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Merry Christmas, America

Christmas is America’s national holiday. Regardless of your religion or level of religiosity, wishing your fellow Americans “Merry Christmas” is a big statement of unity and shared vision for our shared future together. It’s not a statement of theology. Rather it is a statement that we belong to and are committed to this Western nation with its own history, laws, freedoms, culture, and commonly held ideals. One of the ideals of this season, this time of year, is a universal peace, a sense of personal peacefulness. A communal peacefulness. Peace through kindness, charity, less judgmentalism and more forgiveness. Peace through a sense of satisfaction for having the simple things, for enjoying the simple things. For sharing in the simple things.

People who are shouting at children singing holiday songs, shouting at people who are putting up communal holiday trees, shouting at people who are attempting to enjoy this brief period of communal peacefulness, do not belong here. They have no inherent right to be here. The people who are disrupting holiday celebrations with demands of “look at me, me me” need to leave this place. They don’t fit here, America is not a good fit for them. There is no good reason why we should give up our little moment of annual peaceful respite out of the entire year for these selfish grinches. Who do they think they are? Who and what do they think we are?

I’ll be charitable and say that these people are frustrating.

It is best that we be honest with them and tell them “This American culture here is not your culture, we see it and that is OK, and so we understand that you need to go back to the place where your shouting and violence and mean spirited behavior is a good fit. We don’t want it here. We are happy with what we have here. We will be happier when you leave America and don’t come back.”

Whoever’s path you happen to cross, wish them Merry Christmas.

And that is my honest Merry Christmas message. I wish you and all of us peace and peacefulness. Hopefully we get snow, too, which really enhances the sense of being settled cozy inside, together.

Merry Christmas, America.

Lawless Democrat Party, Round 168

With (Democrat) Colorado’s supreme court election interference and subjective non-legal nonsense attack on American democratic norms (throwing President Donald Trump off the Colorado ballot for things he has never been accused of much less convicted of) (and of course the Democrat Party is waging a non-democratic war against RFK Jr and other Democrat Party candidates for president by booting them off the ballot, too), we see, yet again, that there is one American political party that will burn down America in order to rule over its ashes. Destroy democracy to save democracy. Or something nonsensical like this. Hint: If you love and value democracy, then you don’t destroy it. You let it work unimpeded. Only fascists impede democratic systems.

And what mystifies me is that tens of millions of Americans are yet still registered with this one political party. How? Why? Are you folks not paying attention to the dozens of illegal, rogue, un-American, cruel, unfair, and lawless things this political party is doing in your name?

Let’s see… two fake and lawless impeachment processes, of a sitting president and then a former president, without a shred of due process…a patently lawless and illegal raid on the president’s home…four fake indictments based on novel interpretations of un-used laws and laws that clearly require a lot more than has been gathered together to bring an indictment…dozens of lawfare civil suits meant to harass and wear down the victim and gag the victim from running for election…and now throwing Trump off various state ballots. Because you know, Americans can’t just choose their elected leaders, they must be chosen for them by people who just know better.

None of this assault on democracy is from a substantive or reasonable place, folks. All these faux legal attacks are based on creative nothing and are an abuse and mis-use of the American legal system to “get” political opponents, and one political opponent in particular. This is not normal behavior. This is lawlessness. This is fascism.

Now we know how the German Nazis rose to power. No matter how evil they were, how unfair they were, how cruel they were, how destructive of Germany itself they were, tens of millions of Germans yet still waved the Nazi flag and screamed in adulation of Adolf Hitler.

How on earth any normal adult American is still a registered Democrat and still proudly waving their Democrat Party registration in the air is beyond my comprehension, unless I finally admit to myself that my friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues are actually Nazis in fact or in waiting. I mean, you all know how bad your political party is behaving, and yet you remain loyal and active, helping it implement its evil, lawless agenda.

I just want to point out that in the end, things did not go well either for the 1860s Democrats nor for the German Nazis. In both instances, at enormous cost in human suffering, the world’s normal people ended up stopping the Democrats’ and the Nazis’ evil behavior, holding them accountable, and trying to ensure they did not come back and do it all again.

