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When law-abiding Americans fear their own government

Roughly half of Americans are living in deep fear of their own government right now. These are law-abiding, tax-paying, job-holding Americans, and there is no reason why they should fear their own government. The American government belongs to them, and its sole purpose is to protect them and serve them.

And yet, the new Biden regime is openly at war with its political opponents, to the point where the Dept. of Justice and the FBI are forming a sort of SWAT team to attack individuals these two deeply corrupted agencies believe must be locked up. One guy was just arrested by a rogue FBI agent, and he is facing ten years in prison for making anti-Clinton memes in the 2016 election. The same exact meme was used by a Democrat activist against Trump in the 2016 election, and yet she is not under arrest.

Plenty of other examples of a Washington DC elite gone hog wild against the People it is supposed to serve. Building a wall around the US Capitol, which is The People’s House, to keep the public out, while tearing down America’s southern border wall meant to keep disease-ridden illegal aliens from illegally invading our country to the detriment of the people who actually live here.

This situation is ludicrous, except that if you speak out about it, you can be “disappeared” by the FBI just like political opponents in South American dictatorships. Some radical, rogue FBI agent will invent false charges against you and that’s that, you are caught up in the Washington DC net of official rogues and villains, determined to punish anyone who dares stand in their way of taking full control of America.

Perhaps the best symbol of just how evil and illegitimate the Beijing Biden regime is, are the extra National Guard troops now pouring into Washington DC. Does America now have more troops guarding its fascist dictator in the White House than North Korea has protecting its Dictator Kim? What a great achievement, Biden gang!

If the Biden gang needs all these troops to protect them from the American people, then it’s probable that the American people did not vote for or select Biden to be their president. Only an illegitimate and unpopular pretender does what Biden is doing. But it is why the Biden regime needs all this official fear and oppression against their political opponents.

And to all the regular Democrat Party folks watching this un-American farce unfold, and just loving it, now you know what happened in 1930s Germany, and how the good German people turned into stark raving mad butchers. Germany’s Nazi Party spent ten years scapegoating and delegitimizing Germany’s Jews, and in 1933 the Nazis launched a very public shaming and humiliation attack on Jews across Germany, called “Kristallnacht.” After that night, it was easy for the Nazi government to persuade enough Germans that no matter how patriotic or morally good their tax-paying Jewish neighbors were, the fact that they were simply Jews was good enough to throw them into concentration camps and steal everything they owned.

This same exact dynamic is playing out now in America, against conservatives and American patriots, with the second totally sham illegal fake “impeachment” of President Donald Trump intended not for legal purposes, but to delegitimize Trump and his political supporters. So that they can be officially oppressed and disappeared. And so many “good Democrats” are happily, even giddily going along with this.

Should we make these Democrats wear black and red arm bands, so we know who they are? They want to pin a yellow star on all of Trump’s supporters, so let’s clearly demarcate both sides. Let’s make it absolutely clear where everyone stands as this official fear and oppression campaign keeps rolling along, steamrolling freedom in its path.


Official lawlessness about to become unimaginable

Once a political party is willing to risk everything by stealing a national presidential election, they are willing to do everything else necessary to cement that conquest into stone, so that they are never held accountable in the future.

And as we have seen in just one week, the now official merger between the national mainstream Big Media, Big Tech (facebook, twitter, youtube, etc), and the lawless Democrat Party is about one thing: Absolute control over every single American.

Worse yet, every institution is now assisting the official lawlessness: The various state bar associations are trying to eject and dis-bar attorneys who have stood up to the official lawlessness, state licensing organizations are trying to de-certify professionals who have had their own opinions that are different than the Democrat Party narrative. And so on. There is an all-out war being made on free speech, free thought, freedom of association by the Democrat Party and their allies.

And this assault on America is about to become unimaginable in the weeks after criminal Joe Biden is sworn into office on an oath he will immediately break.

One of the things that has really bothered me over the past five years is that I did not get to write more about the events, trips, sights and natural features I have experienced. Summer time is usually devoted to family trips to pretty places, national and state parks, etc., and there is so much cool stuff to write about. Some of the most-read posts on this blog have been about exactly those family trips and adventures. Our readers were probably other mothers and fathers looking into potential travel plans for their own families.

But instead of getting to write about the fun stuff, with pictures of our kids holding up their biggest bass or standing at the edge of some scenic vista, the whirlwind of forced culture war and endless Democrat Party lawlessness has demanded that anyone who gives a whit about democracy and Constitutional government stay on top of the sustained assault on our rights and way of life by responding to it.

In the coming week I will do my best to lay out a list of steps the average American can take to repulse the assault on a free America. It is nothing you will hear on talk radio, because all the radio hosts seem to have been immediately cowed since last week into recommending extra prayer, longer showers, brighter clothing, and more better coffee as the antidotes to the constitutional crisis America now faces. The best radio host, Rush Limbaugh, seems resigned to playing Josephus and simply documenting the downfall of American civilization.

We can each do better than that.

Remember, America belongs to us, We, The People. America is not about government, it is about free individual people, making their own choices, free of Big Government, and a government that is heavily restrained by the Constitution. What we had six months ago is worth fighting for, because the looming alternative is a nightmare no free American wants to live under. In the meantime, I will do my best to post essays about the fun stuff, the neat stuff, the natural history stuff that makes living so much fun and interesting.

