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Two Steps to Political Heaven

Much talk going on now about how President Trump is supposed to get a stranglehold on the lawless and insubordinate federal bureaucracy if he is elected to a third term this November. As a former seven-year federal policy bureaucrat who fled the belly-of-the-beast US EPA in Washington, DC, in 1998, here are my suggestions. These are based especially on my witnessing the changing of the Senior Executive Service (SES) guard from the Bush I administration to the Clinton administration, and all of the cascading management changes that followed.

Step One: Enter the White House with a clear and specific staffing plan and the prospective personnel to implement it. Ground Zero is the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which processes all federal personnel hiring and firing. From 2017 through 2020, OPM infamously held up a high percentage of Trump’s selected future staff to be seeded across the bureaucratic horizon, where they were supposed to implement Trump’s agenda. But many of Trump’s prospective picks had their paperwork deep-sixed and “lost” in obscure file drawers throughout OPM, their hiring process dragging on so long that they had to find other jobs after having put their current employers on notice of their imminent departure for the Trump Administration. When you control OPM, you can get all of your staff quickly seated and working throughout the bureaucracy. If you don’t control OPM, well, your hard-won third term won’t add up to much.

Step Two: Take no prisoners. Treat every at-will federal position as the at-will position it really is, and work hard from there to drill as deeply as possible. Treat all management positions as targets for immediate change. On Day One be prepared to immediately terminate every single SES and political position and have in hand their loyal replacements, with OPM processing them at record speed. The marching orders for all new loyal SES employees is to replace as many senior staff as they each can, as quickly as they can, with extreme prejudice. Which goes something like this:

New SES manager: “Hi Mary. Good morning. You have been a division chief in this agency for, gosh, twelve years. And yet here I find you late to our meeting this morning and dressed unprofessionally. I am issuing you two written warnings right now, one for each infraction…

Division Chief Mary: “What are you talking about? I was only one minute late! And I have had a casual dress policy here since…

New SES manager:Mary, being unprofessional and insubordinate to your boss is a third violation of the OPM standards of conduct. I am writing you up right now with a third warning, which means that I am now beginning your termination and separation process from the agency as soon as we are finished here. You have three minutes to pack up your personal items and then Officer Jones here will see you out of the building.”

This “direct action” between new senior executive and entrenched senior managers must happen at every level throughout every federal agency, every day, until every senior manager has been replaced with a loyalist (loyal to the new administration and thus loyal to the Constitution). And each new, loyal senior manager will have the same directive for dealing with DC Swamp subordinates down to the bottom of the civil service staff barrel.

Anything less than this admittedly tough hands-on style means that the enormous communist rat warren continues to host a zillion rats, each one quietly gnawing away and illegally stopping the implementation of your presidential agenda and the will of the American People.

How well do I recall an EPA biologist sitting on a huge stack of biological tests done to study the effects of Chlorothalonil, a highly useful insecticide. He personally disliked and opposed the company that owned Chlorothalonil, and so he just sat on their studies. He was unwilling to meet the statutory deadline for agency review and approval or rejection. And his superiors did nothing to compel him to act. And so the company’s expensive research went nowhere, floated in purgatory, and their expensive chemical unnecessarily languished outside of the market. This story times a million is the lawless ball and chain wrapped around America’s throat right now. This must end, and if it doesn’t end by 2028 or sooner, then American government is no longer of, by, and for the American People; it will have become something utterly of by and for itself.

An autonomous, unaccountable federal bureaucracy is the end of representative government. The bureaucracy itself is not  democracy, as so many DC Swamp Rats proclaim. Rather, the bureaucracy is now a stale and outdated exercise in representative government that must be dramatically changed. Democracy is the process in which We, The People hold our representative government accountable. And as the American Declaration of Independence states, The People not only get their rights from God, and not government, but The People have the right to abolish government and create a new one whenever they so choose.

Where America is at right now, with its out of control, lawless, unelected and unaccountable federal bureaucracy (i.e. heavily armed IRS SWAT teams like feudal tax collectors of olde), is the myriad federal bureaucrats have come to really enjoy their centralized power and artificially high pay. And they also don’t want to be told what to do by anyone who is not one of them. For America to adhere to democratic norms, this federal bureaucracy must be greatly reduced in size and scope, at least.

For those who might shed tears about all the sad Marxist bureaucrats being cut loose to find jobs in the private sector they mocked, hamstrung, and crapped on from their artificially protected positions, cry me a river. No bureaucrat is owed a job. They have these public service jobs solely at the will of The People and their chosen chief executive, the President of The United States. With OPM under new management and this tough love approach to running the federal government, that is the Constitutional democracy the DC bureaucrats say they are so worried about protecting.

A version of this essay was published here at the American Thinker.

Trump martyred because we want to live free

President Donald J. Trump has been withstanding unbelievably corrupt lawfare for the simple “crime” of wanting to run for office. All of the various lawsuits brought against him involve the most creative, novel, and unsubstantiated accusations probably ever seen in American courts.