While Germany was de-Nazified after World War II, America was never de-Democratted. Because the anti-slavery abolitionist Republicans were too nice and believed too much in a national reconciliation after the Civil War, they allowed the defeated Democrat Party to persist and continue. And they put up statues in Arlington Cemetery that symbolized peace with the evil Democrat Party. And sure enough, like the killer cancer it is, the Democrat Party is now back in force, having infected and infested everything in America with its cancerous ideology and behavior, bent on destruction of the host body and everyone living on it.

We all know how this is going to end, folks. If the Democrat Party continues its war on democracy, and keeps on making We, The People‘s vote irrelevant or non-existent, then The People will go back to 1861 and 1941 methods, and clean up your lawless Democrat Party mess the hard way. Only this time, the normal people are going to demand a real accounting from those who enabled and implemented this disaster. It would not surprise me if in the end, the basic voter rolls resulted in a house-by-house resolution. Not necessarily French Revolution style, but given how disgusted so many Americans are, because they are so badly victimized by the Democrat Party, it would not surprise me one bit.

God prevent this from happening. Please God, open the eyes of the people who have the right hearts and who are only loyal to the old Democrat Party they once knew, and not to the evil thing it has once again become. Lift the fog from their eyes, God, and help them see the errors of their way, and change their hearts to do evil no more.



Book review: A Rebel from the Start by Avi Yemini

Like a lot of news hounds disgusted by the brazenly partisan establishment narrative activists at the “mainstream media” outlets like MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, Reuters, the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Washington Post et al ad nauseum, I have spent years chasing down the few actual news sources that would give me the facts and just the facts. Sites like The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Zero Hedge, the Epoch Times, and podcasts by Dinesh D’Souza, Dan Bongino, and Jan Jekeliek now give me a 360 degree news and information coverage that has been sorely lacking for so long.

One of my most recent finds was Rebel News, back in 2020, when the world was melting down about Covid and hardly any news outlets were asking any questions about why the world was melting down about Covid.

I was up in the mountains, usually alone, running the sawmill and physically exposed to no one, with my main link to the outside world the very slow internet connection we had then. Then as now, the establishment media simply carried the establishment narrative and fear-mongering political message for the blatantly corrupted CDC and other federal agencies so visibly taken over by the pharmaceuticals industry. Rebel News was different, and from 2020 into 2021 its founder, Ezra Levant, really stood out by asking basic questions. He asked questions of people in power, he asked questions of people in official positions, he asked questions of police officers gleefully and violently enforcing Covid lockdowns in Canada and Australia, and he asked questions of people in the street. How refreshing! A real newsman!

Rebel News then added a few truly intrepid reporters like David Menzies, Sheila Gunn, and a confusing man named Avi Yemini. I don’t want to make this book review all about Rebel News and Ezra Levant, but the fact is that without Rebel News, the free world (ha) would know a lot, lot less about Covid tyranny than we know now. And what we know now has informed freedom loving citizens across Canada, America, Australia, and Europe to demand an end to health tyranny and a return to responsive, representative government.

While all of the Rebel News reporters have done really amazing work, one of them stood out, this earnest, tattooed, sometimes almost innocently child-like Avi Yemini fellow. He was unafraid and would wade right into the lockdown protests with his Rebel News microphone, and was often dogged by Jew haters and violent government thugs alike.

Sheila Gunn, Ezra Levant, David Menzies and other Rebel News reporters all have done great work, but none of them have the cool Australian accent, the Jewfro, or the odd name that Avi Yemini has. And so I really began to closely follow every video and interview he put out. Because Avi Yemini has a foot in about a half dozen different worlds simultaneously, I was more than intrigued. Who was this guy? Why did he remind me of the ADD prancing black knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Where the hell did he come from? Why was he so laid-back-open-minded on the one hand, and yet asking such pointed questions of people in power on the other hand?

