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A Uvalde Memorial Day weekend

In the spirit of this Memorial Day weekend, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the 19 child students and two teachers sacrificed in a school in Uvalde, Texas, last week, to advance the Democrat Party’s pursuit of absolute and total control over every American.

No deaths are ever too many in the Democrat Party’s pursuit of the latest bloody crisis they can leverage into illgotten political gains. From late-term abortions where the living child is literally euthanized after having been born, to innocent school children gunned down in defunded police-free schools, the Democrat Party stands proudly for one thing: Death to children every day. Because God knows, the Democrat Party must always have a crisis to exploit to help them move otherwise unpopular and poorly considered legislation, and no sacrifice for that is too big or too sad.

We must also acknowledge the importance here of the Child Molesting and Pedophile Groomers’ Lobby, aka the National Education Association and its many state and local affiliate teachers’ unions. They, too, wish to exert unchallenged control over all taxpayer-funded government schools, where they exploit small children in psychopathic social experiments pitting the kids against their loving, devoted parents. Nothing happens in public schools without the teachers’ unions lobby say-so, and so their well considered decision to leave public schools as vulnerable soft targets is implemented everywhere across America. They can’t have their bloody crises without the soft targets inviting them.

The teachers’ unions are A-OK with sacrificing children and even some teachers to move their political football down the field. Recall that a great many of the teachers and politicians and basketball coaches demanding gun confiscation today are the very same people who demanded that local police forces be defunded and also stay the hell out of schools yesterday.

Yes, it is true that these teachers’ unions and their political allies speak out of both sides of their mouths, but what is the point of being logical and reasonable when your end goal is the total collapse of American civilization?

We have learned some disturbing facts about the Uvalde massacre over the past few days: A teacher propped open a door that cross-dressing murderer Salvador Ramos then walked through unopposed, after he had spent TWELVE MINUTES shooting his guns at the school building with no apparent return fire or police response. He must have realized that the school was undefended and also welcoming to mass murderers, and so he literally waltzed in.

And apparently the law enforcement officials who did eventually respond milled about outside for an hour like a bunch of scared school girls, and not like the trained burly men with firearms they actually are. What a bunch of cowards. And then these same cowardly law enforcement officials turned their violent attention onto the terrified parents they were blocking from the school, tasing one father and handcuffing a mother.

In other words, the police at Uvalde were too busy “saving” the parents outside to go inside the school to actually intervene and save the kids from Ramos.

You can’t make this stuff up, but a lot of this failure has to be associated with the Democrat Party’s efforts to defund and defang the police across America. As a result, a lot of police everywhere these days feel confused and uncertain about what they are supposed to do, and how much trouble they will get into with angry Democrats if they actually shoot a child murderer dripping blood from his hands. Because a heroic police officer to you and me is always a cold blooded murderer to the Democrat Party….

Gun confiscation from law abiding citizens is the Democrat Party’s goal here, for the simple reason that an armed populace is impossible to rule over the way that the Democrat Party intends. So, what’s a few sacrifices here and there in the pursuit of absolute and total control of all 350 million Americans?

Those of us inclined to think of and memorialize bloody American sacrifice differently than this cynical Democrat ploy can recall that our Memorial Day tomorrow is not just about those military personnel who gave their lives abroad for our freedom here at home. We also recall that in our own War for Independence, many unarmed heroes gave their lives right here on American soil so that future generations might live in freedom from government.

And this is how I prefer to think of the Uvalde kids and teachers now, as domestic heroes whose sacrifice will not have been in vain. Because so many Americans are catching on now to the Democrat Party’s anarchic lawlessness, and they see through their calls for more government control over our law-abiding lives.


Democrat Party 100% owns Uvalde school shooting

The mass shooting in yet another school, this time in Uvalde, Texas, is like all the others: It was preventable and is 100% the result of the Democrat Party and its subsidiary, the teacher’s unions, who control government schools with an iron fist.

As we have seen over the past year, the Biden Administration’s DOJ and FBI have been treating justifiably angry parents of school children as “domestic terrorists.” Relying on the First Amendment, these parents formally object through long established democratic processes to the hijacking of their taxpayer-owned schools by anti-America indoctrinators posing as teachers and school administrators.

But because the Democrat Party is using the power of government to try to silence its political critics, and to protect the government school system from being taken back by the taxpayer citizens, they have teamed up with various private anti-America groups like the National School Board Association and the National Education Association to “inform” the DOJ and FBI on who to illegally target. While this behavior is obviously un-democratic and a grotesque misuse of government power and authority, it is in and of itself not the focus of today’s essay.

What the forgoing means is that government-run “public schools” are just another captured outpost of the Democrat Party and its anti-America, bizarro sexual and cultural groomers who must be defended at all costs from the peaceful citizens who actually own the schools and underwrite them via hard-paid taxes out of their pockets. It means that public schools are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democrat Party and its primary educational arm, the National Education Association teacher’s union and its affiliates. And what this means is that pretty much everything that happens inside public school grounds is either OK’d or enabled by the teacher’s unions and the Democrat Party.

Including school shootings.

Believe me, if the Democrat Party and its teacher’s unions did not want racist Critical Race Theory taught in public schools, it wouldn’t be. If they didn’t want school shootings, there would not be any. Teachers’ unions have an absolute lock on public schools, and so whatever happens in these schools happens because of careful decisions the Democrat Party and the teacher’s unions have made. They own all of these things.