January 6th DC Protest: I was there, what really happened

Getting the entire January 6th DC protest story out is going to take time, but it is important to address the totally fake narrative about it being pushed by the fake news media, the entertainment industry, the Big Tech industry, the lawless Democrat Party, and even the cowed Republican Party establishment.

For the record, I arrived at the Washington Monument around 10:00am and worked my way down the slope until there was no room left between us and the White House.  From there we marched to the US Capitol, where I was

in the Rotunda [the outside rotunda, not the one inside the Capitol building] [UPDATE 8/18/22 I have been told by several people, including a federal agent, that I have mistakenly mislabeled where I was. After consulting official maps of the US Capitol, I can’t find an official description for the precise open area out in front of the Capitol where I stood. Bottom line is I stood way the hell outside the Capitol building, in an area that was designated for protesting] about twenty feet behind the barricades. I stayed in that general location for a couple hours until later. My story here begins in the Rotunda.

The US Capitol Police used peaceful protestors for target practice. All around me and just in front of me, US citizens who were legally, peacefully protesting were shot in their faces by explosive flash bangs, rubber bullets, pepper gas bombs, tear gas bombs, and bean bags. I have video and photos of all of this activity that I took on my own phone, which I will post here later today [Update: Now that the FBI/KGB is on an illegal witch hunt to make examples of even lawful, peaceful protestors who were there, using pictures taken at the event to identify 100% innocent people to hunt them down and unlawfully prosecute them, I will not be posting them].

I saw nicely dressed men in business suits and dress shirts with their faces blasted by explosives. The Capitol Police were not aiming for our feet, but for our faces. I was shot right under my chin with a large rubber bullet by one of the police officers who we watched take careful aim at individual protestors who did nothing more than sing the national anthem, chant, and wave signs and banners. I was also hit with many other rubber projectiles, and I was gassed three times, once badly.

At no time did I or anyone around me throw anything at the police or try to attack them. We were exercising our Constitutional freedoms, and the Capitol Police attacked us. On our way out of the protest and back to our bus, we met a nicely dressed man with blood on his hands and clothing, who calmly told us that he is a physician and had been standing with the tiny woman who was shot in the neck by a Capitol Police officer. He, the doctor, tried to resuscitate her, but he described how purposefully mortal her wound was, and how he had personally witnessed the police officer taking careful aim at the woman’s neck. She has now been identified, but I cannot now recall her name [UPDATE: Ashlii Babbitt]. She was a peaceful protestor who could have been easily neutralized with any sort of non lethal force, had the police officer really felt threatened. He chose to execute her, instead.

If anyone is curious about why presently free Americans reacted to official violence with some force of their own, then this description of events explains it. We peaceful protestors were violently attacked by the US Capitol Police for doing nothing more than peacefully protesting. Violence will beget violence, and nothing stokes a violent response more than un-earned official violence against innocent civilians, like yesterday.

Fresh in our memories yesterday were the many violent riots in 2020, where ANTIFA and BLM destroyed entire cities, violently attacked police, passersby, counter demonstrators, and business owners… WITH NO ACTION BY THE POLICE. And with total support by the mainstream media and big tech, whose members stood in front of burning buildings and pronounced the violence as “mostly peaceful protests.”

Fresh in our memories were the Code Pink invasion of Congress, followed by the shrieking howls of the mad as anti-Kavanaugh people invaded the US Senate chamber. Again, with no consequences from either political party or from law enforcement or the media or from Big Tech.

So I witnessed a double standard yesterday that is being promoted today by the mainstream media industry and the Big Tech industry, which is that conservative peaceful protestors are actually “domestic terrorists” and “racists” and “white supremacists.” In fact, about 25% of the protestors around me were black, Latino, and Asian. There were a lot of Asians with us, I would say evenly split between Vietnamese and Chinese. Not a white supremacist movement at all, but a simple freedom movement.

This double standard is obviously evil on its face, but it serves an even more evil political purpose. Patriots and conservatives are being set up to be de-legitimized so they can be attacked by both BLM and ANTIFA people, and soon by the official state apparatus, like police forces everywhere, the FBI, the ATF etc.

If you have read this blog for any time, you know my positions on most political issues of the day. You know that I believe the 2020 election was stolen in an ultimate act of Democrat Party lawlessness, a lawlessness that has defined that pro-slavery political party since 1860 and which in modern times has led to so-called “sanctuary cities” and a widespread failure to enforce the laws on the books to protect American citizens. A suspension of the most basic civil rights.

To me and others like me, we believe the Democrat Party to be a certified domestic enemy of We, The People. The Democrat Party’s lawlessness and attempt to enslave us all to Big Brother Government must be resisted at all levels by Americans everywhere, or else America will turn into an authoritarian state with Big Brother telling us what to think, what we may do, where we may go, what we may read or write. This authoritarian establishment narrative has become quite clear during the China flu covid shamdemic, as unconstitutional authoritarian lockdowns and police actions against free citizens have become commonplace.