His interviews along with Ezra Levant of Hitler Youth climate grifter Greta Thunberg and ultra shady Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla put Rebel News squarely in the international spotlight. He then had an amazing followup debate with Nas Daily, an Israeli Arab who is so fully integrated into the establishment that he carries all the water left in the Middle East for all the political establishment there.

Just when I thought I could not take the suspense any longer, Avi Yemini wrote a book about himself, which debuted a few months ago. Titled “A Rebel from the Start,” Avi seems to bare all in this book. I mean, I don’t think he leaves much to the imagination. Said another way, he seems to be much more honest about his childhood and his failures than anyone else I know would be. Reading the book helped me understand Avi personally, but not really politically, or ideologically. And I am unsure if that understanding will ever happen for me, anyone else, or even for Avi himself. To wit, he is from an Orthodox Jewish family, married to a woman of unclear religious beliefs but who has two Muslim kids from her first marriage. Add in Avi’s two kids and you get this big, boisterous mini riot blur of activity, full-on life engagement, and earnest questions about everything, and yet rigid ideology about nothing.

Avi Yemini is the anti-ideology news reporter. He has no ideological axe to grind. This is so rare in the news business that it is tough to get my head around.

And I think this last observation is probably the most refreshing aspect of Rebel News’ reporting: They don’t do what the establishment media does, which is daily parrot a set of talking points meant to artificially buoy up the corrupt political establishment. Rather, Rebel News staff are unafraid to ask the glaring, most obvious questions that anyone with a scintilla of care about where Western Civilization is headed (presently down the tubes and gaining speed) would be interested in. Avi Yemini is a colorful, inquisitive, fearless, insightful interlocutor and news reporter, and his book is a fascinating read for those of us who have watched his rise in prominence with awe and wonderment. I highly recommend it.

You can buy Rebel from the Start here.

Actual news reporter Avi Yemini was constantly harassed and arrested by the Australian police (who later lost all their cases against him in court), while the fake news establishment political activist in drag as a “news reporter” is carefully protected by the Australian police. Avi is a freedom hero.

Do you miss sunshine and long days? I do

We are in the shortest days of the year right now. The winter solstice will be in just a few days, December 21st, the shortest day of the year. We all see it, we all feel it, especially here in central Pennsylvania, Upstate New York, Michigan’s UP, Canada, and I am sure in Russia, too. Just when you feel like the day is about to begin, like your formal work day ends and you are ready to do something fun, it’s actually dark outside. Gloomy. Usually cold, windy, and raw, because it is Winter, after all. Darkness now comes at four o’clock in the afternoon, and by 6:00 PM dinner time, everyone is yawning and stretching, ready for bed, feeling like it must be hours later than it actually is. Because of the early darkness.

I don’t know about you, but this early darkness business is just wearing on me, and I am feeling ready for some happy sunshine and those longer days where I can actually do something fun or productive after working hours. My mind keeps skipping to June and July, when the sun doesn’t set until 9:00-9:30, and we spend all afternoon outside, either doing yard work, or gardening, or just enjoying the nice weather and long days to get stuff done at a leisurely pace. Sundays can be spent barbecuing in the back yard with friends or family….ahhhh, that sunshine and daylight is just so rewarding.

This small fact keeps my chin up: We are about to turn the corner on daylight. In just four days, every day will be getting longer and will have more daylight. This gives my mind something happy to hitch onto. I miss sunshine and longer days, and in fact, they are just about to start.

Hang in there, folks. I know you miss sunshine just like I do. Spring will be here before we know it, and with it all the happiness and relief from these long, dark, dreary, cold days. From yeccchh to yay, coming up soon.

Hang in there.

An apple picker I know has an early morning sunrise and stretch on a farm


I wouldn’t hire a Harvard grad to tie my shoes

Like a bazillion other Americans, I run a small business. Mine is in the land and natural resource management sector. Every week I interface with men and machines, dirt, danger, hard work, and serious situations. Little margin for error, feewings, or personal tantrums.

