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Book review: A Rebel from the Start by Avi Yemini

Like a lot of news hounds disgusted by the brazenly partisan establishment narrative activists at the “mainstream media” outlets like MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, Reuters, the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Washington Post et al ad nauseum, I have spent years chasing down the few actual news sources that would give me the facts and just the facts. Sites like The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Zero Hedge, the Epoch Times, and podcasts by Dinesh D’Souza, Dan Bongino, and Jan Jekeliek now give me a 360 degree news and information coverage that has been sorely lacking for so long.

One of my most recent finds was Rebel News, back in 2020, when the world was melting down about Covid and hardly any news outlets were asking any questions about why the world was melting down about Covid.

I was up in the mountains, usually alone, running the sawmill and physically exposed to no one, with my main link to the outside world the very slow internet connection we had then. Then as now, the establishment media simply carried the establishment narrative and fear-mongering political message for the blatantly corrupted CDC and other federal agencies so visibly taken over by the pharmaceuticals industry. Rebel News was different, and from 2020 into 2021 its founder, Ezra Levant, really stood out by asking basic questions. He asked questions of people in power, he asked questions of people in official positions, he asked questions of police officers gleefully and violently enforcing Covid lockdowns in Canada and Australia, and he asked questions of people in the street. How refreshing! A real newsman!

Rebel News then added a few truly intrepid reporters like David Menzies, Sheila Gunn, and a confusing man named Avi Yemini. I don’t want to make this book review all about Rebel News and Ezra Levant, but the fact is that without Rebel News, the free world (ha) would know a lot, lot less about Covid tyranny than we know now. And what we know now has informed freedom loving citizens across Canada, America, Australia, and Europe to demand an end to health tyranny and a return to responsive, representative government.

While all of the Rebel News reporters have done really amazing work, one of them stood out, this earnest, tattooed, sometimes almost innocently child-like Avi Yemini fellow. He was unafraid and would wade right into the lockdown protests with his Rebel News microphone, and was often dogged by Jew haters and violent government thugs alike.

Sheila Gunn, Ezra Levant, David Menzies and other Rebel News reporters all have done great work, but none of them have the cool Australian accent, the Jewfro, or the odd name that Avi Yemini has. And so I really began to closely follow every video and interview he put out. Because Avi Yemini has a foot in about a half dozen different worlds simultaneously, I was more than intrigued. Who was this guy? Why did he remind me of the ADD prancing black knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Where the hell did he come from? Why was he so laid-back-open-minded on the one hand, and yet asking such pointed questions of people in power on the other hand?

His interviews along with Ezra Levant of Hitler Youth climate grifter Greta Thunberg and ultra shady Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla put Rebel News squarely in the international spotlight. He then had an amazing followup debate with Nas Daily, an Israeli Arab who is so fully integrated into the establishment that he carries all the water left in the Middle East for all the political establishment there.

Just when I thought I could not take the suspense any longer, Avi Yemini wrote a book about himself, which debuted a few months ago. Titled “A Rebel from the Start,” Avi seems to bare all in this book. I mean, I don’t think he leaves much to the imagination. Said another way, he seems to be much more honest about his childhood and his failures than anyone else I know would be. Reading the book helped me understand Avi personally, but not really politically, or ideologically. And I am unsure if that understanding will ever happen for me, anyone else, or even for Avi himself. To wit, he is from an Orthodox Jewish family, married to a woman of unclear religious beliefs but who has two Muslim kids from her first marriage. Add in Avi’s two kids and you get this big, boisterous mini riot blur of activity, full-on life engagement, and earnest questions about everything, and yet rigid ideology about nothing.

Avi Yemini is the anti-ideology news reporter. He has no ideological axe to grind. This is so rare in the news business that it is tough to get my head around.

And I think this last observation is probably the most refreshing aspect of Rebel News’ reporting: They don’t do what the establishment media does, which is daily parrot a set of talking points meant to artificially buoy up the corrupt political establishment. Rather, Rebel News staff are unafraid to ask the glaring, most obvious questions that anyone with a scintilla of care about where Western Civilization is headed (presently down the tubes and gaining speed) would be interested in. Avi Yemini is a colorful, inquisitive, fearless, insightful interlocutor and news reporter, and his book is a fascinating read for those of us who have watched his rise in prominence with awe and wonderment. I highly recommend it.

You can buy Rebel from the Start here.

Actual news reporter Avi Yemini was constantly harassed and arrested by the Australian police (who later lost all their cases against him in court), while the fake news establishment political activist in drag as a “news reporter” is carefully protected by the Australian police. Avi is a freedom hero.