Some take-aways from yesterday and the ensuing hours:

  • the Republican Party establishment stands for absolutely nothing, because its members believe in nothing, except their own power. They have no fealty to the US Constitution, nor to any of us citizens. They believe in process over substance. The Democrat Party knew this before the election, and were emboldened in their theft of the presidency by the GOPe’s weakness. No one better exemplifies this than outgoing Republican senator Kelly Loeffler, who only two days ago announced that she finally stood with The People against the farcical Electoral College count, and who yesterday denounced President Donald Trump and withdrew her objection to the farcical Electoral College count. This GOPe woman represents everything wrong with the Republican Party – no backbone, no spine, no guts, no commitment to the rule of law, and so easily manipulated by the Big Media/ Big Tech industry narrative.
  • the Democrat Party is enabled by the Big Tech industry and the mainstream media industry, which either suppress different perspectives from being aired, or which suppress actual facts from being exposed, if they run contrary to The Narrative. This makes Big Media and Big Tech certified mouthpieces for authoritarian oppression, and, therefore, certified enemies of We, The People. However people choose to resist Big Tech and Big Media, only the members of Big Media and Big Tech have themselves to blame.
  • Probably 99% of the political pundits on both the left and the right issued definitive statements about yesterday’s protest without themselves actually having been there. They watched selectively edited and commented videos shown out of context, and drew understandably inaccurate conclusions. But these same pundits have shown zero interest or curiosity about actual events, choosing instead to show their true yellow color by standing shoulder to shoulder with the oppressive authoritarians.
  • Yesterday’s protest was nothing more than an Occupy Congress, which is The People’s House. It belongs to US, not to the political elites. If the various Occupy movements were legitimate, then yesterday’s Occupy action was the most legitimate of all.
  • Finally, this whole situation is boiling down to a showdown between the entitled elites who have stolen our entire country’s government apparatus on the one hand, and the citizens who populate the country and fund that apparatus on the other hand. When I witnessed several hundred thousand unarmed protestors yesterday staging a forceful protest against tyranny, I saw the beginning of a citizen army doing its dry run, its practice run, for a takeover of the nation’s capital. As brute force has always been the ultimate arbiter of natural selection, only one side can prevail here. This is totally an Us vs. Them situation, not of the making of We, The People, but forced on us by authoritarians who crave control over us.

Much of this will probably start to play out in the coming weeks. God save our great Republic.

More to come here in the next couple of days.

UPDATE: Today every effort is being made by the political elites to destroy President Donald Trump and as many peaceful protestors as they can get their hands on. Mind you, absolutely none of this was done to any politicians or their supporters over an entire year of wild, violent BLM and ANTIFA riots across the country, including in Washington, DC. This is an indication of what is coming to America in just a couple weeks: Everyone who stands for the Constitution and our traditional American values and freedoms will be officially targeted for forceful removal and silencing. This is why patriots must organize, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.



Did Justice Kavanaugh Just Torpedo America?

Probably a majority of Americans believe America is too big to fail, too financially successful, too militarily powerful, too much of an economic powerhouse.  Our lives are just too comfortable and everything is just so orderly. How could it ever fail?!

Surely the last survivors of every failed civilization before us asked the same things, probably right before their lives and cities burned to the ground. Civilizational failure is systemic to humans. The question for America is not if we will fail, but when.

American citizens can prolong failure, perhaps indefinitely, by participating in their own governance and electing wise leaders who represent the USA’s founding principles. Because tyranny is only one generation away at any given moment, and America has had one and maybe two heavily propagandized generations, it sure looks like failure and tyranny are about to descend upon us momentarily.

The 2020 election is being stolen from the voters right in front of our faces. The evidence of vote fraud and unconstitutional laws and policies designed to enable fraud is overwhelming. And every taxpayer-funded public institution designed to protect the citizen taxpayer from injustice is now sitting on its hands, doing absolutely nothing to stop this theft and the tyranny that will follow. In particular, the FBI and DOJ staffs and leaders are actually looking the other way while mounds of new evidence are disclosed daily. These agencies have the legal purpose to intervene, but they do not act. This is because they are run by people whose political views no longer mirror the nation’s principles nor the citizenry’s interests.

Earlier this year commentator Mark Levin called this “the elites rebelling against the masses.” And how else could it be described? The masses voted overwhelmingly to send President Donald Trump back to the White House, and the entire federal government did everything it could to prevent that, or to allow vote fraud to succeed.

The US Supreme Court is America’s backstop, the last bulwark of democracy. Of all the government institutions designed to look out for and protect the individual rights of the citizenry, the US Supreme Court is and always has been the last line of defense. And yet it, too, is now staffed by people who do not share the vision or purpose of our founding documents, nor the interests of us, We, The People. At least half of the Supreme Court justices are Big Government liberals, whose answer for every public policy question is to say “We know better than you how to live your life, and so we are going to put the federal government in charge of your life.”

This has become glaringly evident as ObamaCare was deemed a tax, when it was legislatively not passed as a tax, and when over the past few years failing to intervene when lower courts aggressively ignored the high court’s Heller and MacDonald precedents in protecting individual Second Amendment rights, and recently when a narrow 5-4 majority ruled that California’s subjective and unscientific fatwa against church attendance violated We, The People’s First Amendment religious rights. And now yesterday, the US Supreme Court was unable to muster five justices to fix the most obviously faulty Pennsylvania election procedures and results.