And when I watched the whole Harvard University debacle unfold over last week, culminating on Friday in students, administrators, and faculty alike all rallying around the racist failure university president, Claudine Gay, I realized something profound: I would rather hire a young, hard-working rural person born to a serious work ethic and with a willingness to take reasonable risks to achieve the work goal, who maybe got tenth grade under his belt before going to work for a living, than to try to train a Harvard University mis-educated fragile weenie with no work ethic, an unreasonable expectation of life, and an obsession with unrealistic nonsense.

Said another way: For many years my experience has been that the attorneys I have worked with, whose law degrees were from “East Succotash University,” as opposed to, say, Harvard Law School, were the very best lawyers I have worked with. To a man and a woman, these so-called “no-name” law school grads are gritty, tough, take no prisoners, hard working fighters who zealously represent the interests of their clients. They always get me results. On the other hand, if I had a dollar for every big name lawyer who only wrote letters to my defendants, and who was afraid to actually file a legal complaint and follow it up with court room litigation, I would be a wealthy man.

Perhaps this comes down to rural character versus urban, because graduates from the small schools, the community colleges, the trade schools, almost all come from rural working backgrounds. These are kids who don’t come from money, don’t really know what having money is like, but they do have a strong work ethic and pride in accomplishment. Because in the communities they grew up in, tangible results are the name of the game. Their families got by with a roof over their heads and food on the table because they daily delivered actual hands-on results that America is willing to pay for, and got paid, as opposed to the spoiled, whiny, entitled urban kids populating Harvard University and the other purportedly high quality Ivy League schools. These kids come from the world of manicured lawns, expensive clothes, and fancy cars from young ages whose parents engage in vague numbers work and white collar make-work paper-pushing administrative exercises whose value-added to America is, well….vague.

Forget the poor technical training, the mis-education and Stalinist/ Maoist/ fascist indoctrination that Harvard University inflicts on its students, just on family and cultural background alone, I would be very unlikely to hire a kid from Harvard University, in the off-chance that such an opportunity presented itself. Unless it’s in the hard/ physical sciences, computer science, or math, a person with a Harvard University degree today would not interest me either as a conversationalist, a lunch partner, a book club member, or an employee/ contractor.

I don’t think Harvard University produces high quality graduates any longer. Probably not for the past ten or fifteen years, and maybe even longer. I think the opposite is true, that this school produces societal and workplace misfits who can’t think their way out of a wet paper bag. They have had little to no critical thinking and analytical skills training. If you are foolish enough to hire a recent Harvard University graduate these days, you are going to learn quickly just how failed that school is and how useless these human beings are who are graduating from it.

Yes, all my life I have known Harvard grads, as well as other Ivy League grads, and today’s Ivy League grads are not that old caliber, not anywhere close. The old reputation has been lost because of people like Claudine Gay, who have traded it for short term power over foolish young people.

Most Harvard University graduates today are not fit to tie your shoe. Not for money or for free.

Hanukka’s message to Americans

While Christmas is the national holiday of America, Hanukka is the other big holiday happening now. Today is the last day, and it is worth taking note of the meaning this religious holiday can and should have for all freedom-loving Americans.

Let us reflect upon what the message of Hanukka is and should be for Americans, because God knows, we are all in need of inspiration right now. Especially as we daily recognize ever more just how rogue and turned against us citizens our own federal government has become.

Hanukka is the commemoration of an unbelievably heroic and unlikely war outcome 2,300 years ago by a band of ferociously patriotic religious Jews battling against one of the regional superpowers of their time. In short, when Alexander the Great died, his Greek empire was divided into large parts, each run by one of Alexander’s generals. Seleucus was one of those generals, and while his life was a whirlwind of cloak and dagger politics, leading massed battles, and shifting political alliances, he ended up founding one of the regional empires. The Seleucid Empire included all kinds of remote areas and sleepy places and small peoples that the Greeks did not really care about, including the nation of Judea and its natives, the Israelites/Judeans/ Jews.

