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The First American Republic Ended January 20, 2021

The First American Republic ended with the inauguration of a blatantly fraudulently elected president on January 20, 2021. At stake in the 2020 election results was the legitimacy of American elections, which were proven many times over to have been blatantly stolen by the Democrat Party in at least seven states, and possibly even in states like New York and California, and the resilience of the US Constitution.  Now that neither elections nor the Constitution amount to a hill of beans, everything else that America was based on is pffffft gone, vanished.

Oh, most Americans are carrying on as if everything is just dandy normal, business as usual. Especially so the Republican Party establishment, like former president George W. Bush, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, present US Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, et al. But the fact remains that while most Americans went about their business as usual lives for fifty years, a worm was eating away at the foundation of the nation. US senator Joe McCarthy was correct that 1950s communists were burrowing their way into government agencies and other institutions fundamental to the democratic process by which our Republic had lived since 1787, if not since 1776. Those communist worms just kept on eating and eating away from the inside, every year ever more and more protected by an enjoined news and entertainment industry that not only deflected prying eyes from what the worms were doing, but which then began to carry their political, ideological, and cultural messages for them.

And so here we are, early 2021, living through the result of a stolen election by people who have zero time for Constitutional safeguards or limits on government behavior. That is why they stole the election in the first place. They mean to use all that power! Without limit or brake or sadness about who will become collateral damage along their way forward.

The American republic is absolutely over now, of that there is no question. Whatever individual rights and civil liberties Americans believed they had in November 2020, those are now gone, pfffft, vanished in the face of an explosively authoritarian federal government whose daily use of illegal, shockingly violent, coercive force against our own citizens is only just beginning.

While the Framers (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Hancock, et al) anticipated an amazing number of political situations, and an amazing number of checks and balances to offset the possibility of condensed government power, they could not have anticipated the hegemonic rise of the overtly Marxist and anti-freedom Democrat Party simultaneous with the demise of the old Republican Party. And the condensed political power that Democrat Party now holds. Recall that the abolitionist GOP was created in 1860 to tackle head-on the Democrat Party’s southern enslavement of the African Negro, and to stop the Democrat Party’s efforts to expand that slavery into new American territories like Kansas. For whatever reason, the GOP today has almost nothing of its abolitionist roots alive and motivating its elected members. To be an elected Republican today is to be someone good at golf, good at fundraising at the district’s country clubs, good at sounding “moderate,” all the while always giving in to the Marxists, and never, ever fighting them. Republicans just make money from government, and they leave that power thing to the other guys.

And so without Republican adversaries, the Democrat Party Marxists have simply expanded like a cancer into every nook and cranny in America. Media, entertainment, Big Tech, education, academia, government (especially the administrative state and the judiciary), foundations, corporations….all dominated by leftists and “moderates” who openly enable the Marxists around them. Even once-conservative places like the Heritage Foundation and the Hoover Institute are now overthrown. The Heritage Foundation is now proud owner of spineless jellyfish useless idiot VP Mike Pence, who literally handed America to the Marxists on January 6th this year, and the Hoover Institute is openly serenading Americans with friendly interviews with such anti-America-First luminaries as H.R. McMaster.

And so, the only semblance of organized opposition remaining to the Marxist takeover of America from inside that could have been assembled – the American voter – was also jettisoned, because it/they/we could not be taken over by the Marxists.  Once the 2020 election was stolen, and the entire Democrat Party-run apparatus around us both refused to address the open fraud that occurred and also barked at anyone who called for investigations, the Republic ended. It died. It disappeared.

And so, dear reader, the First American Republic ended the moment that a fraudulent pretender was fraudulently sworn in as the 46th president of America.

Like everyone else, I have no crystal ball to see the future. Honestly, I thought all of this illegality would have been forcefully corrected by now. But new surprises come every day, like the US military senior officers being only too happy to both serve their new Marxist masters and to help them speedily implement their genocidal plans for America. And so one wonders if there is any fight for freedom and liberty left in Americans, or if we are all just asleep at the wheel, too satiated with good food and beer to be bothered with correcting the stolen election.

One wonders if the mentality isn’t “Heck, let the Chinese run America, too.”

Who knows if there will be a Second American Republic, soon or ever. Right now we are in the very early days of an American tyranny that not even our former British overlords could have dreamt up. One thing is for sure, “things” are probably going to get a lot lot worse before they get any better, or anywhere back close to the freedoms we enjoyed in November 2020. The question is, will there be enough Americans willing and able to resist this tyranny by the time our citizens realize just how bad our situation is and that the First American Republic is over?