Until yesterday afternoon, most political observers believed that Justice Alito had sufficient support from four other justices to back up his prior demand that Pennsylvania segregate the roughly 650,000 ballots counted AFTER Election Day. But late yesterday we learned that the Court had declined to change the faulty outcome, with no decision issued and no dissents. What this means is that the justices were deadlocked 4-4 and one hold-out justice refused to join either side.

Chief Justice John Roberts has increasingly sided with the Big Government leftists Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer, to the point where the Court now has a solid four-vote leftist bloc. That has become quite obvious.

On the other hand, the Court has two reliable originalists, Thomas and Alito, who have been or are reasonably expected to be backed by Gorsuch and Barrett. Justice Kavanaugh will probably join this group of four about 60-70% of the time, because Kavanaugh is not an originalist. Justice Kavanaugh is, more than anything, a Washington, DC, Beltway guy. When nominated, people were amazed that he was spending something like $80,000 annually on major league baseball tickets. He gave them away as gifts to “special people.” In other words, Kavanaugh is very much a DC elitist, and very much tied into the DC political web. His allegiance is to intellectual pyrotechnics and gymnastics, nuanced opinions written for law school students and professors to marvel at for generations to come. Unlike Scalia, Thomas or Alito, Kavanaugh is not a fighter. He is an effete functionary with a strong sense of duty to The DC Machine. He has no loyalty to the president who stood by him and who put him on the Court. Rather, Kavanaugh wants to ingratiate himself with DC elites and special people, at whatever cost.

So given yesterday’s deadlocked Court and the resulting rubber stamp given to PA’s fake election results, it is likely that Kavanaugh removed himself from the entire discussion. He punted. Like with his recent decision on the North Carolina voting law case, he probably erupted once again with intellectually flowery language designed to mask his unwillingness to commit to anything.

The end result of this is that every single similar or related case now brought to the Supreme Court is going to meet the same logjam. The American people will find no justice being served there. Which means the stolen 2020 election is likely going to be affirmed and Joe Biden sworn in as the next president.

Which means that America will overnight become a vassal to China. The long lawless Democrat Party will move swiftly to cement its power and control of all federal agencies, including law enforcement, and in short order dissent will be illegal, domestic political spying will be routine, the FBI will become the STASI, and America will never again have a fair or free election.

So, spineless Justice Kavanaugh just torpedoed America. The nation you grew up in, identified with, perhaps fought for, will be completely gone in another month’s time. It will resemble California shortly after.

What this all means for patriots is a big question. Will enough people be willing to use political violence to restore the Republic? Short of sufficient political violence to overturn this coup d’état against We, The People, America is officially a failed state, a tyranny, and God only knows who will fill the political power vacuum.






The nine people most responsible for PA’s Election Day mess

While it takes a whole village to try to steal the votes of hundreds of thousands of citizens, and thereby disenfranchise millions of others, here in Pennsylvania there are nine people who are most clearly responsible for our corrupted Election Day results. And while some people are going to say “Who cares?,” there are others who are at least curious about how this gigantic confidence game happened in the first place, and yet other people so dedicated to good government that they want to try and correct the obviously weak voting procedure we have. This essay is dedicated to the latter, with hopes for an epiphany among the former.

In order of their level of culpability, the nine people most responsible for this election fraud are:

