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Ukraine is a Democrat Party crime scene

So what we have learned from the fake impeachment process is that it’s just a lot of effort and mess to distract  from the gigantic Democrat Party crime scene in Ukraine. The due process-less, hidden, crime-less impeachment of the president is just an attempted coverup of Democrat Party crimes and corruption.

Ukraine, the entire nation, is a Democrat Party crime scene because the Obama Administration was riddled with people like Joe Biden and John Kerry who used their official government positions to get their kids incredible jobs in Ukraine. And when we say ‘incredible jobs’, we mean $100,000 a month to serve on an oil and gas company (Burisma is just one exploited by the Obama Administration bigwigs) board, despite knowing nothing about oil and gas. Like, trading your name and high taxpayer-funded position of responsibility to force a weak country to give you things you would not otherwise deserve or be able to get.

In case you might have missed this, Joe Biden actually went on TV and bragged about forcing Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating corruption. Like JOE BIDEN corruption. Like Hunter Biden corruption.

So when Donald Trump got elected, the Democrat Party folks knew a new sheriff was in town, someone who would not tolerate the corruption that had taken over BOTH parties, but really exemplified by the Democrat Party takeover of Ukraine. This is the reason so many high level Obama officials went to the mat and risked everything to try to take down the new president, and it is why the Democrat Party – controlled US House impeached the president. Anything to slow him down and divert his attention from solving the corruption crimes committed by high level Democrats.

Ukraine is a Democrat Party crime scene and the Democrat Party is doing everything possible to mess with the criminal evidence, badger the investigators, and fire the new sheriff who has been bringing stability to America and who will bring Joe Biden, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and many others to justice.

Obama admin flees from Paris free speech rally

Neither Obama nor VP Biden, nor Sec. of State Kerry, nor any other high ranking US figure attended the free speech and anti-terrorism rally in Paris.  Over forty heads of state participated.

Why would the Obama administration make no attempt to have high level representation at a historic rally for free speech and against terrorism with America’s oldest ally?

Simply put, for six years Obama has punished America’s allies, he has rewarded our enemies, he does not believe in free speech at home or abroad and instead has done all he can to undermine it (IRS and NSA scandals), and finally, he will not lend his hand to anything that might appear like criticism of Islam.

Obama is not ham-handed or tone deaf about this, as his friends in the US media have complained.  Rather, he is utterly opposed to the very things that the people marched for in Paris.

No matter what Obama says, his actions always speak louder, and his actions on the subjects of protecting free speech and stopping terrorism say loud and clear that he is not on the side of America or its allies.  Obama identifies with Muslims to such an extent that he cannot bring himself to admit that it is Muslims who are committing atrocity after atrocity.  He keeps denying that they are Muslims at all, which is just silly, and if he really were forward-thinking, he would join Egyptian president Al-Sisi, who recently called for Islam to undergo a dramatically needed reformation.

Under Obama, the NSA spied on Americans exercising their basic rights to free speech, and the IRS was weaponized to suppress and even criminalize political free speech with which Obama disagrees.  Of course, free speech is a threat to his agenda, so the Obama FEC is now trying to control political speech on the internet, too.

And no matter what someone does in the name of Islam, Obama will permit no official criticism of Islam, a logic he abandons when he blames legally owned guns for criminal behavior (what if the staff at Charlie Hebdo or the police protecting them had had guns to defend themselves? The whole attack could easily have been over in seconds).  The civilized world says “Je suis Charlie,” and Obama says “Je suis Muslim.”

How the heck did Obama ever get elected to be anything more than dog catcher in the first place?  His values are diametrically opposed to those of all but a very small fringe percentage of the American people.  For those who disagree with this statement, just open your eyes and look at the sad facts.  Obama should never have been president of the United States.  He cannot even pretend to represent our nation any longer, and he is a disgrace.  He should resign, or be impeached.