What has worked for the lawless DAs and AGs has been simple venue: Get enough people who hate President Trump’s politics in one room and use them to accuse him, indict him, and hold a trial with him in the accused’s seat, and they get an automatic conviction before the case is even heard or argued in court.

All of the cases against Trump have involved brazen lawlessness by DAs, AGs, special prosecutors, and politically extreme judges, all of whom use their official jobs to unfairly attack their political opponents and egregiously abuse the procedural rules against their victim. In this case that opponent, really a martyr, is President Trump.

Anyone bothering to pay attention to the proceedings of each of these cases has to be incredulous. In New York, Trump was never accused of a crime, and everyone in the court room said he had not really committed fraud. His own bankers said they liked doing business with him and would do business with him again. Trump adhered scrupulously to industry standard business practices, and yet was found guilty by a corrupt judge Engoron, who refused to allow Trump to bring witnesses or to even testify in his own defense.

The same lawlessness occurred in Democrat Party plantation Fulton County, Georgia, until evidence emerged that DA Fani Willis has committed far greater crimes (bribery, perjury, misuse of official funds, retaliation the list goes on) than any of her victims (Trump) could even arguably have done. Moreover, DA Fanny Willis’ case against Trump is overtly political, not factual. Again, get enough Democrats in the court process, from grand jury to judge, and they will get an automatic conviction. Not because justice is being served, but because for Democrats, success in politics is more important than having justice.

I can go on with great numbers of examples, but the lawless lawfare against Trump has turned him into an even bigger political martyr than he was four years ago. Now it’s not just DC Swamp Rats using the process to attack a president they are insubordinate to, but leftist jurisdictions in New York, New York City, and DC-based special prosecutors operating in Florida, where the rule of law has ceased to exist.

Like I have said before, if Republicans simply did the same thing to their political opponents, this crap would end in a second. There are many, many more conservative jurisdictions and venues across America than there are communist (Democrat) ones, and if only a small percentage of the DAs and judges in these places decided to give leftists a taste of their own medicine, the Left’s lawless lawfare war on President Trump would end immediately.

But it seems Republicans are a bunch of emasculated sissies.

Why is President Trump going to the mat? Why is allowing himself to be put through this horrible lawlessness? Because he loves America, he loves us American citizens, and he loves freedom. And as many of us already know, far too many Americans take their freedom for granted. And so what is really happening in all of these outrageous sham prosecutions of Trump is an open attack on freedom. Your freedom and mine.

So quit standing there doing your own thing for your own benefit, and help return all of America to a rule-of-law country, where everyone is treated equally, and where individual people like Trump are not treated unequally simply because they want everyone to have freedom instead of succumbing to the tyrannical juggernaut in DC.

President Trump is way too much like America’s first president, freedom fighter George Washington, and the 2024 election is about America surviving as founded, or destroyed from within by evil tyrants. Your freedom is on the line

Putin murdered Navalny and is no saint, and you are your own leader

Political candidate, longtime Putin critic, and political prisoner Alexei Navalny (aged 47) was murdered in a Russian prison last week. Like the murder of Jeffrey Epstein in a supposedly heavily guarded and monitored prison in America, Navalny’s murder was also done to send a signal about who is in charge, this time in Russia.

The person in charge of Russia is Vladimir Putin, president for life and de facto dictator. Putin is known for poisoning his critics (Navalny was previously poisoned while abroad, and survived to bravely return home to challenge Putin in rigged elections, and was then jailed), having them thrown out of windows (too many examples to count), having them brutally murdered in the streets, and having them encounter impossible “accidents” like when the airplane they are on just mysteriously blows up in the middle of the sky without any warning.

I know that a lot of Americans are justifiably frustrated by the lack of leadership in America. While the Democrat Party is busy blowing up and setting America on fire, and illegally importing a veritable army of military-age illegal alien men, which is a dereliction of duty and outright treason, the Republican Party and almost all of its elected officials from coast to coast are spineless, flaccid, weak kneed, limp wristed, whiny, two faced girly men (first reference to GOPers as girly men was here on this blog months ago, and then used by Wayne Root, for which we are honored) who can’t do anything, not a damned single thing, to oppose or resist the Democrats.

These Republicans were elected on the basis of their campaigns, where they promised to be leaders, and lead on issues their voters care about. But they get into office and just don’t do anything. We have seen the same empty campaign promises here in Pennsylvania, where the vast majority of elected Republicans just can’t or just won’t say anything about election integrity.

In October and November 2020, the overwhelmingly Republican-dominated Pennsylvania legislature could have easily impeached and removed those PA Supreme Court justices who unconstitutionally turned PA law and constitution alike on their heads to make way for the theft of the 2020 election from President Donald Trump in favor of the non-campaigning basement dwelling zero-charisma plagiarist and serial liar Joe Biden.