One conscious decision they have made over and over is to leave public schools as purposefully soft targets, easily accessed by murderous criminals who wreak mayhem and bloodshed in school buildings almost at will. In the wake of previous school shootings, Democrats in Congress have voted to prevent armed police from being in schools. Just the other day, Democrat Party US Senator Chuck Schumer blocked legislation that would make public schools a thousand times safer by allowing administrators and teachers to be armed.

Why would there be a constant effort by the Democrat Party to keep public schools as soft targets, their school children, staff and employees disarmed and sitting ducks? Because the Democrat Party is addicted to bloodshed and crises, at any cost. Nothing moves the political ball down the field like a scary crisis with tons of innocent blood spilled, and so the Democrat Party and its teachers’ unions have cultivated the kinds of circumstances that allow these shootings to easily occur. Such is the Left’s desire for full control over America that no sacrifice is too big, there are never enough dead children and blood soaked headlines. Anything to gain control.

The Uvalde massacre shows once again that the Democrat Party is both arsonist and then fireman.

I know this might sound nuts, but given how much official skullduggery we have already seen aimed at illegally expanding the federal surveillance state against law abiding American citizens, I would not be surprised if we learn that some of these school shooters were paid to commit their crimes.

In the Uvalde massacre, the shooter (possibly an illegal alien) Salvador Ramos, 18, posted direct online threats that no one acted on, murdered his grandmother, then drove to the school and easily overcame an armed but untrained School Resource Officer. The police on scene did not enter the school to stop the shooting out of fear for their own safety, and a mother on the scene who did try to enter the school to help was arrested and handcuffed by one of the useless cowards carrying a gun and a badge there.

There are a lot of failures at Uvalde, and not one of them has to do with lawful, law-abiding gun owners anywhere in America. But as we have seen, the Democrat Party and its media establishment is hijacking this latest massacre that they created in order to generate the next crisis that can be leveraged into more anti-constitutional behavior by the federal government, namely gun-grabbing from law-abiding Americans who form the only real bulwark against federal government lawlessness and control. And we see that the Biden Administration is 100% all-out for full control of all of us through online media, controlling our bank accounts, etc.

And so we just have to ask this logical question: If the FBI, DOJ, National Association of School Boards, and the teachers’ unions are willing to repeatedly sacrifice innocent school children on their altar of disarming and completely controlling America, then what do they really have planned for the rest of us after they take our guns?

Probably a lot more bloodshed, and all for the Leftist cause.

American blacks are saving the GOP

Today’s Republican Party may have a lazy corporate culture, a bunch of do-nothings leading it who are there for the easy money, a nice pension, insider trading, early golf games and lavish fundraisers, and it might not really stand for much at all, but at least it’s not the anti-America, anti-human, pro-pedophile Democrat Party.

This is the thinking of a lot of American voters these days, who feel compelled to see the electoral trade-offs offered to them by these two political parties as necessarily choosing the lesser of two evils. This is no great endorsement of the Republican Party, and it is worth noting that a lot of conservatives revile the GOP. I do. Because it is a pathetic excuse for a political party, which is supposed to embody a philosophy of government implemented through legislation and policy.

Originally founded in 1854 by Americans both Caucasian and ex-African to oppose the westward expansion of Democrat Party slavery, by 1860 the Republican Party had become the de facto political party of anti-slavery abolitionists. The Republican Party leader became Abraham Lincoln (inspired by Frederick Douglass), who fought the Democrats in the First Civil War, and the rest is well known history, unless your school teaches CRT: The Democrat Party lost the Civil War, Democrats everywhere never forgave the Republicans for taking away their slaves, and fast forward the Democrat Party stole the 2020 election so they can enslave an entire nation, not just black people.

After defeating the Democrat Party again and again on voting rights and civil rights for American blacks in the 1950s and 1960s, somewhere around the late 1960s the Republican Party became a big White Guys country club and ceased to stand for much at all beyond making scads of money and wearing penny loafers. The GOP has not improved since then, and today it is really the headquarters for every spineless jellyfish American walking on two legs.

But there is hope, big hope, that the GOP might once again stand for something important and meaningful. This is because American blacks are waking up to the realization that the Democrat Party has de facto enslaved them for the past sixty years, taking their votes and never delivering on their promises. For the taxpayer-funded welfare equivalent of thirty pieces of silver, beginning in the 1960s the Democrat Party turned American blacks into sharecroppers and hopeless drug addicts on the Democrat Plantation. And now American blacks are in growing revolt against their would-be white liberal Democrat slave masters. They see how bad their lives are, and they know who is responsible.

While depriving the evil Democrat Party of a big swath of their voters is a good thing, even better is that American blacks are registering as Republicans and running for office as Republicans. They are almost singlehandedly redeeming the GOP and restoring it to its former purpose and focus. Between black conservatives and “white” conservatives, the GOP country club mentality is beginning to change. It is true that the GOPe (GOP establishment) fights against Republican conservatives harder than it fights against the Democrat Party, but this is a losing fight. Since 2008, seat by seat, primary election by election, conservatives (patriotic constitutionalists devoted to American First Principles and the principle of America First) are capturing former RINO territory, and planting the flag of freedom.

