having them.

Doctors make the worst policy people. The very worst. Because unrealistic and impractical zero risk is usually what doctors demand; from everyone else. They usually want to spend huge amounts of money to reduce minor risks to almost zero percent chance of happening. And yet they themselves are often walking, talking killing machines, dispensing oopsies and my-bads right and left as they step over the twitching corpse of their latest malpractice victim and go on to the next one. Look at the stats on this!

These are the same doctors who tell Americans that all guns are bad, and that guns kill by themselves, and that we cannot possibly have guns in our homes. Yet, statistically speaking, if you have a doctor in your home, you are at much greater risk for a whole host of gruesome deaths than you are from a gunshot.

These are the same doctors and medical know-it-alls who have dropped the public health ball with coronavirus19 and are now pointing their fingers at the American president.

You must be kidding me. No, you are not going to fool me, not this time. Not again. If any mistake has happened with coronavirus19, it is squarely on the shoulders of the medical and public health communities. And it is made worse by the silly media hysteria causing people to fight over rolls of toilet paper and to hoard canned vegetables. It is quite literally an insane situation, brought to us by lazy doctors, lazy bureaucrats, and evil political activists who will burn down America in order to get control of America.