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Americans are naturally anti-government

America was created in response to tyranny, tyrannical government, overbearing government, invasive government, secretive government, lawless government, arbitrary and capricious government etc. etc. etc. And so, it naturally followed that when America followed through on its declaration of independence from Britain with maximum winning force, the resulting government in America was the anti-government.

A government meant to barely subsist on fumes and have a very limited reach or impact on our citizens.

Our 1787-1789 Constitution is a long list of things the government may not do, and a short but very broad and far-reaching list of all the things that the individual citizen can do. Our Constitution makes it clear that The People have all the rights, and the government has all the obligations and limits. America’s founding documents make it crystal clear that the federal government has a job to do, but that job is hindered by a zillion different barriers, hurdles, blocks, and barriers. The government is not powerless, but its power is hugely limited by all kinds of checks, in order to protect The People from  government.

America’s founders understood from their immediate experience fighting tyrannical Britain that every government is a bad thing, an unfortunate necessity that must be controlled like nuclear fission, and that all government automatically seeks out maximum control over The People, and that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Thus, almost everything the American government does is supposed to be visible and challengeable by The People, whom the government serves.

So how (not so) curious is it that the Biden Administration is chock full of all kinds of secret documents, secret decisions, secret law enforcement interview notes (that usually turn out to be forged and not at all accurate), secret prosecutors trying to get secret limits on what kind of defense that President Trump can mount in court, gag orders by corrupt judges, heavy censorship (see the Twitter Files) of what you and I can say and which politicians we can criticize on social media, and so on.

This is a group of very bad individuals who do not believe in the Constitution, and who are abusing every lever of power they can to gain more control over the country and We, The People. Exhibit A is the FBI, which is now a brazenly partisan political force with guns and badges, enforcing political policy, not the rule of law.

Joe Biden has complained that the MAGA folks are anti government. Well, yeah, you dummy. You and the individuals you have surrounded yourself with are Exhibit A in why America was founded in the first place, and why the Constitution was written, and why Americans have always been anti-government, suspicious of government and suspicious of the individuals who make their career in government. From our very beginning in 1776, it has been natural for Americans to fear and loathe and reject government, and it is unnatural for anyone calling themselves an American to love, laud, elevate, and promote government.

Government is a necessary evil, and the best government is that which governs least. This Biden group, gang, mafia, whatever you want to call these Chinese pay-off receiving people, loooooves government and all the power it gives them. They worship government, especially the central government in Washington, DC. It naturally follows that these Biden people are not Americans, not in spirit and not in practice. Rather, they are evil fascists determined to use their brief time at the wheel to steer the car over the cliff. They are not making decisions that are good for America or Americans, but rather they are making decisions that serve their lust for power and control. Everything they do to and with America is the opposite of what America was founded to do.

Biden and the people around him are bad people. They should not be running the central government in Washington, DC. And as you may know, I am 100% certain they were not voted into office by the American voters in 2020. One person who would have emphatically and forcefully rejected over-reaching Joe Biden and his corruptacrats was General George Washington himself. He would have removed these evil scum from office one way or another, and I am absolutely certain he would have thoroughly cleaned up the rest of our messy house, as well. Because he, George Washington, was so anti-government that he rejected the ultimate power of being crowned as America’s monarch.

George Washington was as anti-government as anyone can be, and as we all know, he was the ultimate American. It is perfectly natural for all Americans to reject government, to be suspicious of government and its employees, and to be anti government. This focus on individual freedom is what makes us Americans!

An uncomfortable question

Two days ago, a dear friend sent me the text of a recent speech by Colonel Richard Kemp, a highly recognized and decorated British military leader.

Col. Kemp has been speaking all over Planet Earth about how America, Western Civilization, and Israel are bound together in a single, common fate. Freedom, liberty, and other basic democratic values are under assault, he says, from political correctness.

Here is the URL to Col. Kemp’s taped speech:


If you are really interested in my response to my friend, read on:

“Thank you, –G–. Receiving this from you is a good sign. Richard Kemp is a hero because he is willing to go against the politically correct tide. Unwilling to falsely condemn Israel, and thereby also falsely condemn the West, he is vilified by leftists and their political enablers, namely, Democrats. At what point, my dear beloved friend, do you begin to join Col. Kemp and others in saying publicly what must be said? Namely, the Democrat Party has become the vehicle for legitimized anti Israel, anti America political actions?
Your loyalty to one political party, shared by most American Jews, is bizarre to me, and especially so when that party is so clearly a threat to everything you say you value and hold dear. Everything Col. Kemp says he is fighting for.
And this applies to AIPAC, too, which has rolled over for the Obama administration, clearly loaded with anti Jewish, anti Israel, anti America policy makers, including the president himself. AIPAC is an arm of the Democrat Party, now trying to sell policies that are dangerous to America, Israel, and Western Europe, instead of standing and fighting against those (Democrat) policies.
At some point you and all the other Jewish Democrats must choose: America, Israel, Western Civilization….or the Democrat Party.