But the PA GOP did nothing, absolutely nothing. Zero. And even now, asking people like state senator John Disanto to publicly say something meaningful about election integrity is like questioning the law of gravity. And as a result, elections are stolen and America is going up in flames.

So yes, there is a huge failure in leadership everywhere around us, at every level, and so yes, Americans are desperate for leadership anywhere they can find it. And so up steps Vladimir Putin to both attack the globalist swamp in Ukraine and to also stand firmly for his own country (imagine that) and for his church and history (doubly imagine that). And all of a sudden a void is filled, and Vladimir Putin becomes the embodiment of leadership to many Americans.

Stop it, people. Putin is not any kind of leader that any kind of traditional freedom-loving American can relate to or support. He is a cruel, evil, murderous tyrant who brooks zero opposition or even questioning. Yes, he has some good qualities, no, those qualities do not outweigh the terrible things he is doing to his political rivals or to Ukrainian civilians, much less to the American Dollar.

Forty-seven-year-old Alexei Navalny was just murdered in cold blood in a dark and cold jail cell, in the middle of Russia, alone without his wife or friends to hold his hand and comfort him, for the simple reason that he posed a threat to Putin’s illegal grip on absolute power.

We Americans are witnessing the same exact thing happening here in America, where absolutely innocent and peaceful protestors from January 6th 2021 are still being rounded up by gangs of federal Gestapo thugs and held in solitary confinement, without medical care, with inadequate food and water, under terribly unsanitary conditions, for the simple reason that they represent a We, The People response to the stolen election dictatorship of Joe Biden and his posse of lawless and violent federal employees.

So if you oppose what Joe Biden is doing here in America, you must oppose what Vladimir Putin is doing in Russia and in Ukraine. Standing up for freedom and for The People’s political opposition like Navalny and Trump doesn’t mean you automatically have to whole-hog embrace everything about Putin, or anyone else for that matter.

And I will bet that if you ask Russians, they will have mixed opinions about Putin. I will bet they admire and appreciate his strength and passion for Russia, but also reject his lawless violence and unnatural grip on absolute power.

When dictators in Russia or America resort to jailing their opponents, and killing them, they are illegitimate, and The People can and should rise up and take back what belongs to them. We, The People are the leaders we have been longing for.

Hoedown showdown at the Texas border

An interesting political dance is happening down along the Texas border. The Texas border is the primary venue through which millions of military-age male illegal invaders have crossed into America without any documentation, or health checks, or anything else that every other sovereign nation has in the way of border control since 2021. These illegal alien invaders are being given our own taxpayer money in forms of credit cards and cell phones! As well as health care that we taxpaying citizens will never get!

This illegal invasion is happening contrary to federal law, as well as Texas state law. It is happening only because the Biden Administration wants it to happen. In fact, the Biden Administration is actively facilitating the invasion, going so far as to sue Texas to prevent the state from enforcing both federal and state law that prohibit foreign invasions, and going so far as directing US Border Patrol staff to help illegal aliens cross over into America.

We all know why the Biden Administration is committing this brazenly lawless treason. It is a cheap attempt to bring in enough new voters to overwhelm conservative areas with liberal voters and turn America into a one party nation. Here in Pennsylvania, the governor is attempting to turn all new drivers licenses into automatic voters, because he is trying to give all new drivers a new driver’s license and new voting rights, irrespective of whether they are a citizen, or not.

Pretty slick pure evil.

Texas has been bussing its illegal invaders around the country, specifically targeting those states and municipalities that had long billed themselves as “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary states.” Turns out that these so-called sanctuaries did not really want illegal aliens in their community. Rather, they were just virtue signaling, and they actually wanted illegal aliens to overwhelm the conservative states and conservative jurisdictions, so they could eventually be turned into welfare dependents, wards of the state, and tuned to voting for government handouts. And so become loyal Democrats in areas where Democrats would not normally get elected.

If anyone still doubts that the 2020 election was stolen, this single policy of not just allowing but facilitating and even forcing an illegal and dangerous foreign invasion of America is Exhibit A in the proof that the 2020 election was stolen for a reason. This is just more brazen lawlessness by the Democrat Party and its RINO allies, and a double-dog-dare to American citizens that they won’t finally stand up for their rights and their interests.

So now Texas has finally gotten a spine, and is finally shutting down its section of the border, in defiance of both the China-penetrated and compromised federal government and the completely failed and compromised US Supreme Court. The Biden Administration is threatening to federalize the National Guard and turn them into Maitre D’s and docents welcoming the illegal invasion, while Texas is actually using its National Guard troops to stop and turn back the invasion. This is a real showdown, with both sides invoking military force against one another.

Like millions of other Americans, I am not in the least upset about this situation.

Texas is the only party here standing on both existing federal law and Constitution, and standing up for American citizens’ rights, though you would not know this based on the legacy media reporting on this situation. According to the Demedia (Democrat Media), federal government exists to facilitate foreign invasions, not stop them….which only shows for the zillionth time just how compromised and lawless the establishment media is, just how much an enemy of The American People the mainstream media are.

