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Tuesday election results: Voting machines are hacked

So many people are trying to understand what happened on this Election Day Tuesday, how Republicans got trounced across Pennsylvania and in many places across the country, as well.

I can’t speak for other states, where plenty of people are scratching their heads, but I feel quite comfortable speaking about central Pennsylvania. I looked at election results in central Pennsylvania, in Dauphin County, Cumberland County, Schuylkill County, and several others in Northcentral PA and Western PA, and there is a stark statistical signal emitting from Tuesday’s election results: Pennsylvania’s voting machines are not secure, they are being manipulated to achieve results that one side wants.

A couple examples stand out. Several Cumberland County school boards went 100% Democrat in areas where the voter registration cannot possibly support that outcome. In Dauphin County, long time and much liked moderate elected official Chad Saylor lost his county commissioner race by forty-some votes to a complete no-name. This kind of close race is a lot harder to identify as vote machine hacking, and that is why these kinds of outcomes are kept so close by whomever is doing the manipulation. But it is still not a believable outcome in a county that has consistently re-elected George Hartwick and Mike Pries for a very long time.

In the case of the Cumberland County school boards, I believe the outcome is so desperately needed for important political purposes that the manipulators go for broke. Having outposts of woke anti-America public schools in the heart of a conservative Republican County is strategically important, because the public tide has been strongly turning against this kind of outcome. Besides, these school board races are off of most people’s radar screens. It is a crime they can easily get away with.

And as we have just seen in our own PA election this week, verified reports of broken and malfunctioning vote machines (including flipping votes from R to D in front of people’s eyes) get a tiny amount of air time and then are buried and forgotten. Despite these reports being a huge red flag indication of a major systemic problem across the entire vote machine enterprise.

Voting machines are not secure. We saw that starkly in the 2020 election, in the 2022 election, and now we are seeing it absolutely blatantly displayed in the 2023 election. The incentive for hackers and manipulators to illegally use the voting machines is powerful, because most American LEADERS (not the voters, who know vote fraud when they see it and they complain about it) are in denial. So the push-back in the halls of power is minimal. Establishment Republicans like my own state senator John DiSanto are either too timid or simply disinterested in the subject, because there is no direct political gain for them. And so the crime continues.

The biggest impediment to having secure elections in Pennsylvania is the Republican Party itself. This is a group of absolutely useless individuals who by their actions must be heavily compromised. They put up zero resistance to the last second 2020 election law shenanigans (for example, the Republican-dominated House and the Republican-dominated Senate could have impeached and removed the PA Supreme Court members who blatantly disregarded both Pennsylvania law and the Pennsylvania constitution to achieve political outcomes that allowed their fellow Democrats to wildly cheat in the 2020 election), and they won’t even deal with the reports of voting machine problems this week.

Either the PAGOP has nothing to gain from fixing vote machine fraud, or nothing to lose by allowing it to continue. And the fact that the severely failed and purposefully deposed former PA senate “leader” Jake Corman has now set up a political consulting firm in Harrisburg, with no push back from PAGOP leadership, bodes poorly. These people all want business as usual, which definitely does not involve rocking the boat or fixing vote fraud.

A note about voting machines and others: Machines are so deeply mistrusted across the entire world population, especially in the West, that Hollywood movies depicting Machines vs. Humanity in all-out wars of extermination have been wildly popular for many decades. Artificial intelligence is widely believed to be the inevitable downfall of humanity, as stated by those who are most involved in developing it. In the popular and prescient 1965 sci-fi book Dune, computers of all kinds were outlawed because they became self aware and tried to kill off the humans. In Dune, in lieu of machines, a race of humans were cultivated, the Mentats, to perform computer-speed calculations for the benefit of humans, but without the inherent instability and high risk of computer machines.

Hacked and manipulated vote machines are now so blatantly misused to achieve criminal outcomes that we should do something about it. We must fix it, if voting is going to mean anything at all. And of course, with hacked elections and your vote meaning nothing, your representative government isn’t, and your vote isn’t, and your citizenship isn’t. What is the outcome is a single-party totalitarian country, and that very much is happening in front of our eyes.

The fix to this open problem is easy: Paper ballots, voter identification, and hand count if necessary. But that requires at least half of the political leadership to actually care about this subject, and if they won’t, then the electorate must vote in new leaders who do care about it. Or, you voters can go ahead and give up representative government.


Vote today!

Maybe this election is boring to you. Maybe Trump isn’t on today’s ballot. Maybe these are boring people and boring positions.

Doesn’t matter, because you have to vote. Every American citizen must vote every time there is an election. Or else we lose the country.

Today, the “hot” elections are for Dauphin County commissioners, and I recommend Mike Pries and Chad Saylor, (and George Hartwick for the two Democrats who read this blog). Despite having different letters (R,D) after their names, these three guys get along very well and have kept taxes from being raised in Dauphin County forever. Besides, no county commissioner anywhere else in PA is nearly as entertaining as George Hartwick. His news stories usually involve a well-drained bottle of Crown Royal somewhere along the line. I like a politician who knows his business.

I will vote YES to retain Victor Stabile as a judge on the Superior Court, and I am voting NO to NOT RETAIN Jack Panella on the Superior Court. Panella is the worst sort of judicial activists, and our judicial branch is in tatters as a result. No, no, no. Go sit in the corner and learn all about the law again, Mr. Panella.

Matthew Pianka is running for magisterial judge in Uptown Harrisburg. His mom Barb held the position for a long time. His dad Jim held the job for a long time before Barb. I am no fan of political dynasties, but in Harrisburg we get to choose, on the one hand, between normal Democrats like Matthew who are rational and logical, albeit they have different principles or values than someone like me, or, on the other hand, complete crackpots who peddle racial politics and who will throw the rule of law out the window in the place where justice matters most – your neighborhood. So vote for Matthew Pianka, he’s a nice guy with a cute kid and a nice wife, and a dog, I think, and he’s bright. And personable.

On principle, I cannot in good conscience vote for any other Democrats than those above. The Democrat Party has gone off the rails, politically, culturally, lawlessly, and while I won’t tell you the Republican Party is so great, I will say at least they are not actively trying to destroy America like the Democrats. It is true that the Republicans actually do not actively try to do anything, and in their defense, this might be a good thing in politics.

YES Carolyn Carluccio for PA Supreme Court.

YES Maria Battista and Harry Smail for Superior Court.

YES Megan Martin for Commonwealth Court

YES Courtney Powell for Court of Common Pleas (I met Courtney. She is the most normal, smart, professional Mom type ever, and America needs more people like her in our court rooms)

YES John McDonald for Dauphin County Clerk of Courts. I met John and he is a sweet, gentle giant of a man. And I think he will be the first black person in this position, ever. Very cool. Go get ’em, John.

The Recorder of Deeds and county treasurer have to be the most dull positions, but we still have to pay attention to who is running. Jim Zugay has been Recorder of Deeds for a thousand years and yes, that is exactly the kind of job a career politician ought to be in, so I hope you win, Jim. Nick DiFrancesco wants to be Treasurer. He’s crazy enough to fully embrace this mind-numbing job, and he has already done a bunch of other county jobs. OK, Nick, I hope you get what you want. No backsies!