Of especial note in this rising tide are the increasing number of black conservatives. These candidates/ elected officials (Kathy Barnette here in PA, Herschel Walker, Byron Donalds, Winsome Sears, Harriet Hallman, Tim Scott, Tamika Hamilton, Wesley Hunt, Mark Robinson, Kristina Karamo, and Dr. Leslyn Lewis in Canada) news pundits (Candace Owens), philosophical leaders (Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, Colion Noir), and just plain-old fed up working people, are freakin’ ROCK STARS among rural white conservatives.

Why? Because there is nothing more powerfully symbolic and inspiring in a representative government owned by every citizen than a freed slave standing up, shaking off the shackles of injustice, and proclaiming Liberty throughout the land.

The Republican Party has not had this much relevance, meaning, and usefulness since 1864 and again in 1964, and so may it continue in this vein for decades to come. I hope and pray that black conservatives will increasingly run for office, because there are few white Americans who represent a restoration of government of, by and for The People as much as a black American.

couple more thoughts on Trump’s US senate endorsement

In his endorsement of non-Pennsylvanian, non-conservative, liberal Hollywood TV elite personality Dr. Mehmet Oz for the open US senate seat here in Pennsylvania, President Trump made it crystal clear in his statement that this was a strategic decision. Not an ideological decision.

By strategic, President Trump said and meant that Oz is (in Trump’s opinion) the one “Republican” candidate with the widest general appeal in November’s general election, when the Republican nominee will face evil anti-America leftist Josh Shapiro (the word evil is my own choice, because I believe that Josh Shapiro is absolutely evil, pure evil, cruelly evil, horribly evil, not because of his policy positions, which he is entitled to, but for his evil mis-use of his important Attorney General position for purely politically partisan purposes, at enormous cost to Pennsylvanians of all beliefs and viewpoints).

Trump made it absolutely clear that his support for Oz is not based on anything that Trump believes in or actually wants, more than a simple “R” in the senate instead of a “D,” and a Karl Marx/ Josef Stalin-driven “D” at that. To Trump, having another senate “R” here, even in the image of RINOs Rick Santorum, Arlen Specter, Patricia Toomey, et al, is still a win.

OK, I suppose there is a logic to that thinking and approach to electoral politics. It is a time-honored approach in Pennsylvania. Heck, we see it 24/7 with the GOP in general and the PAGOP in particular, both of whom automatically sell the most dumbed-down, weakest, most “moderate” candidates possible every race, on the basis that this weakness sells, because it is non-threatening to non-conservatives.

Problem here is, Pennsylvania is becoming a more conservative state. Most of the Democrats I grew up with were like me – pro-Second Amendment and pro-Life – and they, like me, are no longer registered Democrats. Even those with long Democrat Party allegiance and pedigrees going back to FDR had been voting mostly conservative for a long time already. Making the step from pro-America Democrat to Republican was not too terribly difficult for most of them. And Trump has no way of knowing this, because he is not from Pennsylvania and he does not know our conservative blue collar politics.

The other problem with Trump’s thinking on this odd Oz endorsement is that he seems to forget that he himself was once (in 2016) the ideological outsider with “no chances” of winning any election, primary or general. And he also seems to forget that it was precisely his own fervent America First ideology that captured votes from across the political spectrum in PA and elsewhere.

If President Trump were to really think carefully about this PA senate race, he would have endorsed either no one, or he would have endorsed his ideological mate Kathy Barnette. Endorsing no one and just leaving his unwillingness to select media-favorite dangerous RINO WEF mole Dave McCormick would have sent a clear message of his justified rejection of  McCormick. But it seems to me that Trump’s unhappiness with McCormick is more personal, and on that score we all know that his personal feelings about loyalty and betrayal can be both Trump’s best and worst character traits.

In this instance, it seems Trump’s personal antipathy for McCormick goaded him into wrongly endorsing McCormick’s perceived rival, Dr. Oz.

But I do not at all believe the “professional” polls showing this race a dead heat between Oz and McCormick. And I do not at all believe that this senate race is and will be only between RINOs Oz and McCormick. Rather, I am watching Kathy Barnette quietly amassing strong public support across eastern and central Pennsylvania. This is not yet really evident in any of the polls, and I think Barnette is going to give everyone – pollsters, pundits, and politicians alike – a run for their money in this primary election at its very end.

If Trump were being the best of Trump, he would have spent some time here talking with voters on the street and hearing what they are saying, and he would have rendered either an endorsement of someone who tracks with his America First ideology, or no endorsement as a result. But instead he kind of shot from the hip, for a kind of understandable reason, and then he kind of shot himself in the foot. Because I do not know one Republican voter who is going to vote for Oz, either before or after Trump’s endorsement. Trump has alienated his strongest supporters with this endorsement; he has not persuaded them.

Instead, Republican/ conservative voters (lots of conservatives feel caged and locked up in the useless Republican Party) are saying “I don’t care that Our Lord and Savior President Donald Trump just endorsed someone. It is a flawed endorsement that makes no sense. So I am not voting for that person.”

And the one name I keep hearing and seeing written by these voters is candidate Kathy Barnette.

Why rich guys like McCormick, Oz, and Bartos make such bad senators

The old adage “Follow the money” for figuring out who benefits from crime and betrayal applies also to political candidates. People who want your vote can have only a couple of reasons for asking for it: Personal power (bad reason), money (bad reason), and influence over public policy (great or bad reason, depending upon the candidate).