I suspect that a shooting war among Americans on the border will elicit a rather overwhelming response from the rest of the absolutely fed up and enraged country. And so…This showdown at the border might turn out to be the flashpoint that gets America the conflict it unfortunately seems to need in order to painfully squeeze out the infected pus festering in the maggot-filled gaping wound known as Washington DC.

And to be clear here, crazy demented old man Joe Biden bears 100% of the responsibility for all of the hate speech and threats of violence against Americans here. The guy must smoke crack with his son Hunter and then dodder up to the microphone and just say whatever the hell it is that is floating around in his wasted mind. Like he is going to bomb Americans with F-15 fighter jets! He really did just say this. It is Biden’s second such threat against Americans.

If I were Governor Abbott of Texas, I would have every constitutional sheriff in Texas deputize a few thousand Texas citizens and others, per county, arm them, and send them to the Texas border to stand guard against invaders from both sides. With orders to shoot to kill any law-breakers. If the border becomes a shooting war between the China-owned Biden Administration and our own citizens, then America is off to the races of Civil War Number Two. Not that such a thing will be pleasant, or easy, or without great calamity and loss on all sides.

But like lancing a festering boil, or pulling out a rotten tooth, or cutting out gangrenous flesh so that the remaining healthy flesh can survive, such a conflict could be the beginning of a return to law and constitution. Beautifully led by American citizens, who are of course empowered by the Declaration of Independence to dissolve and alter their government as they see fit, from time to time, to constitute a new government that actually serves them as government is supposed to do.

So, come what may, whatever conflict happens along the Texas border, and whatever that sparks elsewhere in the country, it is a wholly American thing. Because Americans naturally love freedom and liberty above all else. Certainly above lawless and tyrannical government. And thus such a contest is natural and organic. As opposed to this China-owned Biden Administration openly doing its best to destroy America from the inside and turning Iran into a nuclear power to destroy us from the outside. That is not natural or healthy.

God bless Texas!

Hunter Biden is the Ouday Hussein of America?

Remember Uday Hussein?

He was the elder son of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Uday was known for driving around Baghdad with his bodyguards and grabbing pretty women, and young girls, off the street. Married, single, underage, pre-pubescent, it did not matter. He and his bodyguards would then take these kidnapped females back to one of his palaces or luxury hideaway homes, and rape them. Sometimes violently, sometimes fatally, but always brutal rape of an unwilling victim. And if they were released back onto the street alive, they were hurt, bruised, bloodied, humiliated, violated, emotionally scarred.

Islamic law sees no difference between a raped woman and a woman who has committed adultery, and no difference between a married woman committing adultery and an unmarried woman having consensual relations with a man. So no matter what, all of these kidnapped and raped Iraqi women were considered unclean and even worthy of death at the hands of their husbands or fathers.

However, to the credit of some of the husbands and fathers of Uday Hussein’s victims, quite a few men did protest against Uday’s evil behavior. And quite a few of them were then fed feet-first into plastic chipping machines, which have six inch steel spikes that tear recycled plastic and human bodies into shreds. Reportedly, the men fed into Uday’s plastic chippers lived for about thirty seconds, as their legs and hips provided more resistance to the spinning steel spikes than plastic would. And so Uday Hussein got two rounds of sadistic pleasure out of some victims, both the female he raped and then the horrific torture-murder their father or husband.

No one is alleging that Hunter Biden has fed anyone into wood chippers or plastic chippers. Nor has anyone yet alleged that Hunter Biden kidnapped females in any country. However, Hunter Biden has been photographed, usually by his own hand, lying naked in bed with clearly underage female children who are also disrobed. These are child prostitutes, available to people like Hunter Biden and Jeffrey Epstein’s friends and clients, and yet illegal in America and loathed by all normal, healthy people. Not only because child prostitutes are too young to make a life-altering decision like this, but because every single one of them has been sex trafficked and kidnapped and raped.

When Hunter Biden has sex with a child prostitute, he is engaging in sadistic child rape. That is a fact. It doesn’t matter how much money Hunter Biden pays the child’s pimp, or how much money he gives to the child when the ordeal is ended. Rape is rape, sadism is sadism, child exploitation is child exploitation, child rape is child rape.

But what Hunter Biden and Uday Hussein share in common is an absolute immunity to being held accountable for their outrageous, illegal, immoral actions. Both of them enjoy(ed) the protection of a dictator father who protected his son with secret police (the FBI and DOJ in the USA), so that each wayward son could continue victimizing innocent people to his heart’s content. And this is also a fact, that Hunter Biden is a known child sexual predator and yet he stays overnight at the White House, receives the protection of armed USA officials as well as the protection of America’s establishment media and elected Democrat Party officials everywhere.

And it is true that many of Hunter Biden’s opponents are being violently arrested by federal police, and locked up on spurious federal charges. This is a form of kidnapping, and official terrorism.

So, it is a fair question to ask: Is Hunter Biden the Uday Hussein of America?