But the powerful Greek Seleucids ended up caring very much about the relatively small and highly religious Judeans, because most of the Jews would only go so far in pledging their loyalty to the Greeks, due to religious differences. While in general the Greeks had a very broad and inclusive view of culture, what was then called the pan-Hellenic, and while the Jews could go along with a lot of cultural differences so long as their religion was not compromised, the Greeks did require a basic fealty to their most important values. And those polytheistic values strongly antagonized the Jews’ monotheism.

It must be said that the resulting civil war was as much between religious Jews and Hellenized Jews as it was between religious Jews and the Greeks. Essentially it was the Orthodox Jews vs. the assimilated and very liberal Jews and their protectors, the Greeks. This fact obviously has great implications for the tensions between religious Jews today and their more liberal and religiously distant brethren.

An armed showdown began when the Seleucids erected their own statues and began sacrificing pigs in the Jews’ Great Temple. You know, the same large hill whereupon another uninvited, rogue, imperialistic and colonizing symbol has been erected, namely the golden dome of the rock. And so a Jewish priest names Mattathias (essentially Matthew in today’s English, a name familiar to Christians) picked up a sword, killed some bad guys with some gutsy moves, and started a Jewish rebellion against an overwhelmingly superior military force.

The Greeks and their liberal Jewish allies responded with force, and the Orthodox Jews fled their homes in Jerusalem to the Judean Hills, where they eked out a meagre existence in caves and remote washes where the Greek patrols did not go. Using hit-and-run guerilla war tactics over several years, Mattathias and his sons’ troops eventually wore down the Greek resolve, to the point where headlong massed battles resulted in smaller forces of Jews utterly annihilating their opponents.

Following the final battle, when the Jewish “Maccabees” returned in force to Jerusalem, they found the Great Temple ransacked and wrecked. Despite a great desolation upon the land, as a result of this terrible civil war, the religious Jews were able to scrape together enough pure olive oil to re-light the gold Menorah in the Great Temple while they also pulled the religious service back together, too. That fact about the olive oil has become kind of a materialistic Christmasized silver and blue tinsel fairy tale about a miracle, and thus great emphasis has been placed on the “miracle of the oil.”

Truth is, this “miracle of the oil” is almost a Monty Python sketch of what really happened, because the true miracle of Hanukka was that the tiny force of true believer Orthodox Jews was able to defeat a much more powerful but spiritually flaccid enemy. Where have we seen this same kind of scenario play out elsewhere in history? Hmmm, my fellow Americans?

The message of Hanukka is that no dark, evil force can defeat goodness and righteousness. This is the true miracle of this holiday, that a small band of humans, led either by George Washington or Mattathias the Priest, can defeat hordes of knuckle dragging barbarians. This is a message of inspiration that all Americans need right now, because we are now facing a terrible plague of evil, moral rot, and sadistic cruelty emanating from the present interloper rulers of our nation’s capital. Many people predict America is heading for a civil war, or at least an armed contest between the central government of Washington, DC, and the rest of the country. Hopefully, our election system is not so corrupted that we can vote our way out of this mess.

Don’t worry, Americans, because if you call upon God and are willing to sacrifice and take risks, like the Orthodox Jewish Maccabees did 2,300 years ago, then you can, we can, miraculously re-take the America that is ours from those who have risen up to steal it and make us all subjects and slaves to their evil power.

My fellow Americans, take heart from the history of Hanukka that you, too, can be successful against what look like overwhelming odds.

The light of freedom shines bright, including in our hearts and our spirit to fight for what is right

Harvard U is fake, no longer “Harvard”

The plagiarism scandal around Harvard University’s low quality, diversity-hire president Claudine Gay has now destroyed not just Gay’s personal and academic reputation, but Harvard’s as well. Harvard is no longer an academic institution based on rigorous intellectual debate and merit, it is a nakedly and proudly political activism site motivated by far left wing ideas and values.

In her PhD dissertation (the subject is useless nonsense and subjective fluff), Claudine Gay plagiarized material from a number of authors and academics, not the least of which was her own PhD dissertation advisor at Harvard. Her plagiarization has led to a lot of discussion across the Harvard University campus, some academic advisory boards, the Harvard University board of trustees, academics, racially-based groups, and American society. Understandably so, because Harvard University has been the flagship educational institution in America since its founding nearly four centuries ago.