Personal power should never be associated with any individual elected citizen in a representative democracy or constitutional republic. That is the essence of power corrupting nearly everything it touches.

Making money from official positions in government is obviously corrupt, because the sole purpose and role of any official anywhere is to serve The People. As soon as an official uses his or her official position to enrich themselves, they are corrupt.

Finally, having influence over public policy to serve the citizenry’s public interest is the only legitimate reason for anyone to run for office or to serve in the official government bureaucracy. Influence for the sake of The People’s benefit is the gold standard for putting your name in the ring and asking for the votes of fellow citizens. And it is the rare candidate who runs for office on this basis alone. However, there are candidates running for office for this sole purpose, and they alone deserve your support. Because after all, they are probably solely devoted to you, The People.

So, always be skeptical of all candidates asking for your vote right off the bat, and dig a little into how they benefit from obtaining the power of the elected position they seek.

Just yesterday we gained insight into the reason why rich guy candidates like Dave McCormick, Dr. Oz, and Jeff Bartos deserve absolutely zero votes from any regular guy or gal voter.

Did you see how fellow ultra-wealthy guy and gal US senators Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) abandoned their simple commitment to basic law and common sense legal policy by supporting anti-Constitution cultural Marxist Ketanji Jackson’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court?

Both Murkowski and Romney have used their elected positions to enrich themselves while in office, too. Both are in office for all the wrong reasons (same goes for US senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and many others).

Romney and Murkowski did this because rich guys and gals inhabit a very tiny sphere of fellow wealthy people, whose acclaim and support they crave more than anything. They will do anything, vote any way against the interests of their constituents, to win the acclaim and support of their fellow rich people.

Over American history, very few wealthy officials have done good for The People, and most often they only do well for themselves and their fellow socialites. Outside of America’s Founding Fathers, we can count on one hand the number of wealthy presidents who have actually only served The People: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon (who was actually poor as dirt), and Ronald Reagan.

If you think for one second that a candidate like ultra rich Connecticut socialite guy Dave McCormick is ever going to be a Theodore Roosevelt, you are fooling yourself. Dave McCormick is quietly funded by huge Democrat Party donors as well as GOPe donors, all of whom have much more in common with one another than they have differences amongst themselves, hence the term “uniparty.”

To a smaller degree that same can be said for Dr. Oz (a long time liberal from outside PA) and RINO Jeff Bartos.

So, if you want another spineless, liberal, wavering, uncertain, disloyal rich socialite like Mitt Romney or Lisa Murkowski to be elected as a Republican in Pennsylvania, then by all means vote for McCormick, Oz, and Bartos.

And if you are like the vast majority of American voters these days, who are allergic to ultra rich people getting elected to office and then forgetting all about us when they get there, then there is only one true, honest candidate running for US Senate for the right reason: Kathy Barnette.

Kathy Barnette definitely deserves your vote next month, because of all the candidates, she alone has just your public policy interests at heart.

Is the Democrat Party just a big pedophilia group?

Serious question here: Why is the Democrat Party full of so many people who publicly want so badly to sexualize children? And why do grown adults truly want to sexualize children? It can’t possibly be legitimate, so what the hell is this about? Why are we even asking these questions in 2022, and what the hell happened to one of America’s great political parties that it has sunk this disgustingly low?

(Truth in advertising: I used to be a registered Democrat, and in the 1990s, when I no longer recognized the Democrat Party, I left it. This does not mean that I am committed to any other political party, at all.)

When we say “sexualize,” we mean introducing children, like tiny eeny weeny children, to human sexuality, which used to be a private matter reserved for parents at home. And not just human sexuality, like “the birds and the bees” reproduction basics, but all kinds of abnormal or minority/ “kinky” and even violent sexual practices, that are or should be strictly a private matter among consenting adults.

To be fair to these advocates of grooming children for pedophilia, I mean the “professional educators,” they say they are helping kids develop their sexual identity in a healthy way. So that young people can know their truest sexual self at the earliest possible age. These pedophiles, excuse me, educators, say that they are preventing children from becoming unhappy with themselves later in life. Inside every child is a bi-tri-homo-trans-sexual just screaming to claw itself out, they say.

And to all of that I say horeshit. It is absolute nonsense. Nowhere in the history of our species has so much emphasis been placed on sexual behavior as now, and for fifty or a hundred thousand years before all this grooming began, humans did just fine, but in order to make 1% of the population feel most comfortable with itself, we are supposed to sacrifice the other 99%.

The other humans who sacrificed their children were the pagans of the Middle East and Eastern Europe, and these practices are horrific and should never be tolerated. But I don’t think the sacrifice part of this thing is where it is at.

Historically, the age of innocence was a sacrosanct time in a child’s life when “Big Person” ideas and issues were not allowed in, so that children could just be children. Certain ideas like sex, violence, lies, manipulation, and other adult flaws were not allowed to children, for good reason. For a long time, adults in Western Civilization shielded children so they could grow into themselves without being bombarded by adult issues and challenges that will already arrive soon enough. Kids could have imaginary friends, carry teddy bears, talk to themselves, have tea parties with mud pies, and have many years of safe space to just be a kid before the cold realities of life began to trickle in to their awareness.

