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Columbus Day: Just Another Human Migration Story

Humans have migrated all over the planet from the earliest days of our species-hood.

From Africa outward to the Near East, and then everywhere else in pretty rapid sequence, by foot, boat, and land bridge.

Extinct human populations have been found on remote islands, with no apparent descendants living on nearby islands. Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens did not intermix, as the DNA trail shows. What did happen is that humans wiped out their Neanderthal competitors

Or in the PC lingo of today’s anthropologists, humans “excluded” Neanderthals from the landscape where they found them, across Europe, the Russian and Asiatic steppe, the Near and Middle East, etc.

This natural human migration has never stopped, nor has the “exclusion” of competing humans occupying desirable hunting and farming lands.

Across the Americas, American Indian tribes savagely battled each other for hunting rights, with hideously drawn out, sadistic torture for survivors and captives not only commonplace, but highly enjoyed by the winners with the equivalent of popcorn. From the slavers and human sacrificing Aztecs and Mayans in South and Central America to the Creek, Blackfeet, Crow, and Pawnee of the Rocky Mountains and plains, to the Hurons and Seneca of the east. Every one of these tribes fought with neighboring tribes, and stole their land whenever possible.

Not to mention the fact that the “native” American Indians themselves migrated all the way from Asia, and there is archeological evidence that they out-competed some Caucasian inhabitants they encountered along the way, on both coasts.

Europe was no different up until modern times. Tribes battling tribes, empires built on tribal allegiances (think Alexander the Great) invading other tribal empires (Persia, the Assyrians, etc.). Think Prussia and German dutchies amalgamating around a common language.

Don’t even get started on Africa or Polynesia, where people literally ate each other until modern times. Africa alone has over 800 languages, with 800 tribal identities, all still competing with one another for natural resources. Think Hutus and Tutsis; think genocide. Think commonplace.

And really don’t get started on the modern Middle East, where one million Jews were forcefully ejected from their ancient homes by Muslims from Morocco to Iran, from 1929 to 1959. Their homes, farms, lands, businesses stolen, and occupied even today by squatters. And yet we are told repeatedly that it was the Jews who “stole” land from Muslims, when in fact they either bought it or won it in defensive wars. Muslims occupy Christian holy sites across the region, having killed and captured the former inhabitants.

So, according to the current narrative, Muslim aggression is OK, but Jewish and Christian survival among Islamic nations is not OK and is not expected.

These are obvious double standards without rhyme or reason, without justice.

Somehow, the idea that all of this migration was supposed to have stopped for Europeans alone is unique, and nowhere do we see this odd idea than with the war against Christopher Columbus and Columbus Day.

It is true that Columbus paved the way for slaving Spaniards, out-slaving the slaving Aztecs, and that his men took advantage of technologically inferior Caribbean natives, some of whom killed and then ate Italian for dinner.

But it is also true that Columbus was likely a Jew, fleeing the ethnic cleansing of his Spanish homeland, leaving ahead of the Catholic Inquisition (a great symbol of human frailty, as it was Catholicism that essentially built the Western Civilization that every human on Planet Earth enjoys in some way or another today) that tortured, murdered, robbed, stole and schemed its way from one end of Europe to the other, even landing in South America.

Aboard his ships were the names of many Jews fleeing for their lives, serving as carpenters, sailors, and so on.

So was Columbus wrong to have brought these refugees with him on his pre-migration scout around the Americas?

And why is it OK for SOME people today to invade, or “migrate” to Europe and America, but only Europeans and Americans must pay some heavy, even fatal price for their mere existence, much less distant alleged crimes? Why can’t Europeans migrate?

Human migrations are as natural and human as being a human as putting on your shoes in the morning. It is in our DNA to migrate, to fight, to test, to hunt. Biblical values put the brakes on our worst inclinations, but we still can move places.

Unless you are a Caucasian or American of European descent. Why then, you are a criminal.

If you ask me, something about this anti-Columbus Day business does not smell right.

In fact, it looks like genocide is being planned, in the guise of righting some fake historic wrong. But I guess that would just be one more story of how one group of humans out-competed another group.



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