  1. State Senator Jake Corman (R -Centre). State senator Jake Corman is the last man standing in the Pennsylvania legislature who helped re-write the new ridiculous election law that facilitated all of the cheating we just witnessed last week. When the other political party presented Corman with a proposed Trojan Horse election law change, which included mail-in ballots lacking certain guarantees of authenticity (a gigantic reg flag to any normal American adult), he swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. It isn’t that Jake Corman is gullible, he is not. Because his entire career has been spent within the Republican Party in one job or another, including now occupying the senate seat his late father held, Corman is nothing if not a self-serving, politically crafty, cunning, and ruthless deal maker. As a child of political privilege, he is also a spoiled brat, and is used to getting his way, no matter how wrong it is for everyone else; it is this lamentable trait that got Corman to accept and pass the Democrat Party election law Trojan Horse. Because Corman is so deeply inside horse-trading politics, with gigantic political blinders over his eyes that prevent him from seeing the self-evident all around him, he traded what is obviously a panoply of stupid and undesirable election law changes (mail in ballots, after Election Day, with questionable qualities) for something…what…it is not clear what the quid pro quo was. Why did you approve this law, Jake? Did someone give you insider investment information, Jake, that you used to enrich yourself, thereby inducing you to allow this election Trojan Horse inside the city gates? What good thing exactly did Pennsylvania’s citizens gain from or in exchange for the Election Day Trojan Horse that you foisted upon us?
  2. Governor Tom Wolf (D). Watching Tom Wolf stand at a podium the other day, bald-faced lying, seriously attacking the justified legal challenges to the blatantly obvious voter fraud in Philadelphia is one of the great low points in American electoral history. Wolf has been in this election fraud up to his eyeballs, and now that he is defending that fraud he becomes one of the lowest characters in modern American political history. One would have hoped that he would have at least adopted the approach of police captain Renault in Casablanca: “Election fraud, here in Pennsylvania?! I am shocked, shocked!” But Wolf is not shocked because this debacle is his own handiwork, and he is unashamed. For shame!
  3. Lt. Governor John Fetterman (D). Ditto above. And when Fetterman sent a tweet last week before Election Day, acknowledging Trump’s 59,000-strong voter rally in Butler, PA, and demanding that Democrat voters “bank those 700,000 ballots,” we now know exactly what he meant. Fetterman meant for his followers to engage in the orgy of election fraud witnessed and documented and complained about by so many people in Philadelphia. And is it not amazingly convenient that late on Election Day evening Trump had a 600,000 vote lead, and yet by last Wednesday morning he was at a 100,000 vote deficit? Wonder where those extra 700,000 ballots came from! Fetterman is a phony. He is not for the little guy, the under-privileged, the worker. Rather, Fetterman is for Fetterman and his own power, at whatever cost to America and its workers.
  4. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D). Josh Shapiro is PA’s attorney general, the chief law enforcement officer in the state. It is a significant position, entrusted with great authority and powers. An attorney general anywhere is expected to remain above the partisan political fray, and to implement and execute the law without favor to anyone. And yet, Shapiro announced before Election Day that “Trump will not win Pennsylvania.” Not only is this obviously partisan electioneering, it is clear that Shapiro knew all about the gigantic voter fraud scheme prepared to illegally turn Trump’s hard-earned Pennsylvania win into a fraudulent Biden win. Shapiro had knowledge of the election law crimes that were about to occur, and not only did he not stop them, or investigate them after the fact, he actually gloated about them right before they were committed.
  5. 5-9. The last five people most responsible for PA’s Election Day fraud are the five Pennsylvania State Supreme Court members Christine Donohue, David Wecht, Debra Todd, Kevin Dougherty, and Sally Mundy, all (D), who issued a last-second, patently illegal/ unconstitutional order to extend Pennsylvania’s Election Day vote count for many days after Election Day, and to even further diminish the normal commonsense safeguards that guarantee that every LEGAL vote is counted. The Court majority’s decision went against the plain texts that guide and shape jurisprudence. It was clearly partisan and designed to give every leeway for the election fraud that inevitably followed in its wake. In contrast to their decision, Pennsylvania’s Constitution and the US Constitution make it clear that the state legislature is the sole source of Election Day date, time, and rules. Not the courts. So what these five political activists on the Court did is turn themselves into a five-person legislature, usurping the decision making authority of their co-equal branch of government. If jurists are not people of letters, but rather raw partisan political warriors, then that branch of government has failed.

Where does this leave us? Well, all I can do is write about what is happening. If Pennsylvanians are so apathetic and uninvolved that they allow these people to remain in their public offices, then we have brought down upon our own heads our own demise. Because American government only exists by the consent of the governed. When the governed become uninvolved, uncaring, and allow incompetent or criminal behavior by elected officials to persist, then self-government has failed. Consent has then been given to officials to do whatever they want, regardless of law or constitution. It means that the rule of law has ended, and a simple political power tug of war is under way in its place.

Apathetic citizens will always lose that tug of war, because the political insiders always find a way to accommodate each other.

Rural & Urban People Experience the Virus Differently

Rural and urban people are experiencing the covid19 CCP virus differently. And this means they each experience the various governors’ approaches to it differently, too. Chinese Flu policies impact rural and urban people differently.

In rural America, like Clinton County and Lycoming County here in Pennsylvania, life is still pretty much going on, not quite like normal, but fairly close to normal. The perceived risk from Wuhan covid19 Flu is low. This is because the rural peoples’ observations are not squaring up with what they are being told from their state capital. Rural people are not seeing up close and personal the disruptive chaos and death that is so pervasive in places like New York City and Philadelphia. So their behavior is different.

For weeks the Lowes in Mill Hall, PA, has been standing-room-only parking on the weekends, as local people shop for gardening supplies. Likewise the other nearby big box stores and small hardware stores are also full of people attending to their needs. Life is going on, albeit with some face masks and people clearly trying to steer clear of one another in shopping aisles. The Wegmans in Williamsport, PA, was full of shoppers the last time I was there, and the shelves were mostly well stocked. Notes about limits per customer are placed in all the usual places – TP, canned tuna, milk, bread. Ladies at the checkout are quite tough and firm about shoppers abiding by these limits, and everyone seems to be getting along just fine.

Elsewhere in rural PA are drive-in church services, food takeout, maybe some bonfires with chairs set apart, but still lots of chairs, nonetheless.

Actual Risk vs. Perceived Risk vs. Government Policy

At the heart of this lifestyle difference between rural and urban people is the difference they have over perceived risk, actual risk, and what the government policy says.

When rural people look around and see none of the catastrophic chaos engulfing New York City, they begin to ask simple and necessary questions about the actual risk of the China Flu to them. The actual risk, not the suggested hype or irrational fear stay-the-f#k-at-home perceived risk that is being breathlessly communicated by the cable outlets every minute. Without bodies stacked high, without lots of people becoming obviously sick from the CCP Chinese Flu, and with local health providers like hospitals and clinics operating as normal, rural people begin to question the value and necessity of the government policy that tells them their Constitutional rights must be suspended.

They then begin to question the value and purpose of their own government.