Civilizations that allowed children to be sexually exploited by adults were always considered barbaric. And yet, somehow, a significant part of America’s voter base is now fully on board with what is obviously pedophilia, in the guise of “education.” What other purpose could this aggressive sexualization of children be for than adults to eventually have sex with those children? It is like open sexual grooming, preparing children to be the subjects of pedophilia, as a plank in a political party’s platform.

Recent examples include Disney’s push to have a more aggressive LBQTABCDEFG agenda forced on children who enter into Disney’s grasp in movie theaters and theme parks, despite recent news reports of quite a few Disney employees being arrested for child molestation. No shame at Disney, apparently, because their CEO just attacked Florida governor Ron DeSantis over an anti-child-sexual exploitation law, the much mis-named “don’t say gay” BS.  The Florida law is aimed precisely at preventing pedophiles from grooming children to become sex objects and zero to do with anyone being gay.

Child sex molester monster Jeffery Epstein and his mostly Democrat Party elite child molesting friends had an entire island dedicated to this illegal and revolting practice.

Public school teachers pushing child sex exploitation across America are openly defying taxpaying parents, school boards, and school administrations who are telling them to stop (when the administrators tell them to stop; usually they tell the teachers to keep going). This is not the behavior of an educator; it is the behavior of sex-crazed pedophile maniacs. And the teachers unions are predictably supporting these errant teachers (they are not educators).

And finally, the Democrat Party’s centerpiece, Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Jackson, whose long-term shocking leniency with convicted child sex predators can mean only one thing: She is personally quite OK with child molestation, child pornography, and the child predators who sexually exploit children.

Why aren’t rank and file registered Democrats speaking out about this problem? You know, something like a letter to the editor of East Succotash Newspaper: “Dear Editor, my name is John Doe, and I am a registered Democrat. While I do not support most conservative or Republican policies, I am concerned about the high level of support so many Democrat Party leaders and teachers unions have for sexualizing children. Sexualization of children is wrong, it is illegal in most civilized places, and something is wrong with a political party that makes this subject a focal point. I am unhappy about my Democrat Party going in this direction and I want it to stop.”

But guess what, you won’t see letters like this anywhere. I can’t tell if the registered Democrat Party voters are asleep at the wheel, or sheep-like lemmings that go wherever the party leaders wave them on, or do they actually agree with this crazy stuff?

If Democrats really want to challenge tiny children and get them to grow, eliminate their age of innocence, for the kids’ own interests, of course, then why not introduce them to economics and statistics at age five, so they can grow up into financially and fiscally literate and responsible adults?

If Democrats want to end the mis-use of firearms, and have safer schools, then why not have gun safety training in schools?

These are two legitimate policy subjects that could easily be incorporated into schools everywhere, and that would have tangible results right away. But nope, nothing doing. We just have teachers and school administrators obsessed with turning children into sex objects and props.

It is almost like the entire Democrat Party is just one big pedophilia and child pornography group, sad to say. Prove that this isn’t so. Anybody?



Right, I thought so, and I said so.

Update April 1, 2022: On afterthought, a political party or political movement that stands formally and officially for the killing of children after they are born, for the governmental crushing of individual liberty and dissent by coercively mandating unproven drug injections, for the government to steal children away from their families to be indoctrinated in government schools, for the allowance of pedophilia and child pornography, I could go on, but any political party or movement that stands for these things is really morally bankrupt. This is just pure evil. And for those of you who read this and roll your eyes, wake the hell up. This isn’t the Democrat Party of our youth or of JFK or of FDR. This is an authoritarian, anti-human, anti-freedom Democrat Party unworthy of having the word “democrat” in it. And if you are like me and you are revolted by this political party, you don’t have to join any other party. You can become an independent or a non-affiliated.

Some conservatives are sounding cruel about Ukraine

Yes, we know that Ukraine has been a money laundering pedophile child pornography child prostitution child slave trade playground for American elites and especially for children of the Democrat Party. Ukraine is also the locale of Burisma, the corrupt natural gas company that just happened to hire crack-addict Hunter Biden for a million dollars a year to do what, no one knows. Even Hunter Biden has admitted in an interview he was hired only because of his dad, then-VP of the USA.

And Ukraine is also the locale of the federal prosecutor fired by the Ukrainian government for investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden, because Joe Biden bragged about threatening to withhold a billion dollars in American aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor wasn’t fired. This is Corruption 101, and we all see it.

Yes, there are a surprisingly large number of Americans whose allegiance to the corrupt and immoral Democrat Party is so certain (why why why?) that they will overlook all of this disgusting, horrible sickness and they will try to explain it away with nonsensical blather. And it is this nonsensical blather that really gets the goat of a lot of conservatives, and makes our side say some dumb things.

Like lots of conservatives are openly cheering on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, because dictator Vladimir Putin is corralling and exposing the Democrat Party illegalities and corruption there. They say that because Russia is exposing the deep state’s dirty little hidey hole, everything that Russia is doing there is just fine. Tear it all down, they say.

Say what?

Conservatives used to pride themselves on being humane, conscientious, pro-life. And yet here a fair number of American conservatives are cheering on the utter flattening of Ukrainian society, made of innocent people who have no skin in the corruption game, no dog in the corruption fight. They simply own simple little homes and apartments where they eked out a small, simple life, until Russia invaded and violently destroyed everything these people owned.

It is possible to oddly respect cruel dictator Vladimir Putin for his love of his country, and for his rough handed defense of Christianity and traditional human values, without simultaneously cheering on his latest war crimes against humanity.