Pursuing power vs. pursuing pleasure

If people are mystified by the US Supreme Court’s recent inability to address a textbook example of violated federal voting law in Pennsylvania, they need to understand how this has come to pass. Because that deadlocked Court is now just as corrupted as every other institution in America.

For sixty years at least, maybe eighty years, the Democrat Party has been waging a war to capture America. That political party has been focused on infiltrating every institution in America, capturing each one, and then bending it to its will and using it for further political gains. This has happened with the mainstream media, colleges, grade and high schools, Hollywood and the entertainment industry INCLUDING the National Football League and the National Basketball Association, the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, charitable foundations, Big Tech, federal government agencies, the Papacy and the Catholic Church, Mainline Protestant churches, etc ad nauseum.

All of these institutions have been captured by the Left and they all now represent a politically and culturally united front. In America, their leaders and staff members work hand in glove with the Democrat Party to promote and implement leftist policies, to attack all opposition, and to ensure that future generations of Americans will no longer share the cultural identity and traditional American values of their own parents and grandparents.

The US Supreme Court was just the last of the targeted institutions to fall. And that is what this week’s unbelievable decision represents. In the Kelly/Parnell case this week, the Court was presented with several clear violations of state law and constitutional requirements that ensure that a FEDERAL election is clean and fair. But the Court was unable to muster a 5-4 majority to correct the illegal and unethical last-minute shenanigans committed by the Wolf Administration and the PA supreme court. The US Supreme Court was unable to muster this bare majority because only four justices on the bench believe in an America that has existed since its founding in 1776. A fifth justice, Brett Kavanaugh, is an ethereal dreamer of intellectual musings. Like he did with the recent North Carolina voting law case, he punted, saying that what North Carolina does with its election laws is a state’s prerogative; despite the fact that we are dealing with a FEDERAL election.

Kavanaugh would have been a better professor than he is a justice. Kavanaugh represents the modern Republican Party at its core: A group of people devoted to theoretical living and what-me-worry laissez faire policies with no direction to them. They believe in hedonism, and that probably is what Justice Kavanaugh is, an intellectual hedonist. His dreamy thoughts lack anything concrete, so no one is offended by him. Let the party roll on…

The Republican Party and its ideological allies and affiliates have long worshiped and pursued money and pleasure at all costs.  This is why elected Republicans largely have no fight in them today, while President Donald Trump and his 80 million supporters are doing all of the heavy lifting in this election fight. Meanwhile the Democrat Party was busy gaining control of every institution so that elections will be meaningless and they will have sole dominion over all Americans. Under the color of law, of course, but also, as we have seen, with great official and unofficial coercive force, too. You will obey!

And that is how we got to where we are today.

And for those people who believe that the US Supreme Court will be able to muster five votes for any case related to fairly resolving this illegal election, like the Texas case now before the Court, you are dreaming. If this week’s Pennsylvania case didn’t wake up five Court members that their republic is in cardiac arrest on the gurney, then no other case will.

Dear Americans, we are going to have to find other solutions to solving the Democrat Party’s systemic evil and illegal lawless behavior.

America just experienced an insurrection, not an election

With all of last week’s midnight ballot dumping, deliberate vote miscounts, and voting software “glitches” relentlessly coming to light, we are faced with the fact that America did not have an election last week. Rather, we experienced a massive nation-wide vote fraud scheme aimed at literally taking over the American government under the guise of having an election.

This is not an election, it is an illegal insurrection against the laws, people, and sitting government of America.

Last Tuesday’s election was not open, it was not fair, it was not legal. The more people dig, the more fraud is found. A fraudulent election is not a legal election, and an election that is not legal does not count.

One of the most incredible things ever in American electoral history happened this year. Both the national media (Big Media) and the Silicone Valley technological and social media firms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube (Big Tech) have waged an open war against transparency and information flow. The blatant de-platforming of people, censorship, and blocking of certain information by Big Media and Big Tech is nothing other than partisan electioneering on behalf of one political party and one candidate, the Democrat Party and Joe Biden.

The media is entitled to First Amendment protections when they act as the media. But when the media becomes an active and aggressive participant in the effort to elect one person and to protect one political party, then the media is no longer the media. It has become a political antagonist, a partisan actor, whose actions are regulated just like every other political donor. The undeclared, unregulated in-kind donation value to the Democrat Party and the Biden Campaign of Big Media and Big Tech must be in the billions of dollars. This is hugely illegal and hugely criminal.