Harvard’s reputation has always rested upon two simple things: 1) The highest intellectual rigor for its students and its educators, 2) the most exclusive and competitive screening of its students and its educators. For hundreds of years, to either teach or be taught at Harvard has been the gold standard for academic achievement in America and worldwide. The cold and uncaring application of logic, reason, proofs, and meritorious capability have winnowed the desirous from the truly stellar there for centuries. Well, no longer and not any more, as Inspector Clouseau said as he smashed the priceless Steinway piano into splinters.

The debate about whether or not Claudine Gay has the academic merit and the necessary high character to remain as the university’s president has torpedoed Harvard’s reputation. Simply because the widespread formal response by Harvard University to Gay’s failures of judgment and moral character, and to her academic cheating, has been to not only allow her to stay on as now a really, really blatantly incompetent diversity hire (no white man or white woman in that position would have ever made it beyond the first few minutes of this multifaceted crisis), but to also literally allow Gay to cheat even more, only this time in public.

Claudine Gay is now being allowed to retroactively amend her PhD dissertation with the necessary citations and quotation marks that were missing when her doctoral thesis was approved. This is like the judge allowing the robber to go back to the bank and put the money back in the vault, in order to avoid being charged and held accountable for the original crime of robbing the bank, now that the robber has been caught.

Gay is being allowed to do this re-crime so that her detractors are no longer empowered with the truth, so that they can no longer accurately accuse her of academic cheating. And for those who don’t know it, academic cheating is an automatic FAIL on every real academic report card, and it is usually the means for ejection from whatever school the cheater is enrolled at.

Harvard University’s board of trustees and the academics behind this brazen sleight of hand have basically told everyone in academia, in research and development, in the business of important ideas, and in the competitive world of merit that some animals are more equal than other animals, and that there are harsh rules for everyone, except for those few special people who some remote, self-anointed elite group has artificially determined should not be judged by the same standards as everyone else.

No society can sustain itself with this kind of fake justice system, or this kind of fake educational system. With this decision to both allow Claudine Gay to retroactively amend her already finalized dissertation, and to retain her as president, every single internal brake and decision-making system designed to ensure that all of Harvard University’s outputs are the best possible on Planet Earth have failed.

It has been determined by the powers that be at Harvard that the institution is now a (leftist) political activism center with no intellectual rudder, no universal standards for behavior or achievement, no universal code of conduct. Only subjective political decisions will be used henceforth to run the school, and we now see that certain skin colors and certain Marxist outlooks will be the preferred choices.

There are a lot of things I did not expect to see in my lifetime. I did not expect to see a presidential election fraught with so many wild irregularities across so many states and jurisdictions. I did not expect to see the entire media establishment and the entire political establishment not only fail to address those electoral irregularities, but to jointly sweep everything under the rug, declare a winner who had not even campaigned in public, and to accuse those who questioned the election results as “election deniers.” I did not expect to see the force of law be used against the “election deniers” for questioning the outcome and legitimacy of the questionable election, and who have since become persecuted political dissidents and outright political prisoners in their own “democratic” country. I did not expect to see the rule of law fail as widely and as quickly as it has, and I did not expect to see the rise of a totalitarian federal bureaucracy as fast as it has happened.

I also did not expect to see America’s flagship academic institution (the school now formerly known as Harvard University) gleefully burn down its own reputation in a public bonfire of vanities.

With all of these spectacular and unbelievable failures, Harvard’s just being the latest, we are seeing the severe cultural rot America has been experiencing since the 1960s finally come to fruition. All of the cultural safeguards, institutions, and legal infrastructure designed to keep America functioning as a constitutional republic are failing and being failed on purpose and in front of our faces. We are told by the agents of these failures that we must accept these outcomes not as failures, but as inevitable changes necessary to re-make America into the socialist utopia it was always meant to be.