When we hear about the over-reach in places like Kentucky and Michigan, whose governors are literally demanding that people cower in their homes or else face huge overwhelming coercive force and jail time, it is natural for Americans to ask not just what is the value of these policies, but why can’t we have real policies that are tailored to the realities that each community faces. The potential risks of Wuhan Flu are just not the same everywhere.

Rural areas have more room and space between people, fewer people, less congestion, and a lot lot lot less exposure AND a lot less actual risk. Government policies need to reflect these realities. Blanket one-size-does-not-fit-all policies serve no real health purpose. Instead, no matter how well intentioned the governor may be, these blanket policies that are the same in Philadelphia as they are in Lock Haven, PA, make everyone equally miserable, damage all businesses equally, regardless of the health outcomes.

At the end of the day, government action must both balance risks with costs and benefits, while also safeguarding the citizenry’s sacred Constitutional rights. To date, very few states have done this. Instead, almost every state has treated low-risk rural areas the same as high-risk congested urban areas, and hit them all with the same heavy hammer. This makes the whole covid19 reaction thing seem awfully fishy.

Why having your own philosophy of government is American

It is American nature for each individual citizen to have a philosophy of government. That is, to have a firm idea of how you want and expect all levels of government to relate to you, to serve you, to represent you, and to respect you.

Maybe there are too many syllables in this, so let’s just say that every American citizen should have a belief in how they want to relate to their own government, at every level – local, state, and federal.

From America’s founding until right now, our entire nation is still predicated upon the expectation of direct citizen involvement in every aspect of what makes America work: Voting in every election, staying updated and informed on the political and cultural issues of the day, participating in jury selection when called upon, serving on school boards, local zoning and planning boards, etc.

America is a citizen-run nation. That is how we were founded. Consent of the governed. Right now, a surfeit of material success has put many Americans almost to sleep. They are too busy taking care of their own individual desires to look up and participate in the larger happenings around them. They are almost believing that American government is on autopilot, and that their participation is unnecessary. Once American citizens stop participating in how government is run, then automatically people will step in who use government for their own benefit. Self-enrichment, long undeserved careers paid for by the taxpayers, funneling limited taxpayer money to interest groups who then work hard to get career politicians re-elected, selling American interests and secrets to foreign governments, these are just a few examples of the problem.

No longer are career politicians “public servants.” Now career politicians are self-servants who use government to enrich themselves and their friends and family. Examples include politicians from both political parties at all levels. Joe Biden (D) and Richard Burr (R) are just two easy low-hanging examples. Biden used his public vice president office to get undeserved contract work for his sons in Ukraine. Burr used his position as US senator to sell his stocks before they lost value, an act on private information about potential stock losses, which is insider trading.

Across government entrenched bureaucrats make decisions every day that determine or influence the paths of our life. Somehow these “public servants” have also aggregated huge power, with little to no accountability. Many of these bureaucrats quite clearly demonstrate their own philosophy of government. They believe in the overwhelming coercive force of government intruding directly into individual lives. They believe in the diminution of the Bill of Rights that protects our individual freedoms, rights, and liberties. They believe in death-by-a-thousand-cuts regulations that render a great deal of American life almost meaningless and almost illegal. They believe in all kinds of specific policies that are totally at odds with the rights, freedoms, and liberties that Americans have always enjoyed, and which are spelled out in our founding documents.

The “Waters of the United States” regulation emitted by US EPA in the last administration is a classic example. People’s private property rights were trampled beneath the coercive weight of government control, with very small benefits.

While the establishments of both political parties, nationally, are not terribly far apart on some key aspects of governance, it is fair to say that the Democrats believe in crushingly big government and unlimited coercive force to achieve their policy goals, while Republicans believe in free markets and free choice.

Party responses to the Wuhan Chinese Flu (coronavirus, covid19) are instructive. The Democrats have tried to use the virus to achieve policy goals they could not otherwise gain through the political process or from the voters. Things like enormous amounts of regulation on individuals and business sectors, and enormous amounts of taxpayer cash paid to their private sector supporters. This Democrat attempt at extortion of sick Americans held up passage of a covid19 relief package last week, which hurt people. Democrats are using the Wuhan Chinese Flu crisis to gain political power and control over Americans, and to artificially damage the American economy and President Trump. Democrats will destroy America to try to wrest control of it. Sick Americans who die from this are simply collateral damage to them.

So, if you have not yet developed your own philosophy of government, now is a very good time to do it. Events happening right around you demand that you participate in some way.

Determine your philosophy of government based on your own principles and values.

Do you believe in the pre-eminence of the free citizen, and the innate smallness of government, as defined by the Bill of Rights? Or do you believe in a Marxism-inspired vision of forced wealth redistribution, open borders, endless streams of illegal aliens into America, and endless amounts of taxpayer money given freely to these aliens, even while it is tightly withheld from the very American citizens who paid it in the first place?

My own philosophy of government is based on America’s founding documents (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights) and their promise of free and equal opportunity for all citizens. This means I work for a government that is a big safety net, with arms and legs sticking out of it, and not the over-reaching nanny state that micromanages and dictates every breath we take.

PA Gov. Wolf’s fatwa

A fatwa is an Islamic edict issued by a senior Muslim Cleric. Most fatwas involve placing a bounty on some poor soul’s head, or placing some poor soul’s head on a stick, for some imaginary religious infraction. While liberals may not share that religious perspective per se, they do share the same love of issuing these cross-this-red-line-and-die edicts.