Big Media and Big Tech are right now waging what can only be called an all-out war against the flow of information that shows voting fraud and that casts material doubt on their collective claim that Joe Biden won last week’s campaign. In every way possible, Big Tech and Big Media are de-platforming, hiding, shadow-banning, and suppressing people and information that runs contrary to their attempt to coronate Joe Biden as the inevitable winner of last week’s election. Nothing about this effort is honest, or fair, or careful. When a US Postal Service worker files an affidavit about what he has seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears, Big Media and Big Tech immediately attack his character and also spread the lie that he recanted his affidavit.

CNN’s Jake Tapper has gone so far as to begin to threaten the livelihood and career of every single person who has served in the Trump Administration, by personally identifying them and broadcasting their home address and other personal information, for the express purpose of having other people attack them physically.

Do you, dear reader, believe that this is the legal function of the media? To serve as an information hub to direct a physical and legal and personal war against American citizens who are otherwise lawfully engaged in their jobs and careers?

Folks, we are witnessing an illegal attempted takeover of the United States government through a fraudulent election by one political party and its allies in media and technology firms. They are trying to physically intimidate everyone who stands in their way. We are right now way far away from any kind of election at this point, and we are now seeing a substantive effort to take over the government and to eliminate all opposition, all people, who disagree with it. This is a war effort, not a debate about policy or even legalities.

When people stop using words, they reach for their swords, and at this point Big Media, Big Tech, and the Democrat Party are aggressively eliminating the opportunity for using words to resolve this conflict. Words they oppose are censored out of the public square. They are trying to crush all resistance to their control of everything in America. This is an insurrection, which is illegal under existing American law.

The existing Insurrection Act allows the sitting, lawfully elected president of the United States, to quell this warfare before it becomes bloody battles in the streets of America. Mister President, I encourage you to invoke the Insurrection Act and bring stability to America, end this illegal mutiny against the sitting government, and bring calm and honesty to the effort to count all LEGAL votes that were cast in last week’s election.

America is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and just because some other people decide they will commit a crime and then crush all dissent and transparency with an iron fist does not make them legitimate. Their behavior makes them mutineers, insurrectionists, traitors.

Save our Republic, Mister President, or say goodbye forever to the free America that existed as of just a few days ago.

Note*: For readers who think I am either totally nuts, or partisan (ha ha that would be funny), or mislead, or confused, or emotional, or any other number of possible causes for this post, you are encouraged to step outside the mainstream media box in which you are probably getting your information. Go to the Epoch Times and see what they have to say about the election fraud and questions we are living with right now.

Illegal billions: Big tech & national media’s undeclared in-kind political donations

For twelve years at least, billions of dollars worth of undeclared in-kind political contributions to just one political party have been made by the Big Tech companies and our national media.

Owners and staff at Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and all of the national media (NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, PBS, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, the Patriot News and Capital Star here in Harrisburg, etc.) have gone out of their way to treat one group of people one way, and another group of people a totally different way.

Big Tech and the media go so far as to report only good things, even fake good things, and not report the negative things, about one group. Yet Big Tech and the media only report negative things, especially fake negative things, about the other group, and never report the good things. This artificial treatment of the two groups has had a hugely disproportionate effect on the flow of information to American voters, and, therefore, a hugely disproportionate effect on election outcomes.

Who are the two groups who receive such different treatment at the hands of Big Tech and the national media?

Why, they are Democrats/ liberals/ anarchists/ socialists on the one hand, the favored fair-haired child, and then Republicans/ conservatives/ patriots/ constitutionalists on the other hand, the hated red-headed stepchild. Because the treatments these groups receive are so totally over the top different from one another, you could almost swear that Big Tech and the national media are owned and run only by Democrats and liberals, to the point where they are acting like they are part-and-parcel of Democrat political campaigns.

Today, the Republican National Committee FINALLY filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission about Twitter’s obviously one-sided effort to suppress damning information and news articles about the Biden Crime Family. I say finally, because this issue has been out there in the wide open for many years, and the GOPe never acted on it. It is hard to believe that it took this long for someone to file a complaint, when for years people like me, and much higher profile than I, have documented the unfair one-sided treatment conservatives and Republicans have received from Big Tech and the national media. For my own part, posts on the Josh First Facebook page were mostly shadow banned, and my paid political campaign ads had dubious reach, which appeared to be fraud by Facebook. They took my money, and then launched weak ad campaigns into which I had limited views. Facebook has been doing the same thing to the Donald Trump campaign, too, by the way. Activist Laura Loomer, now a candidate for Congress, has been completely de-platformed from all of these services, without any explanation why. But her political opponent, communista yehudia Lois Frankel, enjoys all the benefits of Facebook etc

It is just not fair. And it is not legal.

All of these one-sided activities by Big Tech and the national media amount to an enormous undeclared political campaign contribution effort that by the simple reading of the statute is blatantly illegal.