It now seems possible not just that the Hamas loving racist academic fraudster Claudine Gay will be retained by Harvard as its president, but that she could be forcefully installed by the federal bureaucracy and its media wing (not elected by the people) as the next president of the United States “for our own good.”

Symbols have now officially become more important than facts in America. We all see that Harvard is fake, and we are told that it is still Harvard.


Fire her now: Harvard president Claudine Gay is a racist

Harvard University’s incompetent diversity hire, president Claudine Gay, is not just facing accusations of plagiarism in her PhD dissertation, but is rightfully being held to account for her racist statements. The lady cheerfully implements educational Apartheid at one of the world’s former top universities.

Claudine Gay has championed segregated college graduation ceremonies, calling white-free events “inspirational.” You know, Hispanic graduates have a Hispanic graduation, black graduates have a black graduation, Asian students have their own Asian-only graduation, etc., but white kids, no, they can’t have a white person only graduation, according to racist Claudine Gay. According to Claudine Gay, white college graduates do not deserve their own event. This is some seriously racist crap.

I myself don’t believe in racial segregation, which was legally defeated right after I was born. But Claudine Gay…she is all for racial segregation, which is the most racist thing anyone can believe in. After all America went through to achieve racial integration, do we really have to march for civil rights again? Will Claudine Gay be out there with a fire hose and attack dogs, blasting and biting people for demanding equal treatment?

If she is allowed to stay on as president of Harvard, yes, I think we can expect just about any crazy thing from this fool. Please, Harvard University, fire Claudine Gay now, and find someone who is not racist, who is integrationist, who is honest, and competent, and who is not a plagiarist.

Welp…there is always the late deer season

The 2023 deer hunting season is probably going to be remembered in most parts of Pennsylvania as a strange time. For reasons already written about here previously, the deer just have not been available to the hunters in ways and numbers that hunters are accustomed to. On properties I hunt all over Central PA, deer were either invisible or invested with magical disappearing powers. Everywhere I am familiar with, the deer moved up hill, as far away from human activity as possible.

To say many hunters are frustrated is a big understatement.

All I can say to all this bad luck is that at least we have the upcoming late flintlock and archery seasons to try to make up for the low productivity of our regular season. And in at least one area designed to reduce Chronic Wasting Disease, DMAP 6396, we have a continuation of rifle season for antlerless deer only until late January. I intend to take a new rifle afield for that season in that area.

Folks, for the next ten days, practice, practice, practice with your flintlocks. My biggest challenge with flintlock hunting is the huge flash going off in my eyes. Once I get used to that, I am deadly steady with the old smoke pole. Probably takes me ten to twenty flashes to begin staying stone cold steady.

Late last year after a bunch of really lame close-range misses, I began practicing shooting my flintlock rifle with only priming powder in the pan, and nothing loaded in the barrel. Repeated trigger pulls with explosive flashes in my face helped me overcome my natural reaction of flinching and pulling my head back and away from the flame. Needs no explanation that moving your head off the gunstock is going to ruin your accuracy and aim, which means you probably won’t hit what you thought your gun was aimed at.

Ah yes, the well-earned moniker “flinchlock…”

Couple of recommendations: Go high up, because that is where most of the deer are, and try to hunt in groups, either as actual drives or as organized approaches to hunting the same area together.

Remember to go afield with a brand new sharp flint on your gun. If you take the old, dull flint that you have been practicing with this year, you stand a good chance of hearing “klunk” when you pull the trigger as the rounded flint then hits the frizzen without any sparks, and thus yields no primer ignition, and thus there is no ka-boom coming out the end of your gun barrel.

Though quite often the deer will be fascinated by the weird klunk sound, staying riveted in their spot staring intently in the direction of that odd sound. You might get a second or even a third trigger pull during this stare-down period.

Good luck, folks! Shoot straight and walk tall.


Hanuka 2023, every USA conservative is a Jew

The past seven years have seen increasingly aggressive censorship and violence against American conservatives, especially on college campuses. Since the October 7th Hamas massacre of Israelis, American Jews find themselves under violent attack, especially on college campuses. Conservatives and American Jews don’t often occupy the same space, but now they do, and they should support each other.