He is a sexual predator, like Uday.

He is protected by his father’s secret police, like Uday.

He is protected and not held accountable by the legal establishment or the media establishment, just like Uday.

I doubt plastic chippers are in the immediate future for Hunter Biden’s opponents (freedom loving Americans who want the American rule of law applied to everyone equally), but for sure the FBI Gestapo agents are working hard to inflict pain on those who even just call out Hunter’s psycho behavior. And the DOJ is protecting him, and will not arrest him for Contempt of Congress, like the DOJ arrested Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and other political opponents.

So, like Uday Hussein before him, spoiled brat crack smoking lawless sex predator thug Hunter Biden is now a symbol of a failed state, a dictatorship, where just being The Boss’s son is all you need to do whatever you want to almost anyone you want. And again, to all the Democrats cheering this on, remember that the American People historically have rejected this kind of corruption and favoritism. Just like the Iraqi people did.

To borrow a phrase from Iraq, to Mister Hunter Biden, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

The Uday Hussein of America. Hunter Biden taking a nude selfie. I will not show the photo of him in bed with the naked child, but you can easily find it if you look online

The Hunter Biden of Iraq, Uday Hussein on the left, with his father, notorious dictator Saddam Hussein, and his younger brother Qusay on the right.


Lawless Democrat Party, Round 168

With (Democrat) Colorado’s supreme court election interference and subjective non-legal nonsense attack on American democratic norms (throwing President Donald Trump off the Colorado ballot for things he has never been accused of much less convicted of) (and of course the Democrat Party is waging a non-democratic war against RFK Jr and other Democrat Party candidates for president by booting them off the ballot, too), we see, yet again, that there is one American political party that will burn down America in order to rule over its ashes. Destroy democracy to save democracy. Or something nonsensical like this. Hint: If you love and value democracy, then you don’t destroy it. You let it work unimpeded. Only fascists impede democratic systems.

And what mystifies me is that tens of millions of Americans are yet still registered with this one political party. How? Why? Are you folks not paying attention to the dozens of illegal, rogue, un-American, cruel, unfair, and lawless things this political party is doing in your name?

Let’s see… two fake and lawless impeachment processes, of a sitting president and then a former president, without a shred of due process…a patently lawless and illegal raid on the president’s home…four fake indictments based on novel interpretations of un-used laws and laws that clearly require a lot more than has been gathered together to bring an indictment…dozens of lawfare civil suits meant to harass and wear down the victim and gag the victim from running for election…and now throwing Trump off various state ballots. Because you know, Americans can’t just choose their elected leaders, they must be chosen for them by people who just know better.

None of this assault on democracy is from a substantive or reasonable place, folks. All these faux legal attacks are based on creative nothing and are an abuse and mis-use of the American legal system to “get” political opponents, and one political opponent in particular. This is not normal behavior. This is lawlessness. This is fascism.

Now we know how the German Nazis rose to power. No matter how evil they were, how unfair they were, how cruel they were, how destructive of Germany itself they were, tens of millions of Germans yet still waved the Nazi flag and screamed in adulation of Adolf Hitler.

How on earth any normal adult American is still a registered Democrat and still proudly waving their Democrat Party registration in the air is beyond my comprehension, unless I finally admit to myself that my friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues are actually Nazis in fact or in waiting. I mean, you all know how bad your political party is behaving, and yet you remain loyal and active, helping it implement its evil, lawless agenda.

I just want to point out that in the end, things did not go well either for the 1860s Democrats nor for the German Nazis. In both instances, at enormous cost in human suffering, the world’s normal people ended up stopping the Democrats’ and the Nazis’ evil behavior, holding them accountable, and trying to ensure they did not come back and do it all again.

While Germany was de-Nazified after World War II, America was never de-Democratted. Because the anti-slavery abolitionist Republicans were too nice and believed too much in a national reconciliation after the Civil War, they allowed the defeated Democrat Party to persist and continue. And they put up statues in Arlington Cemetery that symbolized peace with the evil Democrat Party. And sure enough, like the killer cancer it is, the Democrat Party is now back in force, having infected and infested everything in America with its cancerous ideology and behavior, bent on destruction of the host body and everyone living on it.

We all know how this is going to end, folks. If the Democrat Party continues its war on democracy, and keeps on making We, The People‘s vote irrelevant or non-existent, then The People will go back to 1861 and 1941 methods, and clean up your lawless Democrat Party mess the hard way. Only this time, the normal people are going to demand a real accounting from those who enabled and implemented this disaster. It would not surprise me if in the end, the basic voter rolls resulted in a house-by-house resolution. Not necessarily French Revolution style, but given how disgusted so many Americans are, because they are so badly victimized by the Democrat Party, it would not surprise me one bit.

God prevent this from happening. Please God, open the eyes of the people who have the right hearts and who are only loyal to the old Democrat Party they once knew, and not to the evil thing it has once again become. Lift the fog from their eyes, God, and help them see the errors of their way, and change their hearts to do evil no more.