During the Obama administration, conservative political activist Dinesh D’Souza was sent to prison for a long time for giving someone money to make political contributions with. About twenty thousand bucks total, if I recall right. Here we have Big Tech and the national media donating billions of dollars worth of free political advertising and political information suppression to the Democrat Party, without ever disclosing it. If D’Souza went to jail for a couple years, then how many decades in jail do Facebook’s Zuckerberg, Twitter’s Dorsey, Google’s Brin, and so on for the many other Big Tech owners and content managers, now face?

All of the Big Tech and national media owners and managers deserve to pay huge fines and go to jail for long times.

I have written about this before, and it is worth it to write about it again. That is because America’s election rules and laws are supposed to apply to everyone equally. No one person or group in America is supposed to receive special treatment, the way Democrats and liberal socialist anarchists do when it comes to our election laws and campaign contributions. That kind of special treatment up-ends the rule of law on which America is based. One rule is supposed to apply to us all equally.

So, if Hillary Clinton is finally going to face the music for her wild crime spree, then the Big Tech and national media activists and political donors, should too.

Lock them all up. They earned it all.

Lawless, violent insurrection. Is it time to outlaw the seditious Democrat Party?

Just like most of the state responses to the Wuhan Flu have had zero to do with public health, the lawless violence and wanton destruction happening across America have zero to do with the murder of George Floyd, and everything to do with people still upset with the results of the 2016 election.

Since November 2016, America’s Democrat Party apparatus – the national media, academia, the entertainment industry, Wall Street, public school educators and administrators, social media, a huge portion of taxpayer-paid professional government workers, and a great deal of corporate leaders – have maintained a hostile, angry, attack mode drum beat against President Donald Trump and everyone who supports him. They want that power that Donald Trump has.

No introspection about why or how Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. No curiosity about how so many people who only a few years before had voted for leftist Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama, suddenly felt compelled to vote for the one person who promised to un-do all of what Obama had done. Nope, no wondering. Instead, America has been daily fed a constant barrage of lies, hate, racism against “white people,” and fascist censorship of people, ideas, and speech that do not comply with the leftist narrative being pushed by Big Media, the Democrat Party, et al.

One hoax after another has been attempted, each designed to fatally damage President Trump, and each failing. Rusty Nails, Russia collusion, Ukraine, totally fake ‘impeachment’, etc. Now it seems that when the latest hoax failed, and yes, the liberals’ phony and out-sized politicized responses to Wuhan Flu have amounted to yet another gigantic and destructive hoax, something else needed to be tried. And next up has been the violent riots, like all prior events aimed at hurting President Trump, no matter what the cost is to the nation.

Let’s face it, folks. This is the same Democrat Party that seceded from the Union in 1860. The same Democrat Party that founded the Confederate States of America, that created sanctuary states for slavery, that founded the Jim Crow Laws and the Ku Klux Klan. The same Democrat Party that blocked civil rights legislation and voting rights laws in the 1950s and 1960s. It is the same Democrat Party that has still literally enslaved most American blacks today, and that is attempting to enslave the rest of America through Big Government. Democrat states and municipalities that implemented illegal “sanctuary” cities and states were really declaring another secession from the rest of America, just like the Democrat Party of the 1860s.

You doubt this?

Just look at how the liberal governors around America have been ruling over the citizens over the past few months. Every constitutional freedom and protection of individual rights has been thrown out the window by liberal governors and mayors in their quest for absolute power. You want to go swimming? Jail for you! Oh, you want to go rioting, well, then have fun. That is how they approach America; pure and absolute lawless enslavement.

The Democrat Party is in full-out open war against America.

The Democrat Party has declared open war against America, against normal Americans, against the US Constitution, against religion, against individual freedoms, against individual choice, against everything that has defined America since our founding. It is painful and scary to write these words, but we are truly in a civil war right now. It is clear that the Democrat Party is playing for keeps, for complete and absolute control of our nation. We citizens are not helped by the weak and worthless GOP, a party whose culture of decadent opportunism means they automatically roll over and play dead at the sound of a firecracker. The GOP has no allegiance to the American people, nor any interest in helping us. Because there is no money to be made from that.

So it is up to We, The People, to say what must be said: The Democrat Party is a seditious organization seeking the overthrow of the American government from within, and we want the Democrat Party to be declared illegal. They have used illegal means, and so let them enjoy being officially illegal in every jurisdiction where The People have the desire to remain free.

Say it, do it. Declare your legal jurisdiction to no longer recognize the outlaw Democrat Party as a legitimate political party, but that it is an illegal seditious enemy. Nothing else will stop them, and save us. Even if it is just a statement, it carries some weight. Doing this lets our mortal enemies know that we will not be their next crop of slaves.