Historically, Jews have been the canary in the coalmine for civilizational health. Countries where Jews have enjoyed freedom have done exceedingly well, and countries that murdered, robbed, raped, and expelled their Jews have fallen by the wayside. The proofs for this assertion are legion, and they include ancient Rome (what is Italy today?), 15th century Spain (what is Spain today?), modern Germany, Soviet Russia, and almost every single Muslim country today. And yes, modern Germany is rapidly swirling down the toilet. England is swaying wildly on the fence, and America is not far behind.

Western civilization is failing, and one of the victims, the beleaguered Jew, is the most prominent symbol of the evil forces that are tearing our western nations apart.

As a result of Hamas’ October 7th massacre of Israelis and their still unending rocket barrages on Israeli civilians, and then Israel’s just response to that blitzkrieg, the world has been engulfed by a mostly Islamic movement to dehumanize Jews and delegitimize Israel and Western Civilization. A bunch of white sadists and envious losers have joined in the pro-Hamas, pro-genocide, pro-Apartheid marches.

In case you have not been paying attention, Jewish-owned restaurants in Australia, Britain, Canada, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, have been targeted by violent mobs chanting about Israel and killing Jews. This same effort has also engulfed nearly every single American university, where conservatives and free speech have been aggressively banned for the past seven years. It has been interesting to see this intersection of Jew haters against freedom of speech, because their actions have shined a bright light on the plight of all American conservatives.

Turns out, American conservatives share the same fox hole as American Jews. Both are subject to unfair and unconstitutional vilification, dehumanization, and suppression of their basic human rights by the very people who claim to be the most tolerant, most open minded, most caring. Ahem.

The other day three major university presidents (UPenn, MIT, Harvard) sat before Congress and each testified that people calling for the genocide of Jews on their college campuses was not necessarily against their college policies. What a disgrace. It was shocking to see these cookie cutter leftist women presidents smirking and being coy while playing their word games. Had the words black, Hispanic, gay, transgender, lesbian, Muslim etc. been substituted for the word Jew in this policy discussion, well my gosh, of course that would have violated their college policies against hate, bullying, and harassment.

But not Jews. Nope. With Jews, these very sophisticated and exclusive women leaders had to judge the “context” in which the calls for genocide happened. Was the Jewish student actually being genocided on MIT or Harvard’s campus, like hanging from a lamp post with a rope around his neck? Well, that would certainly violate their school policy against hate, harassment, and bullying. But up until that physical violence, why, calls for genocide against Jews is just free speech, they said.

University presidents who never gave a hoot about free speech, but who rather inflicted un-American McCarthy-esque speech codes against their ideological opponents are suddenly all for free speech when it comes to calling for massacring the Jews. And this strange thing has naturally and refreshingly caused quite a backlash.

What is happening here is that the Jew is the breakwater for the American conservative, who has been illegally pounded into dust for years by the same racist , Stalinist, Hitlerite Diversity-Iniquity-Equity university/ media/ government people as were testifying before Congress the other day.

If America can agree that treating Jews differently and much worse than everyone else is wrong, then I think we are also about to agree that the evil Stalinist Diversity-Inclusivity-Equity critical race theory nonsense that put both Jews and conservatives on the chopping block was a huge un-American mistake. It is time for this nonsense to end, and for the rule of law and constitution to return.

Tonight is the first night of Hanuka, a 2,300-year-old Jewish festival that is about religious freedom in Israel earned by the edge of the sword. There is nothing joyful or miraculous or oily about Hanuka. This holiday was and still is only about the need to fight like hell with everything you have if you want to survive. The ancient Jews prevailed militarily against the enemies of all that is good, in the land of Israel, and this is what is celebrated this week.

Sounds like a good message to American conservatives and Jews alike: Fight back against the evil that is engulfing America, including the college campuses that are supposed to be beacons for learning, or you will lose everything. Firing these three evil university presidents at UPenn, MIT, and Harvard will be a good step forward.