What Putin’s Russia is doing to Ukraine is barbaric and cruel, it is wrong, it is wantonly destructive, and everything bad that can happen in return to Russia is something that Russia has earned ten-fold. Watching the videos of Ukrainian peasants, the simplest and humblest of people, crying over their dead children, their crumbled homes, their crushed cars, their villages reduced to rubble, we realize that these innocent people are caught in the crossfire between a corrupt Ukrainian government and a brutal, inhuman Russian government.

It is possible to relish the blown cover the Democrat Party is running from in Ukraine, while also cheering on the heroic defense of homeland by the Ukrainian people. They are fighting the good fight against a ruthless invading army. Cheering on the Ukrainian fighters doesn’t mean you have to love Ukraine’s president Zelensky, although he too has risen to the moment and is providing quality leadership the likes of which eastern Europe has not seen in a very long time. Even though he is also a mini dictator.

Like we all know now, eastern Europe is a giant knot, a huge mess of intertwined allegiances and back and forth brutalities going back five hundred years, at least. It is a difficult place to make sense of at any time, and especially now. We Americans both like to root for the underdog and for the good guy, and in this fight both sides, Russian and Ukrainian, have both good guys and bad guys, especially at the upper echelons.

But if there is one thing a real American disagrees with, it is watching innocent people get crushed by an evil ruthless dictator. C’mon, people, don’t let anyone think we conservatives are cruel, that we have no heart, and that we are okay with the working people of Ukraine being abused and destroyed in the process of a Russian dictator outing bad Democrat Party members from America while he tries to add more land to his empire.

We patriots can simultaneously cheer on the brave Ukrainian people defending their homes, and not cheer on their corrupt leaders; and we can appreciate the public service Russia is inadvertently doing by exposing American political corruption in Ukraine without actually cheering on the Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

This ain’t difficult for conservatives. Don’t put us in the same category as convoluted Democrats trying in vain to explain away their party’s dramatic descent into Hell.


If Ketanji don’t know what she is, then she don’t know law

Ketanji Brown Jackson, apparently an adult American now sitting in judgment of other Americans while applying the laws and the constitution of our nation to their cases, said in her hearing to become the next appointed US Supreme Court justice, that she can’t define what “a woman” is.

If an adult American cannot identify and describe what a woman is, then either that person is mentally deficient, or they are suffering from moral and cognitive relativism. Or both. And either one of these disqualifies that person from being a judge or justice, or any other sort of professional, either.

Moral relativism became a thing in the 1960s, and it is now the driving force behind critical race theory in particular, and Marxist critical theory in general. These bizarro Planet X theories (not of or for use on this earth) hold that nothing is really definitive, or true, because anyone can believe whatever they want to believe. “What is true for you is true for you, but is not for me,” is one of the famous lines the confused believers in this Marxist religion repeat mantra-like.

And thus is the rule of law, the rule of reason, logic, and physical evidence thrown completely out the window. And so we are faced with a Supreme Court nominee who holds by this Marxist critical race notion, that even the most obvious things are not really knowable. Like how to define a woman.

Setting aside Ketanji’s own statements opposing the US Constitution, and her grotesquely deliberately generous support for child molesters and sexual predators, any one of which by themselves disqualify her from officially sitting in judgment of anyone anywhere (how incredibly weak is our own checks and balances system that she has not yet been impeached and removed from the bench for her  incompetence), if she cannot make hay of basic biology, then she cannot discern basic facts and basic tenets of American law.

Ketanji is not in any way qualified to be a judge or a justice.

In truth, Ketanji is not really to be taken seriously as a Supreme Court nominee, because she is not only proudly and defiantly dumb as a box of rocks and as sharp as a bag of wet mice, she is a deliberately antagonistic political-cultural bomb thrown into the American body politic. Her nomination is meant to be a slap across the face of American jurisprudence and a deliberate kick at the legs holding up the rule of law that we all take for granted. She would rule on monumental legal questions affecting 350 million American citizens based on vague feelings and jokes of the day, not on being legally erudite or philosophically consistent.

Ketanji is living proof that the Democrat Party is a force of lawlessness and un-seriousness about actually managing a law-based nation. Rather, Ketanji is living evidence the Democrat Party is brazenly trying to dismantle America.

There is no way in Hell that Ketanji should be confirmed to the US Supreme Court. Not in an America based on law. She is not qualified and she should not even serve as a dog catcher anywhere. And what is really a shame about this ridiculous exercise in political theater is truly competent and legally qualified black women are available to be nominated to the US Supreme Court.

But they are all patriotic, Constitutional conservatives….who know for a fact that they are women. The Democrat Party could not support them.

Ketanji Brown Jackson is a clown, not a judge

One thing Rush Limbaugh got right

Radio host Rush Limbaugh died a year ago, and people who enjoyed his show or his books are remembering him today. I am remembering him for two reasons. First, for his zig-zag career path and conventional/unconventional life path. Second, for a single political prediction he made in 2019 that was labeled “outrageous” and “dangerous” by his opponents, and which even raised a lot of eyebrows amid his supporters, but which has proven to be spookily prescient and 100% accurate.

First with number one.

Rush Limbaugh’s successful life path and career path are things worth studying, because so many Americans have been corralled into falsely believing your career must be, should be a straight and linear path forward. Even though that is just not correct, and in many cases it’s not healthy.

You know, graduate from high school, then go to college and spend an inordinate amount of money to be indoctrinated in nonsense and useless hokum, with the hope of getting a college diploma that “proves” you are smart and capable of making decisions. I don’t know if this linear career path idea is a natural result of the old guild mentality, where a son or daughter would apprentice in a particular guild (plumber, wood worker, watch maker, gun maker, horse carriage maker etc.), and then either take over his or her father’s work shop, or go start their own work shop/ atelier in some distant locale doing the same work. In truth, this guild and apprencticeship process offers a lot of value, not just three hundred years ago, but even today. It assures that young people go into work they enjoy, and that they are well trained when they are released unto the world as a certified expert. It also gives people a good income in what had been a feudal world of poor serfs and ultra-wealthy aristocrats.

But this guild approach to career saw its last vestiges swept away with the end of high school Shop Class and Vo-Tech programs that actually taught Americans how to do needed things of value.

And so Rush Limbaugh followed his own path in the radio world, and ended up being the most successful and well-known radio personality in radio history. His success did not happen in a linear way, but quite the opposite. He had to find his way. His stories about his first few jobs in radio, and about being fired by different types of radio managers for different kinds of real or imaginary infractions, and moving across the country several times to take radio jobs, are useful examples to those just now entering the work force or who are stultifying in old jobs.

Only after failing, or growing as it might be euphemistically called, did Limbaugh eventually get to sit behind the Golden EIB Microphone. It was his initial failures and zig-zags that eventually created his character and inner strength, his skills and abilities.

Lessons that Limbaugh learned were be yourself, be honest and forthright, work hard, take risks, make some sacrifices, and if you end up doing what you enjoy the most, then you will often be rewarded with material success and deep personal happiness. And as we well know, contentment is its own form of wealth (and as some of us know, there are a lot of very wealthy people who are also desperately unhappy and often cruelly, even destructively negative, to those around them), so becoming a high school shop teacher earning forty five thousand dollars a year may make you deeply content with your life, but your life partner is going to have to work, too.

But there is no such a thing as high school shop class these days….one should wonder Why…that is a separate issue.

Similarly, his personal life resulted in a strong and committed marriage to a woman, Kathryn, only after the two of them had been friends for many years. How rewarding it is to be married to both your lover and your best friend. That is the pinnacle of relationships, and Limbaugh’s marriage should serve as a useful template for others contemplating marriage themselves. Find a friend, and marry them.

Now about that crazy prediction Limbaugh made in 2019, the one thing he got right that at first sounded so outlandish and impossible…I remember shaking my head when he said that “the Democrat Party will seek a way to eliminate elections so that they can become the dominant and sole political force in America.”

“I don’t know how they are going to do it, but they are working on it,” Limbaugh said. “Oh, they will allow the trappings of elections, but they won’t be meaningful or fair.”

And I was not alone in my skepticism at such a huge claim. Many observers and listeners to Limbaugh’s radio program openly said that he was just being bombastic for the sake of poking his political opponents. No one in American politics could ever want to eliminate elections, the bedrock foundation of our constitutional republic, right?, we naively thought.

And yet Limbaugh stuck to this public claim several times more, and in the end he was proven correct with the stolen 2020 election, and the Democrat Party’s all-out hyperdrive to convert that theft into absolute iron control of Americans by any means necessary, including the federalization of elections and permanence of vote fraud activity.

It turned out that Limbaugh really did understand the Democrat Party and the American Left better than anyone else outside of those two movements. What is amazing is that the subject of his analysis, the Democrat Party, now makes no effort to hide its totalitarian ambitions. Everywhere American citizens have demanded audits of the voting machines or the ballots cast in the fraudulent 2020 election, they have been met with deviousness, rude defiance, threats, blocking lawsuits, and outright ballot-shredding skulduggery by the Democrat Party and its Republican Party enablers.

This is not the behavior of people committed to open and accountable elections, but rather the actions of the desperate and dangerous thief trying to keep his theft from becoming widespread knowledge.

America as a continuing constitutional republic is in huge trouble. Most of our institutions are overthrown and taken over by leftist activists, who then bend those cultural and political institutions against the American constitution and the rule of law. Rush Limbaugh was so deep into the political fray that like a champion prize fighter, he saw where his opponent’s next punch sequence was going to come from.

What is amazing is that the Republican Party still, even now, behaves like an amazed ringside commentator asking incredulously at the end of the fight how the champion prize fighter ever saw the attack coming and not only beat it back, but managed to land his own blows in order to win the fight. This just goes to show just how outside the political fray the Republican Party is; the GOP is barely an observer much less an actual participant in American politics.

We need Rush Limbaugh’s insights more than ever now, but he is somewhere else, and so the only bit of related wisdom or insight I can scrape up at this point is to say We must all be Rush Limbaughs, and each of us fearlessly stay in the fight for freedom and liberty.

And trust our gut instincts about our political opponents. Even if it seems like crazy talk to say that the Democrat Party or its Canadian political ally, Justin Trudeau, are hell bent on becoming absolutist totalitarian overlords. We must fight fight fight, or we lose everything.

Rush Limbaugh behind his EIB Golden Microphone, fighting for freedom and liberty. He knew politics better than most people and loved a constitutional America more than most

Limbaugh’s right-hand man, James Golden aka “Bo Snerdley” continues Limbaugh’s fight for liberty today

Are you one of Biden’s infidel ‘white n!ggers’?