“Red flag” laws are just legalized “swatting” of neighbors we hate

All this talk about “red flag” laws is simple nonsense, addressed months ago in-depth here in an essay that was borrowed from by people who care. I put a lot of effort into researching the subject and then wrote extensively about it. But it won’t matter to the anti-gun prohibitionists, who are on a single-minded jihad against legal gun ownership.

Red flag laws don’t solve crime, they actually create crime, in particular official violence against innocent Americans. In the form of uninformed, misinformed, hyped up SWAT police kicking in the doors of innocent, unsuspecting citizens who then get shot while reaching to put down the book they were reading. To gun haters, this is all fine and dandy; anything they can do to hurt and intimidate law abiding gun owners is good. The more bloody bodies, the better.

“See, if he hadn’t had those old guns in the first place, he would not have been shot by the police,” they say, gleefully chuckling over the well-deserved misfortune of one of the many innocent law abiding gun owners to fall victim to red flag laws. This is called “swatting,” where someone calls the police and makes an anonymous complaint or warning about a supposedly violent or dangerous neighbor. Innocent people die, and that is OK to the anti gun jihadis.

Anti gun advocates do not care about solving crime. If they did, they would look at all of the failed gun control nonsense across America, particularly in the big urban areas, and reach for a different approach, a different set of policies. But dead black kids don’t mean anything to anti gun activists, if those kids were shot by other black kids. In fact, the perverse reverse is true: Dead black kids are welcomed and cultivated by anti gun advocates, because those bleeding bodies in the street give them more ammunition to complain about “guns” and how evil they are blah blah blah.

So here we go again. The careerist Republicans in congress appear to be ready to capitulate on this, just to get the Democrat press off their backs for a minute, even though they know that as soon as they give in on red flag laws, the anti-freedom crusaders will be right back with even more demands for our rights. Just look at how US Senate Democrats today threatened the US Supreme Court! ‘You had better stop voting for individual rights, or we are going to take you over.’

Which is really what the red flag junk is about: Political control, control of individuals, the desire to make American citizens just get in the damned PC line and stay there until we smart people tell you to take your next step.

The Democrat Party has become a lawless mafia, always trying to change the rules of the game if they lose by the old rules we all agreed to over the past two hundred and some odd years: Get rid of the Electoral College, get rid of the Supreme Court, get rid of guns, get rid of free speech, get rid of the US House of Representatives rules, give away your Social Security benefits to illegal aliens and make us taxpayers wait until we are 72 to start collecting what we put in, and so on…it boggles my mind that any intelligent adult can vote for this nonsense.

But then again, I am always amazed at how sadistic and cruel people can be, and now I recognize and accept that there is an American political party dedicated to just that kind of person. To paraphrase another former Democrat, I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, they left me.

But as I walk out the door, I am throwing the red flag at the Democrat Party – You are out of bounds and out of the game! Get out!

UPDATE! Even as I wrote this post last night, a long-time Philadelphia criminal, Maurice Hill, was engaged in a shoot-out that injured six police officers. Hill has been arrested at least a dozen times, most often for serious violent firearm laws violations. Hill had served jail time. The question is why was he out of jail at all, and why was he repeatedly allowed to get out of serious criminal situations that would end the career of any otherwise law-abiding citizen?

America has developed a two-tiered law enforcement system: Typical law-abiding citizens who make a mistake or a single bad decision and run afoul of some law get the whole book thrown at them; their lives and professional careers are over for all intents and purposes. But on the other hand, ultra violent career criminals like Hill are caught and released time and time again, despite violating all kinds of gun laws any one of which should have put him behind bars for decades.

No gun laws anywhere will stop dangerous people like Hill from committing bad crimes, and we see that gun control laws are not designed to end or stop crime. Gun control laws are only designed to remove guns from private ownership, especially from the hands of law abiding citizens. These laws are aimed at taking away guns from good people like you and me, and leaving them in the hands of hardened criminals like Maurice Hill.

Think about that.

Shockwave: from 1649 to 2019, 370 years of violent migration in America

Until 1649, the Huron Nation were a mighty Indian tribe, unafraid to use overwhelming violent force to take or raid the better hunting and trapping grounds of nearby Indian tribes who were not strong enough to withstand them.

For hundreds of years, from their fastness in Canada, the mighty Huron tribe had ranged deeply into rich hunting grounds that would become Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio. But a now familiar combination of factors resulted in their loss of power, a retreat back into Canada, and a resulting cascade of westward Indian migration that did not end until 250 years later, when the very last battles of the Indian Wars played out on the Great Plains in what is today Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and the Dakotas.

