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Jeff Epstein probably murdered, how did THAT happen?!

Now new information (but not all of the information that would normally be obtained and available in a murder investigation) is released that child trafficking pedophile and ultra-Democrat Party insider Jeffery Epstein was probably murdered. No surprise.

  • his neck and throat bones were broken through tremendous violent force. On the other hand, self-hanging is a slow suffocation process, especially with a soft bed sheet, which at its tightest twist is still wide, relatively gentle, and would take a long time to shut off air to the body and kill a person. A self-applied bed sheet cannot break those neck and throat bones.
  • the security camera trained on his cell was mysteriously turned off
  • his cell mate was relocated, against prison protocol, so that Epstein was alone and vulnerable, and no witness was present to say what happened to Epstein
  • his prison guards are said to have fallen asleep
  • one of the sleepy prison guards is not even a prison guard and was not qualified to be there, and no one knows how he got there

You do not have to be already pre-inclined to be easily persuaded to believe in various conspiracies to see that this way-too-many-coincidences situation is beyond a conspiracy; it is a murder. All of the circumstantial and much of the physical evidence here points to a hit, a purposeful and targeted murder of a person who knew too much about too many wealthy and powerful people, who could not afford to have him talk about what he knew. The beneficiaries of Epstein’s death are Bill Clinton and a whole bunch of other politically powerful and wealthy people. Bill Clinton is known to have flown some twenty-four times on Epstein’s private jet to his “orgy island,” where little girls were raped and sexually abused.

The big question is how on earth this brazen murder was carried off under the nose of so many watchful eyes.  Yes, it happened in New York City, where criminal mayor Bill de Blasio runs things like a mafia boss. That is a first step in understanding the Epstein murder. But so much more had to happen so quickly for the hit to work the way it did.

Another consideration is that Epstein’s prosecutor is James Comey’s daughter, Maurene. Yes, that James Comey, the disgraced former FBI director who has engaged in openly partisan political advocacy from the time he was in the FBI until just days ago. His daughter Maurene is the same radical leftist activist as her father. So did Maurene Comey play a role in having Epstein killed before he could talk?

UPDATE: JANUARY 6, 2020: Newly released photos from Epstein’s autopsy clearly show strangulation marks from a wire garrote, which professional assassins use, not a bed sheet. Epstein’s hyoid bone was shattered, and his body showed marks from being held down. A two-man hit-job in a modern prison…unbelievable, but really powerful people absolutely had to have Epstein dead. Read this article to see more photos and analysis.

This is Epstein’s neck on the autopsy table. The ligature marks are from thin wire, like a professional hitman uses. The angular marks are from Epstein’s fingernails clawing at the wire around his neck. Epstein was murdered in plain view. Who did this, why did they do it, and will there be accountability?

Epstein’s painting of past president Bill Clinton, wearing a Monica Lewinsky dress and saying “I did not have sex with that woman.” Clinton and Epstein were partners in sexual crime



Maurene Comey at the sore losers against democracy pink hat parade, with her hippie mom. Notice Maurene’s shirt: Hillary Clinton, Ruth Ginsburg, and Elizabeth Warren are visible; Nancy Pelosi appears to be the fourth face. Maurene Comey is no professional prosecutor. She is a dedicated leftist activist who apparently used her central role in the Epstein case to have him murdered, so that he could not damage a bunch of Democrat Party biggies.


Turtle Time

It is officially turtle time.

Every spring turtles of all types emerge from their muddy hideaways, under stream banks, under logs, or burrowed deep into the soft dirt on the side of a farm field.

Turtles are gentle creatures, hurting no one, and yet when they make themselves vulnerable by appearing on the sides of roads, or trying to cross roads, many drivers go out of their way to hit them. Seems obvious to say, a turtle hit by a vehicle will either die a long, lingering, painful death, or if they are small, they will be crushed outright.

What the hell is that about, anyway?

Seeing these sad, destroyed, dead little things strewn about on the roadsides is painful. Turtles really bother no one, and they should elicit human compassion and empathy for their slow but intense drive to find a safe and soft place to dig a hole and lay their eggs. It is not their fault that humans have built uncrossable roads with no wildlife tunnels, or that some humans delight in maiming little animals.

Please slow down along Front Street in Susquehanna Township and entering into Harrisburg, and give the turtles there a break. After millions of years of moving slowly, purposefully, and deliberately, they have earned it.

Please brake for turtles

Beginning around the I-81 overpass over Front Street in Harrisburg, and ending about half a mile south, turtles are now trying to reach loamy dirt to lay their eggs.

Oddly, sadly, many dead and dying turtles litter the roadside, hit by cars, either by accident or on purpose.

It’s difficult to plumb the depths of someone’s thinking when they deliberately drive off the roadway and onto the roadside, to crush a tiny helpless little animal like this.

Please brake for turtles. They can’t, won’t, and haven’t done anything to us humans. They deserve to live, too.

Are Turtles Crossing the Road Really a Threat?

Why drivers seem to target slow-moving, non-threatening little turtles is beyond understanding.

Don’t we all have a soft spot in our hearts for innocent, vulnerable, gentle creatures that do us no harm?

The same goes for snakes, which eat the rodent mice, rats, and chipmunks that do so much damage to our homes, crops, gardens, and vehicles.

Every spring and summer, turtles cross roads as they leave water bodies like rivers, ponds, lakes, and marshes, and seek out soft soil where they can lay their eggs, so that the next generation of their kind can continue their unimposing life cycle.  Yet every year, roadways are littered with dead and wounded turtles, many dying slowly in the baking hot sun.

Their crime is nothing more than appearing in front of humans behind the wheel of a machine.  Are so many of us really so homicidal or sadistic that we go out of our way to hurt, injure, and kill a little helpless animal?

The unfortunate, sad answer is Yes, a lot of drivers go out of their way to hit turtles with their cars.  You can simply look at where the turtles lie, crushed or wounded on the side of the road, where the car driver had to actually veer off the roadway to hit the helpless little thing.  What is really sad is that turtles take at least ten years to breed, so killing one or two (or stealing one or two) in a given area can doom or kill off the entire population there.

If you have compassion for turtles, you can watch these instructive videos below, where curious turtle-liking guys put a rubber turtle alongside some roads near their homes and generated some unhappy results, and where drivers get out to try and help injured turtles.

Bottom line is Yep, drivers went out of their way to run over the little rubber turtle.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4: