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Still not vaccinated, still not masked

Official Health Fear Mongering 2.0 has returned, again about Covid 3.0, for which there is no vaccine and no response but natural resistance. In its third mutation since being released from the Wuhan lab in 2020, no one can even say that what is possibly circulating is actually Covid. We don’t really know what this is, because in its third generation, it is something quite distinct from what we first experienced three and a half years ago. Bugs mutate. Virus A is no longer the same virus a year later; it could be Virus B or Virus Z.

Nice thing about real science is that humans are naturally hard-wired for natural resistance to viruses. I grant you that our bodies probably have not naturally selected and evolved to resist Chinese lab viruses, but at some point human bodies do indeed fight back. So whether it is me now, or my kids soon, or my grandkids eventually, we will have natural immunity to whatever this strain is, and to later strains of the Wuhan Flu that are yet to be.

Fake science is where politics takes control of the public health narrative, and historically all politics is just about how much control people in control can exert over the people beneath them. Up until the stolen election of 2020 I had believed that Americans were way too tough, too strong of character, too smart, too devoted to their own freedom to submit to either fake science or fake news or fake elections or fake narratives.

Well, I admit now that my prior assessment of the American character was wrong in so many ways. In so many ways, Americans have become just as docile, just as compliant, just as weak-willed and sissified as pretty much every other People around the globe. At one time Americans had a very low tolerance for either bullshiite or political evil, hell that low tolerance is exactly what created America and American freedom in the first place. Now, most Americans seem Low T and wussified, weak, and incapable or uninterested in resisting the Washington DC bullies and tyrants.

So, the unsustainable fake science narrative about the necessity of “masking up” and “social distancing” and “locking down,” and thereby giving up your personal life and individual choice to submit to unelected bureaucrats, has made a resurgence along with a claimed Covid 3.0.

The tradeoffs are huge here. The tradeoffs here are civilizational, not just personal. When a nation of 350 million free citizens shuts down to appease unelected but heavily politicized bureaucrats peddling politicized fake science, so that America turns into a nation of sheep and pussies compliant with tyrants, then I say we have made too many bad trades in the hopium of avoiding the inevitable exposure to the Chinese Flu.

Real science tells us viruses have always existed, they have always infected people, and people have always gotten sick and sometimes died from these viruses. Real science tells us to stay in bed and drink lots of fluids if we get real sick. Real science tells us to take the medicines shown to work against whatever it is that is ailing us, even if wealthy snake oil vaccine makers at Big Pharma say their competition doesn’t work.

Fake science tells us we can toss our rights out the window and maybe not get sick. Fake science tells us to wear a flimsy mask that is useless in stopping a tiny virus. Fake science tells us to take a vaccine made for a virus that doesn’t even exist any longer….because corrupt America-hating bureaucrats at the corrupt and unelected World Health Organization and United Nations say so. All of the people peddling this fake science do not have your best interests at heart, to say the least. At the very least they simply want you to comply with them, even if they are wrong. Fake politicians will tell you to comply with their baton wielding police officers enforcing fake science. That should set off your Freedom Is In Danger alarm bells.

I myself never got the fake science jab, the so-called “vaccine” that we now know did not work. I would say it is hilarious to watch videos of Canadian PM Justine Trudeau and doddering Joe Biden demanding that people get vaccinated so that the unvaccinated are not placing the vaccinated at risk, except that tyranny is no laughing matter. When your elected leaders are lying to your face and also demanding that you comply with their tyranny, you have a huge and dangerous problem on your hands, and there is nothing humorous about it. The fact that the supposed Covid “vaccines” were known to not work early on, even as Western governments were ramping up their comply-or-rot-in-jail policies, tells us everything we need to know about the vaccines and the politics behind them:

Covid is only about obedience to authority. Covid is all about politicized science and fake messages meant to reduce your resistance to the real bug, the real virus, which is big government and tyranny.

And whereas Americans used to wake up and question authority every day, because that is how America was founded and how our freedoms were maintained, now we are being shaped into mindless, unquestioning sheep. Put on your mask and don’t question it. Take this poisonous and dangerous shot, and don’t question it, even as people drop dead from it in front of your face. Stay away from your family and neighbors and friends, don’t talk to anyone in person, and just rely on information that the government pipes into your head through its censored internet, and don’t question it.

This is all a huge tradeoff I am unwilling to make myself. The risk of having government become all-powerful and strip us of our freedoms and personal decision making is far greater than the risk of getting sick and maaaayyybe dying from a third generation Chinese lab created virus. So I am going to remain un-jabbed and unmasked, resisting tyranny all the way, and keeping the American body politic on life support.

Sorry not sorry, but I am sorry for the weak fools who go along with evil just to get along with their lives. Either stand up and resist tyranny or become its real and true victim, a victimhood that is far worse than a transient bug.