Beaten by imported cholera, smallpox, and an ad hoc alliance of lesser tribes, themselves the products of desperate starvation, loss of homeland, and mechanical pressure emanating outward from growing European settlement on the east coast, the year 1649 marked the defeated Huron Nation’s inability to project violent force beyond their original tribal base around the eastern Great Lakes in what is today southeastern Canada. It marked the beginning of their tactical retreat.

So in 1649, as the surviving Hurons retracted northward and westward, eventually southward, the demographic dominos really began to fall, as they already had along the east coast for the previous fifty years, but now en masse. One by one, two by two, smaller or lesser known Indian tribes in the Great Lakes region began to migrate westward and southward, pushed by those coming up from behind. One tribe displaced another along its southwestern migration path, with new tribes emerging and some old tribes merging. Some tribes were literally stamped out in genocidal raids. Historically, Indians colonized and occupied each other, and they always migrated because of “economic” circumstances.

The Oglala Sioux and the poverty-stricken, fish-eating Cheyenne (Tsi-Tsi-Tas in their own language) had emerged onto the Great Plains from the Minnesota lake district with a finely honed hunger for survival and unoccupied open spaces. We know them today as the most dominant and war-like of all the western Indians, but the truth is that they were simply of the few Indian tribes most determined to survive and prosper out of the stream of refugees fleeing ahead of the 1649 shockwave. And when we see magnificent and inspirational pictures of brave Plains Indians mounted on their war ponies, totally free on the prairies, we are not looking at thousands of years of cultural evolution. Rather, the horseback Indian is a modern creation of America and Europe.

On the southern plains, migrating Indians on foot had encountered the remainders of once-domesticated Spanish conquistador horses, subsequently gone wild and feral since the 1600s. By the 1750s herds of wild mustangs were being captured, broken, and ridden by Indians. Comanches, Sioux, Cheyenne, Pawnee, and many others used these new horses to keep pace with bison herds, to fight each other, and eventually to face off with mounted US Cavalry.

So in 1649 there was a demographic shock, a vacuum, and then an explosion which marked the fragmentation and full-throated migratory shift of Indian tribal power in the east, until the surviving results of their waves of westward migration then turned and fought the Bluecoats at the Washita and Little Big Horn in the 1880s.

The history lesson here is that already by 1630 European migratory settlement on the east coast had started a cascading migratory effect that only ended when the Oglala Sioux, Cheyenne, Crow, and Arapahoe were herded onto “reservations,” and spirit-starved of any remaining patriotic vigor and will to fight in the 1890s.

Which leads us to the practical lesson here: The uncontrolled mass migration invasion into America that we are witnessing right now is really nothing new. Mass migration has been a natural constant in America, started by the American Indians themselves, with subsequent migrants coming from all around the globe. The recent undocumented and hostile migration is illegal according to a “peace treaty” of sorts that the two major political tribes negotiated years ago, but that ‘treaty’ has now been openly violated and broken. Today’s mass migration into America is being orchestrated primarily by one political “tribe” in order to gain political power over the other political “tribe,” and over everyone else living in America, too. And once that power is gained, the illegal invader political tribe will use the coercive force of official government to wrest whatever control over the citizens they desire, to compel us to live as they believe we should. Needless to say, that particular tribe is hostile, and does not believe in any of the founding agreements that created America, like the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.

You don’t like this? Don’t feel like being a demographic refugee in your own land? Don’t want your  personal liberties forcefully stripped from you? Then act like an American Indian: Project your force and protect your tribal land. Because in fact, your back is already up against the wall. Many of us just don’t know it yet, don’t know how dire things are. Many of us are a bit too materially comfortable and complacent to recognize our actual situation.

And then again, maybe we do just want to live on political reservations, to go where we are told to go, think what we are told to think, do as we are told to do. It seems easier than messy freedom and personal liberty, doesn’t it?

Home is Where the Heart Is

Home is where the heart is, goes the old and proven adage.

Home is that place you love, where you feel safe, loved, comfortable, surrounded by the fruits of your labors, like a flower garden behind a hand-laid stone wall, a manicured lawn, a bird bath or bird feeder, a porch for sitting on after a day of work. Maybe you raised a family in the home, and on bedroom walls in a couple places hidden from paint touch-ups there are some old finger prints from children who are now with families of their own. After putting so much work and love into your home, you naturally feel love for it. Just the memories alone inspire you!

So yes, your heart resides there, in your home, the ultimate symbol of all your efforts, the fruits of all your labors.