Last week Joe Biden declared conservative, Constitution-believing, religious, patriotic, law-abiding Caucasians to be “domestic terrorists,” and he strongly encouraged Americans to “report” their “radicalized” family, friends, and neighbors to law enforcement.

Just like the illegal ideological purge now happening in the US military, and just like the Communists did in 1940s Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary etc, the Biden Administration now seeks to criminalize otherwise law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans who simply believe differently than the totalitarian communists who stole and are now running the federal government.

Yesterday’s flag-waving American patriot is Joe Biden’s criminal today, an infidel ‘white n1gger’ whose destiny is to be rounded up by lawless law enforcement officers, perhaps re-educated, perhaps executed as an enemy of the state, perhaps lynched in the streets by Biden’s BLM and Antifa paramilitary agents, or perhaps simply jailed forever without any Habeas Corpus rights, as is already happening with way too many non-violent January 6th rally attendees rotting away in Washington DC solitary confinement cells.

Go ahead and doubt this. Go ahead and mock this. I say take a good look at who the Biden Administration is putting into leadership positions, how federal law enforcement agencies have developed a violent, lawless, big government control, anti-America culture, and what those federal employees mean for your everyday, average American citizen who right now thinks things are not really so bad.

Let’s set aside the overtly racist Austen Lloyd, Biden’s Secretary of Defense. Consider instead a person presently being voted on for confirmation to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms in the US Senate, David Chipman.

Here is a photo of David Chipman, in 1993, proudly posing all pumped up with machine gun in hand at the smoldering ruins of the Branch Davidians’ compound in Waco, Texas. It’s like a hunting trophy picture. To Chipman’s right is the charred body of one of his victims, mouth agape in screaming agony from being burned alive in the FBI & ATF’s best effort to ‘protect’ the people there by murdering them in cold blood.

Recall that the Branch Davidians were an odd group of cultists living in a quasi compound in Waco Texas. Their leader, David Koresh, was like so many other self-proclaimed cult leaders: A pedophile, a womanizer, a violent abuser, a totalitarian. But for some reason or other, people are attracted to all kinds of cults – The Branch Davidians, the Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter –  and so Koresh caught the attention of law enforcement officials. He could have been easily detained by law enforcement agents on any one of his early morning jogs alone on local public roads, but the FBI and the ATF decided it would be much, much more exciting to surround the compound with tanks, helicopters, and heavily armed federal agents like Chipman, and then provoke a violent showdown. And so the violent showdown ensued, and the federal employees blasted, shot at, bombarded, and set fire to the buildings, thereby burning alive dozens of men, women, and 25 children.

Question one: Why wouldn’t an American shoot back at rogue government thugs violently and illegally attacking not just your wacko leader dude, David Koresh, but also everyone else around him, including his children? No, the FBI and the ATF had no good cause for what happened at Waco in 1993. They could have handled it other ways. I mean, do the local police blow up, set fire to, and bulldoze a bank just because bank robbers are holed up in it? (The correct answer is No, they don’t; they find peaceful or non-fatal means to de-escalate the situation, take the robbers into custody, and try them in court). Similar to 1993’s Ruby Ridge and Waco murders, the FBI is now violently rounding up American political dissidents and jailing them, charging them with the most ludicrous phony crimes imaginable, although their biggest crime is engaging in ‘thought crime’. That is, not being a sheep and not supporting the destruction of American freedoms by big government control.

Question Two: What kind of federal employee poses all pumped up with guns next to the charred human remains of one of his victims? How do other federal employees like FBI and ATF agents view American citizens? Are we trophy animals they enjoy hunting? The workforce culture at the FBI, ATF, DHS, and DOJ are all now completely at odds with the basic lifestyle of most law-abiding Americans. These alphabet agencies are now staffed by and run by people who are literally at war with Americans who value their freedoms.

Remember how our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq were court martialed for posing with captives and dead bodies on the battlefield? Well, apparently it’s ok for American civilian “law enforcement” personnel like Chipman to pose with the bodies of dead American citizens who have just been murdered by said federal employees for the crime of wanting to be left alone.

Former federal agent David Chipman is now a paid professional gun control activist, who believes American citizens should not own guns, regardless of what the Second Amendment or the US Supreme Court says. If Chipman becomes the head of the ATF, he could easily have a whole bunch more Waco-style events across America, as he hunts down his undesirables. Maybe he will even go home by home. After all, Biden made it clear last week that conservative Caucasians are now “domestic terrorists,” and no one thinks terrorists have rights, right?

People like Chipman will be bringing the illegal, unconstitutional violent fight to your home, your hunting club, your VFW. You could be the next iteration of that smoldering hunk of ruined human flesh Chipman is proudly posing with.

And why not? You have been designated by the President of the United States to be a disposable infidel, a ‘white n1gger’ unworthy of Constitutional rights or protections, and subject to a totalitarian government over-reach that has only just begun. And you thought America was too big to fail!

Is Chipman really, really intense? Or crazy? Should crazy people be put in charge of armed forces?

Agent David Chipman proudly posing with a ‘war trophy’, the charred corpse of one of his victims.

One of Agent Chipman’s victims, mouth agape in agony from being burned alive. Murdered by rogue federal employees.

The Mount Carmel kook compound on fire from ATF and FBI bombs