Impeach, impeach, impeach

Impeachment is a powerful tool provided in the US Constitution as well as in every state constitution. Over the past 100 years, America and American citizens have enjoyed a historically unprecedented veritable explosion in food security, home security, financial security, and almost endless creature comforts that just a couple decades ago were considered unimaginable luxuries. And so in the past 100 years of increasingly corpulent self-satisfied hourly comfort, Americans have lost their sense of purpose, necessity, hunger, their edge. And so the use of impeachment has pretty much died, as few people saw or sensed the need to use such a drastic tool in such comfortable times.

Americans now view political corruption and official abuse of the law as a cost of doing business, a cost of having such a luxurious lifestyle available to so many of us.

Why rock the boat with something like impeachment when everything is going so great? President Richard Nixon was threatened with impeachment for behavior that by today’s standard was positively Girl Scout level, and President Bill Clinton was understandably impeached for having brazenly lied under oath. There have been only a small handful of state level impeachments over the decades, usually against aberrant judges whose behavior is so brazenly corrupt that people overwhelmingly agreed that removing them from office was an obvious necessity.

Then President Donald Trump was supposedly impeached in a process without any procedural integrity, without the right to call witnesses in defense, without the right to file motions or submit evidence. His first “impeachment” was a political circus, not a real court proceeding with all the seriousness the dignity of all the offices involved require.

The second so-called impeachment of President Trump was even more procedurally flawed than the first attempt, including the absence of the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, whose daily presence is constitutionally required for an impeachment to go forward. Chief Justice Roberts’ absence did not hinder the lawless circus from continuing, though, so it was not really an impeachment. This process was in fact just the mis-use and mis-appropriation of the impeachment name applied to a set of theatrical political activities.

You would think with all this one-sided impeachment-lite activity that the “other side of the aisle” would be ready to apply the same medicine now that they have the power to do so. And you would be wrong. The elected eunuchs have no intention of fighting back at all.

And so we now find America in the throes of widespread lawlessness by one political party, whose judges behave like theatrical political tyrants while ignoring all legal precedent and legal process requirements of their court rooms. For example, this week Federal Judge Chuktan scolded the Trump legal team in DC that they should have spent the prior year reading through the 12,000,000 pages of discovery material in preparation for a defense they only found out about a few weeks ago, and whose access to the related documents only began a week ago. This is absolute lawlessness by Judge Chuktan, whose lawlessness makes an absolute mockery of the very idea of a legal process.

In case you are not understanding this, the judge refused to allow the Trump defense attorneys adequate time to read through and use in court over twelve million pages of material being used to falsely prosecute President Trump for his mere political speech. Nope, Trump’s team is expected to arrive in court fully prepared within a couple months. This is a grotesque and corrupt abuse of the federal judge’s powers and discretion.

Another example is the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court majority that – crazily, corruptly, partisanly – held that unilateral last-second changes to Pennsylvania election law, right before the 2020 general election, by unelected people in the executive branch, and in open defiance of the Pennsylvania constitution which places all election law only in the hands of the legislature, were just fine and would stand. These state supreme court judges were wildly abusing their authority and discretion to implement a plainly flawed election process that defied Pennsylvania’s legal process for establishing election law, and which subsequently allowed a huge amount of voting fraud to occur in the 2020 election.

Other examples of grotesque courtroom malfeasance by politicized judges can be found ad nauseum in the federal courtrooms in Washington, DC, where jurisprudence and respect for the rule of law have been thrown away in the interest of obtaining patently illegal political outcomes that benefit one political party and that are designed to hurt President Trump and anyone around him. Tainted jurors, tainted judges, conflicts of interest, abuses of courtroom decorum and legal procedural law, the list of malfeasance there is incredible.

The one answer to all of these politically active judges is impeachment. Real, honest-to-goodness impeachment that includes all the bells, whistles, and fixins of a gen-u-ine courtroom hearing. Just like the US Constitution and state constitutions have a process for fraudulent elections to be challenged, so they also provide for impeachments.

And while one political party is riding the impeachment horse all over the place, the other political party wants nothing to do with impeachment. Why that would upset the apple cart, or some such nonsense, is what we hear from elected Republicans across America. Most of the federal judges involved in the January 6th cases have abused their positions and should be impeached. More than half of the Pennsylvania state supreme court members deserved impeachment and should have been impeached. What was lacking in the political process was the political willpower from among the “other” political party to mount a response, to resist the lawlessness.

The response of impeachment that should have met every single one of these lawless judges was taken off the table before any real discussion of it began. The co-equal branch of government that is by design supposed to be able to impeach and then remove aberrant officials is completely out of this fight, and so the official lawlessness continues.

As in any fight, if one side is throwing haymaker punches and the other side is simply standing there taking all of the punishment, eventually the guy standing there taking all the punches is going to lose the fight. There is only so much abuse that any person or body can take before it breaks, and in the case of America, the abuse of lawlessness being inflicted on our body politic is beginning to crush our nation. Our political and professional institutions are collapsing under the onslaught. American citizens are beginning to lose trust in their official institutions.