And so this is all true for those of us who have worked in and paid taxes here in America, our home, our house. Our Social Security payments, mine since I was fourteen years old, our volunteering for charitable organizations and Little League, our playing by the rules and laws of America, being good citizens. Always building the country up, making it a cozy and safe home for those who live here, who contribute to it, who will move here with the intention of participating in it.

And yet, unbelievably, America now houses people like US Reps Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and other elected representatives, who are actually openly advocating for tearing down the national house, our home, America. These people are openly working every day to destroy the home that you and I have built. Along with “free” healthcare, income, education, and even a “free” home for people who have come here illegally, never paid anything into Social Security, and who themselves fly the flags of the other nations from which they come, where their hearts remain.

None of us lifelong taxpayers will ever get any of this “free” stuff, even though it is our tax money that creates it in the first place!

Can you imagine if some stranger walked into your house and began tearing the place apart, and offering to hand out your furniture, clothing, your food to passersby on the street outside? It would be even worse if it was someone you had invited in, so they could participate in all of the wonderful opportunities America offers to anyone willing to work hard. Well, this all is exactly what is happening with Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and all of their supporters and enablers.

So it is a natural thing, an understandable and totally human thing, for our elected President to say “If you don’t like America, then go home to your parent countries.” He is definitely speaking for a majority of Americans. This should be no surprise to anyone. Every other country does the same. In every other country what Omar, Tlaib and their political party are doing would correctly be seen as treason and an intolerable act of war against the nation.

Like a lot of Americans, I applaud President Trump for writing this in one of his public messages the other day. Good for him. He understands that this current illegal invader situation is not sustainable. Not financially, not economically, not legally, not socially, and not politically. It is a testament to how good we Americans are at heart that this has been allowed to go on at all. We have such a strong generosity, even if we can’t always afford it. Americans are a giving people. Very few other nations, if any, will allow foreigners to literally walk into their nation and begin demanding free this and free that, tear down the border so anyone can literally walk in; it is quite insane. In most other countries, you would either be killed outright, or jailed, or expelled. Understandably.

Yes, we understand that there is a political party that has turned this illegal, lawless, anti-human, anti-America behavior into a business model, a way to gain political power. But just because that one political party is using and abusing the democratic process to achieve non-democratic results does not make this situation acceptable.

So I applaud President Trump for speaking out on behalf of the nation he was elected to lead, the home he was sworn to protect. He is doing what any American president is supposed to do. Anyone now opposing his standing up for America and our rule of law is openly a declared enemy of America.

America: Love it as it is, or leave it, as it is. And no, you cannot take our stuff with you. We worked for it, we built it, it is ours. It is not yours.


Who has the national Democrat Party NOT declared war on?

Is there any thing or anyone in America whom the national Democrat Party has not declared war on?

Nationally (not to be construed with what always happens at the local or state level, which is often less radical), the Democrat Party has gone after the First Amendment free speech rights of everyone who does not agree with their politically correct radical base voters.

The Democrat Party has gone after the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, while opposing prosecutions of actual criminals who illegally use guns.

The Democrat Party has aggressively championed the elimination of the Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights of the US president and everyone around him, which means they will try to strip you, too, of your presumption of innocence and due process rights if you, too, oppose them politically.

The Democrat Party openly sides with people illegally invading America, who break our long established laws on their way over our borders, and who then commit outrageous  crimes against and impose tremendous costs on our citizen taxpayers, all the while demanding taxpayer-funded (your money, my money) welfare, universal education and health care. The Democrat Party calls these criminals “victims,” and has abandoned the citizen, the taxpayer, the people who pay for America to run and work every day.

The Democrat Party has declared war on the rule of law by creating “sanctuary cities” that are so obviously contrary to our laws for such obviously necessary reasons. But the Democrat Party wants a huge wave of illegal aliens as new voters to put the Democrat Party into permanent political power. The Democrat Party is even now extending voting rights to illegal aliens, even though they are obviously not entitled to vote for dog catcher or anyone else running for office.

Naturally in all of this Democrat Party warmongering, police officers everywhere are targeted for demonization and vilification at the very least, and usually police officers are targets of violence and deadly ambush justified by totally fake complaints of widespread racist police brutality. Failed NFL Democrat icon activist Colin Kaepernick and his endorser Nike Shoes have done more to damage the standing and safety of police officers and the rule of law they safeguard than any other individual or company. Think long and hard about how this junk impacts your own personal safety before voting for a Democrat in a national election.