And so Governor Tom Wolf has issued his own fatwa in the name of public health, supposedly due to potential risks of spreading covid19, the coronavirus. But the fact is that this edict does very little to minimize potential infection, and greatly increases it while also dropping an atom bomb on Pennsylvania’s economy.

Wolf’s edict yesterday essentially commands all business to shut down yesterday. Like close the doors, send everyone home, and sit inside and wait. No lie here, no exaggeration, and the order is made more confusing by using the standard “essential” businesses.

Aren’t all businesses essential to the people who work in them? If you have made life-changing investments in your own small business, then keeping it going would seem awfully essential. And if your job is your sole source of income, then being able to go to your job as much as you can, so you get paid, would seem awfully essential. And if your business is the main place of employment in a small community, isn’t it also essential?

The greatest mystery of Wolf’s edict is that it is openly self-contradictory.

For example, pulp mills can stay in operation, but not the logging operations or forestry support necessary to get the wood products to the mills. That is to say, a guy in a skidder on a hillside way the hell out in the middle of nowhere is hereby forbidden by Governor Wolf from doing his job. Nor can the guy running the chainsaw; he too must sit at home. Also forbidden by Wolf. Because of supposed risk of exposure to or spreading covid19. If you ask me, a guy in a bulldozer or a skidder working in the woods has self-quarantined. But farming can continue on as usual, of course.

The list of the order’s mindless and mutually contradictory restrictions and allowances goes on and on for several pages. A friend of mine who works in the Wolf Administration tells me the list was probably written by an urban kid with no exposure to real life.

Of course his order says that all beer distributors can stay open! No one will ever meet there and mix!

So it seems that 90% of Pennsylvanians will be going to their local beer distributor to get Corona brewskis, and then go hang out together and barbecue together and eat together. Because the schools are all closed and the kids will be home driving their parents crazy. Because there is nothing else to do than socialize. And thus will Governor Tom Wolf not eliminate or reduce the potential for the spread of covid19…he will actually make it worse, by forcing everyone in the state to have a big hang out while bureaucrats sit around and think up other ridiculous boomerang restrictions for the rest of us to follow.

“Hi, we are from the government and we are here to help you.”


Flumageddon shines spotlight on failed US bureaucracy

The Wuhan Flu aka coronavirus has resulted in a Flumageddon hysteria that has damaged America’s economy and forced millions of students to stay at home, supposedly “study online,” and pester their working parents.

Flumageddon has shut down public meetings, schools, and work environments coast to coast. Almost everything that Americans take for granted has been stopped cold by it. Entire cities on both coasts are entering constitutionally questionable lockdown status, where the citizenry may have to “shelter in place” just like the ancient Hebrews did in Egypt, as God’s death plague worked its way through the first born of humans and animals alike.

Why are we here? What on earth happened to bring the freest, most technologically advanced nation to this point?

Was America really, truly unprepared for this moment?

Two things happened that got us here.

First, China has been doing everything it can, in literally every way possible, to undermine, hamper, damage, and take over America. China is a socialist tyranny, and so they have been able to direct hundreds of millions of Chinese to sit at keyboards all day every day with the goal of filing fake Trademark applications with the US Patent and Trademark Office in DC, and to hack into credit card companies, and to hack into everyday websites, and to post antagonistic messages on websites, and to play around with ordering and then canceling American products and services, and so on. Not to mention the 500,000 Chinese fake “researchers” posted at American research institutions. They are spies, really, stealing our knowledge out from under us in the phony name of open-ness and tolerance and diversity and other meaningless nonsense.

The tentacles of China are long and many, its parasitic sapping of America’s strength a long-held accepted fact.

And nothing allowed China to wreak its havoc on Americans more than people in BOTH Democrat and Republican parties allowing it to do so openly and in plain view. Because a handful of ultra wealthy wanted to be even more ultra wealthy. And they share a bit of that wealth by giving it to re-election campaign funds of careerist politicians, who hold on to power and do China’s bidding in American policy and law. Thus were American jobs and factories outsourced to China, and basically everything good America has or had was literally handed to China. All for thirty pieces of silver, on top of the thirty pieces of silver that had already been handed out a million times before to just a handful of highly placed recipients. Traitors to America, really.

So China’s Wuhan Flu is a direct product of the artificial and unhealthy economic relationship between our two nations, maintained by a billion people in China and just a few thousand people in America. Wuhan Flu spread through the world, and into America, because of an unnaturally open one-way relationship, and a criminally porous American border.

Second, Flumageddon happened because American bureaucrats are an incompetent and lazy bunch, artificially protected by artificially way-way-way over-generous personnel rules.

Career bureaucrats at Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health and the Federal Drug Administration have been unprepared for this moment for decades, despite plenty of warning shots from SARS and Swine Flu before. Instead of developing flu testing kits and extensive steps for combating Wuhan Flu, career bureaucrats at CDC, NIH, FDA and a host of satellite agencies and state offices, all took long lunches on the forgotten taxpayer’s dime. They posed and preened and presented themselves as dispassionate arbiters of public health interests. And in fact, when the moment of truth arrives, we see that they are simply lazy and incompetent. In China, which so many of our federal bureaucrats love because of its ruthless efficiency and all-powerful government, they would all have been shot in the back of the head by now for their failure.