The natural answer that is hard-wired into our various constitutions is impeach, impeach, impeach, and thereby hold lawless officials accountable and restore balance to our crumbling political system.

I do not know why in 2020 and 2021 former state senator and president pro tem of the Pennsylvania Senate, Jake-The-Snake Corman, and PA House leaders Kerry Benninghoff and Bryan Cutler, refused to even consider impeachment of the lawless PA state supreme court members who threw the rule of law out the window to immediately benefit one political party. It made no sense from a political perspective or from a let’s-uphold-the-basic-law perspective. Their impotence simply made no sense.

Nor does it make sense why US House leaders Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan refuse now to impeach the lawless federal judges and bribe-taking Joe Biden, the lying-before-Congress FBI Chris Wray, the endlessly lying and obviously lawless chief law enforcement officer US AG Merrick Garland, and a whole host of other corrupt federal employees whose job #1 is to uphold The Law.

Isn’t it curious that the people who are supposedly standing on “the other side” of the lawless people are unwilling to take a stand, to implement those impeachment processes that are spelled out in our various constitutions? By their unwillingness to fight back, every one of these politicians – Jake Corman, Kerry Benninghoff, Bryan Cutler, Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan etc et al – is enabling and abetting their supposed opponents. By refusing to fight back in any meaningful way, these elected officials are actually allowing America to descend into not just lawlessness, but one party domination and the destruction of America as a political entity that naturally follows.

Only one explanation for GOP weakness makes any sense: How many pieces of silver have these elected officials taken to have their loyalties swayed away from their oath of office? How many elected Republicans across America are owned by China?

The mugshot heard ’round the world

President Donald J. Trump, the most illegally persecuted man in American history, had a mugshot taken late yesterday. This first-ever-in-American-history moment was associated with yet another fake lawfare prosecution by yet another lawless elected Democrat. This small but symbolic mis-use of the justice system is the loudest shot yet the lawless Democrat Party and their evil RINO partners have taken at the American electoral system, and it has been heard ’round the world.

As if two procedurally faulty and thus phony “impeachments” (the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court did not preside over the second fake impeachment, so that one was even phonier than the first), a host of hoaxes (RussiaGate, UkraineGate, whateva whateva whateva-Gate), seven years of nonstop lies from the mainstream media-Hollywood entertainment industrial complex, censorship by the mainstream media-Big Tech industrial complex, and three other fake and obviously politicized indictments and lawsuits were not sufficient, President Trump was just indicted in Democrat Party bastion Fulton County for having a political discussion with another elected official about an election in which Trump was a candidate.

Basic reasoning tells us you can’t have “election interference” when the election is over, but here we have it, another novel legal theory indictment that seems to run contrary to the basic tenets of all elections held in America, as well as our First Amendment right to free speech. What our reasoning tells us is that this fake indictment is illegally coordinated with the other fake indictments President Trump is subject to, in order to illegally interfere with the 2024 election, in which President Trump is already the clear front-runner against both Republicans and Democrats alike.

Meanwhile, hard evidence of Joe Biden’s longtime treasonous bribery is flooding Congress, and the GOPe running the show can hardly be bothered to talk about it, much less the Democrat Party mainstream media.

As many other people have commented, and as this blog has noted for years before it became common awareness, America is undergoing this illegal Democrat Party revolution because there is zero political opposition. The Republican Party is AWOL in this fight, and most of its members and officials seem to (erroneously) think that if President Trump is hung up on the cross, then no one else will be sacrificed.

What the Republican establishment does not realize is that if this illegal lawfare against President Trump is successful, then it will be implemented everywhere throughout and across America. Every single Republican will be subject to false charges, false arrest, false imprisonment, because the Democrat Party wants complete and absolute total control over every American. And why wouldn’t this be done? The Democrat Party seems to have an innate understanding of the Republican Party as a spineless, weak, feckless, fearful group of girly men and even girlier girls hiding under their beds. Only fools place their hope and trust in the GOPe.

Here in Pennsylvania we have very, very few elected Republicans who say anything about the January 6th political prisoners or about the lawless lawfare against President Trump. I get monthly emails from Republican state senator John DiSanto about things like dog collars, state grants, back-to-school events, and zero about election integrity or galvanizing citizens to protect our election system from further corruption. Nearby congressman Dan Meuser, a longtime GOPe puke, visited the World Economic Forum and fancies himself some sort of overlord, and says nothing about the J6 political prisoners or the lawless lawfare against Trump. My Republican congressman, Scott Perry, is one of the few members of Congress to say anything, to do anything, to fight back against the Democrat Party’s ongoing insurrection against the American People. But ever since the Democrat Party’s FBI thugs mugged Rep. Perry of his cell phone last year, he has been much quieter in his criticism.