If you are enjoying the shared prosperity of a powerfully productive economy, record low unemployment (especially among Blacks), and an American president pushing back against the unfair trade war waged against America over the past fifty years, then do not count on the Democrat Party to join you. I cannot tell you how many Democrats I know personally, beyond those prominent elected Democrat officials saying things in public, who are wringing their hands over how good the economy is, how well it is doing, how much more money American taxpayers are putting in their pockets. When I point out that the economy is doing GREAT!, they respond that either it is not nearly as good as I think, or that it will come to end any minute now, or that it is the result of the previous administration’s policies. The Democrat Party would rather see the American economy destroyed and poor-mouthed into failure than to give credit to the current president.

The Democrat Party is literally making war against the American economy.

The Democrat Party is openly, brazenly, laying siege to America, coming at us from dozens of directions, trying to destroy and tear our nation down from the top and at the foundation.

The last time the Democrat Party did this, they controlled the South and started “the war between the states” in 1861.

These many disgraceful actions make the Democrat Party a seditious criminal enterprise that is illegally and openly at war with the American people, your laws, and our form of government.

Is it time to outlaw the outlaw Democrat Party?


A culture of protest, a culture of animosity

If you desire to see the raw underbelly of an overly tolerant democracy, then watch or listen to today’s US Senate hearings on Judge Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is a smart, friendly, humble, kind of nerdy, bookish federal judge who had the audacity to be nominated to the US Supreme Court.

Why audacity? Because he is not super liberal. Because he does not walk in lock-step with the media arm of the Democrat Party. Because he has a judicial philosophy that is directly connected to how America was founded. He does not run around making legal judgments that are contrary to the US Constitution.

All this makes him audacious in the eyes of people who would use the US Supreme Court to achieve de facto legislative results they cannot get in the US Congress. Kavanaugh is audacious in some people’s eyes because he dares to fill a vacant seat on the Court, and play a constructive role in administering US law and jurisprudence.

To me, it looks like the most boring job in the world. Though at one time, in the heat of my youth, I aspired to be a constitutional scholar and actually studied a lot of constitutional law at Penn State and in graduate school (Vanderbilt) in preparation for it. My uncle has argued twice in front of the US Supreme Court, and on his second trip I was honored to help draft an Amicus brief and sit in the audience while the justices grilled both sides.

But now, look at how even Kavanaugh, The Most Boring Man In The World, is attacked and dragged through the mud by opponents of a lawful society. A shameless howling mob greeted him and the entire world today in one of the world’s most hallowed democratic chambers, the US Senate. To watch and listen to Kavanaugh’s opponents today in The People’s chamber, you would not know that we live in the most civilized nation.

From the 1960s to present, a culture of protest has developed to the point where the ends justify the means. That is, if someone opposes a political issue or a political person, they can go batshit crazy in front of everyone and put on the most foolish antics, with the craziest accusations, and the most violent and destructive behavior, because they are simply protesting.

And because they are protesting, they must be correct, is how they think. And if people oppose them, or have a majority in a legislative chamber or on a court, then every possible brick must be thrown in order to stop them…is how they think.

Where protest has its healthy roots in the First Amendment’s guarantee of peaceable assembly and petitioning the government, today’s protests are anything but constitutional. They are violent and hate filled, lawless and vile, cruel and destructive of people and property.

A very real culture of animosity has resulted out of the 1960s, and it is a bad thing, a toxic thing, corrosive and uncivilized. Its practitioners do not wish to live and let live; they desire control above all, and the use of angry mobs and threats to intimidate their opponents into acquiescence.

In the 1930s and 1940s, Hungary fell the same way. Slowly but surely the Communists there used a combination of violent mobs and corrupted police and courts to eliminate their political opponents. The Hungarian Communists used democratic processes and institutions to achieve non-democratic, tyrannical ends. Hungary went from one of Europe’s great nations to completely oppressed under the Communist boot. Only through uprising and great sacrifice were the Hungarian people freed once again, long after many horrible repressive crimes had been committed.

That same thing is now happening today with the national Democrat Party, whose hatred for the common person, the working person, the taxpayer and citizen, America’s “normal” and boring people, like Judge Kavanaugh, is so overwhelming that it can no longer be controlled.

If you love America, if you enjoy your simple pleasures and the basic freedoms we have here, then tell your US senators you support Kavanaugh, and do not vote for Democrats. The national Democrats do not have your interests at heart. Democrats care much more for illegal aliens (purported “victims”) who murder and rape our children than they care for you or me, taxpaying citizens who have worked hard to build this nation.

A good, decent man, a Justice Kavanaugh will restore some semblance of lawful and constitutional behavior to America, and the howling mob opposes that. Don’t let them win. They are not “protestors,” they are angry, lawless destroyers who pretend they are under the protection of the First Amendment.