Instead, we are treated to a host of foolish talking heads from CDC and NIH who are, in fact, partisan political activists using their public positions to advance a political campaign to discredit the one person who has absolutely no blame for Flumageddon: President Donald Trump, who, unlike 95% of Congress and 100% of the federal bureaucracy, has NOT been in government his entire career.

Flumageddon is not even Obama’s fault, though he did experience at least one, arguably two, fatal flu public health events, and, therefore, Obama could have directed CDC and NIH and FDA to begin making testing kits and vaccines. In anticipation of future outbreaks. Nope, the fault really lies with our open borders mentality, which carries nation-ending risks, and with our lazy, incompetent, over-protected, entitled, unaccountable bureaucrats, who then cement the open borders risks into stone.

In order to pound down Americans even more, and make us more pliable, more amenable to their supposed solutions. Which are always more and bigger and more powerful government intervention into our lives.

Interesting how this works. The symmetry was so clean and easy. Until Trump came along and challenged it. Cue the hysteria…


collusion with Russia meddling is real and happening

No doubt about it, Russia has been meddling in America’s elections for decades. It is one of the weaknesses that an open society like ours has, and which a closed, authoritarian society like Russia (and China) do not have. The nature of our democratic process leaves America vulnerable to tampering from without and to treason from within. And in our universities, our corporations, and our news outlets. And so it is not news anywhere that some Americans have been colluding with Russia in its meddling since forever, like since the 1920s.

Looking back on the 1930s responses to open treason and the 1950s “Red Scare” and the resulting Hollywood blacklisting of Americans openly colluding with Russia in the attempted murder of America, it seems the problem’s surface was only scratched then. Groups like the ACLU, founded by open communists (Roger Baldwin – “Communism is the goal”), are still active and incredibly destructive today.

And even more so, we have a a political party whose leaders now openly identify as “Democratic Socialists.” They are not even hiding their actual allegiances any longer.

Yes, we see the American young people flocking to this Democratic Socialism Free Stuff banner. It is surprising and painful, because it is so at odds with the self-reliance and independence that marked American culture from our very beginning.

It is a fact that my wife and I have been complicit with others in our generation and the generation before us in absolutely spoiling rotten our kids, and priming them for this Free Stuff movement. Giving them everything, demanding from them very little. And sonofabitch, wouldn’t ya know it, when the little bastards grew up to teens and twenties, they actually expected everything for FREE. We trained our own kids to be this way.

Even though I had done my best to require from my kids home chores before dinner, or before fun time, I think I was like a lot of other old fashioned dads who also collided with our beloved wives on this.

As dads, we were boys once. And as boys, we in our generation were expected and often aggressively forced by our dads to work our butts off all the time, to do chores, in order to earn TV time, to earn a bicycle, to earn telephone time after homework was done, and so on. God bless our good wives today, they love our children so very much, they can’t imagine hurting their feelings by always backing us up on enforced chores. Making the children do chores gets in the way of their homework, ya know…hey, are you doing your homework or scrolling through endless humorous memes over there?

God help the dad who demands chores from the kids! Even my own son, my pride and joy, a good kid, the ‘mini me’ who is supposed to grow up to be smarter, stronger, faster than me, when tasked with helping fill our wood sheds with enough split firewood for the winter said “Well, that doesn’t sound like very much fun.” And then pouted about not being able to spend that time with his buddy.

So now America has one, maybe two generations of young people who really expect everything to simply be handed to them. Without having to work for it at all. Free participation trophies for everyone. Contrast this to the old days, a mere thirty or forty years ago, where young people expected to eventually inherit from their parents, but only after working very hard to achieve much on their own.

And so here we are, Crazy Bernie Sandals and every single other Democrat candidate for president, is promising free everything for everyone, like free college tuition, free income, free housing, free health care, including for law-breaking illegal aliens who illegally invade America and who have neither put money into the collective taxpayer pot nor will they. America’s own material success and wealth are being used as a weapon against America.

Obviously this free stuff movement is financially and socially unsustainable, because resources have limits and it is innately unfair. But that is not the point for the Free Stuff movement. The point is to use that lure and false promise to buy enough votes from gullible kids and illegal aliens to attain communism in America through our democratic process. That is, to turn America into a communist country.

Crazy Bernie Sandals honeymooned in the old Soviet Union Russia, because he was and still is a proud authoritarian communist. But he is not alone in this view; every other Democrat candidate has said more or less the same things he has said, sometimes differing by a few shades of grey.

Leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917, which is when Russia became an authoritarian communist country exporting its cruelty abroad, there were two movements to achieve communism in Russia. One group was the Bolsheviks, whose belief in Bolshevism required a violent overthrow and replacement of the existing government. Their competitors were the Mensheviks. They believed in the eventual slow drip-drip-drip overthrow of the Russian government, one chip at a time, one government position at a time, one vote at a time, using the democratic process to slowly implement their goals until the government was dominated by communists. And only then they would use force to implement their authoritarianism.

Know what the Mensheviks were called?

The Russian Social Democratic Party.

Sound familiar to something happening today right here in America?