We have already said it here a hundred times or maybe a thousand times, but it bears saying again: We, The People have only each other to rely on in the resistance against the Democrat Party revolutionary insurrection against our Constitution and self governance of, by, and for The People. Oh, we also have one important ally: President Donald J. Trump.

I intend to buy every Trump mugshot tee shirt and coffee mug the Trump folks are selling. I will wear them and use them with pride, because this one mugshot picture represents the most innocent man in politics being illegally persecuted for standing up for American citizens’ freedom and fair elections.

Sometimes a mugshot is a badge of honor. Like Martin Luther King, Jr. was, President Trump is being unfairly, illegally, lawlessly persecuted by Southern Democrats

Mike Pence is everything wrong in the GOP

If you read anything on this site about the Republican Party, you will not be surprised at how much of it is criticism. My criticism is always constructive, meant to help the Grand Old Party of Abolition and Opposition to Slavery be the best that it can be. God knows, the GOP needs all the help it can get, and no, I do not mean money.

What challenges the GOP and holds it back from fulfilling its former glory as the rampart of freedom against Democrat Party slaveowners is the party’s current internal culture. It is no longer the political party of Emancipation that gave voice to and freed the Negro slaves. If the Democrat Party is now a Marxist freak show of unsustainable, racist, destructive policies and violent, lawless traitors, the Republican Party is a sloth-like, money-based, money-oriented, money-everything, boring, uncreative, risk-averse assembly of staid careerists who never saw a lobbyist-paid fundraising dinner they didn’t want to participate in.

GOP culture is heavy on golf games, fundraisers, social events paid for by consultants and lobbyists. Waaaay back at the end of the line The People, the forgotten taxpayer, might factor in for some Republicans. My own congressman, Scott Perry, seems to be one of the few elected Republicans who thinks government should first and foremost serve The People, and that elected American officials should always put America first in all things.

Did you see Tucker Carlson’s recent televised discussion with Mike Pence? Pence here perfectly represents the GOP: “That [America] is not my concern.”

Like most if not all establishment Republican officials today, Pence is waaaaay out of touch with American citizens, and way way more oriented towards international business interests than with America-is-our-home interests. Pence just doesn’t care about us, you, me, my neighborhood, my neighbors, or America as a whole. And this doesn’t mean that Joe Biden does care; he doesn’t care, either. Heck, the Democrat Party is in utter and total war against America. The problem for us American citizens, as represented by Pence’s brutal honesty, is that NEITHER of these political parties cares about us. The Republican Party could be better. It could improve, if it but wanted to do so. Its leaders could care as much about saving America as the Democrats care about destroying America, but they don’t.

Which is why re-electing President Donald Trump is so important. He is the only non-politician running for president. He is the only candidate not inured to government, but rather recognizing that government is the problem, not the solution, and that our federal government is attempting a coup d’etat against the American people. Trump is the only person capable of saving America.

GOP Resolution in support of J6 political prisoners

I drafted the resolution below last summer, and submitted it twice. I suggest that every county Republican Committee pass a similar resolution standing in solidarity with the January 6th political prisoners illegally held in Washington, DC, and elsewhere. An article published today about badly tortured political prisoner Ryan Samsel demonstrates how dire the situation is.

If politically active Republicans cannot publicly stand up for and in solidarity with fellow Republican political prisoners who are being held without trial for over two years, then what does being a Republican mean?

Dauphin County GOP Committee Resolution

DRAFT 7/7/22

DRAFT #2 Resubmitted 8/8/22

Whereas, the US Department of Justice has become an unabashedly politically partisan weapon in the hands of the Biden Administration, and

Whereas, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has become an unabashedly politically partisan weapon in the hands of the Biden Administration, and

Whereas, many DOJ and FBI public employees are using their government positions to further their own personal political views by illegally targeting and officially oppressing their political opponents, and

Whereas, a great deal of illegal politically-motivated injustice against innocent American citizens has resulted and continues to result from the aggressive politicization of the DOJ and FBI, such as Ryan Samsel, and

Whereas, on August 8, 2022, the lawless DOJ and the rogue FBI have illegally attacked and invaded the home and person of President Donald J. Trump in Florida, and

Whereas, the Dauphin County Republican Committee stands for the rule of law, the equal application of the law, and the upholding of the US Constitution, therefore

Be it resolved that the Dauphin County Republican Committee hereby formally stands with and calls for the immediate release of the innocent-until-proven-guilty American citizen January 6th political prisoners now being held in jail, some without formal charges, some with only misdemeanor charges, some with improbable and non-violent felony charges, all without bail, all without trial, all without a speedy trial, all without a speedy trial in front of a jury of their peers, and often in inhumane conditions that violate the US Constitution and basic international human rights, and

Be it resolved that the Dauphin County Republican Committee calls on the Governor of Florida to use the Florida State Police to block lawless federal agents from operating there.

Respectfully submitted by Josh First,

Committeeman for Harrisburg City 14th Ward