In Harrisburg as in Washington, NYC, extremists parade as mainstream

This past weekend saw various political marches around the US.  Washington, DC, New York City, and elsewhere, largely groups of openly avowed communists, socialists, anti-capitalism activists, and other fringe extremists.

Claims of “Climate change” unified them.

If you had any questions about human-caused “climate change,” these marches should answer them. It is an utterly politicized, polarized issue from which science is having a tough time extracting itself. To these extremists, anything that happens on any given day anywhere in the world is evidence of their cause.

Blue skies in September? Climate change!

Rainy skies in September? Climate change!

Cold or hot weather in September, each is “evidence” of human-caused climate change.

Undoubtedly humans are having an impact on our planet, including the cell phone using and car driving socialists who advocate that the rest of us give up our cell phones and cars.

The question is how we can be dispassionate and calculating about identifying these impacts, and then fixing them in a way that does not require everyone to become a communist, wear a grass skirt, and live in a driftwood hut eating whole grains and dried fruit.

Similarly, here in Harrisburg we have another political group that takes the opposite approach to the socialists and communists.  Instead of openly avowing socialism and anti-capitalism, “Harrisburg Hope” misrepresents itself as a non-partisan, objective, aloof, dispassionate gathering for all interested political interests.

Of course that is not the truth about Harrisburg Hope, as the group has been deeply involved in the most partisan campaigns and was used as a vehicle to help Harrisburg’s present mayor get elected.  When other mayoral candidates wanted equal opportunity at Harrisburg Hope forums, they were denied.  Other political events hosted by Harrisburg Hope have been gaggingly partisan and faux civil rights.

Clearly Harrisburg Hope is a bare-knuckle political machine, designed to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Everywhere you turn, the Left has some organization designed to misrepresent itself in the interest of not alarming citizens about its true, radical, extreme goals.

The question a lot of people have is, Will the conservative movement fight back?

Perry County gets an eyeful of cr@p from anti-gun schemers

In what must be a warm-up for the 2016 state senate race in Perry County (in which I hope to be the Republican nominee), gun control schemers have drummed up a ridiculous problem. The Perry County Auditors are now suing Sheriff Nace for personal gun owner records, to which they have no legal access nor any expectation of access.

It is a political stunt.  It is an effort to undermine gun owner rights and put gun owners on the defensive, in order to make easier the state senator’s re-election there.

Given that the newly incumbent and very liberal state senator there is far in the minority in Perry County, where even the Democrats are fiercely pro-Second Amendment, this is undoubtedly a politically fostered, carefully coordinated effort between the senator’s political party and anti-gun activists.

What the heck is in EPA’s water?

Something bad is in the water the EPA staff are drinking in DC.  It is making them nuts.

EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency, a place I once worked, a job once fraught with much philosophical disagreement) has proposed new regulations on air and water that basically put the agency in charge of every breath you take and every glass of water you drink.  It is an unconstitutional power grab by regulation that flies in the face of existing law.

EPA now asserts control of every body of water in the country, and that includes farm ponds, man-made drainage ditches along your hunting camp road, little intermittent rivulets that run for a few days in the spring and winter and then sink into the ground all other times, etc.  It is a remarkable effort to control, control, and control Americans.  The stories now emanating from citizens clashing over this rule change with heavy-handed EPA staff are extraordinary.  What amazes everyone with a bit of knowledge of these issues is how little the new rules do to actually protect water quality.  In fact, they create incentives for private landowners to take matters into their own hands, before some bureaucrat shows up for a show down over an issue totally, completely outside the purview of federal government.

Of course, promoting centralized decision making and big government is what this is all about, not environmental quality.

Second issue: EPA’s new air regulations, basically putting a heavy damper on wood burning stoves.  Yes, it is true that EPA is trying to shut down America’s best source of sustainable, renewable, biodegradable, natural, native, cheap heat – firewood.  And firewood-burning stoves.

If you look at the new standards for wood burning stoves, the particulate emissions restrictions on new stoves are technically impossible to meet, and old stoves that are in stock are not grandfathered in; stove manufacturers might go out of business because they cannot sell off their existing wood stoves.

But like the water regulations, this is not about public health or air quality.  Rather, these new rules are about undermining those citizens who are most self-reliant, least dependent upon others, most off-the-grid.  You know, rural conservatives.

Even more than when I worked there, EPA has become a tool for inflicting harm on Americans, for advancing anti-American policies.  It is time to put this rabid animal out of its misery, and start over with a new agency that is devoid of the cultural residue that allows this sort of behavior to happen in the first place.  The role of government is to serve its citizens, not dominate them.